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I had a problem with my first batch of Rx liquid diazepam.


For my first batch of Rx liquid I made a 5 day supply at a 1:10 ratio. I mixed 2ml of diazepam with a 1ml syringe and 18ml of water with a 10ml syringe and double checked it with a digital scale to make sure I had 20ml. At 4ml a day, this should have lasted 5 days even. I was very careful in making sure I only pulled out 4ml each day, but on the fifth day there was only 3ml left in the jar.


Could the missing 1ml have possibly evaporated? Has this happened to others that use Rx liquid? When I used to mix a 1:100 ratio solution with pills, 1ml wasn't a large margin of error. But with only a 1:10 ratio, 1ml is a lot of missing medication...Any thoughts please.



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I'm not sure as I've never done it that way but I would often be a bit off.  The syringe you are using could be a bit inconsistent also.  I would honestly say that as long as you are very consistent, you will be fine.  This is part of the reason I really just never made a batch lasting several days.  I only do one day at a time.  When I was doing it with more water, I would often pull out the leftovers from a different day but I never made batches for several days - just wasn't comfortable with it.  Hopefully some others can weigh in.
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It’s possible that there is some evaporation happening, but I don’t think it’s significant. The method I use is the same one that builder and others used with great success. One thing I notice when I’m finishing off a batch is it’s very hard to get all the liquid in a syringe because some of it clings to the walls of the jar. I think in your case it might be wise when you get to the last dose in your mixture to drink from the jar, rinse the jar and drink the rinse water.

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Thanks for the reply Kitsune.

This was my 1st try at this new system with Rx liquid. I'll keep a close eye on the next batch to see if the same thing happens again.

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Jojo, if you’re really concerned about accuracy, get a glass graduated cylinder and use it to measure the Valium and water. That’s what I do. Then after pouring the Valium into my jar I use it to measure my water as well so I clean off any leftover Valium beings it does stick to the sides of the graduated cylinder. I have found some variation between different brands off syringes. The ones my pharmacy gave me seem less accurate than the ones I bought from Amazon.
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Jojo, if you’re really concerned about accuracy, get a glass graduated cylinder and use it to measure the Valium and water. That’s what I do. Then after pouring the Valium into my jar I use it to measure my water as well so I clean off any leftover Valium beings it does stick to the sides of the graduated cylinder. I have found some variation between different brands off syringes. The ones my pharmacy gave me seem less accurate than the ones I bought from Amazon.


What size cylinder and brand do you recommend from Amazon? Also, what brand syringes do you recommend from Amazon? All I have seen in 1ml and 10ml syringes came in boxes of 100 count, but I don't know which ones would be better than others. I thought the digital scale I bought would make measuring easy and accurate, but it doesn't start to register until you get above 4-5ml. After that it seems to be accurate.

Thanks again Kitsune.

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Jojo, I buy the Caretouch brand syringes off Amazon. They’re single use, but I usually use them until a batch is finished then toss them. I bought a box of each size, 1 ml and 10 ml over a year ago and still have plenty left. As far as graduated cylinders go, I bought Pyrex ones, I got a set that includes 100, 50, and 10 ml cylinders. I use the 10 ml one, but rarely use the other two.
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Hello I have a question. Im taking For the moment 10mg Diazepam and 0.5 mg Lormetazepam wich I m going to do the last switch to 15mg Diazepam at night time. Once a day. My question is Im feeling anxious during the day and stressed. Im asking if I take only 1mg diazepam during daytime is it going to make me feel less anxious and less stressed without being sleepy? And I would less 1mg for the night time then.

I have to know how I have to do because I want to be completely me before doing my withdrawal. Please can anyone answer I need advice from someone who knows. And if I take the regular Valium will it be more efficient?

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Hello I have a question. Im taking For the moment 10mg Diazepam and 0.5 mg Lormetazepam wich I m going to do the last switch to 15mg Diazepam at night time. Once a day. My question is Im feeling anxious during the day and stressed. Im asking if I take only 1mg diazepam during daytime is it going to make me feel less anxious and less stressed without being sleepy? And I would less 1mg for the night time then.

I have to know how I have to do because I want to be completely me before doing my withdrawal. Please can anyone answer I need advice from someone who knows. And if I take the regular Valium will it be more efficient?


