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3,2,1: Under 3 mg Valium people


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Hey Everyone -


I am at 1.78mg V and so decided to speed up my taper as I was feeling good...then got hit 10 days later and yesterday was rough so I have decided to slow down my taper.


These low doses are serious business and as much as I want to be OFF Valium, it's just going to take a while longer.


Hoping we all start to get better and better.




One day closer to being healed.

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Yes, for some of us these low doses are real tough. I guess for others, not so much.


I have tried speeding things up in the past but it always backfired on me and so I just listen to my body and plug along ever so slowly.

If I could hide away in my bed and suffer threw it maybe I could make it work but I have to keep the appearance of being normal.


You keep going along at a pace that suits you and you’ll be fine! 👍


Take care




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The ringing ears for me comes and goes so not too bad at this point in time. My worst time is on waking.

On waking I have stomach upset caused I think by excess acid so I take a Zantac for that also my shoulders and neck muscles are all hunched and stiff in the morning.

For this I use muscle rub and meditate to try to relax them.

I have to get up at 7 every morning even though I am retired  because I have look after my sons giant dog when he goes to work so no sleeping in.  :-[

I used to get sxs after a cut that would last for a time then ebb away now they just hang around all the time.

It all makes for some mild anxiety but anxiety has been my mildest issue. It’s the physical stuff that drags me down so.

My wife just doesn’t understand and so I try to hide all this from her.


Let’s hope we all heal in time and put this chapter of our lives behind us. 👍




It's harder on us older folks, I think. But I've read so many success stories even from retirees, so I believe we will heal.  :thumbsup:

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I think speeding up a taper isn't something I want to try.... I've had many bumps in my taper with a lot of holds ( some lasting about a month).  I found most of my sxs will ease up over time but I had doubts sometimes.

Reading everyone's post, I think we all experience the same withdrawals.  I woke up this morning with GI issues, then here comes the ringing in the ears, I think my body is saying slow down and hold a few days.

Last night I was complaining to my wife about my feet muscles cramping up and just like said above, spouses just don't understand what we go through. She made a few comments about Oh my feet do that all the time... that's not what's causing your muscles to cramp.... I said you sound like my doctor...lol


Happy healing everyone.

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Hey Everyone -


I am at 1.78mg V and so decided to speed up my taper as I was feeling good...then got hit 10 days later and yesterday was rough so I have decided to slow down my taper.


These low doses are serious business and as much as I want to be OFF Valium, it's just going to take a while longer.


Hoping we all start to get better and better.




One day closer to being healed.


That's helpful to know. I've been wondering how long it takes for cuts to hit on slow benzos. On DLMT, the pattern is not obvious. I'll watch for that 10 day mark.

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I think speeding up a taper isn't something I want to try.... I've had many bumps in my taper with a lot of holds ( some lasting about a month).  I found most of my sxs will ease up over time but I had doubts sometimes.

Reading everyone's post, I think we all experience the same withdrawals.  I woke up this morning with GI issues, then here comes the ringing in the ears, I think my body is saying slow down and hold a few days.

Last night I was complaining to my wife about my feet muscles cramping up and just like said above, spouses just don't understand what we go through. She made a few comments about Oh my feet do that all the time... that's not what's causing your muscles to cramp.... I said you sound like my doctor...lol

Happy healing everyone.


I can so relate to this! No point in telling people about a symptom, they just say they have the same/similar problems. Not! I think only those who have been through this understand. I'm so glad for this forum.



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Along this long miserable path, I have had holds as long as 3 months. Sometimes it took that long to return to some semblance of baseline. Other times I had to travel and be away for multiple weeks on vacations and so on.

I’m sure if we all will be patient and let time pass we will heal as we taper.


The morning are bad because that’s when our bodies naturally start to release adrenaline. This amplifies every sxs we have and so yeh mornings suck!


I find just understanding the mechanics or chemistry of what’s going on helps settle the nerves somewhat.

We are highly over sensitive in this state and as Im sure we have all experienced at times of drama or trauma we tend to sink into sxs even more. That’s because our bodies over react to stimuli of any kind good or bad.


Listening to quiet music or talks on how to navigate threw anxiety help.


Stay strong all!



