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tapering off klonopin


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I am ill i cant think i took a 1/2 klonopin at 4:30 am and i just got up 900 am and i decied instead of taking another half klonopin i would tak e a whole..i have the mostt extreme headache and my neck is so stiff and i have these awful shakes the side of my face is in pain also,,i dont know what to do the drs here will do nothing,,i was just htere friday and they sent me home sayin gim fine i feel like the glands inmy neck are swollen i cant typoe nomore
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Sweetpea, the drs can't do anything for you, they really can't.  They have no idea what you are going through or even why you feel so bad.  I went to dr. after dr. and not one could tell me what was wrong with me.  The only way I knew what was definitely wrong was on this forum. 

The people here have more correct information than any place you can go. 


I know you feel horrible but the only way you are going to feel better is to taper off these drugs.  Even though it's a prescribed drug it's like poison to your system, you have to get off to feel better.


You really need to stay on a schedule, for your own sake.  Taking a 1/2 at one time and a whole another is not helping you.  You have to help yourself through this, we can advise you but we can't do it for you.  I wish there was something that would help people through this, it would relieve the suffering of so many people, but there's not.  :(


What did you do over the weekend?  Did you get out of the house? 


Are you still taking the xanax? 

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i have cut down on the xanax...its just thos news about the herpes has put me over the edge i have had a stiff neck and in reading about herpes it says it can cause menagintis which symptoms are headache and stiff neck wihic h i have both,im so depressed and i dont unsersatnd how theses benzos at one time made us feel so great and now they do nothing for us,,,and we all have to go thru hell getting off them im depressed and need a antidepresaant my dr wont give menothing till after he hymystizes me my beart rate and blood pressure is up and im having burning headaches aandont knwo what to do i have to drive to town and go to mymental health and i feel like im going to pass out.I jst couldnt take that valtrex for my herpres so im sure its still running thru my body i understand i can never get rid of it,i dont know how much longer i can keep doing this isnt there  some way to calm ourself i try teh breathing and i en dup holding my breath i am in a bad way
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SP your dont have menegitis. Muscle aches are common during wd. You are fine! Try drinking some chamomile tea, exercising, deep breathing, meditation, distraction etc to calm down. If you dont calm down your symptoms are going to get worse.


Feel better



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Millions and millions of people have herpes, both kinds, and they don't get meningitis.  Stiff neck and headaches are pretty common even in everyday life.  Anti-depressants won't necessarily help you with the wd.  Like I've said before, if there was something that we could take we would all be taking it, no one wants to suffer through this hell. 


Do you know what your dr. hopes to accomplish by hypnotizing you? 


You say you have cut down on the xanax, but are you getting off of it?  You were advised to not be on both xanax and klonopin and would probably feel worse until you were off the xanax. 


Sp, we can't make you do what you don't want to do, we are here to advise and support, so you are going to have to take control and help yourself.  What does your husband think about all this?  Is he supportive of you getting off the drugs?

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My pshy dr put me on the klonopin to get off the xanax and tehn alll the stress he had me cut back on tapering off it,so im almost off the xanax,my husband is sick and tired of how i am and im afraid im going to lose him i just went to group thearpy and feel even worse im a wreck my mind onluy wwill think about  how bad i feel i dont know where to turn i can trelax im losing it and im trying to fight it but the whole right side of my face is numb and head ache
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I have noticed shortly after taking my klonopin my hear rate seems to go up any ideas why and i wentback to taking them whole and im ahving MAJOR DIZZINESS and concentration problems worse,,,i need some kind of help,,,,,do u think my klonopin has stopped working too
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I have noticed shortly after taking my klonopin my hear rate seems to go up any ideas why and i wentback to taking them whole and im ahving MAJOR DIZZINESS and concentration problems worse,,,i need some kind of help,,,,,do u think my klonopin has stopped working too


Sweetpea  :smitten:


It's just a theory, but I think your heart is going up after you take the klonopin because you are afraid of the pill, not that the pill itself is causing it.  In fact, benzos tend to slow heart rates.  You don't seem to do as well when you take a whole pill so how about going  back to spreading your dose out over the day.  Were you taking it 3x/day before?  It definetly is harder on your brain and body to keep changing the dosing.  You need to pick a scedule and stick to it.  Are you down to 1/4 xanax ow?  When are you scheduled to drop that last dose?  You will feel better once you can start tapering off of klopopin.



