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Hi J-bird,

It looks like you are getting very good advice from the other bb members here.  I am not taking multiple meds and therefore have no advice to give but I have seen where some members taper off the benzo first since the wider opinion is that it is the most difficult to deal with.  If on SSRI's or other meds, these members I mentioned decided to taper off of those when the benzo taper is done.  Then there is the paragraph in the Aston Manual that states being on an SSRI can actually be helpful in benzo withdrawal.  Good Luck with whatever method you choose. 



Sorry it took so long for me to respond to your question about reducing your mom's taper rate.  I can only say what I did and here it is.  From 1.75 - 1.27 I was at .016mg reduction daily.  From 1.27 to 1 I was at .013mg daily.  From 1 to .89 I was at .01mg daily.  From .89 to .79 .009mg daily.  I am now at .007mg daily and hoping I can get a bit lower before I have to slow down again but have no idea if that is how it will turn out.  It continues to surprise me how many times I have had to lower my taper rate but I want to stay functional and I HAVE to continue working so....whatever it takes.  My only advise is since it is not you who is tapering - pay very close to your mom's side effects in order to make the decision.  The lower I get, the more subtle the signs that I am going to fast are.  I had been using my afternoon glutamate storms as my barometer for determining my taper rate but it looks like I am going to have to switch to watching my sleep quality like Diaz-Pam since the afternoon symptoms do not seem to be effing with me as much anymore. 



Sorry you were sick!  Stomach flu is the worst.  God I hate to puke more than anything!!!!!  Glad you are feeling better and that the bug did not mess with your taper.  I am officially over the cold I had last week and thankfully it did not mess with my taper either.


Hope everyone else is doing OK.  I have one more week of freedom then back to work on the 6th.

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Hi eliz,

Thanks for the break down of your cuts.

unfortuneatly, my syringe can only go as low as .01mg, so I have sticking to this.

Doing the cuts daily seems to have days where symptoms rev, but they don't seem to last as long as when I was doing the cut and hold method.


That sure has to be hard to work thru all of this.

I am glad you found a pace that works for you.


Keep us posted on your progress.


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Hi eliz,

Thanks for the break down of your cuts.

unfortuneatly, my syringe can only go as low as .01mg, so I have sticking to this.

Doing the cuts daily seems to have days where symptoms rev, but they don't seem to last as long as when I was doing the cut and hold method.


That sure has to be hard to work thru all of this.

I am glad you found a pace that works for you.


Keep us posted on your progress.


Hi Again M

It is not the graduations on my syringe that determine my cut rate but the dilution ratio of the tablet to liquid.  It is all set out in the link to my reduction method in my signature, but for example, If I want to reduce at .01mg daily, I mix 5mg tablet into 100ml suspension and reduce by the graduations on the 10ml syringe (there are 5 of them at .2ml each).  If, like now, I want to reduce at .007mg daily, I mix 2 2mg tablets into a 115ml suspension and still reduce by the same marked graduations on the syringe.  The math is in the link if you are interested.


Glad to read that your mom's breathing is improving a bit  :smitten: 

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Hi Again M

It is not the graduations on my syringe that determine my cut rate but the dilution ratio of the tablet to liquid.  It is all set out in the link to my reduction method in my signature, but for example, If I want to reduce at .01mg daily, I mix 5mg tablet into 100ml suspension and reduce by the graduations on the 10ml syringe (there are 5 of them at .2ml each).  If, like now, I want to reduce at .007mg daily, I mix 2 2mg tablets into a 115ml suspension and still reduce by the same marked graduations on the syringe.  The math is in the link if you are interested.


Glad to read that your mom's breathing is improving a bit  :smitten: 

Hi eliz,

I have liquid valium and don't want to bother calculating the mix using water.

Too much work and i'm lazy.

If I knew for sure that she would stabilize to a point where her breathing would be normal again, I would do it, but the cut and hold never did it.

Her other symptoms have gotten far better.

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eliz, did you totally stabilize on your dose of k before your c/o? Or did you have ongoing w/d sx from your c/t?



