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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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Hang on Hoosierfan, I think you are doing good for being off not too long.  I'm glad you effects are getting better.  Keep thinking positive, you have done well.
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Hi Gardenlady:


Okay, here's my schedule: right now I'm holding at 3.5 mg and I take 6 doses.

7am -  .50

10am - .50

1pm -  .50

4pm -  .50

7pm -  .50

11pm- 1.00

(10:30 2.5mg liquid Mel)


I wouldn't say that I feel "drugged" during the day but a little "flat" I guess.  It beats tolerance withdrawal.  I don't have palpitations or anxiety....... But definitely have my share of s/x.  I will probably cut by .25 around 9/15, probably cut my nighttime dose to .75.


I hope this helps somewhat.  Pls let me know if I can be of any help.  You're doing great, hang in there!





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Thank you so much for the info.  I am currently trying to find a doctor that will work with me on the reduction  I don't have much choice in this area.  It takes 3 months to get into a new doctor and you don't get to talk to them before you make appointments to see if they are willing to work with you.  Makes it very hard if the current doctor will not help. 


Did you dry cut all the way?  Those are really little amouts at the end. Did you titrate?  I think I can do all of this if that's what it takes, but first I have to have a DR that will work with me.  Thanks for all the info.  So glad you made it off this stuff.  How are you doing Now?  Any left over w/d?


Where did you get the theanine?  I could only find L-Theanine?


You mentioned that your Doctor won't work with you on reduction.  Earlier this week, I had a follow-up visit with my Psychiatrist and mentioned tapering off the Lorazepam but having some difficulty sleeping.  His first words were, "Would you like to try something else ?" and then he rattled off the names of sleeping pills ... one I recognized as Ambiem.  I told him, "No" explaining that getting off of the Lorazepam was difficult enough and I don't want to go through it again with another medication.  I mentioned taking Melatonin and wanting to stay with natural products .... he responded with a comment that to the effect, he, as a doctor, does not prescribe natural things.  After a couple of go arounds in which he looked for other prescriptions, he said, "You're very sensitive to medications ... so it's good to try natural things."


That said, your signature line indicates you are tapering and below is my experience ... note that I was a relatively short time user @ 0.5 mg (at bedtime) Lorazepam :


I experienced what I now realize was withdrawal symptoms after trying to taper off Lorazepam last month.  I came upon this forum and poured over the posts looking for ideas.  One member suggested a relatively quick taper as my dosage was low and usage time relatively short.  Other forum members wrote about Theanine providing some anxiety relief and sleep aid.  Some wrote about Melatonin's benefits. These tips helped me. 


To start the taper, I cut the Lorazepam pills in half and took 0.25 mg for five nights and then went off after that (as a 3-day weekend was coming up for me).  At bedtime I took 2 mg Melatonin and 100 mg Theanine (a chewable I cut in half) as well as 10 mg Norpramin (an anti-depressant, my Psychiatrist says its a low dose).  The first few days and nights after tapering down to 0.25 mg Lorazepam were difficult.  The first few days and nights after stopping the Lorazepam were difficult but not as difficult as the tapering to 0.25 dose level.


The last two nights, I have had at least 5 hours sleep ... which is my 'best' since early July.


I am now tapering the Melatonin from 2 mg to 1.6 mg this weekend and am hopeful that the taper process will be a smooth one.


Good luck on finding a taper that works for you.

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Hey Hoosierfans!!


I'm sorry that you're feeling those w/d sxs. I think it definitely has lots to do with monthly cycle. I was feeling stable and then started feeling drowsy and panicky at the same time. I was thinking how could those sxs exist at the same time?! I'm on day 4 of my monthly visit and it explains why I feel so tired and drowsy and though lying down on the couch, I feel very anxious and panicky at the same time. I know it'll be better once the flow is over.


It seems like it's getting better little by little for you. That's very encouraging! Someone on this forum once said something like, even when we're going through w/d we're still healing every day. I try to tell myself that when I feel so sick and tired of all of this.


I'll be praying and sending you healing thoughts. Like you said, it's still early stage and I think things will improve more and more. You'll get through this!!!


