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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Tapering off Ativan Support Thread

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Hi everyone! I take the BIG A too:( Was at 2.5, now 2.25.. I've been moving at a snails pace. I am a stay at home mommy of a 4 and 6 year old. A lot of stress on this end. Not Ativan related. Sick father, my 6 year old just had emergency surgery, we relocated and left family and friends... The list goes on. My psych called in the liquid A from a compounding pharm. Terrified to start because I dose 5 times a day. I'm so not into figuring out the math on taking on this way of tapering. I'm stable right now. I was to cut again, but not sure how much. My pills are .5. I cut .25 off my 3am dose a month ago with no ill effects. So I thought to cut my 12pm dose from .5 to .25. Not sure this is too much. I haven't staggering liquid A yet, as I am finishing up the bottle (pills) of Ativan first. Just really scared to try the liquid. Would any of you suggest cutting the .5 into fours and taking three out if the four with this next cut? Or is that really going slow? Nice to be part of the A club! The group, not the lousy pill;) lol




Hello Girls!


Well, I still cut quite a lot every day (about 4% per day) and it's going quite well. But then again I'm still on quite a large dose (.66). Today (it's already 2.30 pm here) has been above average until now. Not much besides the metallic taste in my mouth, a little dizzyness and some tense muscles. I actually feel better than I have been for some weeks. I even started cleaning!  :o  Maybe it's also a withdrawal symptom, since I really hate it and have a cleaning lady coming over every two weeks...  :laugh:


But I know it can be different tomorrow, so I won't overdo it and just spend as much time I can with my boys.


Tina, I was in the ER two months ago because of my adrenal and thyroid problems, and it's hard to tell what causes which symptoms. The Benzo withdrawal does all the same stuff to me.

What I do know is that mediation (guided body scan type) helps me a lot in calming down, I do it every night before falling asleep, and also when I wake up during the night to help me fall asleep again. And when I have too little sleep, the next day is utterly horrible. I used to need 7 hours, now it's more around 9 to 10!





Hi everyone! I take the BIG A too:( Was at 2.5, now 2.25.. I've been moving at a snails pace. I am a stay at home mommy of a 4 and 6 year old. A lot of stress on this end. Not Ativan related. Sick father, my 6 year old just had emergency surgery, we relocated and left family and friends... The list goes on. My psych called in the liquid A from a compounding pharm. Terrified to start because I dose 5 times a day. I'm so not into figuring out the math on taking on this way of tapering. I'm stable right now. I was to cut again, but not sure how much. My pills are .5. I cut .25 off my 3am dose a month ago with no ill effects. So I thought to cut my 12pm dose from .5 to .25. Not sure this is too much. I haven't staggering liquid A yet, as I am finishing up the bottle (pills) of Ativan first. Just really scared to try the liquid. Would any of you suggest cutting the .5 into fours and taking three out if the four with this next cut? Or is that really going slow? Nice to be part of the A club! The group, not the lousy pill;) lol




I went down by .5 for most of my taper.  Then I went to .25.  Then it all caught up with me.  I think I would cut your .5 into four quarters and take 3.  I don't think it's too slow.  I am proof that too fast doesn't work.  If you have no symptoms after a week, you can cut again if you want.


I  was also trying to cut 1mg pill and that got difficult.  I have not used the coumpounding liquid, so have no advice on that.





I do liquid titration with milk. Generally speaking, Lorazepam is not fat soluble like other benzos, so you could just use water, but since the milk is denser / heavier than water it works better. Sugar water works, too!


This is the way I do it:


In the evening, I take exactly 100ml of milk (buy a good/professional measuring device! The narrower and higher the better!). Put the milk in a smallish glass (about 150ml). Throw in one 1.0 Ativan tablet (any other amount could work too, but this is by far the easiest to calculate!! Since 100ml and 1 tablet leads to 1ml = 1 percent of your dose in the beginning!). Shake a little. Put in the fridge.

