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tapering off klonopin


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Hello sweetpea:

Withdrawal symptoms are very diverse and can lead us to think that we are having an array of deceases. That is surely frightening even to the most balanced personality. Most of us go through this. In your case I think that you taper too fast; that exacerbated the symptoms.

I also taper too fast at the beginning. Fortunately I did not have symptoms as severe as you did. The hardest one, was a nightmare, and when I woke-up a panic attack. Right away I look for advice and support from BB; they help me to get better, and in a couple of hours I had control of the situation. Believe me, the administrator and the moderator's team are very capable and they know very well what they are talking about. They have experience, knowledge and they are very diligent and supportive.

I am feelling the most common symptoms of withdrawal, plus some very odd ones. You can see the thread "Rare symptoms", under my name.

It is very easy to say "do not panic", but if you rely in the support and advice of BB, it would be easier to win the war. Be patient, things will get better.

I wish your surgery will be O.K.

Sincerely yours,

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Just to clarify:  I think Sergio was saying that he thought you might have tapered too fast in the past. You are NOT tapering too fast now so no need to stress about it.  Hope you are doing good today.  :)
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Dear Beeper:

Thank you very much for clarifying to sweetpea her current situation.You know better her history and experience with benz's.

I apologize for misinterpreting her posts. What I wanted to stress was that the withdrawal process takes time, and undesirable symptoms are present, but with a well planned tapering, these symptoms can be reduced significantly and be tolerable. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.

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Your post was fine, Sergio.  Sweetpea has been a little confused about her taper so I just wanted to make sure she knew you weren't advising her to slow down. 
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Hi,Im very stressed...i cant sleep my surgery is wed.and im having to take predisone and its making my anxiety worse and i havent went down anymore on the xanax..im still having the righ headed righ eye apin right cheek pain,and ear pain very dizzy.Dr also has me on avelox an antibotic and i was suppose to start it 3 days ago and i just started it last night makess me very dizzy and sick to my stomach.....i dont know how i am going to keep it together.....any advice im scared
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Hi, sweetpea.  I've been wondering how you were doing.  Sorry you still feel so rough but it's understandable with a sinus infection and surgery coming up.  I'm glad you aren't reducing your xanax; your taper can wait until after the surgery.


Antibiotics often make me sick to my stomach, too.  Are eating before you take your pill?  A little something on your stomach may help.  I had sinus surgery about 15 years ago and haven't had a sinus infection since.  I used to get several a year.  I feel sure that the head/face/ear pain you describe is due to the infection which will be relieved with the surgery.  Even the dizziness may be made worse by it since your balance is controlled in the inner ear.  There is a recovery period after surgery if yours is like mine. It was uncomfortable but not painful as I recall.  Keep thinking of how much better you are going to feel when it's all over.

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Try to relax the best you can, listen to some cd's, watch a funny movie, anything that takes your mind of your symptoms.  You have to take control of what's going on with you.  You can't stop the symptoms but you can control how you react to them.  Right now your symptoms are controlling you and they have you in a tailspin.  You have to come out of that.  


Why didn't you start your antibiotics when you were supposed to 3 days ago?  Apparently your dr. thought that was important for you to do so before you go into surgery.  If the antibiotic is upsetting your stomach take it with food.  Read the instructions and follow the dosage, it's very common for antibiotics to upset the stomach.


There are many ways to help yourself while going through wd.  I believe the people who have the worst of it do nothing to help themselves and it just prolongs the suffering.  Read the threads and blogs on the forum to see what is working for others, I do believe though that getting control of your emotions is the biggest factor.  


Getting off these drugs is the toughest thing that most of us will ever do in our life.  It's terribly difficult, when you feel your weakest you have to dig deep and find the resolve to do it again.  But it can be done and has been done many, many times, you can do it too.  


You're going through a tough time but even if you have to take it one hour at a time you will get better.  Do something that takes your mind off everything and you will feel better soon.  Here's a link to a relaxation video...it works for me.   :smitten:




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Hi Thanks for the link i ddint start my antibotic because i was out on a lake fishing and it said not to be in direct sunlight on this medication,im soscared i cant relax no matter what but when i was fishing and camping my fac eddint hurt....im afraid of pills and im ddint like how the antibotic amde me feel last night and the pahrmasist told me i could still be allergic to it that sometimes you dont know till after the second pill,,that dint help me any...im so tired i cant sleep adn all i think about is how scard i am one pharmisit even told me i might need to take more xnax well that would suck sinc ei have been tapering since april


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Hi Thanks for the link i ddint start my antibotic because i was out on a lake fishing and it said not to be in direct sunlight on this medication,im soscared i cant relax no matter what but when i was fishing and camping my fac eddint hurt....im afraid of pills and im ddint like how the antibotic amde me feel last night and the pahrmasist told me i could still be allergic to it that sometimes you dont know till after the second pill,,that dint help me any...im so tired i cant sleep adn all i think about is how scard i am one pharmisit even told me i might need to take more xnax well that would suck sinc ei have been tapering since april



sweetpea, I hate to say this but I think you are playing with fire here. You are going into surgery and need to follow your drs. instructions regarding it.  Your antibiotic is important for your surgery regardless of how it made you feel, you could have called your dr. and maybe he could have given you something to replace it. 


