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tapering off klonopin


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i dont know what to do now how i should take them i guess the peaks are bad? im not sure but i feel like im losing it


No!  you do not take them when the peaks are bad!  You take them when you are scheduled to take them.  You need to choose how you are going to take your medication, every 4 hours or every 8 hours.  Write down the times you are going to take them and stick with it. 


You took a pill (.5mg) at 6am, you are due to take another (.5mg) at 2pm, and the last one (half one .25mg) at 10pm.  This is what your schedule should look like today. 

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Taking half the dose every four hours, compared to taking double the dose every eight hours, will result in more even blood levels. I would expect the difference to be more marginal in a long half-life benzo like Klonopin, but it will still happen. The longer you leave between individual doses (and therefore the larger the individual dose), the more your blood levels will peak (probably an hour or so after taking your dose), and the more they will trough before your next dose. This is why long half-life benzos (or many small doses of short half-life benzos throught the day) are better tolerated by the majority of our members. However, there is always variability, so do what works best for you! ;)
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Ok sweetpea, now that you've read Colin's, Amanda's and Scott's post, all agreeing that every 4 hours is okay and will not harm you, and you said you feel better taking a 1/2 every 4 hours, do you want to do every 4 hours or every 8 hours? 


Whatever you decide is fine with us.  We just want you to decide so that you can have a planned schedule, your blood levels will stay the same thoughout the day that way.  ;)



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Oh you all im so confused,so by me taking 1/2 every 4 hours i am putting more klonopin in my body and by taking a whole its like all of a sudden i got way to much than my body was used to,,,so i guess if i want to get to where i can taper correctly i need to do it the whole pill even though im feeling overdosed today,,,im not sure i understand what colin is saying im so scared and i feel so dizzy
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It is quite simple really. Either take a half dose every four hours, or a dose of twice the amount every eight hours. However you split up your dose over the day, it should total the amount you should be taking for the day. However, taking doses that are are even as possible over the day, with the same amount of time in between, is highly recommended. The problem with taking a dose every four hours is that you either need to interrupt your sleep, or take a larger dose when going to bed (and skipping the next dose four hours later). Interupting your sleep is not a good idea, and neither is taking unnecessarily uneven doses, so my recommendation is that you take Klonopin in three even doses (or as even as you can manage) over the day, at about eight hours apart. Klonopin has an everagingly long half-life, so taking it three times a day is should be sufficient for anyone.


Now, having said all this, you do why you feel best suits you (if you prefer to take smaller doses just four hour apart, for example). The important thing is that you set up a simple and regular regimen, and stick to it. Consistent dosing, and a gentle taper is the best way to quit benzos.

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splitting a klonopin every 4 hours....differnt concentration through out the day...by splitting them im changing the concentration,1/2 changes the peak,,double concentration  i think.i dont know im so dizzy i cnat think
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Okay sweetpea,  you are getting way to deep in thinking about all this.  You are going to have to trust us on this, right now you don't need to understand how klonopin works in the body, right now we need to get your schedule down so you don't have to worry about when to take your pills.  It sounds to me that you would perfer to take it every 4 hours.  Here's a schedule that will work for you but you have to take the pills with you if you leave the house and will be gone for a scheduled time.  It's probably best to put some already cut in your purse for emergency.


For every 4 hours:

Take 1/2 pill at 6am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm,

Take 1/4 pill at 10pm



Klonopin are long acting so this will work for you.  This is entirely up to you, I'm just trying to make it simple so it's not so confusing for you.


What do you think?

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ok i agree i took a 1/2 klonopin at 2 pm because it had been 8 hours even though i feel so drugged a up and out of it i feel oveerdosed can u explain why i feel this way,Is it because i took a whole 1 last night at 3 pm anmd a whole 1 at 6 am this mornign i feel overnmedicated im scared should i let my dr know if i can ever reach him
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ok i agree i took a 1/2 klonopin at 2 pm because it had been 8 hours even though i feel so drugged a up and out of it i feel oveerdosed can u explain why i feel this way,Is it because i took a whole 1 last night at 3 pm anmd a whole 1 at 6 am this mornign i feel overnmedicated im scared should i let my dr know if i can ever reach him


Ok, you agreed!  That's good, now we know where we are working from.  No need to be scared and you don't need to call your dr.  Once this all levels out in your system you'll be fine. 


