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How many people HAVE to work while tapering


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I'm lucky to work at a place that's willing to cut me a lot of slack around this stuff; I explained I was tapering off a medication I'd been on a long time and having some problems to my boss, and was told to do whatever I needed to. Twice in the past year I've totally freaked out and had to flee to my parents for a few days/week to decompress, but because I work in software I'm able to work from more or less anywhere, so I took my work with me in both cases.


Even when I feel really nutty, the regularity of a work schedule does a lot of good for me. If I had to work in a less understanding place I think I'd be able to, but it would certainly make things harder.

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I am very fortunate too. I told a few people who have direct influence on me and they totally understand. I would hate to have huge stress as I think that would be harder. I am also a licenced paramedic so I'm glad I'm not practicing right now. Not sure if I could handle that. If I had to I'm sure I would work it out. I'm way to young to retire so I must work so someday I will be able to retire. I'm on a compressed work week so get ever second Friday off so I get to chill. I know some people on BB are less fortunate so we need to prop them up and encourage them. If that is "you" post so we can help.


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I just wanted to thank you etown for starting this thread.  I think working while tapering has a fairly significant impact on tapering, both benefits - distraction, keeps me from being homeless,  and challenges - stress, impedes the pace of the taper for many...(although if I had to weigh and balance, I'd say there were more challenges).


I found this job early in my taper after having gone through the ringer with my ex-psych, an addiction psychopharmacologist, 3 c/o attempts (last one was succesful thankfully), being homebound for a couple months and a whole plethra of things that thankfully at this moment I forgot lol.  They only needed a part time person, it allowed me to stay in my field (computers) but didn't require near what had been required owning my own company for the last 15 years.  Things have since changed here in the last year and the level of responsibility has increased exponentially so the challenges have increased, and it does cause me fear daily that I may not be able to keep up.


But while they probably would prefer it to be different, but have allowed it, I dress casually which is as a result of the 8 inch ruptured appendix scar I can't wear zippered pants, the Graves' myopathy causes problems with my joints and muscles, so loose fitting clothing and w/d, it requires a lot effort to just shower regularily and find clean clothes. 


They don't know about w/d, but they do know about the surgery and Graves'.  And perhaps, in a really messed up way, I'm fortunate to have those since that's what they chalk things up to.  I've still got another 15 years until I can consider retirement, so as long as they'll have me and I can tolerate them I hope to stay.  The idea of having to find another job and deal with what comes from that, makes keeping this one all that much more important.



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WWW you sound like a really cool person. I'm glad this thread is out there too. Working just seems to add another layer to everything. I love the distraction of working,however, I do believe I would be overall better if I could choose mt own pace. It is what it is and with this thread we can hold each other up and understand the triumphs and losses of working together as a group. I still think we are in the minority on BB especially for those in the 5 or 6 mg V range as this is when the plot thickens for many people. I reallly feel for those that have to go to a job they hate with no support at all it must be a nightmare.


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I like you too etown :)


I also agree that we are not the majority.  I absolutely understand why many cannot, but for those who do, it's really nice to have place to go where we share this common link.  I also agree that if someone hated their job and had no support, I cannot imagine how much harder that would be.  I can't say I LOVE this job, but I can tolerate them for now and they tolerate me  for now lol so it's all good.



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I have a new word for you "mutual toleration" that's what it is. Some sweet day we can retire and tolerate sitting on the deck catching some rays. Then we will be all healed and ready for the rest of the campaign.

Can't wait for the day


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How many people are back at it? Pushing through another week at work ughh. Share your tapering and working stories to support those who HAVE to work while tapering!


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Oh I feel your pain Spengler...I have had a heck of a time with insomnia the last month or so. I get one of those days you're talking about and either "push through" the next day or work from home. Man the sleeping thing is the big one for me. I can put up with alot of symptoms if I get my rest. If I don't rest just double the symptoms the next day.