Warm hugs,


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Hoosiefans, I hope you are doing better today.  You are an inspiration to us all.  You have come such a long way.  I only hope I can keep the will power that you have shown.  You are a hero.  Keep going girl!
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Thanks, Ladies, you are the BEST!!  Yesterday was rough, kiddos were home and all I wanted to do was be able to play with them.  But I was so tired and dizzy......uggghh.


So what does a good mom do, she builds the kids a blanket fort in the living room and they were more than happy!  :thumbsup:


Today is a little lighter on the s/x (yeah), and SOOO much better when I look at what last month was like (I was in bed 3-4 days with my last monthly cycle -- this time I'm going to get away with about 1 1/2 days).  So, I will take it.


Thanks for all the encouragement, it keeps me going.


~Life is tough, but I am TOUGHER!!!!~

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Happy to hear you are feeling better hoosierfans  :) sounds like  you are getting better each day, good to hear. I like the fort idea :) will remember that for my little guy. I am not doing to bad hanging in there, just muscle and joint pain mostly today. Take care  :)
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Thanks, Willow.  It is so hard to go through all of this with little ones around --  we all just want to be our normal "mom" to them.  Some days I wish I could go through it without them around so they wouldn't see all of this or see Mommy limited, but then other days I remember that it is absolutely their smiles and laughs that have gotten me through my darkest days and also, it isn't a bad thing for them to see Mommy struggle, keep trying, and persevere.....great life lessons for them.    :thumbsup:


Glad you are feeling ok...I'd take just some joint and muscle pain.  ;)

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Hi,  Just wanted to send out a shout and thank you to all on this thread.  You have all been so great.  Some on etold me to get a tape and a book by Claire Weekes.  So I ordered them and a book by David Burns, MD.  I listened to the Claire Weekes tape " Pass Through Panic" .  this afternoon.  I was astounded.  She has me pegged down to the indivudual hair on my head.  I had no idea I'd had a nervous breakdown.  I have all the severe symptoms.  This is why I have been obsessing over being attach to this drug.  I realize that the drug is currently the main trigger for my fear and until I get it under control I will have problems getting my panic under control.  I appreciate all the patience all of you have shown.  Without you, I would have no idea where to start.  My next big hurdle is to move to the 4 dose a day schelule.  I was rather waiting for my cylendar to come so I could make the ativan water  and do a better measurement.  I'm not sure when the 100ml cylendar is set to arrive.  I am currently ready to do .25 on everything anyway except the night time amount so might just start tomorrow.  I just need to get over my fear.  Yes, Claire Weekes,  You are right, sensitization, bewilderment, and fear are my biggest enemies.  6 months ago I was a different person.  Now not only do I have to fight to get my nerves back from a nervous breakdown, I have to fight a drug too.  Why do doctors do this to us?  But, I ask for the Ativan after surgery.  I thought a couple nights of sleep would bring me around.  Ha ha,  joke is on me.

Thanks to all of you, I have the courage to try.

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Hi,  Just wanted to send out a shout and thank you to all on this thread.  You have all been so great.  Some on etold me to get a tape and a book by Claire Weekes.  So I ordered them and a book by David Burns, MD.  I listened to the Claire Weekes tape " Pass Through Panic" .  this afternoon.  I was astounded.  She has me pegged down to the indivudual hair on my head.  I had no idea I'd had a nervous breakdown.  I have all the severe symptoms.  This is why I have been obsessing over being attach to this drug.  I realize that the drug is currently the main trigger for my fear and until I get it under control I will have problems getting my panic under control.  I appreciate all the patience all of you have shown.  Without you, I would have no idea where to start.  My next big hurdle is to move to the 4 dose a day schelule.  I was rather waiting for my cylendar to come so I could make the ativan water  and do a better measurement.  I'm not sure when the 100ml cylendar is set to arrive.  I am currently ready to do .25 on everything anyway except the night time amount so might just start tomorrow.  I just need to get over my fear.  Yes, Claire Weekes,  You are right, sensitization, bewilderment, and fear are my biggest enemies.  6 months ago I was a different person.  Now not only do I have to fight to get my nerves back from a nervous breakdown, I have to fight a drug too.  Why do doctors do this to us?  But, I ask for the Ativan after surgery.  I thought a couple nights of sleep would bring me around.  Ha ha,  joke is on me.