I take 10 at night and 2 mg in the am. Doesn't make me sleepy during the day (though I wished it would at night so I don't keep waking up so early).

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I take 10 at night and 2 mg in the am. Doesn't make me sleepy during the day (though I wished it would at night so I don't keep waking up so early).

When I tapered I used to go to sleep and then take my dose upon waking at 3AM in hopes it would give me some more sleep.
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so I could take like a little bit at noon and it would make the difference for my anxiety and my stress?


Back in the day, they gave me Valium for anxiety. It did the job for a few hours, but over time the diazepam made the anxiety worse plus addiction.  It's best to taper off the stuff while allowing the brain to adjust to life without benzos.

As far as the dosing schedule, I try to keep it even (twice a day) and that's that's an individual decision. 

PS - Also read your other posts and have no experience on taking diazepam with mirtz.  It might be a good idea to set up a signature so members can view your history and give better feedback.

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I take 10 at night and 2 mg in the am. Doesn't make me sleepy during the day (though I wished it would at night so I don't keep waking up so early).

When I tapered I used to go to sleep and then take my dose upon waking at 3AM in hopes it would give me some more sleep.


I'm guessing that didn't work (I thought about splitting my dose and taking half at bedtime and half when I would wake up in the early am hours).

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I'm guessing that didn't work (I thought about splitting my dose and taking half at bedtime and half when I would wake up in the early am hours).

Well, it didn't but that's because I was tapering down from 5 mg, and 3 mg diazepam isn't likely to knock you out. That's what eventually lead me to amitriptyline (Prof. Ashton said it was remarkable for sleep) horror story when I was at 1 mg / day. Should've been more sceptical, it's not a benign drug, after all it's TCA (though sleep doctors like to prescribe it and doxepin for sleep as "a safe alternative to benzos," they're not, really not).
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Hello, first of all best wishes for 2021 for all of you!  :smitten: I have been tapering my valium coming from 15mg to 9mg and had such severe sx that I decided to hold. I have held the 9mg from 11-3 to 12-22 without any relief. I panicked and updosed to 10mg at my p-doc's advice on 12-22. I was reluctant to do it but I felt I had to because I was feeling so ill and depressed I was afraid I was losing control. My p-doc added Seroquel to the mix to make me sleep better and alleviate my depression. The Seroquel did not help much and gave me anxiety so I stopped taking it at 01-01. After that I was more anxious than before due to withdrawal from it which seems to subside by now. The updose to 10mg does not do much it seemes but I do sleep a little better and some sx lessened (jaw-pain). My major sx now is depression, which I already had since starting tapering but is now with me 24/7. I know valium-tapering causes it but I worry a lot about needing to updose while holding. It makes me think I will never make it off this drug and I read a lot about what will await me if that happens, and that scares me enormously. I do not know how to proceed from here. The depression is debilitating and I have no courage now to start cutting again. I feel I am stuck at 10mg and don't know what to do. Has anybody any advice for me? It is greatly appreciated. Wishing strength to all on this board and greetings from The Netherlands, Pecoro.  :thumbsup:
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Hello, first of all best wishes for 2021 for all of you!  :smitten: I have been tapering my valium coming from 15mg to 9mg and had such severe sx that I decided to hold. I have held the 9mg from 11-3 to 12-22 without any relief. I panicked and updosed to 10mg at my p-doc's advice on 12-22. I was reluctant to do it but I felt I had to because I was feeling so ill and depressed I was afraid I was losing control. My p-doc added Seroquel to the mix to make me sleep better and alleviate my depression. The Seroquel did not help much and gave me anxiety so I stopped taking it at 01-01. After that I was more anxious than before due to withdrawal from it which seems to subside by now. The updose to 10mg does not do much it seemes but I do sleep a little better and some sx lessened (jaw-pain). My major sx now is depression, which I already had since starting tapering but is now with me 24/7. I know valium-tapering causes it but I worry a lot about needing to updose while holding. It makes me think I will never make it off this drug and I read a lot about what will await me if that happens, and that scares me enormously. I do not know how to proceed from here. The depression is debilitating and I have no courage now to start cutting again. I feel I am stuck at 10mg and don't know what to do. Has anybody any advice for me? It is greatly appreciated. Wishing strength to all on this board and greetings from The Netherlands, Pecoro.  :thumbsup:

