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I got the covid vaccine


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I am so relieved to be vaccinated. Being older, I am still cautious, though, and take this disease very seriously. I now know several young people who have been destroyed by it. One is the lead carpenter who is working on my remodel and NEEDS to work, so he comes. But he has long COVID and moves in super slow motion, like his balance is off, and relies on his employee to do a lot for him now. He caught it from that employee who caught it from his wife. The employee recovered. The wife, who is only 30-something, is intubated and dying. There was also a teacher in my town in her 30's who died of COVID. She went into the hospital with her teaching supplies thinking she just needed oxygen and saying she would teach from her hospital bed. A few days later she was dead. This is such a nasty, sneaky disease. Now that most people have stopped wearing masks, it is more dangerous to be to and about unvaccinated. To me, short-term vaccine side effects are well worth the long-term protection the vaccine gives.


It's so sad to read about these three people. And scary.

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For what it’s worth I was very nervous to get the vaccine.


3 weeks ago I received my first shot of Moderna and had a sore and swollen arm for about 4 days. Also at the 24-48 he mark felt fatigued and just tired.


3 weeks later I feel much better! Get your shots :)

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For what it’s worth I was very nervous to get the vaccine.


3 weeks ago I received my first shot of Moderna and had a sore and swollen arm for about 4 days. Also at the 24-48 he mark felt fatigued and just tired.


3 weeks later I feel much better! Get your shots :)



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Got my pfizer shot and only had swollen and sore arm for like 2 days and no other side effects  :thumbsup: next shot at the end of the month
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  • 3 weeks later...



Is the shot comfortable to take for people at 5-6 months of being benzo free? Also, should I wait for a window in post-withdrawal symptoms or take it at the same time? Thanks community.

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I had my first shot while still tapering, although I was stable that day.


now I have my second Moderna shot while I'm quite unstable in a week and a half.


I'm getting it, much better than getting covid.


Good luck with your decision!

There are others who are waiting like you, but plenty have done fine.



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Like Winnie Dog I had it while tapering.  Really it was ok and in fact my sleeping improved!


I got my second Pfizer shot two days ago and I'm awfully fatigued. Can only more a bit and then have to rest. Does anyone know how long this can last? I had terrible shivers the first night and couldn't eat anything. The first shot was much milder though.

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this sounds normal for Pfizer and even Moderna.


My boss had the same symptoms, and he has no benzo wd etc.


I felt like that for 2 days after my first shot, I know to expect more from the second shot.


Just rest and take it easy etc.



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VNM, totally normal. ❤️ It lasted a few days for me, but the second day was the hardest for me. (I got Moderna). Take it easy if you can.
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I had a bit of a sore arm after the first Pfizer shot and felt pretty tired after the second. I even napped! The fatigue passed in two days, maybe three, like other on here have reported.


I think things will be okay, valium.


Best to you,





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I don't think I have posted an update here yet, but I mostly recovered from the onset of symptoms from the vaccine. But what has happened since then is weird: intense anxiety, and heart palpitations. My chest is tightly wound.

Has anyone here developed heart issues since getting the vaccine?

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No, I haven't done anything like that yet. I also need to see a different doctor, because my nurse practitioner tuned out to be a real turd. I dont know, the heart thing is doesn't seem like I need to see a doctor, but maybe I should just get some tests run, just in case.

Which reminds me, I still haven't squared away finding a neurologist. I literally have to cold-call them to see if they will see someone like me. Ugh.

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Tater, I have got pfizer. It's been two months since my last dose and I noticed the palpitations you talk about. They come together when I'm anxious,thing that I also noticed increased after the last dose.

I have a friend in Israel that have similar issues mainly with palpitations and chest pain. He told me that it was a known symptom in Israel and happened to a very few people. Our condition is very dinamic so I'm expecting reactions of all sorts. I'm prepared to fight everyone of them!

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Tater, I have got pfizer. It's been two months since my last dose and I noticed the palpitations you talk about. They come together when I'm anxious,thing that I also noticed increased after the last dose.

