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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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How frequent are the 7-8 hours of sleep for you HM?


I was really shocked I slept really good last night....no rhyme or reason for it either. It is as if the brain knows there is a cumulative sleep deficit and just shuts down for a night to try & catch up so to speak.

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Hello AB,


I have 7 to 8 hour nights every so often. Once I had like 3 7 hour nights in a row. It's been about 2.5 weeks since I had a 7+ hour night. I jumped on 10-28-21, so that is 4.5 months ago, and I have had a total of about 20 to 25; 7+ hour nights. I thought I was CURED of the 2 hour nights but just had a stretch a week and a half ago of 4 or 5 nights that were 2 and 3 hours each. For me, recovering from benzodiazepine dependance (and ultimately tolerance, which caused me to quit) has been a nightmare on my sleep. Virtually all my other symptoms are gone. I had heart palpitations, jerks, air hunger, shortness of breath, numbness in my fingers, ringing in the ears etc. I haven't had any of those symptoms in over 3 months but the insomnia is still kicking my ass a little bit. It's definitely better over-all but, obviously, there is still some back and forth going on. I really hoped I would be "healed" by now! I am tired as a type this. I can't drink coffee because the caffeine hurts my sleep at night. I tried napping in the day a few days ago and,, as tired as I was, I absolutely could not fall asleep! I think I am quite a way off from being able to nap in the day. I would be quite happy just to get 8 hours a night consistently!



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Thanks HM. I have never had them in a row. It will be interesting to see what tonight brings. Good to hear all your other sxs have pretty much dissipated and the only remaining thing now is the sleep, and even there, you seem to slowly be making progress. :)
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I started taking Xanax for anxiety and sleep. In the beginning, it worked like a charm. I remember, very well, taking my Xanax and drifting off into a heavenly, deep slumber for hours. It also took the edge off my anxiety. I was having a very stressful time in life. I remember (no intention to offend anyone...) telling my kids that Xanax was like "God" to me in its ability to calm my CNS in a matter of minutes even when I was horribly anxious, as well as it's amazing ability to put me to sleep if I took just a little bit more.

but...all good things must come to an end and, about a year ago, it started not working! Finally at the end of April 2021, it quit working entirely and caused paradoxical symptoms, so it MADE me anxious! I have had a few people, in my life, tell me how brave I am for being able to quit Xanax and even have it laying around after I quit without taking it. But the truth is, I am not brave at all! I only quit taking it because it turned on me and I have no desire to ever take it again due to the horrible time I had detoxing (still suffering) off it. If it had never quit working, I would still be taking it. I am learning to live without it. Slow, but sure:)



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Thanks HM. I have often said if you did not develop a tolerance to these drugs and never had to start increasing your dose to achieve the same effect (IOW, that last pill you took worked as good as the very 1st one.... 20 or 30 years from that time), most ppl here IMO would still be taking these drugs, despite the medical dependency. I felt the exact same way about the benzo klonopin until it started not to work.
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Congrats on the good sleep, AB. That's wonderful.

I hope last night was another good one for you.


Hope everyone else had some decent sleep as well. It's so important to recharge the old battery and shut the brain down for a couple of hours, right?


Last night my sleep was super! At least 8 hours, without pain or what else have you that can bother us so much. Unreal!


I suddenly felt awful after supper last night and had to lie down for an hour. And that was followed by this amazing sleep!

This morning I did a selftest for Covid-19 ( my neighbour texted me he got Covid-19). But it turned out I  tested negative. Yey!


Hope we all have a pleasant Wednesday.


Stay safe!




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You are so right Antibenzo, I know I would carry on taking them if they still worked


I know sleepyjo because they work like magic in the beginning with virtually no side effects. The irony is if you take them long-term, they lose their effectiveness and can make you sicker than any other drugs when you attempt to withdraw.


Things like insomnia, panic, and severe anxiety can ruin your life w/o ever being on benzos. These things alone can make you really sick and ruin any quality of life you have. I just wish there were better ways to treat these problems without using benzos. SSRIs work for some ppl. I am no fan of SSRIs either but I think they are much safer long-term than using benzos as maintenance medications for these medical conditions.

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Wow, TS! Good for you! That's awesome that you got 8+ hours! Wonderful.


