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3,2,1: Under 3 mg Valium people


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Also Hope - you did get stable even if it took 3 months and you are way down from 30mg - that is 2/3 of the battle won. You should be happy about that. I did the same thing going from 10mg to 3mg - too fast and my CNS is now playing catch up, but we did it and we will move forward. I've even had windows - a sign that my CNS is accepting healing. You will have lots of windows and now you are going slow. We just need to stay strong and keep fighting for freedom from these nasty pills.
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You are one of the sweetest men I've ever known.  I thought my hubby was but you are pretty up there!  Your wife is a lucky gal I have to say!


  Thank you for your compassion and encouragement.  I Pray you are correct.  The deal with Builder is that he was also on Beta Blockers (which I cannot take) and he was on Remeron (which I cannot take bcuz I found out it has dyes in it).  That would help and he may be a lot tougher and less sensitive than I am. 


Seems so to me.  Geez, I have a friend who is now 83, he has had THREE OPEN HEART SURGERIES and he STILL has more energy than I DO! 


He built a Gazebo last summer.  He has bruises all over his body from the Blood thinners they are giving him.  He also had back problems and had to have a special instrument put in his spine to block the pain in his nerves.  But he is not the kind to sit around.  I honestly don't believe I could go through all that and survive like he has and he's always pleasant!!!


  But I'm trusting in the Lord and that has helped me with my sleep.  I listened to Scripture last night when I was awake all night and thought good thoughts.  Best way when we have no other choice at least for me that is.


  Your compassion and encouragements in the midst of your own suffering amazing and admirable to me and I am sure to so many others who know you.

I will keep you in my prayers to get through this soon.


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Thank you Hope - praying and God helps me through this too - we have to surrender ourselves and accept that we will be OK. You have a great attitude and spirit. You will do great.


As a side note, Remeron is not great. I never took it but considered it and then read the Remeron support group where people describe getting off Remeron like it's a benzo - we do NOT want to do that, even if it buys you a few hours extra of sleep. I tried Trazadone, Remeron's evil cousin - first night i got more sleep than I had in weeks, the second night i woke up at 4:30am and wanted to jump off a bridge and the whole day was awful  - a wave. And that was a low dose taken right before bed to sleep. Not for me. We need to do this without more drugs. And I am learning that supplements won't help either. Faith and time are our cures for this horrible pill.


We also have each other. It's odd but great to feel so connected and compassionate to others on this forum, sometimes I don't even know how old someone is and have to look to see if they are male or female. I often wonder what people look like in real life or what their real name is...I of course respect the choice to be anonymous but it's funny to communicate with people with just screen names...do you ever think that?

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I do think that sometimes.  I am 5'1"  I was 5'1 and 3/4th inch but lost the 3/4th inch lol.  I have blonde hair and dark green eyes. I have not gone grey yet.

I am small boned, which is really not so good as you grow older.  Better to have bigger, stronger bones.  I've always envied tall ladies and wished I was taller.  Instead of looking like a weeble.  But I have gained weight now 105lbs. since my hold and that is a good sign. 


My hubby is 6'2".  He likes little women I guess ...lol.  I am glad he does!!  This has been very hard on him and I try to encourage him as much as possible. 


Yes, as sensitive as I am to medication and my history of going into Anaphalactic Shock from dyes on pills, I'd rather just not take the risk.  Even though I am envying those who have been able to go on them and adjust well to them to get them through this terrible taper.


  I am sorry you had a bad night.....I know what that's like from my past history with other meds before Benzos.  It's awful.


    Yes, we have each other.  You'll be over this long before I will but I will do my very best to encourage you as much as I can. 


  As I said, I heard this is the hardest part, but I know you can do this and get through it.  You are strong in your heart and mind, I know you will get through it and we are all here to help you through all the way dear friend. :hug:

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I want to give you all hope. Yes it is no picnic to get off of these drugs - and yes you will have s/x and to be frank you will have them even when you are off - somewhat of a roller coaster BUT each day that you are off you will feel better until you are pretty much healed and sometimes, though rarely your body reminds you what you went through before, to make you so glad you are off all benzos. 