When I was taking K it was only at bed time for insomnia.  When I stopped taking it, my only w/d symptom that I noticed was a 4 hour glutamate storm from 10am - 2pm.  It was horrible fight or flight excitability that I was completely floored by.  When I figured out what was happening I had only been in c/t w/d for 10 days.  By then I had read the Ashton Manual so I re-instated at .125mg k three times a day every 8 hours.  From the first day back on the K, luckily I stabilized and therefore began the cross-over after a week.  I spent three weeks crossing over one dose at a time beginning with the bed time dose, then the morning dose, then the middle dose.  I experienced symptoms during the three week cross over but was stable by the time I finished it. 


I don't know if I stabilized so quickly and easily because I re-instated at three doses instead of the one at bed time I had been taking or because I was only on it for six weeks, but I still think the side effects I experience off and on to this day are because of the K c/t and for no other reason.  I never did develop new side effects because of the valium except of course the initial sedated feeling during the cross-over.  Thankfully, the lower my dose gets, the less intense the side effects are when they do show up.

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During the last year and a half I tapered off a low dose steroid that I had been on for many years, lexapro, an antidepressant and now the remaining Benzodiazepene. I started tapering Lorazepan a year and a half ago and it was very difficult. I reduced half my dose and realized I wanted to taper off the rest of my medications as I knew they were all affecting me in different ways and I wanted to get off all the medications as they no longer served me.


I maintained the .75mg of Ativan( I had tapered down from 1.50) while I systematically tapered off each drug. I could only do one drug at a time and I had to go very slowly with each one. When I went off the Steroid, I waited till I stabilized and then tapered off the SSRI, lexapro at 5% every 2 weeks until I finished tapering that and only when I felt I was not in withdrawal from that and I completely healed, I recently resumed the benzo taper by crossing over to Valium for the remaining half.


For me, I could only withdraw one at a time as each one was very difficult in its own way and needed a slow taper and recovery time as well. SSRI's can have many side effects in withdrawal and for me it would have been too much to withdraw from more then one drug at a time. Nevertheless, we are all different. It took me more then 6 months to get off of Lexparo and then another couple of months to recover.


I am now adjusting to a daily micro taper on valium and so far so good however my body is weary from long term tapering. There is no easy way out of this. Just slow and steady and eventually the body heals.


I personally would not attempt to taper more then one drug at a time unless it is unavoidIable. Ashton recommends completing the benzo first and then the SSRI however I did it in reverse as I did not like the way I felt on the Lexapro and I gained weight from it nor did I need it anymore for depression or anxiety. At least now, I am only dealing with one drug so I have  clearer idea of what is affecting me the most when I taper.


Hope that helps, Concerned

Thanks concerned for you reply,


So how long in total did you stop your Ativan taper while you tapered off the other two?

I would have too hold a very long time if I had to do the lyrica taper first.

I'm just so confused. I don't know if lyrica is actually holding me back or not

Because everyone says to steer away from drugs that affect GABA and glutamate,

Which it does.

I tapered off 200 mg of Zoloft quite rapidly, 4 months then went on to taper Valium quite

Aggressively straight away. And put on lyrica at the same time I started taper so I have

No idea what it is doing. I had no idea what I was doing at the time.

Now I don't know what to do. I feel very tired, anxious and depressed.












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I let the taper ruin my life for the first while but now I am committed to doing this symptombased taper and I don't really care how long it takes as long as I am functional... But since July I have lived to the best I can under the circumstances and you know what I wouldn't do it any other way.



Yup. Although I care a little long on how it takes because I think I'll probably have a second child and I have a biological clock

But.. mostly.. yup.

I reckon I'd take years or withdrawing with virtually no symptoms over even 6 months of benzo hell. I have no tolerance for benzo hell


Hi Smiff,

I'm happy for you that you can taper virtually symptom free even if it does take a long

time. How long will it take?

I plan to hold for the moment then start m/t. I will use your chart as a guide and see how that goes.

Also have bad insominia to deal with...any suggestions?

BTW you seem to know quite a few people on Valium thread, do you know of anyone

who was also on Lyrica and how they tapered?

Sorry for all the questions, you do really know how to deal with this successfully.

Thanks so much



Hey J


Don't be sorry about questions. If I know anything about dealing with it is because I asked lots of questions and watched and learned from what others were doing. I haven't been at it so long.