In the morning, take out of the fridge, stir carefully with a spoon in all directions (not just round and round). Immediately take a syringe (best work the 10ml for me) and take out as much as you need for this dose. Put directly in your mouth (slowly!!). Wash syringe and spoon with dishwashing liquid. Put the rest of the milk back in the fridge. Repeat at 2pm and 10 pm. Throw away the rest. Repeat process daily.


Maybe this helps to further clarify: I take .23 three times a day. That is a total dose of .69. So I throw away .31 in the evening. Tomorrow I'll be using .22 three times a day. And so on.


Thanks S! but mine is already mixed and ready to go. They said I just have to take. Make sense?

Hey Michelle when you do move over to the liquid its probably worth staying at the same level rather than cutting, so you can have a smooth transition. I really like the compounded liquid, for me its been a lot more accurate and therefore predictable for me, than cutting or doing my own mixing/titration.  Hope you find it the same


Glad to have you in the A team



I am so tired.  I have only been sleeping 3-4 hours a night!  The last 3 nights have woken up at 1:30 am with high BP, pounding heart, agitation, anxiety and then up the rest of the night.  It's like a horror movie :(  I went to a priest today and we prayed together.  I feel like I'm on such a low dose so don't know why I am so symptomatic.  Sorry, I feel like I'm always complaining :(  I guess maybe I do need to slow down--I have never held a dose more than 5 days and recently it's been less than that (but smaller cuts)...my doctor has me on this timeline to be done by April then he's pulling the plug on the refills for my liquid Ativan.  So that's always in my head.

Sounds like low adrenals to me. Have you ever checked?



hey Tina, sorry you are doing it so hard


Maybe you could just try holding for a week or 10 days and see if your symptoms improve at all, if they don't then continue on reducing?  Don't fret about the doctor and the deadline, I know it may be difficult, but you can try finding another one who understands more if you need to.


Your symptoms sound really like I used to have before I worked out i had an allergy to sulphites - I'd fall into a drugged sleep, then be awake with a pounding heart and insomnia for hours.  Its what started me on the wretched ativan actually, had my heart pounding so hard I passed out.


If you look back on your diet, is there anything you are taking that might be upsetting your system?  Sorry I sound like a quack to myself as I write it, but we all have to be detectives in this. 


I hope it passes soon for you, you aren't doing anything wrong, hang in









Satasha--I feel like my adrenaline is through the ceiling.  Where do I get this type of test and what type of doctor?  Is it an endocrinologist?


Poppins--I am going to try to hold.  I hope to God that helps.


Oh yes, your adrenaline through the roof would only proof my point... I was not being  clear - I was talking about low cortisol.


Maybe read this https://eaware.org/adrenal-glands/#Low%20Cortisol (although it might also confuse you more than do much good)

and this is where you can order the test cheap if you can't go through a doc http://www.canaryclub.org/specialized-panel-hormone-tests-pm/diurnal-cortisol-4x-zrt-stress-hormone-test-kit-c1-c2-c3-c4.html


Thanks Satasha.  And if I do in fact come back positive for that test, how is it treated?  Do you see an endocrinologist?  Have you found relief?  I am having a tough time here girlie...

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling bad.  :'(  I've been there, really down on the floor so to speak, thinking I was dying, twice, and I know it's almost more than one can take. But I somewhere read something along these lines: You don't know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.


That's how it was for me. And today I can look back at the experience saying that it changed my life in a good sense, since priorities have shifted and I concentrate much more on what's important for me and my family. And I can't be bothered anymore with "little" problems like gossip or such things.


Yes, about any doctor can treat low adrenals, if he is willing. Many in the US and UK find endos to be the worst sort of docs, for reasons unknown. It's also my experience... Your family practicioner might be better. You never know.

You can send me the results with a personal message, I'll have a look at it, and I'll guide you to the "right" forum in the US if necessary. I'm pretty "connected", since the struggle with the adrenals is basically the story of my life. And since we're a bit "behind" here in Europe, I had to find most of the information in the US.