I have a friend in Israel that have similar issues mainly with palpitations and chest pain. He told me that it was a known symptom in Israel and happened to a very few people. Our condition is very dinamic so I'm expecting reactions of all sorts. I'm prepared to fight everyone of them!


Micedana, that's exactly it! I feel the heart stuff when I am anxious, and the anxiety can make my heart pulse and throb in my chest, which is an unusual new symptom. The anxiety has increased exponentially since the last dose of vaccine. Thats very interesting that this is a commonly known symptom in Israel.

I'm just hoping that it gets better with time.

I don't know how you can "fight" these symptoms, but one can adapt and develop coping strategies I guess. Breathwork, meditation, yoga, etc.

Its good you have a positive attitude, and I will keep working on mine!

Take good care.

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I had the first shot of vaccine three weeks off CT pregabalin and lorazepam. I felt very tired for the next 10 days or so, and extraordinarily drowsy in the middle of the day. But that may have well been the plants (valerian and others) I started to take three days later, especially given the fact that the first day I was drowsy was 4 days after she shot.
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yes since my journey started I've been trying different things to coupe with anxiety. I think it is the the devil in this whole thing. It helped me a lot a low carb diet, eat as natural as possible and something I strongly recommend, cold showers! But the situation is kinda two steeps forward and who knows how many backwards at certain moments. I started to drink more coffee and alcohol (no much really) and that probably triggered the anxiety back. All this while I had the vaccine. So who knows if i can blame the vaccine. May be a combination of evrything.

So yes, keep the good work on your diet and all relaxation technics that works for you. Don't forget cold showers! give it a try!


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yes since my journey started I've been trying different things to coupe with anxiety. I think it is the the devil in this whole thing. It helped me a lot a low carb diet, eat as natural as possible and something I strongly recommend, cold showers! But the situation is kinda two steeps forward and who knows how many backwards at certain moments. I started to drink more coffee and alcohol (no much really) and that probably triggered the anxiety back. All this while I had the vaccine. So who knows if i can blame the vaccine. May be a combination of evrything.

So yes, keep the good work on your diet and all relaxation technics that works for you. Don't forget cold showers! give it a try!



I agree, low-carb diets are very helpful, and they just feel good for the body. I have to stay away from gluten and excess meats, as well. I will try the cold showers, but it is hard, because I live in a very hot climate where the water comes out of the pipes scorching and takes too long to cool down! LOL.

I know a place whee they do the cold tubs, like Wim Hof. I think it stimulates healing...now thats something we all could use.


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I will never get tired of saying how sanity-maintaining this resource is. I just got the J&J COVID19 vaccine 5 days ago and have had pretty constant dizziness for the last 3. Initially, it was pretty standard: headache and fatigue (which may just have been from lack of sleep from early flights). However, once that passed, I got new and improved w/d symptoms. I even went to an ENT physician to check if I had an inner ear thing but I don't. I just knew the inflammatory response or immune response or wvr from the vaccine would trigger something. I am only 3 months benzo-free after all.


As for allergies; I took cipro while still on benzos earlier in 2021 with no problem. Then post benzo, I had a reaction to IV cipro in the ER (dehydration from a fungal infection in my digestive system). It may be some other substance present in the IV version vs the oral version but they had to give me corticosteroids and an antihistamine.


I'm super afraid of meds rn. I didn't even take acetaminophen after the COVID19 vaccine. To be fair, I read you shouldn't take any meds if possible to optimize the immune response.