Every single one of my buddies who I tapered with and got off- are all fine- I know because we still keep in touch off of BB and are enjoying living our lives again.


If it were me, and it was I would just keep going to get off slowly and safely since until you are free of the benzo most of us, not all, do not heal. 

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Thank you Hope - how lucky that you are blonde and no grey - women must be so envious of you! And you save money at the hair salon to boot! I am green eyed too :) And 6'1 so close to your hubbie (who sounds great and very supportive).


We will get through this and be better than we ever were before. I plan to be like Builder and stay around when I heal and try and help people (though I will never be able to plan liquid tapers - math is not my thing). So I will be around when you heal and throughout your whole taper and I am here for you 100% 24/7 (I wake up at 4:30am usually, sadly - so I am available more than regular folks).


Let's be happy we can't handle Remeron or Trazadone - it would just be one more pill to worry about and taper from.


So glad we became buddies Hope.


Pete :)



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I joined 2 days ago the glorious under 3mg club.


I haven't had any problems on the way down from 10mg aside from some insomnia and a dreadful grey super low energy month during the crossover from Xanax last August. As you can see in my sig I have taken it slow, no need to stress yourself. Since the first week of January Ive undertaken a 90 day alcohol free challenge and really believe this is helping with healing.


Great to be in the club and I hope it continues smoothly.



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I am liquid tapering 1mg of Valium. (I take 2mg in tablet form)


I use a 10ml syringe and in a 6 days have gone from the 9 mark to the 3 mark (no problems doing this day to day).


I thought this meant I was going from 2.99mg to 2.93mg in 6 days BUT now I am wondering if in fact I went from 2.9mg-2.3mg in 6 days.


Should I have been also using the smaller 1ml syringe?


The batch I made is 400ml total with 40mg of Valium in it... (was meant to be for 14 days using all liquid but decided to do 2mg in pills and taper 1mg in liquid)


Help please. I am NOT good with numbers or syringes.



Good news if I have been decreasing this amount and feel stable, still good news if I have been doing it right)



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Thank you so much cantfly for sharing your thoughts and expertise!


I see you finished the last 0.5mg in 1 yr. Congratulations to be drug free! I can imagine the hardship and willpower it takes!


How did you taper and how did go ?  I hope your last step was a smooth walking off.


How are you feeling now?


Sending healing vibes and a big hug!


Im doing ok thanks... :) -I pill split as per sig(ish)

So many non benzo things to consider in my situation that it gets hard to explain...  But yes, I jumped from a good position, and wasnt hit too hard... -Not insignificant either though... Different perhaps...

I have other meds and recent tapers in the mix...


Hope it all goes well for you too...






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I am liquid tapering 1mg of Valium. (I take 2mg in tablet form)


I use a 10ml syringe and in a 6 days have gone from the 9 mark to the 3 mark (no problems doing this day to day).


I thought this meant I was going from 2.99mg to 2.93mg in 6 days BUT now I am wondering if in fact I went from 2.9mg-2.3mg in 6 days.

Should I have been also using the smaller 1ml syringe?


The batch I made is 400ml total with 40mg of Valium in it... (was meant to be for 14 days using all liquid but decided to do 2mg in pills and taper 1mg in liquid)


Help please. I am NOT good with numbers or syringes.