PS: This is originally for thyroid patients, but it's about adrenals and I think it's a good guideline.

24-HOUR CORTISOL SALIVA TEST: An at-home test to evaluate your circadian cortisol levels at key times during a 24 hour period. Those will healthy adrenal function will have the follow results:


8 am: at the literal top of the range

11 am-noon: in the upper quarter

4-5 pm: mid-range

11 pm to midnight: at the very bottom.


You will need to be off any adrenal support supplement, any medication containing cortisol, any herbs that support adrenal function, or zinc or  licorice root for two weeks prior to testing.  Avoid food when spitting into vials.  If you wear dentures, remove them to prevent denture adhesives from tainting the spit.


from: http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/lab-values/



Thanks for the support everyone. 


Poppins I don't remember eating anything different, but I will take a look at my diet.  Not eating a whole lot right now anyway--very little appetite.


Satasha--I will order that test.  How are you treating your problem with adrenals?  More meds/diet/supplements?  I would say my adrenaline is highest in the early morning hours now--I have no idea why...I am up all night with heart rate very high...I am getting an Rx for propranolol tonight and might try that tonight.  If it works, maybe I'll use it once a week or so--not more than that...


If it is low cortisol, then not sleeping at night makes everything much worse, since cortisol is made during the night and so you're lacking your stress hormone already in the morning. It would be best to test after a better night if one comes along...


And regarding the anxiety I had another thought. The fear, although benzo-related, is mainly in our head. This sounds hard, I know, since it seems to take control over us and we don't know what to do against it. But sometimes it helps to just act as if everything was normal, force yourself to smile, sing, and your body believes it and so does your brain. Worked several times for me. I have it from here: (a bit longish and quite "tough" in style at times) http://nothingworks.weebly.com/ 


hello everyone. I haven't been on ativan long, but i realized that my anxiety and insomnia would just get worse and worse as I learn more everyday as to how awful benzodiazepines really are. I decided to taper myself off them at a quick rate (halving my dosage every week) as my doctor instructed, and I noticed that my anxiety is the worst it has ever been. I was originally put on 1mg to be taken at bedtime to help my insomnia at university. I get occasional muscle spasms, tingling in my chest, the bone between my pecs is very tender, my hands shake pretty badly at times, I'm in a constant dream state (derealization) and my body jerks when I'm on the verge of falling asleep. I have other random symptoms that come and go, I just can't remember them all; my memory is garbage now. I hope everyone else is doing okay with their tapering plans.

Welcome, Fido!

Yes, people seem to get very diverse reactions to benzos. I'm sorry you got hooked, too.

Welcome to the club.  :(


Please give us some more information regarding your dose etc, so we can help you better and you don't have to make the mistakes we did. It's best to also write it in your footer in your profile.



Yes welcome Fido another unwilling member of the Ativan club, which is like a benzo version of the Marx quote "I don't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member". 


Untangling what is benzo withdrawal and sometimes our mind's attempt to explain or understand scary symptoms, and distinguishing this from pre-existing conditions or new medical conditions is a tough one.  I've tried to take the pragmatic 'this too shall pass' approach to lots of symptoms like body aches, muscle tension, insomnia and anxious thoughts. 


Given you've only been on a short time, the odds are on your withdrawal going smoothly.  Higher doses for longer seems to make getting off more challenging.





Welcome Fido!  I wish I could say I was happy you are here, but none of us are overjoyed to really be here, right??  At the very least, we are all in this together and this board is great support.  Gotten me through tough times.  We are happy to help you in any way...