Thank you all for replying. I guess I should have gone a little more in depth. Since my benzo journey, I went from a person who had no trouble with any medication, to someone who is now allergic to penicillin, sulfa, and cipro. I have had countless adverse reactions to others, including tachycardia to prednisone and other steroids. I am terrified of taking anything new, but I knew for me this vaccine needed to happen. It scared me because it is new, but I did a lot of reading up on it and talked to a couple of the doctors I work with. Even though the vaccine is new, the technology has been around for over 10 years, mainly used in cancer patients to help shrink tumors. This is just the first opportunity that has arisen for it to be used in a vaccine. They were also working on a vaccine for SARS Covid-1 years ago when the SARS outbreak occurred, so they did have a good foundation to start with, it wasn’t exactly from square 1. It’s now been almost 48 hours. My arm pain is already gone. I did wake up tired this morning and with a mild dull headache but nothing that a nap won’t fix later. Several other that I know that had theirs more than a week ago mostly said by day 3 all side effect symptoms were gone so I am looking forward to tomorrow to see how it goes. Thank you all again, please believe I am with you all when it comes to fear of the vaccine. But I’m also one of the ones that had been up close and personal with covid patients and seen the effects of not just how the virus has worked on them but also what the families are going through. Getting the vaccine is a personal decision and I will respect them all, but keep in mind the risks/benefits. We will all get through this




Thank you for your very detailed post. Thank you so much for your work in the Frontlines.


The Covid 19 vaccine is a subject that is on my mind daily because I did not do well with the regular flu vaccine I got in October 2020.


I had, had a flu vaccine pre benzos with zero issues. I felt confident that I would have zero issues, especially since I was 19 months out from my last benzo and I was doing really well. I thought I would be writing a success story for Christmas.


Well, the flu vaccine gave me the typical flu like symptoms that many people get, but unfortunately it did not end there. The night I got it, I woke up at 3am with severe vertigo. I felt like I was going to pass out. I was so weak. My husband had to walk me to the bathroom. The next day these symptoms continued, and unfortunately they continued well beyond the 2-3 days that flu vaccine symptoms last. There were some people here on BB that suggested that it was an ingredient that I was sensitive to in the flu vaccine, but I know it was not. The pharmacist gave me a "stripped down" version of it.


I could tell it was my immune system being "fired up" (like a vaccine is supposed to do) because I could feel the "flu like" symptoms. Ufortunately a "fired up" immune system is not something my CNS can handle right now.


The set back lasted 2 months. It brought back one of my WD symptoms that was gone for 9 months that I thought was gone for good, which was debilitating vertigo. I couldn't lay flat in the bed etc. Feeling a bit of doom followed. I was having problems walking. I could not drive. These were things that were gone for 9 months before the flu vaccine. Other people on BB suggested a coincidental wave. I know they mean well. I wish that was the case. Then I would not be thinking that my CNS is still too sensitive for meds and such. It was not a coincidental wave. I had not had a wave for months.


With this setback I also got tachycardia that landed me in the ER.


There are many people here on BB that have gotten the regular flu vaccine with zero issues. I just was not so lucky.


This is a very scary subject for me, and of course for many, many other people. I want to take the Covid vaccine, but I don't know. And, the other crazy thing is that you have to get it twice.


I have the fortunate situation of working from home as well as my spouse. We don't have kids. We see no one. We do all curbside. We wear masks. Our "outings" are walks in the park, away from people. We live in a small town of about 1500 in rural America. My husband and I don't mind this way of living. We feel lucky we can do this.


I have been met with what feels like "bullying" not here on Benzo Buddies, but on other social media with people guilting those who can't take this covid vaccine because of medical reasons.


What a mess. I guess if my neighbors start getting it and it gets so very very much worse (Yes, I get that this next month or so will be bad). I mean if it's ripping through my neighborhood, I'm going to have to make a hard decision. I'm also 50, so not even sure when I'd be able to get it anyway.


We know people who have got Covid. Mostly fever for days. We've seen 70 & 80 year olds survive it, but we also know people in their 40's who struggled with difficulty breathing. One had an 02 sat of 82% !! He refused to go to the hospital because he did not want to end up on a vent. He's pulling through, but very slowly. I know Covid is serious.


I feel like the world is crazy & I have to turn it off. I can't watch it every day. But, I'm definitely watching here on BB for those who get this covid vaccine and how they do with it.


I understand your situation. You work with Covid patients.

We pray everyday that it is effective and safe.

We pray everyday for Frontline workers like you.


Please keep us updated.

