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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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For me, battling with pms.....ugh, I'm coMing back as a man next time!!!  So, my withdrawAls effects have ramped up. But, I did get away with the family yesterday to celebrate my husbands grandparents 50th wedding anniverosary...they had a beautiful vow renewal.  Didn't feel super but I reminded myself that just a couple of months ago I missed a family wedding because I felt so bad.  So, I have to take that as a z sign of healing!!


How are you feeling Mairin?  Bp doing ok??



It's a sure sign of healing. I agree with you, being a woman in wd is the pits!

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Hi glad to hear from you guys that are doing well.  Yeah Hoosier that time of the month is particularly bad, I'm trying to work around it.


Just want you to know I am not doing too bad right now.  The symptoms from the big drop I had seem to have lessened greatly.  I think it helps that the weather has cooled a bit too.  Not so much pressure on my BP.


I'm still at 5.25 A, will go down in a week to 5.  Am thankful that we can stabelize after waiting after a drop.

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Thanks, guys....its just this never ending dizziness that is the pits.  It just makes me feel so weak, unstable and tired.  Ugghhhh....I started PT last week to try and tackle the vertigo....don't know if it is helping yet or not!


Going to start Bowen therapy this week to try and help the muscle aches and pains, and my energy levels.  Will report back if it is worth it (or not)!!


Glad to hear that everyone is making strides.  One foot in front of the other, and the race will be won!


~Life is tough, but I am tougher~

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Hi all, new to the board. Had two rough attempts at getting off of Ativan. My intro is here: http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=66367.0


I have been Ativan free (after a pretty quick taper) since August and just now having w/d symptoms (insomnia, panic attacks and generalized anxiety). I think I need to do a slow taper. If anyone can recommend a safe and successful way to step down off of 1mg for 3+ years and a fluctuation with .5 mg for the last 8-9 months. I would greatly appreciate it. Going to the shrink in a couple of hours and going to talk about where to start. He is very supportive thank god.


I'm a little confused whether I should try titration or substitution taper.


Thanks in advance! and I'm glad to have found this forum.


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Wait. So are you saying that it took two months for you to feel any withdrawal effects?

If you have been off that long I would strongly, strongly recommend you staying off and riding it out.

If I misunderstood my apologies. I'm sorry you are feeling rough. It's great to have an understanding doctor though.



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Yes, I have not taken Ativan since August 1st. I had a severe increase in anxiety (panic attacks, mania) the last two weeks and now insomnia has set in. I was under the impression that sometimes there can be delayed symptoms such as this. My doctor prescribed me Klonopin at the height of my anxiety last week and I took it for 3 days but I decided against taking anymore. While my mania/panic attacks have subsided, the generalized anxiety and especially insomnia has gotten worse.



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I believe you will find that most everyone here will recommend that you try to stay clear of benzos at all costs after you have made it this far out.

I'm sure there are delayed withdrawals but they HAVE to be better than what you are potentially facing by going back on benzos.

And I'm sure you've considered that what you are experiencing could be partly an underlying condition such as your natural anxiety.

There are a million different ways to treat anxiety that are WAY more healthy for you than benzos. Meditation, yoga, exercise, CBT, EFT, the list goes on.

Please exhaust all of them before taking another pill.

This is my unprofessional opinion but BOY do I feel strongly about it.

Good luck to you no matter what you decide.


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Thanks for your words. I will discuss all possibilities with my Dr today about the right course of action. I obviously want to steer clear of benzos, but I was feeling quite suicidal and manic last week and sought help. I know he has already mentioned Gabapenten as an alternative to the benzos but I have read some pretty horrific stories about that as well. I will see about Trazadone as well. Any other thoughts are appreciated.


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So I'm back from the doc. He was very patient with me though hearing what he said and now doing some searches in here are giving me conflicting opinions that I don't like. Maybe someone has some insight.

  • He wants me to continue with the Lexapro to 10mg.
  • He gave me two new scripts: one for Gabapentin (which I am hearing has its own list of withdrawal symptoms) and Trazodone (which I took last year for awhile and had no problem with).
  • He also took me off of the Wellbutrin that I started last week and caused an immense amount of anxiety (though I was on it up until august and its withdrawal may have exacerbated the Ativan withdrawal, hence the delay in symptoms.)

The goal is to STAY AWAY FROM BENZOS (though he did mention the possibility if things worsen again) and only remain on the Lexapro until I can switch back over to a maintenance dose of Wellbutrin.


My main question is: What do you guys think of Gabapentin for short term use while an antidepressant kicks in? My feeling is to just go to with the Trazodone & Lexapro and deal with the rest.