Satasha--you are right--a lot of the fear is in our heads (but not the palpitations--I wish I could think those away  :tickedoff:) Went to the zoo with my hubby and kids today and had palpitations ALL MORNING and felt like I needed to climb a wall--even at the zoo had to "pace" while they looked at some animals (I made sure it looked normal LOL).  What a crazy world we are all in!  But anyway, was going to say I tried so hard to smile and have fun and be there for my family even though I am so sleep deprived and the heart palps awful.  And you know what?  Around 1 pm, the palpitations STOPPED.  I noticed IMMEDIATELY--I was watching my daughter go down a slide.  I am now in a wonderful window where I am exhauted, but can RELAX and not need to pace around full of nervous energy.  So maybe my brain (or God) knows how hard I am trying and decided to give me a little break for now.  Thanks for all your support here--you are the best (but you know, sometimes, this forum does create more fear too-right?-people are in pain and it is scary to read that stuff--we are only human after all...)


I'm glad you're feeling better.

Yes, anxiety is a very strange beast. It does things to us... unimaginable before.


I kept telling my doc that I had been to the poorest country in the world just recently out of war (Sierra Leone), that I had travelled the world for 2 years, had been in South America, and I never ever was so scared like I was a month ago.


I was also sent to the ER because of my heart, and propranolol was part of it, so I'm glad you didn't take it.


Generally, I don't read through all of the other posts - I skim throgh the titles first, then shortly through the text, and then I pick out the ones I "like".



Yay Tina, so pleased you have a window at last.


I agree that it can be counter-productive reading here, I try and remember to read the success stories and celebrations, and to not hang here too much, I feel better when I'm out and about


just home from a party to the smell of the house filled with vanilla sugar roasted plums, peaches and nectarines mmmm



Can anyone help me with suggestions.  Was on several benzos non agreeing with me and just got out of the hospital that put me on 4 1mg ativan.  Does not seem like working at all.  Seems like a very large dose.  What should I do?

Get rid of it again! But slowly.

How long did you take Ativan? And the other stuff?

We need more info to help you...



Well I've posted on here before but am back again for suggestions and some much needed support and encouragement....I HAVE to make my prescription last 22 more days until I get a new refill and right now I have been taking .25 ativan morning and .25 afternoon then I was taking .125 (1/4) about 5 pm. Now I am forced to cut out the 1/4 starting today....My doctor has been very patiently working with me to come off of this stuff. I have only been taking it daily since end of August. Started it in first place due to horrible paxil withdrawl! Anyways I'm almost 6 months of paxil and improving but the last time I made a 1/4 cut of my ativan I started having horrible mood swings by day 5! I am afraid of this. Is this a common thing? Also such as horrible irritability out of the blue as well? My Therapist keeps thinking I shouldn't try to reduce until spring (it's winter here...I'm in ohio) The weather really brings my moods down sometimes and she thinks this will add to it. I also don't know how long I should stay on this new dose which will now be .25 mg morning and .25 mg afternoon. Should I try and spread the doses out several hours apart? WHat is the best way? Thanks everyone!!  :)


since August can already be a long time on this stuff, I'm sorry to say. In my case, 5 weeks was all it took. Some people come off easily after years, other have troubles after weeks. You never know beforehand.


Yes, it can make moods swings. But on day 5 seems a bit late to me, it could also have been due to something else. It's really hard to tell.

However, being forced to cut can be very hard. Can you get another prescription somewhere?

If you can't, try not to think too much about it. I cut that much before I knew that slowly was better, and it didn't do me much harm. So you really can't tell beforehand. Maybe you'll be fine. Once you cut, be prepared to wait a week or two or even three until you're stabilized again. I mean, if you don't get more Ativan there really is no other way you can do it anyway.


I found out that the symptoms depend very much on my female cycle. And leaving coffe and alcohol (even small amounts) away helped me. And meditation / calming exercises.


Most agree that it's best to dose the Ativan 3 or even 4 times a day, because it has a very short half life - so you won't get interdose withdrawal. Just to be sure: what is the total dose per day you have left for the coming weeks?


May I ask what brought you to the benzos in the first place?


Keep strong.









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