Thanks to all of you, I have the courage to try.


Garden Lady, I had recommended Dr. Claire Weekes book and audiobook to you. (possibly someone else also).She was amazing and had an incredible amount of hands on experience with what we now call GAD. I hope you benefit as much as I have from her insights. She was truly remarkable and well recognized in her field. Best of Luck to you!




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You CAN do it Gardenlady!  You have the tenacity and definitely the will....... I hope this new information brings you some comfort :)


Can't wait to read your Success Story!!


Wishing you peaceful thoughts,


Live :smitten:

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Glad you found Dr. Burns' book too -- I love it.  The first time I read it a few years ago I was like WOOOAAAAHHH, someone gets what is going on in my head, and gave me a productive way to "untwist" it!  It has really helped me when I have had bouts of anxiety or depression.


I recently picked up a good book at the recommendation of my therapist, "Mind Over Mood" by Greenberger and Padesky.  It is similar to Burns' methods, but it gives you worksheets to do, and charts to track your progress (a depression "rating" or anxiety "rating" if you will).  I've been at this med game for almost 20 months now, and used this book for the last 6.  I keep all my worksheets and charts in a binder, and it has really helped me with my thought processes.    I absolutely attribute my ability to "get through" this phase of my illness without running to the doc to updose me or add another med to this book and the work I have done through it.  I'd highly recommend it.


Every day I tell my son while he is doing his homework that Mommy has to do her homework too!



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Well I've had a pretty wild ride this summer, going from drunkard for years to benzo addict in the space of a few months.  I'm sure the GABA whatsits in my brain will be happy to return to normal once I can get off the benzo.


I was on Xanax (Alprazolam) and my doctor didn't want to give me Valium so I've switched to Ativan (Lorazepam) instead over the last few days.  On Xanax I felt sharp but the intra-dose anxiety pangs were pretty strong.  On Ativan I'm zombified most of the day and I think it's given me runs too.  :(


My personal goal is to taper Ativan to a much lower dose by Thanksgiving to allow my system to hit an equilibrium for the Christmas holidays when there's lots of family around to judge me.  I already experienced going from 1.5mg Xanax a day to 0.5 without tapering and I'm not eager to experience w/d pangs like that again, but I do want to move fast.


Any simple-to-follow advice for a clueless newbie with a head full of Ativan fluff at the moment?

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Well I've had a pretty wild ride this summer, going from drunkard for years to benzo addict in the space of a few months.  I'm sure the GABA whatsits in my brain will be happy to return to normal once I can get off the benzo.


I was on Xanax (Alprazolam) and my doctor didn't want to give me Valium so I've switched to Ativan (Lorazepam) instead over the last few days.  On Xanax I felt sharp but the intra-dose anxiety pangs were pretty strong.  On Ativan I'm zombified most of the day and I think it's given me runs too.  :(


My personal goal is to taper Ativan to a much lower dose by Thanksgiving to allow my system to hit an equilibrium for the Christmas holidays when there's lots of family around to judge me.  I already experienced going from 1.5mg Xanax a day to 0.5 without tapering and I'm not eager to experience w/d pangs like that again, but I do want to move fast.


Any simple-to-follow advice for a clueless newbie with a head full of Ativan fluff at the moment?


Hi P,

I like your plan to have time to get ready for the 'judgemental' holiday season.  Do you have a easy way to cut your doses?  In otherwords can you reduce your current dose by 5% easily?



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I've got a razor blade, a bottle of 0.5mg Ativan pills and a will to win!



Edit:  I've also got a bottle of L-theanine I saw suggested somewhere I don't remember.  Ativan really makes me fuzzy.  I think i've said that.

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A will to win will get you very far! 


What is your next step?  Do you want to stick with .875 for a few days and see if you clear up?  Or start dry cutting right away?