I would advise against useing antipsychotics for sleep. Antipsychotics are dangerous drugs that literally shrink the brain. It's much safer to use first generation antihistamine like doxylamine. The only problem is that doxylamine can't be used for sleep every day, because tolerance quickly develops to sedative effects of antihistamines. Many people add gabapentin to ease the withdrawals, but it can be hard to withdraw from as well. The best way is to do it without any additional drugs. Many people do it by slowing down their benzo tapering. You can reduce your dosage cuts, or cross to DLMT. For depression, nothing works well like dissociative anesthetics (apparently there is a ketamine infusion provider in Amsterdam, and there's xenon clinic in Prague, personally I prefer xenon), it's like magic. There are supplements for depression, such as SAMe, N-acetylcysteine, vitamin D, tryptophan, omega 3, and folinic acid (very different from folate, folate is very dangerous for people in benzo withdrawal). Taurine, magnesium-glycinate, niacin, and before-mentioned tryptophan can help with sleep. Phosphatidyl-Serine (without MCT oil, and made from sunflower oil, not soy) 300 mg before sleep, GTF Chromium 200 mcg twice per day can help with cortisol surges / 3AM awakenings.
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Hello, first of all best wishes for 2021 for all of you!  :smitten: I have been tapering my valium coming from 15mg to 9mg and had such severe sx that I decided to hold. I have held the 9mg from 11-3 to 12-22 without any relief. I panicked and updosed to 10mg at my p-doc's advice on 12-22. I was reluctant to do it but I felt I had to because I was feeling so ill and depressed I was afraid I was losing control. My p-doc added Seroquel to the mix to make me sleep better and alleviate my depression. The Seroquel did not help much and gave me anxiety so I stopped taking it at 01-01. After that I was more anxious than before due to withdrawal from it which seems to subside by now. The updose to 10mg does not do much it seemes but I do sleep a little better and some sx lessened (jaw-pain). My major sx now is depression, which I already had since starting tapering but is now with me 24/7. I know valium-tapering causes it but I worry a lot about needing to updose while holding. It makes me think I will never make it off this drug and I read a lot about what will await me if that happens, and that scares me enormously. I do not know how to proceed from here. The depression is debilitating and I have no courage now to start cutting again. I feel I am stuck at 10mg and don't know what to do. Has anybody any advice for me? It is greatly appreciated. Wishing strength to all on this board and greetings from The Netherlands, Pecoro.  :thumbsup:

I would advise against useing antipsychotics for sleep. Antipsychotics are dangerous drugs that literally shrink the brain. It's much safer to use first generation antihistamine like doxylamine. The only problem is that doxylamine can't be used for sleep every day, because tolerance quickly develops to sedative effects of antihistamines. Many people add gabapentin to ease the withdrawals, but it can be hard to withdraw from as well. The best way is to do it without any additional drugs. Many people do it by slowing down their benzo tapering. You can reduce your dosage cuts, or cross to DLMT. For depression, nothing works well like dissociative anesthetics (apparently there is a ketamine infusion provider in Amsterdam, and there's xenon clinic in Prague, personally I prefer xenon), it's like magic. There are supplements for depression, such as SAMe, N-acetylcysteine, vitamin D, tryptophan, omega 3, and folinic acid (very different from folate, folate is very dangerous for people in benzo withdrawal). Taurine, magnesium-glycinate, niacin, and before-mentioned tryptophan can help with sleep. Phosphatidyl-Serine (without MCT oil, and made from sunflower oil, not soy) 300 mg before sleep, GTF Chromium 200 mcg twice per day can help with cortisol surges / 3AM awakenings.




You appear to be promoting therapies which are in many countries banned, illegal or tightly regulated.  I understand you feel comfortable discussing them but normalizing them as a possible tool to combat benzo withdrawal symptoms is dangerous and prescriptive. Newer members who don't yet fully realize the battle they face and the complexities of this process may get the impression there is a faster, easier way to get through this when there isn't one, yet.


I would also appreciate it if you would provide credible sources for your claims about these supplements for depression:  "SAMe, N-acetylcysteine, vitamin D, tryptophan, omega 3, and folinic acid (very different from folate, folate is very dangerous for people in benzo withdrawal). Taurine, magnesium-glycinate, niacin, and before-mentioned tryptophan can help with sleep. Phosphatidyl-Serine (without MCT oil, and made from sunflower oil, not soy) 300 mg before sleep, GTF Chromium 200 mcg twice per day can help with cortisol surges / 3AM awakenings."