Good news if I have been decreasing this amount and feel stable, still good news if I have been doing it right)




You did... If you prepared your large batch 10ml=1mg; each line equals 1ml or .10mg; so if you went from the "9 mark to the 3 mark in 6 days"  you have reduced 6ml or .60mgs. The reason you probably feel fine is due to the way Valium is metabolized. It has a long half life and cuts may not be felt for up to 6 weeks (for a slow metabolizer).Go back up and start again  :thumbsup:


If you are going to combine tablets with the liquid using a 10ml=1mg solution this is how you would do (you could do it with a 10ml syringe if you have the right one)


Day 1: 1 - 2mg tablet plus 9ml (using large 10ml syringe) and .90 ml(using the 1ml syringe)

Day 2: 1 - 2mg tablet plus 9ml (using large 10ml syringe) and .80 ml(using the 1ml syringe)

Day 3: 1 - 2mg tablet plus 9ml (using large 10ml syringe) and .70 ml(using the 1ml syringe)

Day 4: 1 - 2mg tablet plus 8ml (using large 10ml syringe) and .60 ml(using the 1ml syringe)

Day 5: 1 - 2mg tablet plus 8ml (using large 10ml syringe) and .50 ml(using the 1ml syringe)



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Hi Bella,


I want to avoid going back up if I don't have to...I have a very fast metabolism actually so was going to hold at 2mg for a week or two or longer and make sure that I am stable then do 10% every 2 weeks until I jump...thoughts?


I have been handling a pretty fast taper so far. I went from 10mg to 3mg from early October to late January and had very few s/x. I did feel cruddy when I got to 2.5 so went back up to 3mg and held for 3 weeks but never felt better so started the DLMT (and because i am SO bad at math, went from 3mg to 2.3 in a week).


So kind of stuck as to what to do...was planning on holding at 2mg when I get there (going slower) and then holding until I feel good enough to keep tapering.



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Hi Bella,


I want to avoid going back up if I don't have to...I have a very fast metabolism actually so was going to hold at 2mg for a week or two or longer and make sure that I am stable then do 10% every 2 weeks until I jump...thoughts?


I have been handling a pretty fast taper so far. I went from 10mg to 3mg from early October to late January and had very few s/x. I did feel cruddy when I got to 2.5 so went back up to 3mg and held for 3 weeks but never felt better so started the DLMT (and because i am SO bad at math, went from 3mg to 2.3 in a week).


So kind of stuck as to what to do...was planning on holding at 2mg when I get there (going slower) and then holding until I feel good enough to keep tapering.





That should work if you hold long enough. If I were in your shoes I would hold now. Treat this a 20% drop ...as a "cut & hold", waiting until you are sure you have metabolized the cut. Past is an indicator of future... if you suffered from going to fast in the recent past, it is more than likely to happen again (if you taper to fast)..... just food for thought...

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Thanks Bella. I am going to hold here and see what happens.


I was fine the whole taper (I followed Ashton before I knew about a DLMT and cut 1mg every 7-10 days from 10mg to 3mg. Then I went to 2.5 and got hit right away so went back up to 3mg, held for a month, never felt stable or slightly better and started the DLMT.


I agree that holding here is smart. And hopefully I won't be bitten. I've been pretty darn lucky with my taper so far as I only have 3 s/x (brain/cog fog, waking up too early and that morning "chemical/toxic" body anxiety). I've also had great windows the whole time coming down which I think is a good sign and the only really bad waves have come from 1 night of Benadryl and 2 nights of Trazadone (small dose for sleep - first night helped, 2nd night I felt AWFUL the next day and will never take Trazadone again.). So going from that, I think holding here is smart then when ready I can taper slowly to 2mg and on down. I always feel fine every night - like 85% myself.


Sorry to give so much history but it helps me to type it all out too and see where I was and where i am now.


Thank you again for your help. You are always such a great support on the forum.  :smitten:

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HI, I am now at 1.25mg Valium and am doing well. It's been such a long, arduous journey. Good luck to all!!!  :thumbsup:


Hi hiking,

I'm glad to hear you are doing well!


Did you reinstate? I saw you jumped in 2016.

Can you share your experience after that?


Sending healing vibes to you.


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Barbara - Both Trazadone and Reneron are sometimes used as sleeping pills in low doses even though they are ADs.


I had a bad experience with Trazadone which I wrote about in the "Other Medications" board.


I would stay away from them personally.

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Greatest pins and needles and muscle aches day1 and insane numbness and terrifying head sxs day2 after a 0.02mg (4%Cut) from 0.52mg to 0.5mg, was truly feeling dying. Days 3 burning pain allover but somewhat more tolerable.