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I hear that about the sleep thing.  I actually got an ok nights sleep (6 hours an up at 4 am, but that's typical) and thought it might be an ok day, but then I was fighting fires all morning and by noon, just wanted to crawl under my desk and cry "uncle' lol
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Told my wife on the weekend " at least I'm going through this now while I'm working vs when we retire" lol


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I have to work while in protracted withdrawal and today i had to fly out to San Jose for 9 days for work. totally uncool. 
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Bummer Niko I had the same thing. I had to fly to Edmonton for a week when I had full blown symtoms and it totally sucked. I am with you.....stay tough and let us know how you are doing. Stay on this thread and keep us updated so we can support you.We have a really good but small group here.


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Bummer Niko I had the same thing. I had to fly to Edmonton for a week when I had full blown symtoms and it totally sucked. I am with you.....stay tough and let us know how you are doing. Stay on this thread and keep us updated so we can support you.We have a really good but small group here.



Man, i'm trying to stay tough but having to interact with people is really difficult. i'm having to train people on software among my other tasks and i start to clam up and get symptoms which may be DR, not quite sure. feels like everyone around me is strange and my anxiety spikes. thanks for the support. i sure hope this gets better. i still have 10mg of Valium to come off of after a failed c/t back in Nov 2011 which left me in a state of psychosis that i'm slowly recovering from.

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Niko - I understand believe me...I have a ways to go too. My job is interacting with people. I just let it go and try to relax. The alternative is even worse...drugs! So stay strong my friend we will get our lives back soon. FYI I have been following the Diazepam/Valium support group started by Danni. If you get a chance head on over there. Great people with a common goal.


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I get it darkside I have to start talking myself into it the night before. For me I have figured it is a good distraction and I'm thankful for that part' however I do feel much better at home. Its like a love/hate relationship but it is what it is..one second,one minute,one hour,one day at a time.


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I get it darkside I have to start talking myself into it the night before. For me I have figured it is a good distraction and I'm thankful for that part' however I do feel much better at home. Its like a love/hate relationship but it is what it is..one second,one minute,one hour,one day at a time.



It's sure is a battle etown, isn't it?  I call it 'showing up'.


Early in withdrawals I decided I had to 'show up' if I was ever really going to beat this stuff.  I'd wake up early in the morning waiting for ONE moment of clarity in 60 moments of insanity to get out the door.  I still do this to a certain extent today.    :)



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well, i have been working thru my taper?????.  i don't know if 2 to 3 mo is considered a taper or not but it wasn't easy after i came off to try to work.  last yr i had to take off about 6 or 7 days because of it.  one day recently i went home after 2 hours but for the most part i can usually get thru  the day. thank God for FMLA.
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Spengler, you'll get this.....poor sleeping night last night. Made the fatal error of a quick 15 min nap when I got home. Don't ever do that! Nice to see the list growing on this thread. Please come back all and share. It help all of us! Beau and Arcey keep the posts coming.We need to be there for a growing number of people of this thread that need to experience the highs and klows of working while tapering.


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I get it darkside I have to start talking myself into it the night before. For me I have figured it is a good distraction and I'm thankful for that part' however I do feel much better at home. Its like a love/hate relationship but it is what it is..one second,one minute,one hour,one day at a time.



It's sure is a battle etown, isn't it?  I call it 'showing up'.


Early in withdrawals I decided I had to 'show up' if I was ever really going to beat this stuff.  I'd wake up early in the morning waiting for ONE moment of clarity in 60 moments of insanity to get out the door.  I still do this to a certain extent today.    :)

There is a lot of truth to what Woody Allen said "Eighty percent of success is just showing up" :)  Cause that's just about all I can do some days lol. 

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Spengler, you'll get this.....poor sleeping night last night. Made the fatal error of a quick 15 min nap when I got home. Don't ever do that! Nice to see the list growing on this thread. Please come back all and share. It help all of us! Beau and Arcey keep the posts coming.We need to be there for a growing number of people of this thread that need to experience the highs and klows of working while tapering.



Huh, why do you say don't do that? When my body tells me to take a nap, I generally do it.

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Napping just prolongs me getting to sleep at night. Not workin' for me Spengler. If it did I would do what you do for sure. When I get off this stuff napping will be my middles name


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