Anyhow don't worry too much about the GABA and Glutamate stuff right now. E-Town is talking about it being tricky with herbal medicines that do those actions - taurine etc - because they are less predictable then a drug that does that like Lyrica. Many people use drugs that work this way - Lyrica, Neurotonin, Gabapentin etc - when they are tapering for some relief. It isn't uncommon at all. It does mean a taper later but that can wait. No rush: Just get to a place that is bearable now and work on your benzo taper. Virtually all of the BBs I've come across who do use these drugs taper benzos before them.


How long will it take to taper symptom free? Hard to say. I hope not more then 2 years - because like I said I have a biological clock and want another child - but it probably will take that at least. I might get lucky and get it in within 2 years maybe if I'm really lucky 18 months. People have different heal rates.


Tapering symptom free - or virtually so - does take a long time. But then protracted withdrawal takes a long time to heal from too. Plus time passes quicker when you aren't in benzo hell ;)


Insomnia: yup I started all this on temaze so I manage to avoid anxiety symptoms etc withdrawing but I do still use help to sleep. What I use: doxylamine (first generation anti-histamine); 2mg slow release melatonin; usually 1 tab of seriphos after 10pm.


Good luck and Take Care

Smiff xx


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Thanks concerned for you reply,


So how long in total did you stop your Ativan taper while you tapered off the other two?

I would have too hold a very long time if I had to do the lyrica taper first.

I'm just so confused. I don't know if lyrica is actually holding me back or not

Because everyone says to steer away from drugs that affect GABA and glutamate,

Which it does.

I tapered off 200 mg of Zoloft quite rapidly, 4 months then went on to taper Valium quite

Aggressively straight away. And put on lyrica at the same time I started taper so I have

No idea what it is doing. I had no idea what I was doing at the time.

Now I don't know what to do. I feel very tired, anxious and depressed.




I stopped the Ativan taper between January and September of this year. That is a long time to hold the dose however I somehow managed to do that. If I were you, I would stabilize on the Valium and then complete that taper before you start to taper the other medication as it is unclear if that is causing a problem. Perhaps you need to temporarily up-dose a little on the Valium till you feel relatively well again and then micro taper very slowly off the Valium and tackle the Lycria when that is done. I would not complicate the picture by tapering off of that at the same time or before you complete the Valium taper, Concerned


















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Does anyone here use the supplement Seriphous? If so, when do you take it and how many a day? Has it been helping with withdrawal symptoms? Also, curious about Taurine as some people say it really helps the tapering process and other people say it is a Gaba receptor antagonist so it should be avoided. Anyone who has had experience with these specific supplements or others that made this process worse or better, please let me know.


Thanks, Concerned



I've used Seriphos, and I felt it did help - up to a point. For me, it was one of those things that helped for a while, but then seemed to start having a paradoxical effect. I took it quite successfully at night for a couple of months and then it seemed to totally turn on me, and that was around the time that I took a major hit and had to circle 1mg for about 2 months. I recently tried using it again (in the morning only) and I felt it helped, but now I've stopped taking it again because I'm uncertain whether it is helping or hurting.


Give it a try, because it effects everyone differently, but just tread very cautiously with it. At the first sign that things are going bad, stop taking it, or experiment with the time of day you take it. After taking it for a while at night, I felt it suddenly started revving me up, instead of relaxing me. That was why I started taking it in the morning, because I read that some people actually need to take it about 12 hours before they go to bed.

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Hello everyone I'm probably going to be doing a Valium taper. I just recently switched cold turkey from Xanax To Valium, and although I feel kind of weird I think it'll probably stick. I know you aren't supposed to do it cold turkey but my doctor isn't giving me a choice. Anyways I'm going to try to start with 25mg a day if my doctor allows it, 10 in the am and 15 in the pm. 
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Hi Again M

It is not the graduations on my syringe that determine my cut rate but the dilution ratio of the tablet to liquid.  It is all set out in the link to my reduction method in my signature, but for example, If I want to reduce at .01mg daily, I mix 5mg tablet into 100ml suspension and reduce by the graduations on the 10ml syringe (there are 5 of them at .2ml each).  If, like now, I want to reduce at .007mg daily, I mix 2 2mg tablets into a 115ml suspension and still reduce by the same marked graduations on the syringe.  The math is in the link if you are interested.