It sounds like when you were fishing and camping your symptoms were not as bad and that's because your mind was on something else.  Anxiety can cause all kinds of symptoms throughout the body, if we control it the best we can it makes everything so much better.  I use a relaxation video or cd everyday.  It's amazing how much it helps.


Many people tapering and recovering from benzos have a hard time reading and I know it's hard sometimes to write out a post.  I sometimes have a hard time myself and I've been off for a while, so would you do me a favor and use the 'Spell Check'?  When you reply to a post it's under the box you reply in right in the middle of the page.  If more people can easily read your post the more replies/advice you'll receive, especially from members who are as frightened as you are.  :smitten:



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Hi sweetpea

Have you ever tried meditation? It sounds like you need to find something that brings you peace. Look at what's scaring you straight in the face and then let it go. Our minds can do funny things to us.When we let our fear control us, it takes us places we don't want to go. There has got to be something you do or have done that makes you feel calm. You need to do more of that. Your surgery will be fine.It's going to make you feel well, focus on that. Please take care of yourself. Good luck to you

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I need to learn meditation.I'm a basket case and if im going to ever get off these benzos im going to need something,I don't understand how my dr told me to do it,he said count my breaths to 7 and then start over,,,so any info you have that would help me would be great.Im so afraid im allergic to the antibiotic i have to take for my sinus surgery and i cant sleep so during the day i feel like just sitting and i know thats not good,i feel like i will never get off the meds because my anxiety is so controlling,but my dr even wants me off them..so any help would be so great
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Sweetpea -


Maybe you could start with some deep breathing exercises.  Here's a link to one site that explains it but I'm sure there are many more:




You've been taking your antibiotic for 2 days now, right?  I'm pretty sure that if you were allergic to it, you would have had a reaction by now.  I developed an allergic reaction to peniccilin  and developed hives within hours of taking it.


Take care.

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Hi,several pharmacist's said u could still have an allergic reaction up till like the 4th pill and these avelox u only take 1 per day.It says it can cause anxiety and mood changes...im going to mention to my dr tomorrow because he plans on putting me back on it after the surgery,my lips have felt numb all day but i know anxiety can cause that too,but i feel worse depressed and i feel like i will never get off these benzos.Oh i was wondering have you ever heard of xanax causing one sided head pain,,,as u know i have that and seems like i read that it could cause that somewhere,as for the antibiotic i guess i will take it again tonight and pray I'm not allergic....Thank You for being so kind, sweetpea
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SP, to answer your questions you pm'd me with,  you are going to be all right.  If you want to hold your dose til after surgery and recovery, that's ok. But then don't increase the klon, ok?

Prednisone can be stimulating. Is this for the sinus inflammation? 

I"m going to post this in your thread, cuz you know I am not supposed to advise you by pm.  ;)

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Hi Sweetpea.


Sometimes if you don't know how to breath correctly you can try a guided imagery tape. If you have a sort of metaphysical type book store,they usually will offer some tapes or cds. When you listen to someone guide you, you tend to get the breathing right and learn to visualize different situations better. That is the easiest way to start. There is also a book called " You can heal your Life" By Louise Hay.It's an old book and it's about dealing with life and positive affirmations.It may sound silly, but I haven't met a person yet that some part of that book didn't help them.Or maybe look at an old problem in a new way.I believe positive affirmations are huge to making a new you. Please don't take this wrong ,but as much as you are concentrated on the negative, imagine how good it will feel when you put that much enegry into something positive. I feel you do begin to believe after you do it enough. I only say this because I have struggled many times throughout the years, and I was very self destructive in my twenties. For me I find this sort of thing helps.While closing out the noise around you, it makes you look at yourself without jugdement,even though you might not like what you see. When you look at yourself, like you are someone else looking at you ,you tend to see more clearly. Well I wish you luck :thumbsup:

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i couldnt remember how to regular post..i had a question i had o ask my ENT this morning about the med i was taken and he called me baack and said he wouldnt do the surgery on me unlesss i went to another dr and had him check my anxiety and see what he could do so i went that dr told me maybe i should drop 1 klonopin and go on 2 xanax though he thinks its a bad idea to be on both,,i told him how th klonopin depressed me...what do u think....then he got a lab work i had done in jan and it showed elavated blood levels for my thyroid so he wants me to redo the blood test as that could be some of my problem....so no surgey but im stressed to the max and hubby is mad.................should i do as he suggested i cant reach my pshy dr...and i dont know if dropping a klonopin would manke me more seixure prone or should i keeep going as i am im getting so i cant think///


Hi Sweetpea. I am answering your pm here. Don't forget to bookmark the link I pm'd you.