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My doctor put me on gabapentin in the beginning too. He said that he has seen good results with it.

The problem is that we get pretty sensitive to meds and anything that makes us feel a little weird can feel intolerable. I took it a few times and just found it to be really strange. Who knows? It may have helped but I decided to go without any adjunct meds so at least I would know what was what.


Your doctor seems to be on board with you and wiser than most. But only you can figure it out.

My symptoms are uncomfortable but manageable. When they were not manageable I was willing to take anything. Thank god at least I've made it to this place.


You may have some experimenting to do. But you WILL make it to a good place and you WILL gain control. Slow and steady. Stay in the moment when possible. Especially with anxiety. Open the door to it. Let it in. Tell it to do its worst. It's scary at first but if you hang with it and look it in the face you will begin to see it fade. Feel it fade. Eventually it won't come knocking as much. And then not at all.


Sorry I've been dishing so much today. I've been away for a bit and I'm about to tackle the last part of my taper so I'm thinking about this stuff a lot.

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I appreciate your input bdl. While I obviously discussed my concerns at length with my doctor about the reintroduction of benzos for another taper attempt, you gave some solid perspective this morning. AND your encouraging words really helped out this afternoon. Best to you and keep me updated on your own progress. I'm glad I found this board in the midst of my insomnia nightmare last night.


Now I just need some sleep!


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Hi Sleep-  I took a look at the last page of this thread and just thought I'd enter my 2cents for what it's worth (about 2cents ;))


If you're going to add a new script (GabaP, Traz) what about only adding one?  Or, none?  Possibly the Wellbutrin really hit you hard and exacerbated your anxiety?  I do know of other BBs that this has happened to.  Maybe see if the anxiety improves after being off the Wellb for at least a few days before adding something new? 


I just tapered off of GabaP/Neurontin.  The side effects for me were horrendous - i was using it for nerve pain.  I prefer the pain over the side effects.  Anyway, seemed to exacerbate my depression, cog fog (Neurontin is sometimes referred to as Morontin ;)). Just please google the side effects before you get in too deep with it.  My Ativan taper is going so much more smoothly since I've stopped the GabaP. Less depression, less anxiety.


Just my opinion :)


Good luck!


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Sleep, i would say I agree to stay off the benzos.  You've taken some Klonopin, that may have re-jogged some withdrawal.


Wellbutrin can really exacerbate anxiety in some people.


Seek out any and all alternatives to addictive meds.

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Thanks for your thoughts LITN and M33. I spoke with my doc again on the phone last night after thinking things over and trying to listen to my body/mind. I think the anxiety experienced from reintroducing the Wellbutrin is starting to subside so I'm sticking with that course for awhile. My goal was to be drug free by the end of the summer and while I made it there I think I took too many things away too quickly. I decided to stay away from the SSRI because I really struggle with sexual s/e and withdrawing from them and it was the first thing I removed in the process. Since sleep has become an issue I decided to take the Trazadone last night and I slept pretty well. I will try to switch back to only Melatonin this weekend and institute a relaxation schedule w/some meditation. LITN - I have decided to stay away from the Gabapentin as I did some research yesterday and was not thrilled about the s/e and w/d accounts. SO I hope that the Wellbutrin-anxiety continues to subside as I get into the weekend and the Trazadone will only be needed for a few days. I'll be checking in with updates.
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So after all those decisions, I've actually felt pretty horrible today. My anxiety crept up and the fogginess (which I am familiar with) from the Trazadone has made today a challenge. I spoke yet again with my doctor and have decided to discontinue the Wellbutrin and slowly introduce the Lexapro (which was his initial suggestion). I'm also going to try to avoid the Trazadone this evening in favor of a nice bath and some meditation.


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Hi Sleep....


So sorry to hear you've had such a rough day ........ That Wellbutrin is a strange one.  It gives many people more anxiety...... I've taken it for years and years and I'm not really sure how or if it affects me.  I hope the Lexapro treats you better as it settles in your system.  It does sound like you have a really supportive doctor who cares about you and listens.  And, you can always come here for support any time......  I've been astonished at how welcoming this community is...... Plz keep us posted :)


Meditation and a hot bath...... I think I'm going to copy your plan  :-*


You've come so far........ It sure can be a roller coaster sometimes.  Peaceful thoughts coming your way :)



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Thanks LITN. Really nice to read this morning. I didn't take the Trazadone last night and instead took a double dose of Melatonin which eased me in for a good night's sleep (finally! :sleepy:) Started back up on the Lexapro which I'm not too thrilled about, but it has been effective in the past. Really feeling that morning anxiety today at work but dealing.


