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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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Haven't posted for a while because everything had been going swimmingly.  I've been dry cutting about every 4-5 days, waiting for the withdrawals symptoms to tell me when to slow down.  Today it kicked in hard with the anxious gut and the anxiety and even some hot flashes for a while.  Just got back from a long, hard powerwalk to try to sweat it out of me.


Just yesterday I was wondering if my lack of hard symptoms meant I should just jump off now.  Today I'm thinking I need to park at this admittedly small dosage for a while.


Your tapering at lightening speed...I'm on .5 and and slicing just dust off every night personally.  However, I've got a chronic pain disease and I'm not on meds for it and I'm actually following my Drs script for this.  (have a backup for breakthrough pain though) As for your anxiety... I think it's just catching up with you.  Might want to sit where you are for the time being? 



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Planck I agree with Didi.......maybe holding steady until you feel stabilized is the thing to do.  Think about just listening to your body and maybe put your schedule aside until you feel "ok".  That last bit can be the hardest to cut from what I understand........ I think you're doing awesome :thumbsup:
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Planck, I'll ditto the advice here....even though .38 doesn't seem like a lot, it is.  I can't imagine having jumped from that!!!  Stay the course, if it is working for you don't change it!
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Ok, so today I am celebrating my 2 month anniversary of being Ativan free.  First let me say a big THANK YOU to all of those who have been a support for me -- this has not been easy by any stretch, especially because it came after almost 14 months of my doctors messing with various meds of mine and basically my life tanking -- so Ativan and the w/d was NOT what I needed.  It has tested my resolve.  So let me give a big shout out to Cedar, BDL, Chance123, Tina, Willow, LITN, Mairin, Wesly, Sarah, Carol and any one else I've left out (blame the benzo brain).  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:  The kindness of strangers still amazes me. 


Am I recovered...no way.  Am I making slow progress....yes.  Month 1 was horrible, especially around my cycle -- lightheadedness, extreme anxiety and depression, akathesia, extreme fatigue, nausea, almost fainting episodes, and the horrible dizziness / vertigo -- like being on a boat 24/7.  The only thing I didn't have was sleep issues.  I rarely left the house (or my bedroom) and didn't have much interest in doing anything.    As for Month 2, slow progress...the extreme agitation, nausea, anxiety and depression has let up.  Someone else said it great....before the forecast was for Thunderstorms each day...now it's cloudy with a chance of rain.  I still have very bad fatigue, lightheadedness and the dizziness / vertigo.  They are there all the time, but their volume seems to be turned down a notch.  I'll also get super dizzy if I am up and around for a few hours, and can't be out in the evenings (past 6 pm -- just too tired).  But now I'm out of the house for light errands, doing light chores around the house, and have some interest in activities.  Just yesterday I started working on my son's Halloween costume (Wall-e!).  :thumbsup:


Understand that I also have an underlying health condition (hypotension) for which I'm on other meds and complicates this whole thing.  So, my recovery may be slower than some even given my low dose.  And sometimes its hard to know what is the Ativan / Ativan w/d and what is my underlying condition.  >:(


So, I am hoping that Month 3 and 4 bring more improvement, and my bp starts to bump up and stabilize a bit more....once that happens we should be off to the races.  But, knowing that folks who tapered "fast" from Ativan like me are in for 3-6 months of recovery, I'm just staying the course.


What has helped me immensely is the support from my BBs, reading the success stories, telling myself that "I will do the best today with whatever abilities God gives me today," lots of REST, exercise when I can, and a high protein, low carb diet.  The last is very hard for me b/c I'm a sugar girl!!    I'm also starting PT and Bowen therapy this week to try and help the muscle aches and my general energy level.


I wish you all easy and speedy healing.  You mean the world to me, even though we have never met.  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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So happy to hear hoosierfan, sending you healing vibes you will get there :)

Planck..I would hold as well.


Hope everyone is doing good heall vibes for all :)


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Hi all,


Cut down to 5.25 last night, my night dose.  Slept the same.  I wait so long to cut so its a big event for me.


Yes aweigh, I guess its a big change to go from cutting to titration, and yes I am a bit intimidated by the process.  Part of it is also I want to get rid of some dosage a bit faster than titration because of the downward pressure the drug seems to be having on my blood pressure.


Also, I would probably titrate the same amount as I am cutting right now so don't see how it would make a big difference.  Pretty sure I will move to titration at some point but don't feel the need right now.