I agree with you, sleepyjo and AB; if Xanax still worked, I would still be taking it, but I wouldn't be nearly as productive as I am. I am more energetic and productive without it.


Last night was super crappy for me. I just laid there awake almost all night. I was in bed for 9 hours and MAYBE slipped in 3 hours of sleep. I only know I slept because I dreamed. I hope I get back to the 7+ hour nights soon.



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Missed your 8 hours TS....congrats friend. Hope many more are to follow.


Like HM, last night was a super crappy night for me aslo. Ugh!


I was in bed for 9 hours and MAYBE slipped in 3 hours of sleep.



Same here HM.....it was horrible for me last night.


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I know what you mean sabitizer. I had one of the worst nights ever last night, severe abdominal pain and zero sleep, again! Didnt have another rescue dose though
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Hey sleepy! We stopped taking Zopiclone/Ambien the same day.


I threw away all the medicine. It's just too tempting to take something for once. We know it doesn't just stop at this one time and ends up piling up.


In the terrible nights, of course, I just think about taking everything again. The brain plays tricks on us.

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Hi Sabitizer, you're so brave slinging everything. I still have some temazepam and I know I should bin them but Im not brave enough yet. Even if I take a rescue dose it usually doesnt work and just makes me feel sh*t the next day. I try to remember that if Im tempted now but still keep the blasted things!
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AB, How was your night last night?


Sleepy. Sorry you had a zero night :( I have had several in the last year and they are no fun.


Sabitizer, Sorry you're suffering.


TS, Hope you're well and got another 8 hour night. How heavenly.


Last night was about 4 hours for me. Maybe 5. Definitely not 8. Hard to believe I just had a 4-hour stretch and a 7 hour night just a week and a half ago. It comes and goes. So painful. I never know when I am going to get sleep.



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Hey HM,


Last night was not too good for me. Went to bed at midnight. I woke up at 2AM. I could not really fall back asleep until about 4AM I think and only slept for about 2 more hours. I feel restless and on edge today.


Sounds like you were perhaps a little better than me last night HM. ugh---


Hang in there Sabitzer and sleepyjo.



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Hello everybody,


HM,  after that wonderful night of 8 hours, I had a really bad one. Maybe 3 hours, but lots of issues with my lower legs. They felt like over-inflated tires about to explode any second. Lots of pins and needles too. Hellish!


Last nights sleep was another good one, some 7 hours with hardly any issues. Thank the Lord.


I hope everyone's sleep was better than the night before that.





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Been off zoplclone for about 6 weeks now and tapered temazepam for about 2. Problem is that I go a few days without, have no sleep and then take rescue doses, of maybe 2,4,5, 7 mg which dont really help, maybe give me 1-2 hours of sleep. I know I should sling the pills but not brave enough yet
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Hello Sleepyjo,


Sorry you're caught up in this cycle at the moment. Best thing to do IMO would be to throw away those pills, like you said you should.

On the other hand, I get why you are tempted to take one after a couple of non-sleep nights.

But, as you say, they hardly do anything. It's the dilemma many benzo users had to face at some point.

By still taking a rescue dose, it becomes very difficult to get off the tablets for good, which is what you do want I guess.

Whatever you decide, I'll understand.


Hope your day is a nice one!






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Thankyou trochsetter, I know you're right. The problem is that I am in pain which is preventing me from sleeping, very occasionally the pain lessens slightly and I am able to fall asleep for an hour or two without any pills. Problem is the pain will intensify and wake me then I cant get back to sleep, hence rescue doses. I usually go 2-4 nights without rescue dose then the pattern begins again. It only gives me an hour or two at the most and most of the time nothing but when your in pain one gets desparate. Thankyou for replying
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Hi Sleepyjo,


Sorry to hear you're in pain. I know what it means when pain prevents a decent sleep. I've had that as well for a .long  time. And still do from time to time. Fibromyalgia and Neuropathy flare up then and wake me from what is then only light sleep. I've had tight muscles and tendons that ruïned my sleep.

Painkillers do little to nothing.


So I totally see why you take a benzo every now and then! So would I in your case.


I hope things may improve for you asap.


Stay strong!





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ARGH! Last night was maybe 2 hours with lying in bed for 8 or 9. Just tossing and turning. I was doing SO good with my average being 5 hours. When will I get back to that? Working all day today. TIRED :(



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