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Just bumping this.  Want to say my .25 cut  down to 5mg A is going well.  I really feel ok.  Feel I have stabelized from my "big drop" back in the spring and am now doing ok with cutting down.


I think the hot weather exacerbated my symptoms, which were a lot of low blood pressure, eating problems and fainting.


Perhaps its the combo of being at a lower dose now and cooler weather that is helping me.  I realize I am still at 5 mgs but have come down from the equivalent of 120 mgs V since April.


If 1 mg K is equal to 2 mgs Ativan, that means I have dropped 7 mgs Ativan in 6 months.  I was never on 12 mgs A, I am talking in equivalencies, which are of course not exact.


It was very distressing going from 6 mgs K to 8 mgs A.  I have managed to cut out 3 mgs A since then to put me now at 5.


I'm taking fish oil, lethicin, B vits, vit D, a multivitamin with iron, and also choline and just started L-theanine.  I cut down less than a week ago and am feeling remarkably better.


Anxiety is way down, energy is up.  I reccomend holding, it helps.



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I am tapering slowly off Ativan, was on 1 mg. for a year or more and have been withdrawing for about a year now with slow progress. I am currently at .7 mgs. split into 4 daily doses.

This morning on waking from a multi-interrupted sleep, I went to the bathroom and subsequently fainted. This has happened before and I was wondering if this is common or at least shared by any others?


After the fainting spell, I sweat profusely though I am cold. I passes and I am back to normal in a few hours.


Anyone else experience this Symptom?

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Hi All Tied up,


Yes I have experienced that symptom of fainting.  I think it might have to do with low bp.  I have fainted mainly in the morning.  That's when your food supply is lowest.  I think low blood pressure and low blood sugar are closely related and affect each other.  Plus bad sleep doesn't help.


Try eating before bed, like a tablespoon of almond butter.  I've been doing that before bed.  Also drink something salty when you first wake up, like v-8 juice.  Salt will boost your blood pressure.  Food and salt can help prevent fainting.  Also I've heard to raise your legs above your head before getting out of bed, to get blood into your upper body.


Hope this helps.


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Thanks for the quick reply. I did eat somewhat close to bedtime last night but not something sweet. I will try thr V8 as well.


This was scarry, Fainting like that, it scared my Wife as well. Will this pass do you think?

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I don't know when it will pass, but I do know that going into w/d has made my blood pressure an issue it wasn't before.  These drugs are CNS depressants, so in w/d our bodies are not functioning as effectively to regulate all the things that need to be regulated.


My issues with the fainting have gotten better since the weather cooled off, heat dilates your blood vessels and can cause a drop in bp.  That's why cold invigorates, because it makes your blood vessels narrower and raises your blood pressure.


I have found that eating in the morning, drinking salty fluids, (not too much), eating bananas to counteract the increased sodium which can throw off your potassium levels, and drinking more (staying hydrated), have helped with the fainting.

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OK thanks, I see from your sig. you have been on A longer than me and at a higher dose. I wish you all the best with your withdrawal.


I know I was only at 1 mg. at my peak and now at .7 but I seem to get SXS as bad as those at higher doses and for some reason .7 is always where I suffer the most. I have to get past this level if I am going to beat this.


Thanks again ;)

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YEAH MAIRIN!!!!  WHAT PROGRESS YOU HAVE MADE GIRL!!!! YES, I AM YELLING BUT IT IS BECAUSE I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


All Tied Up, Mairin and I and others have discussed the fainting / low bp thing a lot (it's been my life long companion, unfortunately).  I'll repost a link to a thread where I listed the things that help (and can hurt) with it.  Interestingly, I didn't have issues until I had a bad viral infection (mono) about 5 years back.  I was given an SNRI and a benzo, and (unfortunately), when I tried to taper my issues were WORSE than when I was put on them.  So I am convinced that these drugs monkey with your CNS in ways that cause it to not efficiently regulate your pressure.  Unfortunately, I'm stuck on the SNRI for the foreseeable future, but I have been able to get off the benzos.

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All Tied Up, here's the thread on low bp and what helps.


I should note that its not unusual to have these episodes in the a.m. -- your CNS needs to "get going" and (and most people don't know this) but think of it is a triple whammy to your bp -- (1) your CNS is still waking up; (2) you eat breakfast (which sends lots of blood into your digestive system and away from other parts of your body, like, your, um....brain!; and (3) you take a hot shower / bath (dialates your blood vessels and makes bp go down).    So, I try and get up really slowly, and I find that if I eat and then shower I do better.  If I shower and then run down to eat, a lot of times I'm "toast."  (Pun intended).  :laugh:

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