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I...don't know.  My dosages have been all over the place the last week so I'm kind of confused about which way to go.  I've tolerated a lot of drug and dosage changes this week, and I don't know if that means I should slow it down to avoid crashing or push hard while the pushing's good.
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Plank, you've been on benzos a short time so it may go allright, but it seems to me you are cutting down too fast.  You haven't stabelized from the drop from X to A.  X is twice as strong as A.


Maybe read back on this thread and see what other people have done after short term use.

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Hi Everyone,  Despite your wonderful advice, I have not switched to the 4 dose a day schedule yet.  I am experiencing some very strange symptoms.  I do not know if they are interdose w/d or if they are sleep deprevation.  My eyes can't seem to focus well and seem "jumpy".  I have that little shakey twinge in my chestand mid back.  and in my stomach.  Now I could put this down as anxiety, but my muscles have also gotten very stilff and I can't relax at all.  The only time I relax is when I take my night time dose and it isn't lasting as long.  My 100ml beaker has not come yet.
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I need advise badly,


I started Ativan .5mg end of June 1x per day as needed. Then I took 1mg for 15 days and then back to .5mg for 30 days. I was give 15 .5mg of Ativan to taper. (I also have 15 clonazepam .5mg) and 15 5mg diazepam...


I have taken .25 Ativan for 10 days (out of the 15 .5mg Ativan) and am doing ok.  Now I want to start .125mg to taper. I have not cut the .25 ativan very well and am left with 4 .5mg tabs and a lot of crumbs and pieces.  I want to know if I can use the clonazepam in place of Ativan??? or diazepam?


Please I need to know today...


Thank you

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Emjay, its very hard to do a taper with the little you have left.  Please relize that K is twice as strong as A.  .125 ativan would be equal to 1.25 mg V.


I hope you do ok, if you feel ok now you might do ok getting off soon if you run out.  If it were me I would use the V and not the K.


Just my opinion.

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Garden lady, the symptoms you are talking about could be interdose w/d or just plain w/d....that's the tough thing with Ativan!  But, I will say that I have had all of those -- eyes can't seem to focus on one point (want to jump all over the place) and oh yes, the stiff muscles...eeek!  I distinctly remember about 4 days after jumping I was walking through the grocery store and all my muscles locked up on me to the point where I almost couldn't walk!!!  It was so scary.  I kept moving and after about 10 minutes it worked itself out.  But yes, it felt like a mini-seizure or something!


The 4 times a day dosing will keep the serum levels more constant, so the w/d effects should be less.  But keep in mind that even so, you may get w/d symptoms (I did like crazy, but then I never tolerated the Ativan in the first place). 


The only other option would be to cross over to either Klonopin or Valium, which have a longer half-life, so once a day dosing with those is fine for most folks to keep their serum levels constant.


Hang in there girl, I know this is tough!

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I have to agree with Hoosier on this.  Splitting up your dose will allow the A to remain in your bloodstream, even if just a little, throughout the day making your nighttime dose not "feel" as urgent.  I'm only telling you what has helped interdose withdrawals a bit for me.  But as said, you are going to have these symptoms .......... One of the worst interdose wd sX (and just plain old withdrawal) from my experience is blurry/double vision........ The stiffened muscles and rapid heartbeat are tied for second.  Kind of constant panic feeling ......


You could try splitting but I do realize you haven't received your measuring beaker ....... Maybe someone with more knowledge on liquid titration can help you come up with a way to measure without it.  Wish I knew..... :-[


Please hang in there and know that you're not alone Hun -


Peace and love to you,



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Hi GardenLady:


I am titrating off Ativan, I didn't order a beaker, what I am using is an old baby bottle. I checked and it is equal to my syringe. If you have a measuring cup you could see if it equals your syringe? I know how you feel with the muscle stiffness, not fun. I hope this helps :)



Hi Hoosier:


I know I can't wait to be off this stuff and healed, so I can be the Mom I use to be :( So true his laugh and smiles is what gets me through as well. I hope you are feeling better and that you are getting better each day:)


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