I'm very glad you're improving Hoosierfan, you are off and healing :)


Plank I hope it goes well for you, I did get off 1 or 1.5 mg after a year or so of use with no withdrawal.  I was pregnant and just stopped.  It seems if you have never been on and off before you might be able to get away with that.  But you do have the complication of alchol abuse and switch from Xanax so that might be affecting your ability to just get off.  JMHO.  This is all my JMHO.

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Hi, Mairin:

Thanks for the reply. I'm not quite clear on one thing: you say "I would probably titrate the same amount as I am cutting right now so don't see how it would make a big difference." Would the rate of titration (the amount of each daily reduction) be the same as with dry cutting? I think that's what makes the difference--a very small rdxn. 2-4 X week versus a much bigger rdxn. less often.


Man, I sound like a salesman for titrating and I haven't even done it  :idiot: But I am convinced it's got a strong physiological basis and a good track record. I hope I'm right; I'll soon find out.



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Hoosierfans,  Congratulations.  So happy to hear you are really recovering.  What an inspiration to all of us you are.  Keep up the good work girl!


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Yeah, today is sucking too so I'm parking at this dosage for a while I'm thinking.  Thanks for all the feedback.



In regards to sleep problems, somebody in another thread on these forums suggested a book called "The Effortless Sleep".  I've always been horrible at getting to sleep so I got it on my Kindle and read it in an afternoon.  It really helped out tremendously with my sleeping problems so I'm endorsing it too.  It's cheap and short and it worked for me.  If you're hurting, give it a go.

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Hi Aweigh,


It would be great if the Aston method worked well, 10% every two weeks.  Most people figure out that 10% is a too much.  Plus she advocates switching to Valium from Ativan.  But also in her writings you will find that she developed that method for people who have had a hard time getting off.  People who have had great difficulty getting off.  Its really very subjective how hard a person will have a time of getting off this stuff.


I do think microtitration is probably a very good way to go.  I just think going at that rate will take me years and years starting at this dose I'm on.  So far it has not been bad going down 4-5% every two or three weeks.  I also have the added low bp problem and taking 60 mg V equivalent is not helping that.  I want to take that pressure off.  But Ativan is not Valium.  Due to its shorter half life symptoms hit quicker and leave quicker, although that being said my symptoms have not been bad.


This is the stage I'm at now, I am fully prepared to start titration when this is no longer working well.


Hugs, Mairin

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Ok,  so do most of you sleep just fine on a regular basis?  Just wondering.  The doctor told me that when I came off Lorazepam I would have the same problems I had before I went on it.  Some nights when I'm relaxed I sleep.  Is it the same for all of you? I was given the drug for sleep.  Guess I'll try more melatonin.  I know that it's not good to take that all the time either.  Guess I better start using the " Effortless Sleep  Method".  It is based on the same idea as Dr. Burns CBT therapy.  It all takes time to work. 
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Didi76,  I have tried to pm you several times today, but they keep telling me they can't find you when I send it.  HOpe all goes well with the wedding.  Wishing you the best for all.  GL
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Yeah, today is sucking too so I'm parking at this dosage for a while I'm thinking.  Thanks for all the feedback.



In regards to sleep problems, somebody in another thread on these forums suggested a book called "The Effortless Sleep".  I've always been horrible at getting to sleep so I got it on my Kindle and read it in an afternoon.  It really helped out tremendously with my sleeping problems so I'm endorsing it too.  It's cheap and short and it worked for me.  If you're hurting, give it a go.


If you got "he Effortless Sleep Method", check out the appendix at the back.  There are some relaxation methods and techniques listed.  One of which is the tapping, EFT, TFT  method.  The person teaching this technique of relaxation says that it can also be used for addiction and withdrawal.  I haven't used it yet, am just checking it out.  Wondering if anyone else has?

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Hi Aweigh,



I do think microtitration is probably a very good way to go.  I just think going at that rate will take me years and years starting at this dose I'm on.  So far it has not been bad going down 4-5% every two or three weeks.  I also have the added low bp problem and taking 60 mg V equivalent is not helping that.  I want to take that pressure off.  But Ativan is not Valium.  Due to its shorter half life symptoms hit quicker and leave quicker, although that being said my symptoms have not been bad.


This is the stage I'm at now, I am fully prepared to start titration when this is no longer working well.