Glad to read that your mom's breathing is improving a bit  :smitten: 

Hi eliz,

I have liquid valium and don't want to bother calculating the mix using water.

Too much work and i'm lazy.

If I knew for sure that she would stabilize to a point where her breathing would be normal again, I would do it, but the cut and hold never did it.

Her other symptoms have gotten far better.



What dose is your mother on currently? Sorry, but it's a bit hard to tell from your signature.


There will come a point where you will have to start using a dilution method, because you simply won't be able to do those cuts. Even now, depending on what her dose is, she could possibly be benefiting from using a dilution method.


That's the whole idea of using liquid valium. It makes it much easier to make a diluted solution so you can make very small daily cuts. Also, using a 1ml syringe to measure very small reductions is too inaccurate because those tiny lines are too close together and it's very easy to not have consistent doses.


I'm the world's laziest person, but it's not a difficult or time consuming procedure at all. Just have a look at the link I have below, and that will explain the whole thing.


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Best to cross over slowly but I suspect 25mg of Valium will cover you fine. You will feel weird but I think you're right. Just hold until you stabilize before tapering and please get advise before tapering Valium. You've had a rough ride so far so I wouldn't want that to happen again. Welcome to this thread Jason you have a wealth of knowledge here.


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Hello everyone I'm probably going to be doing a Valium taper. I just recently switched cold turkey from Xanax To Valium, and although I feel kind of weird I think it'll probably stick. I know you aren't supposed to do it cold turkey but my doctor isn't giving me a choice. Anyways I'm going to try to start with 25mg a day if my doctor allows it, 10 in the am and 15 in the pm. 


Hi Jason


Good to see you over here on the valium thread. I know we've already been talking about this, but if you have any questions just ask away. There are lots of very knowledgeable people here.

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Hi all,

So is this now where we can talk about our valium withdrawal? I'm SO confused!! This is my first time ever using a blog/forum website, and trying to learn it while going through this withdrawal is just doing my head in! But I really need to get it right cos I'm starting to struggle and need some support from people who are going through, or have gone through the same thing.


I'm almost at the half way mark with my dosage..from 30mgs/day to 16mgs/day. Yesterday was the first day in over a decade that I didn't take a benzo during the day!!! It was such a relief to delete that daily alarm from my phone!  ;D Considering what's going on in my brain and body I must say I don't think I'm doing too badly. I've done a stack of research about it and I've heard some horror stories! But I've been lucky in the fact that I haven't really had sleep problems yet. My body gets a cold the first week of the taper, then I was getting depressed in the second week, so I've started Lyrica (Gabapentin) to help my brain compensate and it works a treat!! I wake up the next day in a fabulous mood! I guess it's all about knowing my body and knowing what it needs. Like the magnesium I'm taking for the muscle cramps. But there's a few things that I'm finding tough and unexpected.


The first is this stupidity that I feel. I'm a smart woman, and I feel like my brain has decided to take a holiday without telling me! Even something as simple as writing this post is a real brain strain! And I'm a writer, I can write for hours! But now days I can't even write a bloody Facebook status!! I sit and stare at my words for ages trying to work out if they make sense or not. It's driving me crazy!! I'm finding the simplest of things hard to do. I don't feel like I'm behaving normally. Well what's normal right? Normal is being able to hold a conversation!! I'm losing my mind and I'm scared!

So I need to know..is this normal? And if so, when will my brain come back!?!?!  :'(


Second is my memory. I'm not just talking about forgetting stuff, I'm talking about not being able to remember on which day certain things happened.  I can't think back on the week and think it through, knowing what I did each day! It's scaring the crap outta me!! I'm pretty sure it's the withdrawal, so can someone please tell me if this also gets better!?!?!


Basically, all the weird things that are happening in my brain, does it all settle down?!?! Will I get my brain back when I'm done with this? I read about the one year thing, is that one year AFTER I stop?? I dunno if I can wait THAT long!!


*sigh* I'm just so damn muddle headed!! I'm starting to get embarrassed and don't want to socialise cos I can't hold an intelligent conversation! I'm only half way through this final withdrawal..I have at least another 3 months to go...is it gonna get worse!? Can someone please talk to me, I feel so alone in this and it's time I humbled myself and asked for help. I have so many questions, but I don't wanna be a pain.