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You appear to be promoting therapies which are in many countries banned, illegal or tightly regulated.  I understand you feel comfortable discussing them but normalizing them as a possible tool to combat benzo withdrawal symptoms is dangerous and prescriptive. Newer members who don't yet fully realize the battle they face and the complexities of this process may get the impression there is a faster, easier way to get through this when there isn't one, yet.

What are you even talking about? Not only are they not illegal, FDA recently approved even esketamine nasal sprays, and they're well-reconized therapy for threatment-resistant depression. You're well aware that English's not my first language and that sometimes it's hard to give any advice at all without it sounding all "prescriptive." Also, this is depression-specific thing, it doesn't have anything to do with having a faster benzo withdrawal. I didn't tell him to go and have some kind of ultra-rapid detox or something.





I would also appreciate it if you would provide credible sources for your claims about these supplements for depression:  "SAMe, N-acetylcysteine, vitamin D, tryptophan, omega 3, and folinic acid (very different from folate, folate is very dangerous for people in benzo withdrawal).

Why? This isn't a scientific conference, it's a peer-support forum. I'm just reposting what I read on the old posts on the forum that some people reported helping them. If you want scientific papers you're free to google them yourself, they're there (e.g. lack of vitamin D increases risk of depression, SAMe is as effective as antidepressant drugs, NAC is good as adjunctive treatment). I'm suffering enough as it is, and despite of that am doing my best to help others, so I would appreciate a little more understanding.
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My p-doc has his own ideas about my taper, and thinks I'm not in withdrawal anymore but have an anxiety disorder and depression so he wants to treat that with medication (Seroquel). Also he regards updosing Valium as a way of making me more stable which I was at a higher dose. At first he went along with my taper, but as it became troublesome he probably changed his mind that it was not good for me. Here in The Netherlands we have long waiting lists for psychiatrists, so I do not want to go against him too much. He is not very benzo-wise and although he means the best, he doesn't understand that after 2 months you can still feel a cut. If I go micro-cutting on my own and get in serious trouble along the way and need him, he will not be pleased. During the taper I get only little support from him which is difficult. I have to find a way around this. Or maybe he is right, that I do have an anxiety-disorder as I can't seem to get under 10mg of Valium, the minimum dose that would help me if in trouble. I have already bought a scale so I can make the tiny cuts if needed. I have drastically reduced my taper-speed but maybe did too much damage at the start. Thanks and strength to all of you, Pecoro.  :thumbsup:
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You appear to be promoting therapies which are in many countries banned, illegal or tightly regulated.  I understand you feel comfortable discussing them but normalizing them as a possible tool to combat benzo withdrawal symptoms is dangerous and prescriptive. Newer members who don't yet fully realize the battle they face and the complexities of this process may get the impression there is a faster, easier way to get through this when there isn't one, yet.

What are you even talking about? Not only are they not illegal, FDA recently approved even esketamine nasal sprays, and they're well-reconized therapy for threatment-resistant depression. You're well aware that English's not my first language and that sometimes it's hard to give any advice at all without it sounding all "prescriptive." Also, this is depression-specific thing, it doesn't have anything to do with having a faster benzo withdrawal. I didn't tell him to go and have some kind of ultra-rapid detox or something.




I was depressed when going through benzo recovery, it's a withdrawal symptom but would I consider myself suffering from depression, no.  And I certainly wouldn't have been diagnosed with treatment-resistant depression.  I feel it's important for our members to understand that looking to these therapies is not advisable, they are for treatment-resistant depression, not the depression caused by withdrawal which will most likely leave upon recovery.


I fully admit you have more knowledge than I do when it comes to medications and treatments and this admission probably applies to many of our members, my concern is that because of this many will accept what you say in the same way they've accepted what their Dr's say as fact.  I personally don't have the time to follow you around the forum and fact check every post you make and I don't want to because I appreciate your contributions and your polite delivery.  My hope is that you'll continue to post but be more cautious when making prescriptive suggestions.


I may have been aware English is not your first language, I don't recall but I have no doubt you'll be able to find a way to work within the policies of the forum.