You will take another half pill at 6pm and 1/4 pill at 10 pm.  And then start you're schedule again tomorrow at 6am.

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Hi Sweetpea,


I just picked up your PM.


If you were taking a short half-life benzo, then you might expect some differences between taking a dose every 8 hours and instead taking a half-dose every four hours. However, the difference between the two regimens will be slight when taking Klonopin with its 18-50 hour half-life. Yes, the eight regimen will result in slightly higher peak and a slightly lower trough in blood levels compared to the four hour regimen, but it is slight. If you were taking a short half-life benzo, then the eight hour schedule, with twice the dose, would indeed lead to you nearly doubling your peak blood levels, and a trough were blood levels would drop much lower than the four hour schedule. Though, when the half-life is long (or relatively long), this effect is much diminished. You are obviously fogged from the benzos, so I won't confuse the situation with maths, but here are the results from my calculations.


First of all, I am not pharmacist, but I understand the maths behind half-life. The model I've created is simplified, but it is accurate as far it goes. It does not include the much smaller effects of the time it takes to absorb the benzo, and there are probably other small effects too. However, the results will be pretty close to reality, as half-life will be by far the most important factor upon actual blood levels.


Klonopin has a half-life of between 18-50 hours (the exact figure will vary from individual to individual). I have made calculations using the two extremes (18 and 50 hours), and the middle value (34 hours) which is probably closer to the rate at which most people will metabolise Klonopin.


First situation - a set dose Klonopin, every four hours, with a half-life of 18 hours, compared to a set dose (twice the size), every eight hours. The four hour dosing would result in blood levels (at peak) of about 7% less than the eight hour dosing (with each individual dose being twice the dose given in the four regimen).


Second situation - a set dose Klonopin, every four hours, with a half-life of 50 hours, compared to a set dose (twice the size), every eight hours. The four hour dosing would result in blood levels (at peak) of about 2.5% less than the eight hour dosing (with each individual dose being twice the dose given in the four regimen).


Third situation (and the one that is likely to be the closest to reality for most people) - a set dose Klonopin, every four hours, with a half-life of 34 hours, compared to a set dose (twice the size), every eight hours. The four hour dosing would result in blood levels (at peak) of about 4% less than the eight hour dosing (with each individual dose being twice the dose given in the four regimen).


In short, if you take a set dose every four hours, your blood levels will be 2.5-7% less than they would be if you took a set dose of twice the amount every eight hours. 2.5 and 7% are the extreme cases (and therefore unlikely in an individual), but I am sure you will agree, even 7% is hardly anything to worry about. The reality is that the difference in peak levels, for Klonopin, will be nearer the 4% (the middle value) for most people.


Your assumption about your peak blood levels being very much higher if you take larger less frequent doses is correct, but only for short acting benzos. Please try to take my figures on trust. This is the whole point of using long half-life benzos, they tend to even out blood levels, and are far more forgiving than the short half-life benzos if your dosing is somewhat erratic. So, keeping to a regimen is important, but you do not have to take Klonopin very frequently (three times a day is more than enough), and it will be quite forgiving if you are late with a dose. Organise a routine, and stick to it - not so much because you need to for even blood levels, but for your sanity. You need to stop over-thinking this - so long as you are sensible, Klonopin will deliver pretty even blood levels for you.


Re: your pharmacist's remarks. There might be a tiny effect with how quickly Klonopin is taken up when the pill is split (and this would have a tiny effect upon peak levels), but it will be tiny! Indeed, Klonopin tablets are usually scribed with lines to make it easier to halve and quarter the pills. Unless your Klonopin tablets are the slow release type (do they even make slow release Klonopin?), you can split them, and it will have no negative effects. ;)



Edit: small typos and clarifications.

