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Sorry, but blaming Spungen for Sid's death and harshly not mourning hers strikes me as unbridled fandom IMHO.  He was an unapologetic  junkie with a unique presence and place in rock history who could barely play the bass - IMHO.  WBB
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I have my own opinion on this matter. I firmly believe it should be respected. Even if one does not agree with it. It should neither be sneered at nor derided, as an "unbridled fandom".


I wasn't speaking about Sid as a musician but as a self-destructive heroin addict. Whose life ended tragically and too soon.


I don't consider myself a "fan" of any rock star, FYI. These are just ordinary, talented human beings. Promoted and often annihilated by showbiz industry. If they're too sensitive. I like to listen to their music. This is all.


My post was not about Sid's guitar skills. But about the factors that IMO contributed to his death.


You disagree, fine. As to Nancy Spungen's death. Every second someone on this planet dies. Much more worthy to be mourned than her.


Just think twice before you label someone's thoughts and feelings in a nasty way.


"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." [soren Kierkegaard]

"Do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." [buddha]

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To avoid these kinds of spats I usually qualify- like in my other post - that it is my opinion.  You made assertions as if they're truths.  I disagree.  May both referenced individuals rest in peace.  WBB
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To avoid these kinds of spats I usually qualify- like in my other post - that it is my opinion.  You made assertions as if they're truths.  I disagree.  May both referenced individuals rest in peace.  WBB


The fourth paragraph of my post to Bets contains the words "IMO". I'm trying not to be repetitive. Whose opinion am I supposed to express, but my own? "I know that I know nothing", as Socrates once said. I feel very emotional about Sid's tragic life and self-destructiveness. I met many young ppl who were killed by heroin. It is a lifelong trauma.


Everyone has a perfect right to have their opinion on the issue of Sid & Nancy. They may treat Sid as a junkie who murdered Nancy, whatever. It's none of my business. I simply disagree. I actually happen to know a lot about the whole thing. Much more than I posted here. But I still express only my own point of view and respect that of others.


I've recently read a lot about toxic individuals and abusive relationships. Which also influenced my outlook on this issue to a great extent. Didn't mean to engage in any kind of dispute. I just feel very emotional about the whole story. I saw these things happen in my own life and will never forget them.


"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." [soren Kierkegaard]

"Do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." [buddha]

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You're right, WBB. Sid couldn't play the bass. He played only one song on the Sex Pistols album: "Bodies". Anyway, even "Bodies" were overdubbed by Steve Jones. That's why I'm able to listen to the album. There's almost no Sid there.


He was at the hospital with hepatitis-C (from his intravenous drug use) when the Sex Pistols recorded their only album. Steve Jones had to double on the bass duties as well as the guitar on all the tracks there. "Anarchy in the UK" was recorded with Glen Matlock on the bass. Already as a single.


Steve Jones owns the only Sid's guitar - Fender Precision Bass.


Sid was eager to learn to play bass, but his time was short. Both Steve Jones and Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead were trying to teach him. It takes practice and hard work, as everything. What stood in the way of Sid becoming a good bassist. Were IMO - heroin addiction and a destructive relationship with Spungen.


Nancy was diagnosed as a schizophrenic at the age of 15. Left her home at the age of 17 and moved to New York. She was working there as a stripper and a prostitute. She practically introduced Sid to heroin. He was already into substance abuse. Not into heroin. 


She was a groupie, following all the rock and punk bands in New York in the seventies. Her original goal was to seduce was Johnny Rotten. Johnny was too smart to pay attention to a lunatic.


Instead, she settled on Sid. Who was vulnerable and prone to attract toxic ppl and psychopaths. Again, IMO.


His solo career, after the Sex Pistols disbanded during their US tour, was sth very pathetic and disastrous. Nancy assumed the role of his "manager."


As to her death on Oct. 12, 1978, resulting from a single stab wound in the abdomen and lethal haemmorrhage. I think either she was fighting with drug dealers when Sid was unconscious. As there was robbery of both drugs and a substantial bankroll involved.


What saddens me the most. Spungen's family denied Sid's last wish, "to be buried next to his baby". She was buried in a Jewish cemetery in Pennsylvania. I'm tolerant of every religion, though I'm an atheist myself. I find Spungen's family attitude just cruel. Nancy was Sid's only illusion of love and her parents should have respected at least that. To me, love is more important than religion. Especially, that Spungen wasn't a follower of Judaism at any point in her life.


Luckily, Sid's mother and a small group of friends managed to gain entry into the cemetery and his mother tipped his ashes on top and Nancy's grave. I cannot believe someone doesn't respect a dying person's final wish. It hurts so much.


