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Never....do you ever get the heavy body feeling ...like its so heavy and weakness feeling....this is unbelievable .....


TM.....Oh my goodness yes!  Since I came off the drug more or less CT, I`ve had just about every symptom going.  Slowly some of them have left but things like the heavy body feeling still show up occasionally. 


The pain though is my core sx, if that went I`m hoping the rest of this will be easier.


My doctor has prescribed Lyrica/pregabalin and I`m tempted to try the smallest dose. How long do we suffer without trying these things?


Ang111....Yes, I had pain in my left hip at one time and I was convinced it was cancer, nothing less than cancer could have hurt so badly!!  The pain moved somewhere else the next day!

We really cant make this crap up.

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I get hip pain too....I really don't know how I make it though some days....I wish I could find some sort of pain therapy...I really don't want to take anymore pills of any kind but these nerve pains can just drive me to my wits end....when you can't get comfortable all day what do you guys find that helps you to relax any kind of mediation or anything that's helpful if so please share




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Well the full body nerve pain has been replaced by every muscle feeling like rocks and creating so much pressure in my body and the mental agony is horrific. I swear I could live with the pain rather than feel like I'm going insane and about to lose my mind. The terror this causes is worse than any pain I have experienced. At least I can sit and watch TV on an evening with the pain and it distracts somewhat or even going for a walk helps the nerve pain. I'm seriously thinking I must have lyme disease that is attacking me neurologically, I have constant pressure, tightness in my scalp, pulling my ears and making me dizzy and I've just walked to get some water down the corridor and I feel not in this world . Working with this shit is becoming intolerable, worse torture than anything I can imagine, yet the fear at home alone is worse!! Please tell me anyone who can relate to this, I'm losing the will. I thought yesterday was hard with the pain, but no way! I never thought I would be posting like this when I joined here. I'm literally scared out of my wits, that I'm not going to make it.
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Marj.....I feel the same way....I've got pain from my mouth to my hiatus hernia....so much chest pressure it's taking my breath away...I can feel muscles contracting in different areas it just moves around which sends me into an anxiety mess....I can't believe this is all benzo....oh I've been tested for Lymes  four times in doctors office and I also did the Igenex lymes test everyone is normal so I'd bet on it that you don't have lymes but  every symptoms I have falls into lymes symptoms the teeth thing is a lymes symptom...but hey I went as far as removing my silicone implants only to make me worse...I know that feeling where you can't feel relaxed and settled anywhere I feel I focus In on that and when I'm awake half of the night I wonder how all other benzo buddies do it...I woke up at three with chest tightness then I turned and my arm started that pain crap...teeth and jaw tight...and I cant cry I'm in pain and not one tear....I'm so sorry everyone...I'm not doing so good today...gosh I should of done a slow taper...maybe things wouldn't of been this bad if I'd known of proper taper




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Never....do you ever get the heavy body feeling ...like its so heavy and weakness feeling....this is unbelievable .....


TM.....Oh my goodness yes!  Since I came off the drug more or less CT, I`ve had just about every symptom going.  Slowly some of them have left but things like the heavy body feeling still show up occasionally. 


The pain though is my core sx, if that went I`m hoping the rest of this will be easier.


My doctor has prescribed Lyrica/pregabalin and I`m tempted to try the smallest dose. How long do we suffer without trying these things?


Ang111....Yes, I had pain in my left hip at one time and I was convinced it was cancer, nothing less than cancer could have hurt so badly!!  The pain moved somewhere else the next day!

We really cant make this crap up.


Lyrica is nasty NCT. Be careful and do your research

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Marj.....I feel the same way....I've got pain from my mouth to my hiatus hernia....so much chest pressure it's taking my breath away...I can feel muscles contracting in different areas it just moves around which sends me into an anxiety mess....I can't believe this is all benzo....oh I've been tested for Lymes  four times in doctors office and I also did the Igenex lymes test everyone is normal so I'd bet on it that you don't have lymes but  every symptoms I have falls into lymes symptoms the teeth thing is a lymes symptom...but hey I went as far as removing my silicone implants only to make me worse...I know that feeling where you can't feel relaxed and settled anywhere I feel I focus In on that and when I'm awake half of the night I wonder how all other benzo buddies do it...I woke up at three with chest tightness then I turned and my arm started that pain crap...teeth and jaw tight...and I cant cry I'm in pain and not one tear....I'm so sorry everyone...I'm not doing so good today...gosh I should of done a slow taper...maybe things wouldn't of been this bad if I'd known of proper taper





Thanks TM, I think I'm just losing it today and with Christmas and everything....... another one!!! Just cried at work again, i don't care. I honestly don't think a slow taper would have made any difference. From what I've been told, it just makes the beginning worse hell if you CT. Ian did and he said he could not even write his name, but he made it, albeit quicker, but he had back to back mental and physical hell for ages. Plus I tapered, I know I went from 6 to 4 mg of valium, which was probably too fast but who knows, could have done a micro taper and be the same. I think we have to be thankful (yes I say this word and want to spit), that we are this far and not at the beginning. We're just unlucky, some are more fortunate. Yes the tightness and burning is horrible and our minds just freak out. Honestly you have no idea how you saying you've been tested helps. My mind takes me down a rabbit hole of terror, I hate that more than anything. The thing is we need a break so badly, maybe we will heal quickly, once it starts!!!! Apparently it happens. Hang in there TM with me, my sweet, kind friend

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I’m reading this thread with great interest, but also sadness for all of you – and myself.