I saw that blog page...should I write there? I'm not sure how that works..how do ppl know that I've written something? I tried writing on the other valium wall for members only, but I couldn't work out how to! There was no 'reply' button or post button. I found this page so I'm writing here.


I know I wrote a post somewhere about myself, but I wrote it in the wrong place, then I can't remember if I did it again. I can't remember anything!!!!


So can someone please tell me if it's ok for me to write here or what on earth I should do?? If I do the blog thing, is there somewhere that someone can explain the way it works to me?


Ugh I know I'm not making sense and I'm annoyed this is public and that I can't post in the members only bit when I'm a member!!!


ok, that's my rant. I know there's so much more I need to say but I won't just yet, I'll wait to find out where to post..I'm sorry if I've posted in the wrong place again.. I seriously need to work this website out cos I need help!!!


Thanks for reading my garble..




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Hi Sarah - welcome and yes you can post here. It looks like you have tapered really fast from 30mg to 16mg.


My concern for you is that your symptoms are getting worse because your taper speed is catching up to you. You need to read back and look at our signatures at the bottom of the page to get an idea of the length of time it takes to do a relatively symptom controlled taper.


You are really going to have to take some time to ask questions and contemplate whether you can keep this pace up.


If you look at my signature I have been 2 years going from 27mg to 9.5mg and I have at least 2 years to go. If I went as fast as you have I would be going nuts.


Stay with us Sarah and we will collectively try to help you sort this out



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I had to think about it for a while ... in your sig you say you started your taper on 12/9/13. Is that September 12, 2013 or December 9, 2013?


Either way I am afraid you may be going too fast ... but I sure hope it means September 12, 2013 and you are doing the dates the non-US way.


Hang in there. You're in the right place to figure this crazy stuff out.


Best, Human

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I saw that blog page...should I write there? I'm not sure how that works..how do ppl know that I've written something? I tried writing on the other valium wall for members only, but I couldn't work out how to! There was no 'reply' button or post button. I found this page so I'm writing here.




If you're talking about what I think you are talking about, BenzoBuddies recently reorganized things a bit. The old "DIAZEPAM (VALIUM) TAPERING SUPPORT BLOG AND DISCUSSION THREAD" was members only, but it is now closed and locked. It was replaced by this thread and all the regulars moved over here.


If you feel like it, you can read the first several pages of this thread, because all of the regulars re-introduced themselves and I think you could learn a lot from their intros.


Not to say you shouldn't ask lots of questions here! You'll find lots of really helpful, knowledgable people here.


Best, Human

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Thanks Smiff ,

I'm not on any other psych meds, just Lyrica.

Should I go on an SSRI?  I have pretty bad depression because yes

I'm physically and mentally exhausted.

I hardly sleep at all...very bad insominia.


Hi J-bird,

Just wanted to pipe up here and say that Lyrica was awful for me, it gave me bad insomnia. If you can stabilize on your valium dose I would consider tapering the Lyrica before the valium. Once I was stable on valium I didn't need any other meds and have remained stable with a very slow taper.


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Thanks Workin,

How long we're you on Lyrica and at what dose? Did you have any other symptoms

from it?


Problem is I'm on 325mg Lyrica and to taper off that, I would have to hold the

Valium taper for a long time, close to a year...which I can't do.

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J-Bird I take Neurontin -- did before my taper for peripheral neuropathy. I find it helps me sleep just FYI. I take it at night. I don't have any s/x from it. Although I understand your concern about tapering off it.


Sarah it took me a year and 3 months to taper down from 15 mg of valium to 2 mg. I really got hit at 4 mg . . . and again at 2 mg. etown is right -- slower is better. I made a lot of mistakes and had a lot of horrible s/x. If I had to do it over I would have gone waaaaay slower and saved myself a lot of grief. I didn't find this BB until I was "in the weeds". Brother do I wish I had.


You'll find a lot of help and good advice here.


Let's all be well,






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Thanks etown, the thought of up dosing is terrifying

even holding does! I know I'm very impatient but I really

Must make a decision...can't go on like this.