Just to close the subject once and for all. Sid's death left a wound in the hearts of many. Which starts bleeding when opened. And I'm talking about an ultimately self-destructive human being, whose life was cut way too short. Not about a musician.


In memoriam of John Simon Ritchie (10 May 1957 - 2 Feb. 1979):






The Verve "The Drugs Don't Work" (1997):









"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." [soren Kierkegaard]

"Do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." [buddha]

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BG - we must have rammed into each other in NYC at CBGBs -- I think I saw them there, too.  I was kind of in a black out for a decade.  I saw Lance Loud's band I think there, too.  Bunch of fun names back them. Lydia Lunch stands out.


Did you also go to Maxs' Kansas City then?  or Irving Plaza?  Or Squat Club. -- No New York was my era.




Yes we must have slammed into each other at some point, as I tried to go there anytime the Ramones played. Of course Max's Kansas City. And of course Washington Square. My fav. I have a pic of it in my photo album still. Too bad it's gone. I spent a bunch of time in the city as it was close by~~a train ride. I do recall seeing a naked man standing on his head in the subway. It didn't bother anyone of course ( as we all have seen far worse) but what interested the other riders was how long he could stay that way. After 5 stops he got up and left. The entire car got up and clapped for him and he took a naked bow. I think I was 16 or so and very naive. I'm not going to tell you my age but I am not collecting Social Security yet. lol. Yes I do agree you said IMO, if that matters anymore.

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You're right, WBB. Sid couldn't play the bass. He played only one song on the Sex Pistols album: "Bodies". Anyway, even "Bodies" were overdubbed by Steve Jones. That's why I'm able to listen to the album. There's almost no Sid there.


He was at the hospital with hepatitis-C (from his intravenous drug use) when the Sex Pistols recorded their only album. Steve Jones had to double on the bass duties as well as the guitar on all the tracks there. "Anarchy in the UK" was recorded with Glen Matlock on the bass. Already as a single.


Steve Jones owns the only Sid's guitar - Fender Precision Bass.


Sid was eager to learn to play bass, but his time was short. Both Steve Jones and Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead were trying to teach him. It takes practice and hard work, as everything. What stood in the way of Sid becoming a good bassist. Were IMO - heroin addiction and a destructive relationship with Spungen.


Nancy was diagnosed as a schizophrenic at the age of 15. Left her home at the age of 17 and moved to New York. She was working there as a stripper and a prostitute. She practically introduced Sid to heroin. He was already into substance abuse. Not into heroin. 


She was a groupie, following all the rock and punk bands in New York in the seventies. Her original goal was to seduce was Johnny Rotten. Johnny was too smart to pay attention to a lunatic.


Instead, she settled on Sid. Who was vulnerable and prone to attract toxic ppl and psychopaths. Again, IMO.


His solo career, after the Sex Pistols disbanded during their US tour, was sth very pathetic and disastrous. Nancy assumed the role of his "manager."


As to her death on Oct. 12, 1978, resulting from a single stab wound in the abdomen and lethal haemmorrhage. I think either she was fighting with drug dealers when Sid was unconscious. As there was robbery of both drugs and a substantial bankroll involved.


What saddens me the most. Spungen's family denied Sid's last wish, "to be buried next to his baby". She was buried in a Jewish cemetery in Pennsylvania. I'm tolerant of every religion, though I'm an atheist myself. I find Spungen's family attitude just cruel. Nancy was Sid's only illusion of love and her parents should have respected at least that. To me, love is more important than religion. Especially, that Spungen wasn't a follower of Judaism at any point in her life.


Luckily, Sid's mother and a small group of friends managed to gain entry into the cemetery and his mother tipped his ashes on top and Nancy's grave. I cannot believe someone doesn't respect a dying person's final wish. It hurts so much.


Just to close the subject once and for all. Sid's death left a wound in the hearts of many. Which starts bleeding when opened. And I'm talking about an ultimately self-destructive human being, whose life was cut way too short. Not about a musician.


In memoriam of John Simon Ritchie (10 May 1957 - 2 Feb. 1979):






The Verve "The Drugs Don't Work" (1997):









"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." [soren Kierkegaard]

"Do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." [buddha]

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Seems you know a lot about this so good for you. :thumbsup: I do recall when I covered the Hollywood Industry I told my boss never make me do a celeb interview. Of course I was to do so every once in a while and I hated it. I did like the best actors. You can tell who the are because they have a family and don't want to be on the front page on The National Enquirer. I once saw a coked out Charlie Sheen at a private party to promote one of his movies. I got sick to death of his terrible behavior so I told him to wipe his nose off and then check into Betty Ford. This must have been a coincidence because a week later we learned he did check in. His father is just so super nice and Emilio is not that bad. But some like that horrid Lindsey Lohan I could not stand to be around. She can't act her way through a paper bag and when she called up Stevie Nicks asking if it was OK to portray her in a movie about her Nicks told her to get lost and hung up on her. After recovering from the K C/T, she had it with drug addicts. I'm just waiting to see Lohan's obit any day now.