Your psych doc is the one who prescribed the benzos, correct? Then you should not change on the advise of another doc without discussing it with your P doc. Personally, I think it would not be a good idea what he is suggesting. Your P doc is the expert. Who is this other doc you went to see today for your anxiety? Doesn't the surgeon know you are already under the care of a psych doc?

It sounds like he is just making a suggestion, not telling you what to do. I would stick with your current plan that your P doc has you on. Tapering off the xanax, not the klon.  What this new doc is suggesting doesn't make sense to me.


TC, SP.  ;)


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Im so at a lose the tapering is not going well as u know i stopped it for the surgery now there is going to be no surgery,im so deeeply depressed i dont know if i can go on yet im so afraid to take pills my pshy dr wont give me anything for the depression..there is a chance there is something wrong with my thyroid i go have a blood test if i can get the energy to shower..i feel like my mind is leaving me,i cant sleep and im full of fear i dont know what to do....im so afraid..sweetpea
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Hi, Sweetpea.


Is the surgery to be rescheduled or is it not needed any more?  I've been hoping that the antibiotic would knock out that sinus infection since it's especially good for that type of thing.  Either way, you can start your taper now, right?  Since you've been feeling so bad I don't think the xanax is working for you and is probably part of the reason you feel so bad. 


Best to go get that blood test and find out if you do have a thyroid problem so it can be treated.  Not knowing will only increase the fear.  I found out I had low thyroid when I was 17 and have been doing fine on medication ever since then.


Are you doing any of things we've suggested in prior posts to relax and get your mind out of it's fear mode?  If not, please pick at least one thing and try it.  You are the only one who can do it; you are in control of your future.


Take care.

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Hi,The surgery is still needed but i am such a basket case.I dont know about the tapering now im still so bad.I think its depresssin making me so bad,and i know the klonopin causes my depression,I went and got the blood test done.I tell you my memory is so bad im not quite sure what im doing and the right head eye ear pain are all still here.I think the predisine and the bad antibotic they had me on made my anxiety worse the pharmaisist said they could.Im watering my garden and doing laundary and yes im looking into guided imagy,i need something,if i dont get the right help i feel i may not be here much longer,i can hardly think....maybe the xanax is better for me than the klonopin,,,i dont see how im ever going to get off then when i keep having such returning fear..worse than ever....thank u so much
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call me stupid its me sweetpea i dont see where to post....io want off this klonopin i think im becoming allergic to it..i took 1 an hour agoa nd abit later my lips went numb and my cheeks started feeling funny and my neck,,,im swallowing pepsi ok but im scared but wont go to drs as i went the other day thinking i was allergic to another pill....how can i taper off im back at 0.5 mg 3 times a day i want off as quick as i can as its causing my depresson
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Sweetpea -


You found the right place to post.  :thumbsup: Certainly NOT stupid.


You are still taking xanax, right?  The plan was to come off xanax as your doc directed when he added the klonopin.  He put you on klonopin because it stays in the body longer than xanax which makes tapering from it easier.  You need to taper the xanax first, then the klonopin.  All benzos can cause depression so it could just as easily be the xanax feeding your depression.


Take care.

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I dont know this is the third time on klonopin and i get very depressed each time....a medical dr i saw yesterday said maybe i should drop 1 klonopin and go back to 2 xanax and see if i feel better,i tell u i can barely function and im so dizzy and now i think im allergic to the klonopin..i took 1 earlier and my lips went numb and my cheeks started feeling funny dry throat,im so sared and want off as soon as i can,,but look at me i cant even stop the 1 mg of xanax....im crashing,totally falling aprt
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Sweetpea -


I'm sorry things are still so rough.  Have you started the meditation exercises yet?  .


We have told you the best we know about getting off of benzos but the decisions are always yours.  I'm convinced that you will eventually feel better when you are benzo-free and that you need to start that process somehow. You definitely don't want to be taking 2 different benzos at the same time.


So what do you want to do now?  We will support you whatever you decide.


Take care.

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Well another very anxious day,I'm still worried i have developed allergies to my xanax and klonopin and it scares me because i know i cant just stop them,I'm going to continue tapering,,,,get off the xanax,then the klonopin but i feel i still need help with my anxiety,,,my dr spoke to me yesterday and he wants to hymytisme me.....and he feels the predisone steroid i was on has alot to do with the increased anxiety and it stays in the body quite awhile,,I'm thankful i was only on 20 mgs for 4 days and 10 mg for 1 day/
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Hypnosis sounds like a good thing to try since no new drugs are involved.  I've never heard of anyone being allergic to benzos.  Your symptoms sound more like tolerance withdrawal.  There are really only 2 choices IMO: increase the klonopin until you feel better or start tapering the xanax.  I don't think you want to do the first option because you will eventually end up feeling the same way but have a longer taper.


Let us know how the hypnosis goes.  :)

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