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I simply must jump in and say - I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND!!  there are no words to adequately describe/explain what we go through and experience.  It honestly takes one to know one and been there done that thing.  To even attempt to express what this is like would be a huge failure on my part........... I just fumble my way through with blubblering sounds that make no since and then I say to my loved ones, see I told you it is just unbelievable what this is like.

Yet, aren't we beyond thankful that our loved ones are unable to empathize with this experience. I would not wish this on my worst nightmare of a human being. I think it could easily be considered a form of torture to extract information from an enemy.  :o

Anywho, moving onto another topic - GARD,  I tend to notice my eyes start twitching within 2 days of a cut and then other symptoms ramp up over the course of several days. ( esp. muscles spasms,  and bloating)  So by day 7 - 8 I know that I have made a cut. It generally takes me to day 14 to return to my yucky baseline to do it all over again. 

All in all each tiny crumb of a cut or DMT is progress and we are forging ahead to freedom and healing!!!!!!  :smitten:

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Wow you are doing so well and you have been at this a long time like me.


You give me needed confidence that this is doable!


In my case I get hit between day 10-13 always varies, then a have a week or so of bad sxs then it starts to settle.


Except this time I seem to be cycling through sxs then a short rest-bit then sxs again.


You are almost done, so happy for you. 👍



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I think speeding up a taper isn't something I want to try.... I've had many bumps in my taper with a lot of holds ( some lasting about a month).  I found most of my sxs will ease up over time but I had doubts sometimes.

Reading everyone's post, I think we all experience the same withdrawals.  I woke up this morning with GI issues, then here comes the ringing in the ears, I think my body is saying slow down and hold a few days.

Last night I was complaining to my wife about my feet muscles cramping up and just like said above, spouses just don't understand what we go through. She made a few comments about Oh my feet do that all the time... that's not what's causing your muscles to cramp.... I said you sound like my doctor...lol

Happy healing everyone.


I can so relate to this! No point in telling people about a symptom, they just say they have the same/similar problems. Not! I think only those who have been through this understand. I'm so glad for this forum.


No one and I mean no one can even relate to what we are going through.... EX.  my doctor said you should be able to cut from 1 mg to .5....just do it on a weekend so you won't feel it come Monday.... WOW.

Freaking doctors are clueless when it come to benzo withdrawal.  Luckily we can come here, read and share each others experiences or we would all be basket cases.

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I think speeding up a taper isn't something I want to try.... I've had many bumps in my taper with a lot of holds ( some lasting about a month).  I found most of my sxs will ease up over time but I had doubts sometimes.

Reading everyone's post, I think we all experience the same withdrawals.  I woke up this morning with GI issues, then here comes the ringing in the ears, I think my body is saying slow down and hold a few days.

Last night I was complaining to my wife about my feet muscles cramping up and just like said above, spouses just don't understand what we go through. She made a few comments about Oh my feet do that all the time... that's not what's causing your muscles to cramp.... I said you sound like my doctor...lol

Happy healing everyone.


I can so relate to this! No point in telling people about a symptom, they just say they have the same/similar problems. Not! I think only those who have been through this understand. I'm so glad for this forum.


No one and I mean no one can even relate to what we are going through.... EX.  my doctor said you should be able to cut from 1 mg to .5....just do it on a weekend so you won't feel it come Monday.... WOW.

Freaking doctors are clueless when it come to benzo withdrawal.  Luckily we can come here, read and share each others experiences or we would all be basket cases.


:o:nono::brickwall::tickedoff::-\:idiot:      words fail me so I am letting the emoji's speak..................

however, on the flip side, you will be able to return to said doctor one day soon and share the 'rest of the story' and hopefully he/she will listen and learn. You may just be the one who will help educate them and that in turn will be helping many others as well.  :smitten:

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I think speeding up a taper isn't something I want to try.... I've had many bumps in my taper with a lot of holds ( some lasting about a month).  I found most of my sxs will ease up over time but I had doubts sometimes.

Reading everyone's post, I think we all experience the same withdrawals.  I woke up this morning with GI issues, then here comes the ringing in the ears, I think my body is saying slow down and hold a few days.