Although I’ve been off Ativan for over seventeen months and making steady progress, the lumbar spine-related burning pain that began in my feet (and predated psych drugs) has now spread way beyond the areas governed by the compromised lower spinal nerves, reaching the pelvis and now my forearms.


Per Lockie’s warning, I am convinced that this exacerbation is the result of four months of taking Lyrica for the lumbar nerve pain, and then stopping (a few months ago).


While I don’t believe the months of Lyrica interfered with my healing post-benzo, it certainly created a huge new misery for me, which is heightened sensitivity to pain. It’s simply unbelievable.


I’m trying to weather it out, but I can tell you first hand, everything the neurologist gave me to fight pain has come back to bite me with exponential rebound pain.


If you read Lockie’s link (above), I have to say that almost all of the Lyrica withdrawal symptoms listed have clobbered me with tenfold suffering, and I’m sorry I ever believed that it was safe to try to alleviate my original level of pain.


Still trying to fight through this new circle of Hell, but I hope my buddies here will weigh the risks heavily before heading down a new path of drug ‘therapy.’ Yikes.

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I have th foot, pelvic, lower back and elbow nerve pain now but not from lyrica.


I did take lyrica many years ago and when they doubled my dose it made me suicidal. I had to be hospitalized because of it and they put me on Ativan for a week to get me off of it. That and other things led to me getting back on benzos for the third time. I don’t recommend lyrica at all.

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So sorry, Leslie, I know Lyrica is abused, I watched something on TV about it. I was once offered it for anxiety, thank God I refused, would probably be in a worse mess than I am now!



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My dear fellow f*cked-up-spine-friend.


I’m so sorry you are suffering like this.  When my spine decides to act up, it radiates randomly to god-forsaken regions too.  Regions I never knew existed until this mess.  You will be okay.  You relaxed your muscles and nerves with the Lyrica, maybe, and now you could be feeling the rebound.  It will all settle down soon.  Your pain will turn to soreness, then a dull ache.  Eventually, after your nerves take a few more swipes at you, the pain will disappear.  This is all healing that’s going on.  And it sucks Santa’s d*ck.  I certainly won’t.





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Ok.....help........does anyone else with loads of nerve pain notice that there mind is in overdrive on pain it's hard to describe but it's like its the main focus and I'm sure it's just trying to manage the pain but precious life monents are passing me by because I'm so distracted by the constant pain..


Leslie .....I'm so sorry ......sending you healing hugs!




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My dear fellow f*cked-up-spine-friend.


I’m so sorry you are suffering like this.  When my spine decides to act up, it radiates randomly to god-forsaken regions too.  Regions I never knew existed until this mess.  You will be okay.  You relaxed your muscles and nerves with the Lyrica, maybe, and now you could be feeling the rebound.  It will all settle down soon.  Your pain will turn to soreness, then a dull ache.  Eventually, after your nerves take a few more swipes at you, the pain will disappear.  This is all healing that’s going on.  And it sucks Santa’s d*ck.  I certainly won’t.





Hahaha, I love you my dear, cuddly Sofa! :smitten:


Yeah, if this is all Santa has to offer me, I’m powerwashing my mouth and heading out of the danged toy shack right now.  >:(:laugh:


The amount of burning pain is just breathtaking, and when I read Lockie’s link, I realized that this whole new dimension of hellish pain may have come directly from the ninth circle of Lyrica’s dungeon of nerve-busting voltage-driven electronic soul and spine decimators.


I think I’ll head back to that place where an Epsom salt bath by candlelight took away most pain.


Will have to cajole a few slinky cats away from lounging in the tub, but they’ll be excited when they see frothing warm water and candles again.  :thumbsup:


Thanks, my friend, hope you are in a cushy hammock of respite, sipping some tea or coffee. :smitten: 

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Ok.....help........does anyone else with loads of nerve pain notice that there mind is in overdrive on pain it's hard to describe but it's like its the main focus and I'm sure it's just trying to manage the pain but precious life monents are passing me by because I'm so distracted by the constant pain..


Leslie .....I'm so sorry ......sending you healing hugs!




