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tapering off klonopin


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my story is not that dramatic, but it is my story and I am sticking to it. Trust the process, it will work. This is only temporary


Hit, you are so funny!  And I love your avatar!  I'm happy to see that you are doing so well. :smitten:

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Last night before bed i was just sitting in  my chair and this huge wave of dizzziness came over me it was so bad i felt like i was falling..i just got up  out of bed and got a cup of somethign to drink and sat down and it hit me again..i have the strangest feeliing in my head and im so scared,i fell alsleep ;ast night with out taking my 3rd klonopin will that mess me up.Im so nauseated and i feel like im having a stroke or something.I have been awake since 3:30 this morning,,,i feel so ill and im all alone hubby had to go abck to work/and i still think i have developed an alleric reation to my benzos what can i do about that
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...and i still think i have developed an alleric reation to my benzos what can i do about that


Get off the xanax over the next week or two and then start tapering off klonpin.

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Im feeling so awful dizzy sweaty and ill all over wondering if i should got o the medical dr here and ask to have my heart checked what if im having heart attack plus bad headache and nausea
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All those symptoms can be related to benzos but you would probably be more at ease if you had your heart checked by a doctor. 
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Im still not understanding how i can feel so bad .I started tapering off the xanax april 23 08 from 1 mg  3 times a day down to now pretty much 1/2 mg of xanax was put on the klonopin that day..tapering klonopin was put on back burner till off the xanax...so the way i feel must be from the xanax? and me being tolernt to drugs? I know the medical dr is going to yell at me i feel like im going to fall over when i walk.just so ill and my hubby is like u are going to be fine i dont dare tell him how bad i feel.What all kinds of symptoms did u all go thru and how fast did they occur
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went to medical dr he didnt do any heart tests just listened to my heart and said its all proberly withdrawwal im still so dizzy and do not feel like doing anything.my mind feels like its going to go away if anyone knows what i mean,i cant think,,if its this bad cutting back on the last xanx being on the klonopin how will i ever get off the klonopin.i think i have been cut back to 1/2 mg of xanax for 5 days,so should i go to a 1/4 of a pill tommorow,,,,i didnt feel this bad tapeerign off the first 2 mg of xanax and i was on the lonopin then too  nothing is working for me...that med dr makes me made how can he tell just by listining to my heart that im fine?
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i think i have been cut back to 1/2 mg of xanax for 5 days,so should i go to a 1/4 of a pill tommorow


Yes, if you cut the xanax back to .1/2 pill 5 days ago you are safe to make that next cut to 1/4 of a pill tomorrow.  :thumbsup:


Do you remember how to change the information in your signature block?  It still says you are at 1 mg xanax and 2 1/2 klonopin but it seems you are now on 1/2 mg xanax and 3/day .5 mg klonopin.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.  You could wait and change it tomorrow and show the 1/4 mg xanax instead of today's 1/2 but it would help people understand better where you are at to keep that info updated.


I know you are worried that you will feel worse cutting back on your benzos.  I'm sorry you are feeling so bad and so scared but it really isn't likely to get better unless you continue with a sensible taper.  You've mentioned many times that you think you are allergic to klonopin.  If that were true, the only way to stop being allergic is to remove it from your system.  You need to go slowly but steadily off the xanax and then do the same with the konopin.


Take care.  :)

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Did you feel this bad getting off your meds,i mean i feel like im dying i cant think walk right cant sleep and im going to lose my hubby because of all this how can it be so bad...i know i have been on benzos 18 years but i have never felt this bad in my life and shouldnt the klonopin be helping with my anxiety still.Im so afraid and the drs wont do anything and all i want to do is curl up and cry but im afraid my mind will break and i will be put in a hospital....why did it just start getting to amke me feel so bad? and i dont remember how to to cahnge my signature thing
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oh and i was tapering off my klonopin as of may 28 but then medical dr said i should wait to taper off it till off the xanx so thats what im doing but if i feel this bad how will i make ith thru a klonopin withdrawal
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And if im correct  i have been on the 1 mg of xanax since may 8,,,thats quite awhile..unless i messed up somehwere..the pharmacist said he doesnt think i should be feelong as bad as i am..im so scared..there seems to be no answer,and this dizziness and nausea are bad
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i can see by reading back posts i have been on that 1 mg of xanax quite awhile,do u think im now cutting it back too fast since i waited and stayed on it so long,,im just looking to feel better
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You aren't going too fast off the xanax, sweetpea. 


When you posted about your cut from 3/4 to 1/2mg xanax on July 13, here is what eljay advised you:


"Hold your cut for a few days, at most.  Remember, you are taking more klon to make up for the lost xanax, so you don't really need to hold for long. In fact the longer you hold the more conditioned your body will become to the higher total dose of benzo. Not good. Your klon was increased in order to come right off the xanax. You were crossed over, and should have come off the xanax pretty quick. Now you have much more benzo in your system. YOu increased the klon, now you need to move right off the xanax. ONce you do that, you can begin tapering your klon. "



And here's what she advised later that same day:



"I just would like to clarify something. When SP was increased a couple of weeks ago (or more) on the klon, she at that time would have been fine to just stop the xanax. That was the plan. She should have stopped it cold the minute her klon was increased. But since she has now been on all of the above for at least a couple of weeks, I would rather see her take another step down on the xanax rather that just stop it cold. Maybe go down to a 1/2 for 3 or 4 days, then a quarter for another 3 or 4 days, then stop. As I said above, she should do a very rapid taper off now. Not stop cold. She waited too long to do this.