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I will never get tired of saying how sanity-maintaining this resource is. I just got the J&J COVID19 vaccine 5 days ago and have had pretty constant dizziness for the last 3. Initially, it was pretty standard: headache and fatigue (which may just have been from lack of sleep from early flights). However, once that passed, I got new and improved w/d symptoms. I even went to an ENT physician to check if I had an inner ear thing but I don't. I just knew the inflammatory response or immune response or wvr from the vaccine would trigger something. I am only 3 months benzo-free after all.


As for allergies; I took cipro while still on benzos earlier in 2021 with no problem. Then post benzo, I had a reaction to IV cipro in the ER (dehydration from a fungal infection in my digestive system). It may be some other substance present in the IV version vs the oral version but they had to give me corticosteroids and an antihistamine.


I'm super afraid of meds rn. I didn't even take acetaminophen after the COVID19 vaccine. To be fair, I read you shouldn't take any meds if possible to optimize the immune response.


Thank you all for replying. I guess I should have gone a little more in depth. Since my benzo journey, I went from a person who had no trouble with any medication, to someone who is now allergic to penicillin, sulfa, and cipro. I have had countless adverse reactions to others, including tachycardia to prednisone and other steroids. I am terrified of taking anything new, but I knew for me this vaccine needed to happen. It scared me because it is new, but I did a lot of reading up on it and talked to a couple of the doctors I work with. Even though the vaccine is new, the technology has been around for over 10 years, mainly used in cancer patients to help shrink tumors. This is just the first opportunity that has arisen for it to be used in a vaccine. They were also working on a vaccine for SARS Covid-1 years ago when the SARS outbreak occurred, so they did have a good foundation to start with, it wasn’t exactly from square 1. It’s now been almost 48 hours. My arm pain is already gone. I did wake up tired this morning and with a mild dull headache but nothing that a nap won’t fix later. Several other that I know that had theirs more than a week ago mostly said by day 3 all side effect symptoms were gone so I am looking forward to tomorrow to see how it goes. Thank you all again, please believe I am with you all when it comes to fear of the vaccine. But I’m also one of the ones that had been up close and personal with covid patients and seen the effects of not just how the virus has worked on them but also what the families are going through. Getting the vaccine is a personal decision and I will respect them all, but keep in mind the risks/benefits. We will all get through this




Thank you for your very detailed post. Thank you so much for your work in the Frontlines.


The Covid 19 vaccine is a subject that is on my mind daily because I did not do well with the regular flu vaccine I got in October 2020.


I had, had a flu vaccine pre benzos with zero issues. I felt confident that I would have zero issues, especially since I was 19 months out from my last benzo and I was doing really well. I thought I would be writing a success story for Christmas.


Well, the flu vaccine gave me the typical flu like symptoms that many people get, but unfortunately it did not end there. The night I got it, I woke up at 3am with severe vertigo. I felt like I was going to pass out. I was so weak. My husband had to walk me to the bathroom. The next day these symptoms continued, and unfortunately they continued well beyond the 2-3 days that flu vaccine symptoms last. There were some people here on BB that suggested that it was an ingredient that I was sensitive to in the flu vaccine, but I know it was not. The pharmacist gave me a "stripped down" version of it.


I could tell it was my immune system being "fired up" (like a vaccine is supposed to do) because I could feel the "flu like" symptoms. Ufortunately a "fired up" immune system is not something my CNS can handle right now.


The set back lasted 2 months. It brought back one of my WD symptoms that was gone for 9 months that I thought was gone for good, which was debilitating vertigo. I couldn't lay flat in the bed etc. Feeling a bit of doom followed. I was having problems walking. I could not drive. These were things that were gone for 9 months before the flu vaccine. Other people on BB suggested a coincidental wave. I know they mean well. I wish that was the case. Then I would not be thinking that my CNS is still too sensitive for meds and such. It was not a coincidental wave. I had not had a wave for months.


With this setback I also got tachycardia that landed me in the ER.


There are many people here on BB that have gotten the regular flu vaccine with zero issues. I just was not so lucky.


This is a very scary subject for me, and of course for many, many other people. I want to take the Covid vaccine, but I don't know. And, the other crazy thing is that you have to get it twice.