It has been almost impossible to cut since down to 0.6 mg. Still can't believe I made it to 0.5 from 0.6 in 2.5 months.


Desparate when thinking how much more of the death trip before freedom. Only been on 2.5mg v since august 2018 and for 5 wks before fast taper.


Anyone found the extreme difficult taper at low dose ?

Will try DMT after stabilizing, like 0.002mg.

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4mom - you are getting so close. Are you jumping at 0? I would definitely consider a DLMT to go down - much smoother and the cuts every day are miniscule.
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Hi soberhope!


Thank you for chiming in and the word of encouragement!

Unfortunately, this tiny amount is stool a mountain for me.


I was able to tough out the big cuts initially until round 0.6mg then got really stuck.


I went through a 5 yr lexapro taper and it strengthened me with very high endurance with the pain and insane sxs but this valium is such a beast. From just couple days on it I was like a total Crap with a lost mind in so many extreme suffering.


My system was super sensitized before v by lex taper, reacting to msg, artificial sweeteners, supplements in a huge way already. It may be the reason my body just can't handle this powerful poison in any amount.


I don't know what to do anymore, as nothing can be predictable in this war against these poisons. I have been total bed ridden since day 5 on valium even before tapering. The side effects was very deliberating until I dropped dose quickly until like now, which caused severe and acute wd. I'm still dealing with side effects even it's not as strong as before but it catches up quickly if I hold doses.


How are you doing?


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Hi 4mom!


I just am about to respond to your PM...


I'm doing OK, not great. My Saturday night is a headache and brain fog and fatigue - pretty average in the land of benzos.


Did your doctor switch you to Valium? I wish I had more answers for you. You are on a low dose. You're doing a DLMT right?


Builder is a good person to talk to - he really knows his stuff.


Going to respond now to your PM. hang in there - we are all in this together.

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Hi soberHope,

Thanks for getting back to my PM! I’m glad we are connected in a more direct way!


I’m so sorry you are in pain too today! Hope you feel better soon!


Well, I asked my doc for Valium (want to kill myself all these past 6 months for such a deadly stupid action after years battling with lecapro] for severe muscle spasm and contraction caused by a severe back injury.


No, I haven’t started DLMT yet. I dropped 50% couple times from 2.5mg down to 0.6 in just 5 weeks then found the WD is totally unbearable since then to even reduce 0.02mg.


I just cut 3 days ago and in the most intense pain since then. I will have to hold until sxs lessened to tolerable level before resuming taper. Will try 0.002 mg to start.


Thanks for your kindest support! It really helps even the pain is the same bad.


Talk soon again,

4 mom

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You are smart to go slow 4mom - slow is the best way to win this battle. My head fog has eased up...nights are usually best for me too.


This morning was rough though. It's so hard to start the day off feeling bad but then usually the day gets better and better.


Hope you are having a great Saturday night!

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Greatest pins and needles and muscle aches day1 and insane numbness and terrifying head sxs day2 after a 0.02mg (4%Cut) from 0.52mg to 0.5mg, was truly feeling dying. Days 3 burning pain allover but somewhat more tolerable.


It has been almost impossible to cut since down to 0.6 mg. Still can't believe I made it to 0.5 from 0.6 in 2.5 months.


Desparate when thinking how much more of the death trip before freedom. Only been on 2.5mg v since august 2018 and for 5 wks before fast taper.


Anyone found the extreme difficult taper at low dose ?

Will try DMT after stabilizing, like 0.002mg.

Yes. I cut .2 V last August and am still holding (after slight updose) at 1.54 and not totally stable, though I am getting there. I definitely feel .02 cuts - I know we are all different and have read a bunch of posts by people thinking they will just soldier off in spite of symptoms at low doses but I am going to keep holding for a bit longer to see if I can't get back to where I was before this cut....I like that "death trip" phrase. Captures what we are experiencing. Best of luck


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