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Why? This isn't a scientific conference, it's a peer-support forum. I'm just reposting what I read on the old posts on the forum that some people reported helping them. If you want scientific papers you're free to google them yourself, they're there (e.g. lack of vitamin D increases risk of depression, SAMe is as effective as antidepressant drugs, NAC is good as adjunctive treatment). I'm suffering enough as it is, and despite of that am doing my best to help others, so I would appreciate a little more understanding.


Thank you for posting sources and I'm sorry you're suffering.


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I was depressed when going through benzo recovery, it's a withdrawal symptom but would I consider myself suffering from depression, no.  And I certainly wouldn't have been diagnosed with treatment-resistant depression.  I feel it's important for our members to understand that looking to these therapies is not advisable, they are for treatment-resistant depression, not the depression caused by withdrawal which will most likely leave upon recovery.


I fully admit you have more knowledge than I do when it comes to medications and treatments and this admission probably applies to many of our members, my concern is that because of this many will accept what you say in the same way they've accepted what their Dr's say as fact.  I personally don't have the time to follow you around the forum and fact check every post you make and I don't want to because I appreciate your contributions and your polite delivery.  My hope is that you'll continue to post but be more cautious when making prescriptive suggestions.


I may have been aware English is not your first language, I don't recall but I have no doubt you'll be able to find a way to work within the policies of the forum.



I understand. I treated Ashton as gospel-truth and got fried. Big time. She, along with most other doctors think it's fine to start an antidepressant in the middle of benzo withdrawal, despite the fact that it's not clinical depression. I wasn't feeling depressed at all during the taper, just sleep deprived, but was told that my 3AM cortisol surge is "melancholic depression," and so came my unlucky stint with amitriptyline. So, I did bold out that the best way to taper is without using anything else.



My p-doc has his own ideas about my taper, and thinks I'm not in withdrawal anymore but have an anxiety disorder and depression so he wants to treat that with medication (Seroquel). Also he regards updosing Valium as a way of making me more stable which I was at a higher dose. At first he went along with my taper, but as it became troublesome he probably changed his mind that it was not good for me. Here in The Netherlands we have long waiting lists for psychiatrists, so I do not want to go against him too much. He is not very benzo-wise and although he means the best, he doesn't understand that after 2 months you can still feel a cut. If I go micro-cutting on my own and get in serious trouble along the way and need him, he will not be pleased. During the taper I get only little support from him which is difficult. I have to find a way around this. Or maybe he is right, that I do have an anxiety-disorder as I can't seem to get under 10mg of Valium, the minimum dose that would help me if in trouble. I have already bought a scale so I can make the tiny cuts if needed. I have drastically reduced my taper-speed but maybe did too much damage at the start. Thanks and strength to all of you, Pecoro.  :thumbsup:

Nobody who isn't dependent on benzos has anxiety that needs 10 mg diazepam to deal with it. Instruction booklet that comes with my diazepam says that 5 mg - 15 mg are doses for sleep, so those those should put non-tolerant people to sleep.
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Hello everyone. I have a question. I’ve been on diazepam for since September 2020. I stabilized at 10mgs after hell with lorazepam. Then I started tapering. I got to 7.5mgs with the 5mgs tablets. That was 11/13/20. I was going through hell for about 5 weeks, then started having windows. Then my psychiatrist switched me to the 2mgs tablets. Since then, I’ve stayed at 7.5mgs but have gone downhill. The pills are Teva, just like the 5mgs tablets. Could the 2mgs be less potent or am I just crazy? Sleep is horrible and I have many sxs. I’m staying at this dose hoping to stabilize. Has this happened to anyone else? After I eat something my heart pounds for hours. I thought that I was stabilizing. But just crashed since Christmas. Thanks for any feedback.
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Hi Pacenik,


You wrote:"Nobody who isn't dependent on benzos has anxiety that needs 10 mg diazepam to deal with it."


What exactly does that mean for me? I don't quite understand. Thanks and greetings, Pecoro.  :thumbsup:

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Hi Pacenik,


You wrote:"Nobody who isn't dependent on benzos has anxiety that needs 10 mg diazepam to deal with it."


What exactly does that mean for me? I don't quite understand. Thanks and greetings, Pecoro.  :thumbsup:

It means that it can't be anxiety, it's just benzo dependence/tolerance. To a person who never used benzos, however anxious, 10 mg would be a strong dose, enough to put him to sleep. Doses like 20 mg are for status epilepticus.
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