Hugs, Mairin


My understanding is that the cuts in slow liquid tapering vary (not always the same %) and the total taper time is not necessarily longer than an Ashton taper, which is listed as 36-72 weeks from 6 mg A - of course, she has you cutting while switching over to V, a bad idea in my opinion. The Ashton Manual contains many questionable statements, and like the 'Big Book', there is a lot of opposition to changing it. 10% / month seems fast to me, but if it works for you and the sx don't increase...hard to argue with that. Good for you!  :thumbsup:



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I have been on 15 mg of Ativan per day (5mg-5mg-5mg) for 15 years "thanks to" a grossly exaggerated medical prescription.


After reading Ashton' s manual I think I should switch to Valium first in order to start tapering off. The problem is that I would have to cut down on Ativam first (with so subsitute) to be able to do that, since the equivalent valium doses would send me to sleep...


Has anyone been on such a high dose of Ativam and tried to quit or reduce the dose? If so, how have you gone about it? What is a reasonable dose of Ativam to start switching to valium? Is it advisable (or even possible) to reduce Ativam gradually with no substitution?


I would appreciate any kind of help, advice or information. I feel very lonely on this, and doctors, where I live, seem to be rather ill-informed or simply incompetent...



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Cocoli, welcome to the Ativan support thread.  You'll find lots of good info and support here, from both those that are in the process of tapering and those who have gotten off.


There are several currently active on the thread who are at "high" doses (or have been) although maybe not quite as high as you.  There may be someone who chimes in that they have been that high.


I'm so sorry that you have to go through this.  A lot of us arrived in the same boat -- well-intentioned or sometimes misinformed doctors, and we're left to clean up the mess.  Thankfully, we've got each other to rely on.  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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I have been on 15 mg of Ativan per day (5mg-5mg-5mg) for 15 years "thanks to" a grossly exaggerated medical prescription.


After reading Ashton' s manual I think I should switch to Valium first in order to start tapering off. The problem is that I would have to cut down on Ativam first (with so subsitute) to be able to do that, since the equivalent valium doses would send me to sleep...


Has anyone been on such a high dose of Ativam and tried to quit or reduce the dose? If so, how have you gone about it? What is a reasonable dose of Ativam to start switching to valium? Is it advisable (or even possible) to reduce Ativam gradually with no substitution?


I would appreciate any kind of help, advice or information. I feel very lonely on this, and doctors, where I live, seem to be rather ill-informed or simply incompetent...



Hi Cocoli.

I was able to make bigger cuts in the beginning than near the end of my taper. You may be able to get away with this too.  You'll just have to test it out and see how you do.


I think it's a really good idea to cross over to Valium to taper. If I was doing this over again, that's what I would have chosen.


Cannot believe they're giving you 15 mg's of Ativan.  Unbelievable. Well, at one point I was on 8 mg's of Xanax, so that seems to be what some doctors do.  Personally they should be banned from the profession IMO.


You'll get lots of support here, so you're in a good place.  Don't lose hope, this can be done.




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For me, battling with pms.....ugh, I'm coMing back as a man next time!!!  So, my withdrawAls effects have ramped up. But, I did get away with the family yesterday to celebrate my husbands grandparents 50th wedding anniverosary...they had a beautiful vow renewal.  Didn't feel super but I reminded myself that just a couple of months ago I missed a family wedding because I felt so bad.  So, I have to take that as a z sign of healing!!


How are you feeling Mairin?  Bp doing ok??

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Hey y'all. I hope you are well. I'm doing ok myself. I've had so much going on that I've only made a few tiny cuts over the last couple of months. The reality is setting in that I've probably prolonged things a lot. I'm around .24mg a day but I don't feel that close to the end. Even the tiniest cuts result in a flurry of crappy symptoms that last weeks. I'm being a bit of a baby because I am fully functional and I have regular windows, but this thing is still on top of me and will be until I can plough through.

I've grown so used to feeling like I am hungover all of the time that I don't know what anything feels like. Sometimes the weight of all of this gets me down pretty badly. But then I wake up and it's a new day and I realize that I have so much to be thankful for and even in my rotten situation I am still luckier than so many other people in this world.

Today is starting off good for me. I hope yours does too.



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Not doing to bad still muscle aches and pains and some brain fog, but can pretty much function . Hope everyone is doing well. Happy to hear hoosierfans you are healing :)



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