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The whole thing was about addiction. And dying young. Knew so many heroin addicts who were gone at a young age. Just recalling the whole story opened old wounds. Got hysterical, cried my eyes out.


He looked exactly like my first love. Maybe that's why I feel so strongly about him. As though I knew him in person. And he always reminds me of this self-destructive, dependent and weak part of my personality.


Glad this topic is closed. Too hurtful. Fortunately, one cannot hear him on Sex Pistols tracks. And I certainly don't want to see these vids anymore. Even Mick Jagger paid huge money to bail him out of jail after Nancy was stabbed.


"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." [soren Kierkegaard]

"Do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." [buddha]

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I love BOC:


Here's anther memorable one.


Don't Fear The Reaper.



One of my faves. Can definitely detect the "Don't Fear The Reaper" influence, big time.  :)

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I love BOC:


Here's anther memorable one.


Don't Fear The Reaper.



One of my faves. Can definitely detect the "Don't Fear The Reaper" influence, big time.  :)


OMG: It sounds so similar to DFTP. They must have loved that band, like we do.

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http://s1268.photobucket.com/component/Download-File?file=%2Falbums%2Fjj561%2FTooManyWastedDays%2FIMG_1125_zpsoq5v6ncy.jpg  http://s1268.photobucket.com/component/Download-File?file=%2Falbums%2Fjj561%2FTooManyWastedDays%2FIMG_1186_zps0foqyjiz.jpg



Were you just around the corner?

Did you think to try and warn her?

Or were you working on something new?

If there's an order

In all of this disorder

Is it like a tape recorder?

Can we rewind it just once more?"


U2 "Wake Up Dead Man" (1997): lyrics + music




In order to see the lyrics. You click on the small tab with the song's name in the right bottom corner of the screen. Lyrics & music are also accessible on "Songfacts".


To clarify matters. Cause I was once accused of offending someone's religious faith here. While I didn't even know anything about that faith. To me, this song is not about religion. I equally respect all religions, as well as agnosticism and atheism. I'm an atheist, though I'm trying to follow most Buddhist principles in my life.


My beliefs are also largely influenced by existentialism. And I understand the lyrics exactly according to this philosophical movement. I agree with a part of The Edge's interpretation of the lyrics in this respect: "You're on your own. Even in a crowd." Well, if you don't follow the herd, you're an outsider. Fine with me. I don't really give a damn what others think about me. And if they do. Waste of time and energy. To paraphrase Jess C. Scott: "People are sheep. Social sites are the shepherd."


U2 refer to God as Dead Man in this song. Makes me think of Friedrich Nietzsche's famous saying "God is dead". However, U2 certainly didn't have it in mind when they wrote the lyrics. Check out the "Songfacts" if you want to know their understanding of the song.


And to conclude my monologue in a less serious manner. Though I don't certainly feel like laughing. As Woody Allen once nicely put it: "God is silent. Now if only man would shut up."


"LOVE YOURSELF. While you've still got a chance." [Jen Sincero]

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." [soren Kierkegaard]

"Do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." [buddha]

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I like to dance to this tune. Aqualung. Jethro Tull. I once had a friend and asked her the name of the leader of this band, and she said Jethro Tull. lmao.


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I like to dance to this tune. Aqualung. Jethro Tull. I once had a friend and asked her the name of the leader of this band, and she said Jethro Tull. lmao.



Still trying to comprehend them winning best hard rock/metal category in '89............ ::) I mean please, over 'And justice for all'?  :idiot: And Anderson wasn't even there. Grammy's are a farse.

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I like to dance to this tune. Aqualung. Jethro Tull. I once had a friend and asked her the name of the leader of this band, and she said Jethro Tull. lmao.



Still trying to comprehend them winning best hard rock/metal category in '89............ ::) I mean please, over 'And justice for all'?  :idiot: And Anderson wasn't even there. Grammy's are a farse.


Never watch them. And the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has gotten so political it's not worth that either.

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I just saw Foghat last evening and we or all of the crowd was sooooo ready for Slowride. It was great the first concert I had been to for 5 years.
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