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Total and complete 100% success after 22 months


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hate to bother you( bet they all say that) need to know if you experienced muscles so contracted,that you were confined to a chair.Signature:


I was on up to 8 MG's of lorazapam for over 9 years . After falling many times suffering 4 concussions ,the last fall from sitting on a park bench ,blacking out and hitting the concrete ,i wanted off. I tapered is 6 weeks ,3 to get off lorazapam and on valium,3 to get off valium . A week later i ended up in the emergency room where they put me on a non addictive ( according to neurologist) Klonipin,and sent me home. About 3 weeks later i realized it was another benzo,and they did a 4 day detox . Now 16 months later i am worse than a year ago,and my contracted muscles make even walking more than a few steps nearly impossible.I cant seem to find anyone on here with my muscle symptoms ,so i cant find out if i will ever get better from anyone !

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I have muscle cramps and fatigue too, the last couple of months were so terrible it hurt to even move, I had pain and cramps in my back, arms, legs, chest, torso...all major muscle groups. It has faded just a little bit, but I still do get muscle pain and cramps. So the point is it will definitely improve in a few months, don't feel sad if u can't do much activity right now, you surely will be able to be active again.

A lot of us feel worse in the second year, there are a few other BBs here who have said the same, Woofs is one such guy I remember but there are a few others too. So it is not unusual for some of us, it can't be any new problem, just seems to be a phase of the healing process.


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  • 2 weeks later...
i have the absolute worst and so painful muscle squeezing in my shoulders lately. it's like my brain has hijacked my shoulders.i can't believe the pain. it's like they're being squeezing almost to death. i really some nice massage therapy now.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Dippsydoodle Im 24 months out and im couch ridden from all my torso muscles being cotracted so severe with nerve pain.So i know how you feel.All i know is that just keep moving forward and hope it ends soon.God bless you.
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i have the absolute worst and so painful muscle squeezing in my shoulders lately. it's like my brain has hijacked my shoulders.i can't believe the pain. it's like they're being squeezing almost to death. i really some nice massage therapy now.


A stretch that has helped me for this is lying on one of those foam rollers long ways along your spine. Let your arms hang to the floor like you're doing snow angels. You should feel it right where your chest muscles meet your shoulders.


If it's the back of your shoulders then lie on your side with your arm that's on the floor stretched out in front of your face so you're looking at your hand. Then roll towards that arm till you feel the back of your shoulder stretch. Hope those help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am 19.5 months off now. This helped me get through another day. Thanks, Lostdog! Hoping this head to toe burn eases and goes away very soon.



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  • 3 weeks later...
A friend I made on BB's recommended I take a look at the Success Stories section. I just read your story Lostdog, and want to thank you for posting your success story, and for giving so many of us hope. Bless you.
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This horrible pain seemingly never ends.  I had hoped that I would get a little relief at 24 months.  Damn!  I was sure I would feel better by now!





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This horrible pain seemingly never ends.  I had hoped that I would get a little relief at 24 months.  Damn!  I was sure I would feel better by now!





hey babyrex,


i've been wondering how you have been. sorry it's still bad for you. hope you see some improvements soon.

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This horrible pain seemingly never ends.  I had hoped that I would get a little relief at 24 months.  Damn!  I was sure I would feel better by now!





hey babyrex,


i've been wondering how you have been. sorry it's still bad for you. hope you see some improvements soon.


Thank you pretty,


I thought I had made some gains of up to 40% on a good day.  Now I'm back in hell again.  I will say my baseline is indeed 20% better than the worst of acute, but really?  So this may mean 5 years of hell?  I'm barely getting through 2. 


How are you doing, pretty?





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This horrible pain seemingly never ends.  I had hoped that I would get a little relief at 24 months.  Damn!  I was sure I would feel better by now!





hey babyrex,


i've been wondering how you have been. sorry it's still bad for you. hope you see some improvements soon.


Thank you pretty,


I thought I had made some gains of up to 40% on a good day.  Now I'm back in hell again.  I will say my baseline is indeed 20% better than the worst of acute, but really?  So this may mean 5 years of hell?  I'm barely getting through 2. 


How are you doing, pretty?




well, pretty much the same as you. i have seen some improvements no doubt. like last night the brain symptoms seemed to have finally calmed down after 28 months. and then tonight was like gang-busters but it's better right now. so it was more like about 3 hours instead of a whole night. so in that sense.


but i sure would like to see much more improvement. sometimes i feel so terribly damaged and then on Dec 12th i had a partial window where i really thought i was turning a corner until the next day told me "not yet"... ::)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Unfortunately before i quit ( 4 day detox) i was falling from being given 8 mg daily of lorazapam,one of the falls down a flight of stairs shattered my left elbow ,arm ,and shoulder,and improper instructions from the doctor ( don't move it for 6 weeks ) caused a frozen shoulder,and my rotator cuff was torn in my right arm,so i cant put my arms in front of me .Is there anything else i can so to try and relieve this severe muscle contraction?
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  • 1 month later...

Sweet Morroweg :smitten:


How are you these days? I hope you are seeing large and grand improvements that you deserve :) Good to "cross paths" again here :)


Mrs. :smitten:

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Sweet Morroweg :smitten:


How are you these days? I hope you are seeing large and grand improvements that you deserve :) Good to "cross paths" again here :)


Mrs. :smitten:


Hi there Mrs, nice to see you too...hope you are getting better.


my one is a slow process, thank you, wish i could speed it up.....

but i can feel the healing....so I'm grateful, take care. :smitten:

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"My speed of thought has increased tenfold in the last two months. My memories are now back and don’t come fluttering out of nowhere like a deck of cards thrown in the wind. My word recall is just as fast, maybe faster, than it was before. I’m no longer sad, or worried, or think about all that’s wrong in the world."


You posted this a long time ago, but I'm in need of hearing about success.  Thank you for checking in and letting people know!  For me, who is still tapering, this is what I want to grab onto -- that one CAN heal! 


Thank you again!  :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bump... :)


Thank you for bumping! I love this part,


"Concentrate on the symptoms that are better or you no longer have. Don’t think about what is still wrong. Compare yourself with six months ago and you can see the difference. If you concentrate on the symptoms you still have it doesn’t feel like you’re making progress. Between 18 and 20 months I was on autopilot. I just kept going, feeling like it would never completely go away and I would never be the same again. I had come to terms with that, and then a month later realized that I was beginning to want to do things again. I noticed my speed of thought was increasing weekly and my cognitive precision was back. My memories are now back in order and I am able to recall them in vivid detail, but now they have time tags on them and no longer just pop up randomly.


Physically and mentally I feel as good or better than I have in ten years. I have recovered completely and have no lingering effects. My success story has no qualifiers. It has been 22 months and I’m like new.

For some reason, 12 to 18 months was the most difficult. I think it’s because you’re so exhausted and feeling hopeless. After 18 months it begins to get better but you feel like you’ll never be the way you were before, that there will always be some lingering symptoms. For me it began to really accelerate at around 20 months. I could tell I was beginning to get better but I had given up on being the person I once was.

I have been waiting to write this until I was positive I was completely healed.

I am.


Thank you everyone for all your help and support during the last two years. It made all the difference to know I wasn’t alone. Neither are you. You will get better. I promise."

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