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Ok Colin i trusr your figures but why am i so drugged out and dizzy is it because i wasnt use to taking a whole pill>>>>>>>>>>. i took a whole 1 last night and this mornigna nd a half one at 2 pm and i feel like im overdosing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,any idea?
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Im here but i have posted all i know


My pharmissit said my body had got used to the 1/2 pills and taking the whole one might have did this to me

im feeling like im going to throw up hubby will be home soon and i dont know what to tell him

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Im here but i have posted all i know


My pharmissit said my body had got used to the 1/2 pills and taking the whole one might have did this to me

im feeling like im going to throw up hubby will be home soon and i dont know what to tell him


Yes, the change probably effected you. that's why it's so important to stick to a schedule. Please just pick one and stick to it.   

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Eljay i feel like im going to throw up now do u know how to tell if u are overdosed i mean i took the same anount of med but my pharmaisist said it could be a build up in my body
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I hate this all i can do is sit here and feel like heck and i guess its all my fault for taking the whole pill i never feel like this honestly i feel like im gonna die i feel bile in my throat
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sp, you're not going to die.  You are nauseous and probably have a little indigestion.  Taking a half klonopin more than you normally would is not going to have a major impact on how you feel. 


I would quit getting advise from your pharmacist....it seems they really don't know what to tell you. 


You agreed you wanted to go to a every 4 hour schedule so let's go with that and don't worry about the last dose.  It's over and now we can move on.  Agreed?

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agreed but im still thinking im overdosed or poisened or something.....i think the whole pills scrrews me up

do u not ask a pharmissit for advice

i feel like im going to puke why would that happen im so dizzy and ill i have NEVER felt like this i neeed help how can pills do this to u i cant even smoke anymore it makes me sick

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i think im overdosed what should i do i called er and teh nurse here is like the drs tehy dont take me serious..would my blood pressure be normal
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do u not ask a pharmissit for advice



Not when I know I can get more reliable information elsewhere.  It only takes one wrong answer from a dr. or pharmacist for me not to call them again.  Doctors don't even know what wd can do to you so I know the pharmacist don't really know.


You haven't done any damage and you are going to be fine, all this will pass.  Have you ever read the Ashton Manual? It explains what to expect during wd.  She's the expert on wd.


You have not overdosed.  It's been hours since you took your last pill.  Your blood pressure may be a little high because you are stressing yourself out over something that didn't happen.

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You cannot overdose on the amount of klonopin you reported taking.  I know you feel really ill but you have not overdosed on klonopin.
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what if it has built up in my body and the 2 whole pills were too much i feel so ill i mean im going to throw up and i cant go to the hospital again
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If you were going to throw up from the pills taken hours ago you would have already done so by now.  YOU HAVE NOT OVERDOSED! 


If you have to throw up then just do it, it may make you feel better, but it's not from taking the pills.


I wouldn't go to the ER either, unless, of course, it was an emergency, then by all means go and let them check you out.

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Oh i guess when u take a klonopin be it 1/2 or whole u should wait 8 hours between taking them according to my drs nurse,,now that dont make since to mea nd how would i taper and i ahvednt thrown up yet but i dont feel i could eat or drink anything i ahve been drinking water all day and 2 glasses of cranberry jusice maybe it was the juice that made me feel like im going to throw up
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Oh i guess when u take a klonopin be it 1/2 or whole u should wait 8 hours between taking them according to my drs nurse,,now that dont make since to mea nd how would i taper and i ahvednt thrown up yet but i dont feel i could eat or drink anything i ahve been drinking water all day and 2 glasses of cranberry jusice maybe it was the juice that made me feel like im going to throw up


We have been talking all day about you going to a every 4 hour schedule.  I wrote the schedule out for you in an earlier post and you said that is what you wanted to do. 


You can follow our advice or you can follow your drs. nurse advice, but I'm telling you right now that if you quoted her right she is wrong.

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