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Do you really feel i will get better,I feel like im going crazy.I dont know any good coping skills,,,and actually whern i was halving my klonopin i only was getting in 2 1/2 instead of 3 i have cut to 1/4 xanxa my counsler told me i could proberly just stop it,I feeeel that allergic reaction way again since im taking the klonoipin whole and last nihgt anf today i ahve the shakes and worst headache i cant think my eyes are all blurry adn im still scaredd about the hepres i cant get it out of my mind ..I really do think i have lsot it and gone crazy....my body has been on drugs so loong and i dont know what it will do when im off them all if im feeling this bad already..people at group this morning said they had no problem going of benzos
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Sp, you are all over the place with your pills.  You have been taken off and put back on so much in the last year that you have to get on some kind of schedule and stick to it.  That one little decision of when to take your pills will make a big difference with you.  You take a certain amount at a certain time and don't vary from it.


Some people don't have a problem going off benzos, millions of people don't, but a great many people do.  When you have been taken off and put back on as much as you have they don't work for you, and it's harder to come off each time increase the dosage.


You definitely will get better but how long that takes is pretty much up to you.  The sooner you start tapering off the Klonopin the sooner you will start feeling better.  Once you are completely off the healing can really begin.

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Sp, since your dr. thinks it's ok to drop the xanax right now why don't you do that? 


It's a step in the right direction and you'll be closer to getting off these drugs so you can truly start healing from it all. 


Once you decide to stop taking xanax don't start taking it again though.


What do you think? 

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Oh it was my counsler who told me to drop the xanx i havent talked to my pshy, he wont return my call im having such awful dizziness nad headaches and right sided face numbness do u think this is withdrawal' im trying to calm down but its not working  any ideas i smoke but i cant puff a cig because it makes me dizzier.hoping its not something with my health
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Yes, it's wd.  You've been to the dr. a lot and I think if something was wrong with you they would have found it.  You are worrying needlessly and causing you anxiety to be worse. 


What type of calming exercises are you trying?  You have to work with them for a while to get the full effect.

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do u think this is withdrawal'

Yes. :)

any ideas?

Only those things we have told you many times before.

It is withdrawal, and you will mostly like stay like this until you are off the xanax and tapering the K on a REGULAR schedule.

hoping its not something with my health


You are experiencing very painful withdrawal symptoms SP, when your withdrawal is done, your health will eventually return.


So are you going to drop the xanax? I agree with TS about getting off it as soon as possible.

Your body is ultra sensitive to any chemical poison you put into it. Unless it is a matter of life or death do not add any more drugs into your system. Your body cannot tolerate it.


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i also feel like i have buggs in my tummy crawling around.....my eye is so messed up ,im having trouble swallowing and feel like im having a heart atatck and brain tumor,,,,im so sorry
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Those are only wd symptoms and they are very, very common. 


You're not seeing your pdoc for an other week or so, are you going to continue to take the xanax?  When did you cut last?

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SP that stomach thing is withdrawl.  I have been experiencing it too.  I believe it is the nerves in our stomach.  You can also get muscle tightness.  Try taking slow deep breaths.  It helps with the muscles and it relaxes the sensation.


Everything you are experiencing are withdrawls.  There are so many symptoms that can hit ya so just keep telling yourself that it is withdrawl and don't read too much into every different sensation that you are having.


