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was switched from ativan to xanax


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Im grasping on the benzos are poison and i would really like to try to go into detox but at this point the way i feel not sure i could do that,im barely functioning ,,,why will noone in my family believe me other than my dad about benzos he says just to stop them but i know better than tthat..does it make a differnece how long u have been on them when u go to come off or is it just as hard on someone say who has only been on 1 year versus me like 20 years.my face is numb my heart feels funny and im scared hubby is hoping i will seem ok enought that the dr tommorw says i can come home he think i will be ok on the klonopin he isnt grasping how i saaid benzos make u depressed and the pharmisist say they dont make you depressed either so i dont know what to do go to mental hospiatal and get more drugs? or stay home and chance committing suicede eventually because i feel like my life is f---ed up and there is no joy even though i have so much to live for,,i try to taper and tehn more drugs im at a loss could all this damage my heart or casue me a stroke
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Hi hazy,


A question......do you read other members' blogs?  If you do, can you retain what you have read?  You always answer a question with a question.  Do you know that you are the only one that can help yourself get off these meds?  Do you know that you will never feel better until you do?  Please answer these 3 questions, hazy.  I  have always wished the best for you but you must help yourself.


Patty  xo

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does it make a differnece how long u have been on them when u go to come off or is it just as hard on someone say who has only been on 1 year versus me like 20 years.


Everyone is different when it comes to tapering.  Being on for 20 years doesn't mean you are going to have a harder time or that it's impossible.  Many people have been on as long as you and have tapered off.


One of your biggest challenges is that you are in tolerance, and nothing is going to work for any period of time until you are off.  You must   decide what drug you want to taper off and go with it.  It won't be easy but you can do it.


There is enough information on this forum to let you know how klonopin/xanax/ativan will affect you. When you are in tolerance they all will cause anxiety, depression, panic, etc.  Read other threads and you will see what you are feeling is normal for someone that's been drugged the way you have.


If you feel you are a danger to yourself then you must go to the hospital, nothing is worth losing you life over.  

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by blogs do u mean what they say to me andim having trouble retaining anything and also do drs see things the way we do on here i want to help myself so i wish you would explain what ami doing to not help my self i have to go to drs right and my hubby says do what drs say he would freak if he knew i was here and listining to random peoplle about meds..so please explain where am i going wrong in helping my self
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Thank You TS, Im going to figure as the meds i amon now that if i go in the hospital and dont get off the benzo there ,then whichever one i come home on is the one i will taper,i truely want off then i just feel i need some help right now with how messed up i am i will ask dr if they fill the depression is from the benzos or if im depressed jsut because i have been so anxious and stressed and i have made myself depressed,i belong to a char room with people on benzos and not one of them say they feel dep[ressed on their bezos...ok so im in tolerance becasue i have been on so long correct i am having trouble thinking..which drug is easiest to taper off and i will read others storeis as u suggested tahnk you TS for being so cool


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I was reading on the home page and you all suggest talking to our drs before making any changes to our medication..so thatmeans we need to involve our dr in our taper on here is that corerect ? Call me stupid but i guess i have always felt this was just a group helping otehrs get off meds so we are to go to our dr with the recomendaion from here
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Thank You TS, Im going to figure as the meds i amon now that if i go in the hospital and dont get off the benzo there ,then whichever one i come home on is the one i will taper,i truely want off then i just feel i need some help right now with how messed up i am i will ask dr if they fill the depression is from the benzos or if im depressed jsut because i have been so anxious and stressed and i have made myself depressed,i belong to a char room with people on benzos and not one of them say they feel dep[ressed on their bezos...ok so im in tolerance becasue i have been on so long correct i am having trouble thinking..which drug is easiest to taper off and i will read others storeis as u suggested tahnk you TS for being so cool


I would say klonopin is easier than ativan or xanax to taper off of because it has a longer half-life.  However, I tapered directly off ativan/lorazepam after nearly 20 years  so it's possible, just harder I think.  I was very depressed and considering a mental hospital and electroconvulsive therapy last year at this time when I was on lorazepam.  Not everyone gets depressed on benzos but many do.  I think Tropicalsoul may have been talking about your many rapid changes in medications you have made since joining the forum; that would mess anyone up.