Last night I was complaining to my wife about my feet muscles cramping up and just like said above, spouses just don't understand what we go through. She made a few comments about Oh my feet do that all the time... that's not what's causing your muscles to cramp.... I said you sound like my doctor...lol

Happy healing everyone.


I can so relate to this! No point in telling people about a symptom, they just say they have the same/similar problems. Not! I think only those who have been through this understand. I'm so glad for this forum.


No one and I mean no one can even relate to what we are going through.... EX.  my doctor said you should be able to cut from 1 mg to .5....just do it on a weekend so you won't feel it come Monday.... WOW.

Freaking doctors are clueless when it come to benzo withdrawal.  Luckily we can come here, read and share each others experiences or we would all be basket cases.


:o:nono::brickwall::tickedoff::-\:idiot:      words fail me so I am letting the emoji's speak..................



You took the words right out of my mouth! And I'll add  :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went down from 2mg to 1mg a little less than a week ago. I'm feeling pretty unwell, but trying to remind myself that the worst of my withdrawal symptoms during my previous tapers have passed after 2-4 weeks. I hope this time will be similar if not better. :/


I wasn't ready to taper. I had a traumatic event & a family death in December of 2018. I just went through a hormonal roller coaster from hell after trying a new birth control for 3 months. I am in the middle of my spring semester of university. I had to quit my job due to some health issues that came to a head last month. I was just beginning to feel like I could go back to work, so I began looking for work once again. Now I definitely don't feel capable of going back to work. I can barely drive without having panic attacks.

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At just under 0.8 valium, I am dry cutting 5% every 2 weeks regardless. Holding has never helped me, nor other methods. Hoping to jump at 0.5
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At just under 0.8 valium, I am dry cutting 5% every 2 weeks regardless. Holding has never helped me, nor other methods. Hoping to jump at 0.5


Hey there!


Good for you...this is a very reasonable taper, especially for a sensitive user like yourself. When I jumped @ .5mg I felt no different than when I was tapering. For me,  the fear caused more issues than the actual jump  :wacko:


Go for it and try to expect anything other than a gradual reduction in symptoms through out the healing process.

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At just under 0.8 valium, I am dry cutting 5% every 2 weeks regardless. Holding has never helped me, nor other methods. Hoping to jump at 0.5


Hey there!


Good for you...this is a very reasonable taper, especially for a sensitive user like yourself. When I jumped @ .5mg I felt no different than when I was tapering. For me,  the fear caused more issues than the actual jump  :wacko:


Go for it and try to expect anything other than a gradual reduction in symptoms through out the healing process.


Thanks for sharing this Bella. :smitten:

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At just under 0.8 valium, I am dry cutting 5% every 2 weeks regardless. Holding has never helped me, nor other methods. Hoping to jump at 0.5


Hey there!


Good for you...this is a very reasonable taper, especially for a sensitive user like yourself. When I jumped @ .5mg I felt no different than when I was tapering. For me,  the fear caused more issues than the actual jump  :wacko:


Go for it and try to expect anything other than a gradual reduction in symptoms through out the healing process.


Thanks for sharing this Bella. :smitten:



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I've been holding at .6 for about a week, really noticing some old sxs coming back with my stomach, the same sxs that I was put on the benzo librax in the first place about 3 yrs ago.

My stomach ( not my intestines) has a burning feeling along with nerve pain. I had it so bad before benzos that I was taking everything thinking I has an ulcer.

Hope this eases up cause like Chenka , I'm about ready to jump soon.

Hopefully in the next month , I'm jumping.

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Looks like I'm going to taper fast to the end, my brand (Mylan) of Diazepam is on back order again.  :tickedoff:

I still have some liquid if I need it but hopefully I got this.......

Thanks for words of encouragement Bella, Gardener. :)

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Looks like I'm going to taper fast to the end, my brand (Mylan) of Diazepam is on back order again.  :tickedoff:

I still have some liquid if I need it but hopefully I got this.......

Thanks for words of encouragement Bella, Gardener. :)


I'm sorry to hear about the back order. But you're so close it probably won't matter. Hope to be so close that I won't need to worry about my script soon. I find myself getting more and more impatient and wanting to jump the lower I get. I wonder if that's common or if I'm just nuts!

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