SP, sorry to talk about you in the third person! "   


I  don't know what else to say that hasn't already been said.  It's up to you, as always.  You can do it!


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im wondering if eljay is referring when they had me go back up to 3 klonopin from the 2 1/2 i had got down to,untill i got off the last xnax..i just wondered since i had been o  it since may 8th if going down now is to fast..but what do i know except i dont feel good....someone mentioned a mood stablizer or something to get me thru the withdrawalas has anyon eheard of this..darn im not sure when i cut from  a whole to a half i know i talked to my pshy dr on the july 8....but in looking at my notes on some daus i was doing 3/4 of a pill and on other days i was doing a 1/2...what does anyone think about my pharmissit saying he dont think i should be feeling as bad as im feeling.Im really wondering if that prednisone and antibotic ddint mess me up....My right eye and forehead are killing me now i took a tylnol which was  a big step for me..i couldnt nap though
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what does anyone think about my pharmacist saying he dont think i should be feeling as bad as im feeling.


I think your pharmacist has no idea about benzo wd.  If you want some info on benzo wd the Ashton Manual and this forum is the place to get your information.  You would think dr. and pharmacies would know but they don't, and if they tell you something you would be wise to check it twice. 

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Do you think me missing 1 of my klonopin would cause me to have the worst headache ever dizziness nausea,this has been the worst day,Or i have heard when you have a seixure u feel like u have had the worst headache of your life...im bnot sure when i cut the 1 mg xanax i dont think it was 5 days ago,maybe 2 would that make me feel so awful too,i had that bad wave of dizziness that made me kinda shake like i had been hit by electricity last night and again this morning i m not sure whats going on..any ideas
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Anything is possible on these drugs.    You may want to keep a diary to track when you feel good or bad and what was going on when you felt that way.  If you need to write down the date you cut and how much.  How well you feel tapering down depends on how well you take care of yourself and keeping your doses/cuts in some kind of order.


You're not having a seizure and you haven't had one, headaches are part of tapering and wd.

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a headache that makes your head feel like its going to blow up and bad dizziness..im so confused on my xanax i cant even think
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That's exactly why you need to get off the xanax.  You are not doing yourself any favors by staying on. 


If your head hurts so bad that you can't walk, think, sleep, keep your eyes open, feels like it's been removed from your shoulders, taking a step is so painful you think you'll die, then you may want to consider going to the ER and getting some meds for it.  But it still wouldn't be seizure.


sweetpea, you can do this.  It's hard, there is no doubt about it but what you are feeling is totally normal.  Read the stories and blogs of the members here and you will see that it's a tough road but well worth it.  I don't know of one person who has ever said they are sorry they got off the drugs.


:smitten: Ts

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headache still going on bad no relief and i havent been able to sleep this morning as i lay in bed i felt like i was shrinking,,if that makes since.I need a smoke so bad but just puffing on on ecausees my head to ache,where do i fins storeies where people went thru this he-- that im in,hopefully next week i will be off the xanax..but then if im this bad how am i going to manage the withdrawal from klonopin
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Im feeling like im dying,,,i can barely function,worse headache ever feel like im losing my mind,cant concentrate,very dizzy,started tapering off xanax 1 mg 3 times a day april 23 08 was put on klonopin to help withdrawasls from xanax,im down to pretty much 1/2 mg of xanax and still on 0.5 mg klonopin.dr wants me off xanax before tapering off the klonopin,.if i live thru the xanx withdrawal,I have been on benzo pretty much 18 years.Im so depressed and i cant hardly do anything,has got worse last few days,,,i missed 1 dose of klonopin yesterday dont know if that made me worse or not and also now after taking a klonopin i feel my lips go numb and my tounge and mouth feel funny,anyone else have such bad experience,im thinking my dr is going to have to put  me on ssomething to help me thru this...anu idea?sweetpea
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Many people feel that bad sweetpea, it's part of what we go through to get through this.  Are you still tapering your xanax?
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..but then if im this bad how am i going to manage the withdrawal from klonopin


You have to take it one day at a time and not project what you think you'll be feeling like the next day.  If there is one thing that's certain about benzo wd is that you certainly can't predict what each day will be like.  It's best to do the best you can with each day and work through they symptoms.

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Why after tapering since april would i just now start to feel so much worse.I still have the headache this morning and such a stiff neck i have the shakes i cant see well out of my right eye and i went to the med dr yesterday he barely looked at me and told me its withdrawal,but i really havent withdrawn anything major lately i mean shuldnt i have felt worse when i first cut the 1st 2 mg of xanax back ion april 23 and may 8,Im so depressed and im sure teh klonopin i scausing that,I think i need something for that,im thinking those dizzy spells i had was a stroke as they way my right side of my face feels,though i know i have had right headed face pain before this is now inmy neck,its so hard because these  drs in my town think im a joke so they dont help me and i cant complain to my hubby but im physically ill along with screwed up in the head,i dont even know how to think straight..im so scared and dont know where to turn for help....is it ok to be on a antidepresant when tapering,and dod u have any ideas why im worse now then i was doing
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I apologise for my spelling,,,my little pinky on my right hand is all messsed up another reason to think i have had a stoke,i just cant see feeling this bad when i have only cut that last xanax for a few days....and also i have sores in my mouth,,,,,i need to start getting off this klonopin too but i forgot how my dr said do it
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