Thanks TM, this is exactly my situation - I cannot think a clear thought because everything is drowned out by the clamorous pain. It’s such a weird manner of being totally overwhelmed.


Hope it’s just hurting us this much because it’s planning to beat a hasty exit for both of us soon!

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Leslie and TM,


I’ve never experienced pain like I did when my new mattress was “off-gassing.”  Farts I can handle.  Farts 💨 that blow me into the next room can only come from Satan’s butthole.  This pain from hell made me absolutely immobile screaming in bed unable to move a millimeter.  On another thread I started, a couple of a$$holes chimed in saying how just picking up a golf ball is hard to do when you get old.  Gee, thanks Yoda for being so understanding and compassionate.


You know where I’d like to shove his golf ball.


Well, I clearly understand the WITHDRAWAL pain you are all feeling.  It is not of this world.  It is flying screeching monkey pain.  No wonder most people never come off these pills.  At least they’re half zombified in pain, unlike us who are fully aware of every nook and cranny that’s being zapped and stabbed and stretched and yanked as we are disemboweled.  Oh yes, I know how you feel.



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Haha thanks for the laugh guys. This last page is funny as, hope you all are keeping well.


I turn into the grinch around Xmas. I fuckin hate it

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God Sofa, you describe it well. The pain is not of this earth. Insane and in pain, is worse than hell. Being aware of the insanity, yes I agree, it’s just.......


Anyone else have pain and tightness in their eyes and ears? I swear every inch of my body is affected, fingers, everywhere. It’s so bad in my head that it hurts like hell to brush my hair. It’s worse right side, but both.  I’m sorry for all my complaining recently, I’m just running out of steam, feel so brain damaged 😩 I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up. Can’t function at work. I’m wondering if it’s time to see a neurologist, not that they can help, but the damage is so bad. Anyone relate coz I’m desperate. I’m convinced everyone will improve but me. I was much more optimistic in the beginning. I don’t want to be here for years and years. 😭

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Here’s a great read I found on another thread:




It’s like listening to a calm friend talk about how very normal this all is and how we, basically, have nothing at all “wrong” with us.  We just need to do a few things to retrain our brains to stay in a restful state.


This is not your typical “how-to” expertise crap.  This is a letter from a guy who healed himself with acceptance.  There are no mistakes to be made.  Everything you do is perfectly normal.


It’s really long, so I’m reading it in chunks.  It’s all easy delightful reading.  More than just interesting, it’s reassuring. 


The author, Chris, suffered from the “label” GAD and anxiety/panic disorder.  My situation is different in that I never had this before withdrawal, or did I?  Maybe I was well on my way and the pills just tossed me off the cliff. 


Chris breaks everything down in layman’s language that’s easy to understand.  All this shit we feel is anxiety-based and we can do something about it.  Our bodies have to heal us physiologically, but maybe we can make things a little easier while we are waiting.


Best read I’ve encountered in this whole frickin’ journey.  And I’ve read a landfill of garbage and little treasures these last four years.



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Lockie. Thanks for the link, I`m not going to even attempt to try that damn drug, after reading that!


Santa`s butt hole haha ...love it Sofa! 


My update buddies.


This freaking pain is even worse today, WTH is that all about?  32 months and now my jaw is stiff and aches along with my neck and low back.

Also I woke up feeling hateful!

I hated the world, hate the folk who look at me like I`m making this up, hate the thought of another Christmas trapped in this hell so decided to call Una for a bit of reassurance (again.)


She said the hatefulness is a symptom!!  Thank God for that as I was getting kinda worried that this has turned me into a nasty hateful person!  She said it will pass just as all the other symptoms will.

She said the pain can get worse, but that too will leave as well. She said again that this can all leave overnight!!

I told her that although I didn`t disbelieve it happens, there`s no way I can see it happening for me ...

She doesn`t believe in protracted w/d....all benzo withdrawal is protracted. But regardless of how bad our sxs are, its common to heal overnight!!


She said its guaranteed we heal...no ifs or buts....we heal!

She said it`s definite!


I`ll leave you with that buddies while I get back to repeating Una`s words to myself over and over again!





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NCT, thank you for sharing that, you’ve no idea how it helped. I’ve talked to Una a couple of times and she’s very frank and yes she does believe that, that it’s protracted, even when people say they’re healed, it takes many years, some have windows and waves and some have a constant slog, some are worse than others, it’s variable  and  although we have similar symptoms we all differ. She also doesn’t agree with acute either. She once said to me, “acute? this acute thing is rubbish, it’s all acute, when it’s bad”. Her exact words. I think my easier times are some evenings and then it just hits me again the next day. I’m glad you mentioned and asked about feeling hateful. It’s horrible and scary, I get it, how can we not when trying to navigate life out of your head, but aware you’re out of your head and a body that’s just messed up and doesn’t work.
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