I was reading on the home page and you all suggest talking to our drs before making any changes to our medication..so thatmeans we need to involve our dr in our taper on here is that corerect ? Call me stupid but i guess i have always felt this was just a group helping otehrs get off meds so we are to go to our dr with the recomendaion from here


That is what we recommend people do: take information to their doctor about benzos and the need for a slow taper and ask for their doctor's support.  You are not stupid at all; you understand perfectly that we are just a bunch of people with benzo experience trying to help each other get free. 

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i have always felt this was just a group helping otehrs get off meds so we are to go to our dr with the recomendaion from here


Hazy, we are a group of people that are helping each other but we also know that drs. either don't know or will not acknowledge what we are going through.  That's why people come to the forums to get help.  Just as your drs. don't really know what is wrong with you. 


I'm sure not one of your doctors has told you that you are in tolerance with the drugs, that you need to come off to get better.  All they know to do is prescribe more.  Do people on this forum know more about getting off benzos than most drs?  Yes, we do.  BUT you must have a dr. that will prescribe you medication so that you can get off.  And it helps if they are in agreement that you need to come off.

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TS yes i agree drs need to help us with this,also so its ok to be on a antidepresasnat while getting off the benzos right,,,i have been depressed as far back as 1999 and maybe before i was researching in my journals and i have mainley been on xanx except one year since 1990 i think 99 i was changed  to klonopin for ayear and then back to xanax till 07 when i stopped it coldturkey from there u all know what i have been on,i treid lots od antidepresssnats since 1999 an see that i still complained of depression i had bad family life circumstances with then hubby but also see that yes benzos cause depression Now if i can find a anti depressany that will help me maybe i can stay out  of hospital,,,thanks so much
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Yes, it's ok to be on an antidepressant while tapering from the benzos, it will probably help you.


Be sure and tell your new dr. all that you've been on and your history, especially that you cold turkey'ed xanax in July.  I feel like a great deal of what you are going through now stems from that. 


Getting some counseling through this wouldn't be a bad idea either, we need all the help we can get to make life a little easier through this.  :)


Good luck tomorrow...hope it goes well for you.  :smitten:


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my hubby is talking that i need rehab to get off all meds dont they caold turkey you in rehab


I don't know if all rehabs take the cold turkey route. You may want to call and ask them what type of program they use to detox from benzos.

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cold turkey at this rehab dont know if i can do that hubby will discuss with dr im so scared having physical symtopms


Has your husband looked at The Ashton Manual?? Cold turkey is not recommended for benzos. Here's the link to the manual...http://www.benzo.org.uk/manual/index.htm

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Cold turkey is not an option - plain and simple. Unless you hubby wants to see you suffer more than any human being should ever have to endure, he might want to consider letting you go to your doctor and trying something a bit more civilized. They will CT you at most detox clinics, only to drug you up with older drugs that are going to dope you up enough for them to think you're healed, only to send you home to suffer when those meds wear off.


You idea about being on an AD is a very worthwhile idea and should be explored with your doc. If you need something during withdrawal, then you need something, but taking everything away from you at one time is deadly. That's no joke. PLEASE talk to your doc about other options during this taper, because the route your husband wants to take you has but one destination - suffering. Do what YOU think is best... :)