I agree with everyone else you need to come off the xanax.  I think you will feel better when you do.  You may have some symptoms but time will heal those. 


Please listen to what the moderators are saying.  They know what they are talking about!  They will help you but you have to listen and follow their directions.  Please stabilize your meds too.  You can't keep taking 1/2 or 1 or skipping.  That is the most important thing you can do is to stabilize your doses and don't change them.


Good luck again!



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sp, here's something I found on a recovery site about relaxation.  Thought it might be useful to you. :smitten:


Relaxation is not an optional part of recovery. It's essential to recovery. There are many ways to relax. They range from simple techniques like going for a walk, to more structured techniques like meditation. Meditation is an important part of that mix because the simple techniques don't always work. If you're under a lot of stress, you may need something more reliable like meditation. Use any of these techniques, or any combination. But do something everyday to relax, escape, reward yourself, and turn off the chatter in your mind.

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The dizziness is so bad and i feel so faint like my heart is stopping hard time breathing and concentrating im trying to be calm,but all these crawly tingling feelings ,im thinking i have stressed so much now my heart has something wrong with it im scard,yes today will be my last on xanax 1/ 4 pill
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Yeah SP Congratulations on finishing the xanax today.  I know you don't feel like you are making progress but you are.  Now please stabilize your doses for the Klonopin and I am sure after a few days everything will ease but yes you need to stay CALM.


Your heart is just thumping hard.  Mine has done that throughout my taper.  You will be fine.  Don't dwell on it.  The more medicine that leaves your body the better you will feel.


Stay in control and listen to what the moderators are sayiing to you.  You will get through this.



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Very week legs and shakiness and hard time breathing and the right dsided face numbness think i has a stroke so dizzy ansd i feel like im dying hubby is home but can t tell him how i feel im scared
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Very week legs and shakiness and hard time breathing and the right dsided face numbness think i has a stroke so dizzy ansd i feel like im dying hubby is home but can t tell him how i feel im scared


Much of this is from being so scared, sweetpea.  I know it's very difficult to break the cycle, but you need keep trying.  You have reported these same symptoms since the first week or so. You are not having a stroke.  I know it feels like there must be something seriously wrong with you because you feel so bad. You have been to the doctor many times over the last few months and, except for the herpes, they didn't find anything physically wrong.


Did you drop that last xanax dose?  What day did you do that?  Are you back to taking the klonopin every 4 hours or are you back to just twice a day?  You need to stay on a schedule with the klonopin so you can't start reducing your dose.  You see your psych doc next week and I know you want to be able to report your progress as well as your continuing problems and concerns.

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I just keep thinking im having heart problems so dizzy i dont even feel like smoking anymore which is wierd,,,what would cause that would i have signs and symptoms of a heart attack like weeks before it actually happened,im hating life right now  things have to get better and i also have the chills and it hot outside my body ios freaking
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Sweetpea  :smitten:


Not feeling like smoking is a good thing, especially since you are often dizzy.  Several people have posted recently that they got chills when it was hot whereas I got sweaty when it was cold!  Temperature problems are very common withdrawal symptoms.  Of course, I can't tell you whether you have a heart problem; only your doctor can diagnose that.


You haven't answer us about the xanax. I hope you have dropped it and will now be concentrating on tapering off the klonopin.  I am convinced that you will feel better once you are off all benzos.


Take care.

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SweetPea, Please listen these are all withdrawls.  As bad as you are feeling please know it gets better with the less meds in your body.  I too hope you have come off the xanax.  Please realize that as bad as you are feeling you are also healing.  I know that does not make sense but it is true!




1.  Everything you are feeling is withdrawls


2.  Withdrawls will not kill you


3.  Stay mentally strong


4.  Continue to taper off your meds


5.  You will feel better in time


6.  Stabalize your doses while waiting to taper


These are the most important things I can tell you.  This is not easy and you have to be strong!!!  Stay in control.


Wish you luck



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