I have the fortunate situation of working from home as well as my spouse. We don't have kids. We see no one. We do all curbside. We wear masks. Our "outings" are walks in the park, away from people. We live in a small town of about 1500 in rural America. My husband and I don't mind this way of living. We feel lucky we can do this.


I have been met with what feels like "bullying" not here on Benzo Buddies, but on other social media with people guilting those who can't take this covid vaccine because of medical reasons.


What a mess. I guess if my neighbors start getting it and it gets so very very much worse (Yes, I get that this next month or so will be bad). I mean if it's ripping through my neighborhood, I'm going to have to make a hard decision. I'm also 50, so not even sure when I'd be able to get it anyway.


We know people who have got Covid. Mostly fever for days. We've seen 70 & 80 year olds survive it, but we also know people in their 40's who struggled with difficulty breathing. One had an 02 sat of 82% !! He refused to go to the hospital because he did not want to end up on a vent. He's pulling through, but very slowly. I know Covid is serious.


I feel like the world is crazy & I have to turn it off. I can't watch it every day. But, I'm definitely watching here on BB for those who get this covid vaccine and how they do with it.


I understand your situation. You work with Covid patients.

We pray everyday that it is effective and safe.

We pray everyday for Frontline workers like you.


Please keep us updated.



Miss Fortitude here.


I'm sorry you're having a rough time with the Covid vaccine. Please do not let my reaction to the regular flu shot scare you. It did take me about 3 or 4 months to get back to baseline, but for a setback to last as long as mine did is rare. Also, I was not acutely ill the entire time. I still put up a Christmas tree, made holiday pies took short walks etc. There were rough days for sure, but it would wax and wane. I've been back to baseline for a few months now from that reaction to the flu shot , and even better than baseline.


I have more good days than bad. The vertigo did go away. It does come back sometimes, but not as bad. I've thought I was totally healed since that flu shot and was ready to write a success story, but I'm not quite there yet. I definitely do see "the light at the end of the tunnel" though.


I'm one of those med sensitive people. I will need to do all I can to be healthy and avoid any meds like antibiotics, etc as long as I can while I continue to heal. Of course I will never touch a psychotropic med.


You will get through this. Most people are better in several days. My case is extreme.


Hang in there. Be very very good to yourself. Be gentle with yourself.


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  • 3 weeks later...
I haven't been active on this site for quite a few years. I've been off of benzos for more than 10 years, now. But, I am very interested to know how people in benzo recovery and post benzo recovery react to the COVID vaccines. I come here, often, to do searches of various meds and supplements to see if anyone has had any adverse reactions to whatever meds or supplements I may be thinking of trying. If there's anything I've learned from my benzo experience, it's that I have to do my own research on meds and medical issues. I've moved more and more toward natural medicine since my own experience with benzos. I am concerned that the COVID vaccine might have long term health effects years down the line. But, I'd also like to know if anyone here who has the COVID vaccines, who have been fully vaccinated for a few months, have had any ongoing, noticeable side effects. My main concern with getting the vaccine would be having it flare up anxiety or depression.
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But, I'd also like to know if anyone here who has the COVID vaccines, who have been fully vaccinated for a few months, have had any ongoing, noticeable side effects. My main concern with getting the vaccine would be having it flare up anxiety or depression.


I got two doses of the Pfizer vaccine in March. The first shot produced a sore arm; the second some fatigue for a few days.


I've experienced no flare up of anxiety or depression, lamb.


Hope this helps.







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But, I'd also like to know if anyone here who has the COVID vaccines, who have been fully vaccinated for a few months, have had any ongoing, noticeable side effects. My main concern with getting the vaccine would be having it flare up anxiety or depression.


I've been healed from benzo withdrawal for years now and received my 2nd dose of Moderna in March. I had absolutely no withdrawal related issues due to the vaccine.


I had a sore arm and fatigue with the first dose and a stronger response with aches and chills and overall icky feeling with the 2nd. It lasted perhaps 2 days and went away.


As I've said many times before, I'll take these mild symptoms compared to what I might face by getting Covid.



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