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Hi To all my friends,Talked with the medical dr at this time she recomened going on Lexapro and uping the klonopinfrom 1/2 mg in the mornig and night to 1 mg am and 1 mg pm because i told her i was having the worst anxiety I thinkits from being stopped of the xanax and being on the lower dose of ativan and klonopin xnax and my body do wieerd things after all those years on it,,,,i dont like having to up the klonopin but untill im stable i will and hope not to take no more ativan as needed like she said,,,im kinda afraid of the lexapro because i treid celexa in dec and freaked out but maybe thats because  i was taking xanax and atican together and was all messed up im going to try as she said, maybe this will work and then i can taper of the klonopin im very dizzy tonight and u know i have always drank non alkie beer but now seems i get dizzy when i do,,,,any ideas about lexapro they say it works maybe within a week i might notice unless i have depression that dont respond to meds,no my hubby ddint want me to sufer and felt i was not strong enought to go thru rehab and he agreed i could work with u all and a pshycristrist once i gt one,he loves me very much...thansk to u all for caring,if i wake up in the morning freaked out from taking lexapro i will have him take me to the mental hospital,,u know my fear of pills im taking it tonight
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Hi To all my friends,Talked with the medical dr at this time she recomened going on Lexapro and uping the klonopinfrom 1/2 mg in the mornig and night to 1 mg am and 1 mg pm because i told her i was having the worst anxiety I thinkits from being stopped of the xanax and being on the lower dose of ativan and klonopin xnax and my body do wieerd things after all those years on it,,,,i dont like having to up the klonopin but untill im stable i will and hope not to take no more ativan as needed like she said,,,im kinda afraid of the lexapro because i treid celexa in dec and freaked out but maybe thats because  i was taking xanax and atican together and was all messed up im going to try as she said, maybe this will work and then i can taper of the klonopin im very dizzy tonight and u know i have always drank non alkie beer but now seems i get dizzy when i do,,,,any ideas about lexapro they say it works maybe within a week i might notice unless i have depression that dont respond to meds,no my hubby ddint want me to sufer and felt i was not strong enought to go thru rehab and he agreed i could work with u all and a pshycristrist once i gt one,he loves me very much...thansk to u all for caring,if i wake up in the morning freaked out from taking lexapro i will have him take me to the mental hospital,,u know my fear of pills im taking it tonight


Good luck, Hazy!! I hope this works out for you!!  :smitten:

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Hi To all my friends,Talked with the medical dr at this time she recomened going on Lexapro and uping the klonopinfrom 1/2 mg in the mornig and night to 1 mg am and 1 mg pm because i told her i was having the worst anxiety I thinkits from being stopped of the xanax and being on the lower dose of ativan and klonopin xnax and my body do wieerd things after all those years on it,,,,i dont like having to up the klonopin but untill im stable i will and hope not to take no more ativan as needed like she said,,,im kinda afraid of the lexapro because i treid celexa in dec and freaked out but maybe thats because  i was taking xanax and atican together and was all messed up im going to try as she said, maybe this will work and then i can taper of the klonopin im very dizzy tonight and u know i have always drank non alkie beer but now seems i get dizzy when i do,,,,any ideas about lexapro they say it works maybe within a week i might notice unless i have depression that dont respond to meds,no my hubby ddint want me to sufer and felt i was not strong enought to go thru rehab and he agreed i could work with u all and a pshycristrist once i gt one,he loves me very much...thansk to u all for caring,if i wake up in the morning freaked out from taking lexapro i will have him take me to the mental hospital,,u know my fear of pills im taking it tonight


I've read very good things about Lexapro for depression and anxiety so you are getting a double benefit.  It may take a few weeks to feel the effects so please hang in there.  Getting stable on all your meds is real important.  Go to bed and think positive thoughts about how much this is going to help you.

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woke up this morning feeling alot of confusion wonder if its the lexapro u all know my fear of meds its only 10 mg but u know when i triedcelexa i freaked out and i think im scared thats gonna happen also my skin feels like its burning,,,,could that befrom the lexapro i hate havignto up the klonopin,,how do i find my sweetpea1960 link i want to see how much klonopin i was on back then
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A week or so back, you mentioned that 5HTP and GABA had been mentioned.  I hope that if you are taking either of these (or any other supplements), you have informed the doctors Rxing your meds.  5HTP with a serotonin based AD can be extremely dangerous.  GABA with a benzo can cause problems too. 
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Since you are changing your meds and are in such tolerance it would be best if you discontinued all supplement or over the counter meds while getting leveled out and tapering.  :smitten:
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no i never went on the 5htp or gabba im just hoping i an make this at home and not have to go to hospital but feeling os out of it this morning andmind racing dont know if its froma anxiety or the lexapro or upping the klonopin
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