Sweetie, these thoughts are all part of withdrawal, everything seems terrifying. It's perfectly normal  :smitten:

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Hi all,

So is this now where we can talk about our valium withdrawal? I'm SO confused!! This is my first time ever using a blog/forum website, and trying to learn it while going through this withdrawal is just doing my head in! But I really need to get it right cos I'm starting to struggle and need some support from people who are going through, or have gone through the same thing.


I'm almost at the half way mark with my dosage..from 30mgs/day to 16mgs/day. Yesterday was the first day in over a decade that I didn't take a benzo during the day!!! It was such a relief to delete that daily alarm from my phone!  ;D Considering what's going on in my brain and body I must say I don't think I'm doing too badly. I've done a stack of research about it and I've heard some horror stories! But I've been lucky in the fact that I haven't really had sleep problems yet. My body gets a cold the first week of the taper, then I was getting depressed in the second week, so I've started Lyrica (Gabapentin) to help my brain compensate and it works a treat!! I wake up the next day in a fabulous mood! I guess it's all about knowing my body and knowing what it needs. Like the magnesium I'm taking for the muscle cramps. But there's a few things that I'm finding tough and unexpected.


The first is this stupidity that I feel. I'm a smart woman, and I feel like my brain has decided to take a holiday without telling me! Even something as simple as writing this post is a real brain strain! And I'm a writer, I can write for hours! But now days I can't even write a bloody Facebook status!! I sit and stare at my words for ages trying to work out if they make sense or not. It's driving me crazy!! I'm finding the simplest of things hard to do. I don't feel like I'm behaving normally. Well what's normal right? Normal is being able to hold a conversation!! I'm losing my mind and I'm scared!

So I need to know..is this normal? And if so, when will my brain come back!?!?!  :'(


Second is my memory. I'm not just talking about forgetting stuff, I'm talking about not being able to remember on which day certain things happened.  I can't think back on the week and think it through, knowing what I did each day! It's scaring the crap outta me!! I'm pretty sure it's the withdrawal, so can someone please tell me if this also gets better!?!?!


Basically, all the weird things that are happening in my brain, does it all settle down?!?! Will I get my brain back when I'm done with this? I read about the one year thing, is that one year AFTER I stop?? I dunno if I can wait THAT long!!


*sigh* I'm just so damn muddle headed!! I'm starting to get embarrassed and don't want to socialise cos I can't hold an intelligent conversation! I'm only half way through this final withdrawal..I have at least another 3 months to go...is it gonna get worse!? Can someone please talk to me, I feel so alone in this and it's time I humbled myself and asked for help. I have so many questions, but I don't wanna be a pain.

I saw that blog page...should I write there? I'm not sure how that works..how do ppl know that I've written something? I tried writing on the other valium wall for members only, but I couldn't work out how to! There was no 'reply' button or post button. I found this page so I'm writing here.


I know I wrote a post somewhere about myself, but I wrote it in the wrong place, then I can't remember if I did it again. I can't remember anything!!!!


So can someone please tell me if it's ok for me to write here or what on earth I should do?? If I do the blog thing, is there somewhere that someone can explain the way it works to me?


Ugh I know I'm not making sense and I'm annoyed this is public and that I can't post in the members only bit when I'm a member!!!


ok, that's my rant. I know there's so much more I need to say but I won't just yet, I'll wait to find out where to post..I'm sorry if I've posted in the wrong place again.. I seriously need to work this website out cos I need help!!!


Thanks for reading my garble..





Hi Sarah,

The mental symptoms you are describing all common in benzo withdrawal and sound like a sign that you may be tapering too fast. Are you functioning well otherwise? It's hard to say when these symptoms will pass on their own, but if I were you I would consider up dosing until you feel more like yourself and then resuming your taper at a slower rate.



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Thanks Workin,

How long we're you on Lyrica and at what dose? Did you have any other symptoms

from it?


Problem is I'm on 325mg Lyrica and to taper off that, I would have to hold the

Valium taper for a long time, close to a year...which I can't do.


I only took the Lyrica for a couple of days as part of a detox cocktail. It made me feel very strange (or so I thought, it may have been the withdrawal) so I stopped it right away and aborted the detox. I don't remember the dose.

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