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I'm having a crisis of understanding. There are some people on the web who say you should cut by 10% and hold for a month. What? I would be taking klonopin forever if I did this. But, is it better in the end? Do people have fewer side effects/symptoms when they do this? Has anyone gone that slow? I think I'm doing ok. I want to be off this drug and hope I'm not going too fast. Ugh! I don't feel good during this process, but I didn't feel good while on the prescribed dose either. What are your thoughts?

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Hi Everyone,


Has anyone else experienced considerably more sweating than normal on your taper off of Klonopin? I have been sweating like a pig at a hog roast from some things that I normally wouldn't sweat at all doing. This medicine has made me sweat a lot more for about the last 5 years of use, but it is way worse now that I have tapered down to .25mg bid over that last 5 months.   



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Hello KK:


Just frustrated how long this process takes.  If I continue the taper as I have in mind; prob another 9 months.  That sucks.  I don't want to pop these little pills anymore.  What then after the 9 months?  Another year of protracted w/d?  I know I took these pills for a reason - crippling panic attacks and anxiety.  And it was very effective.  But the nature of daily benzo use and dependence was not something I fully understood until well after I was k-pinned.  Blah.  Ugh.  I should have never crossed that line 6 years ago from the occasional xanax to the daily k-pin.



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I'm having a crisis of understanding. There are some people on the web who say you should cut by 10% and hold for a month. What? I would be taking klonopin forever if I did this. But, is it better in the end? Do people have fewer side effects/symptoms when they do this? Has anyone gone that slow? I think I'm doing ok. I want to be off this drug and hope I'm not going too fast. Ugh! I don't feel good during this process, but I didn't feel good while on the prescribed dose either. What are your thoughts?

Since you feel like you are doing okay I vote that you continue to do what you are doing as it seems to be working for you. I would actually taper faster if I were you but it's a personal decision.

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I am feeling more stable now. I am still on 1mg valium in am and pm and and 2/3 mg every other day in pm. I was so sick last week and it was coming in big waves. I am going to hold steady for another week. My frustration comes b/c I am k-pin free for 7 weeks and really want to be off the v. also. I know through a miserable experience that I have to do this really slowly. I read your posts and others and it makes me ill to know that there are so many people in the same boat. I told several of my friends abt all of it. People were asking me where I have been all year. It is hard to talk abt. Those I have told have been really supportive but I feel like they look at me differently now.                                        I am the same person who is far better off than I was when I started this journey. They just never knew.

I hope you are doing well. I will pop up again. :thumbsup:

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Hey, Brian -


I'm sorry you are feeling discouraged.  So many of us wish we'd never crossed that line (whatever line it was for each of us), but I always maintain that we--or most of us, anyway--were never adequately informed about what we were getting ourselves into.  At any rate, I would hope that after a gradual taper you might not be in for the protracted withdrawal symptoms you fear.  It seems to me that there's a reasonable number of people out there who taper carefully, jump, and then maybe have to deal with a few symptoms, but nothing they can't manage and not necessarily for very long, either.  Maybe keeping these cases in mind would help you feel more optimistic?





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Hey Klubbers,


Frus - congrats on being free!  I hope you're experiencing quick healing.  :)


Brian - I agree with Rek.  My withdrawal started to get a bit easier when I was about halfway through.  Then I picked up the pace a lot, so I never really felt better, but I finished my taper A LOT faster than I would have anticipated.  I've read of other people having an easier time when they reached the end, as well.  Just take good care of yourself and stay the course.  :)  You are healing even while you're tapering.


Ama - I don't have experience with sweating more, but my skin has been very oily.  And I've had other strange sxs as a result of my endocrine system being all over the place; hair loss, weight loss, weight gain, malabsorption, new food sensitivities, etc. etc.


Peace - not sure who's saying 10% per month.  I've always seen 5 - 10% every 10 to 14 days.  And I have to agree with Frus - if you were going to fast, you would know.  I had issues in the beginning of stacking cuts on top of each other and it was very apparent.  I always had a good sense of what I could handle.


Me - I'm almost at the two month mark.  I feel like I have other health issues going on right now, but it could just be the final wave.  I'm seeing a doctor tomorrow anyway to have a yearly blood test and also do a food sensitivity test.  It's been a few years now and I'd like to see how or if my sensitivities have changed.  I started something to support my adrenal glands last Wed.  I feel better, I guess... but sometimes I feel like I have some mild anxiety on top of the crippling fatigue.  I can't even think straight, I'm so tired all the time.  :sick:


Happy healing to everyone today,


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I want to speak  to the time factor... time is the measure by which we determine how far we have come... that's all... I know I fear that the doc will cut me off because its taking so long but I really, at a very fundamental level, believe, you cannot stand inside a place where you wait for this to be over... the healing process: pain, fears, anxieties, oddities of all kinds, is the way through this... it must be endured, but as I so often joke... practice patience, don't wait. :D  It takes a long time to taper so that sx remain manageable.  There are 3 alternatives... stay on the drug, quit taking it, or determine a workable taper.  All 3 options have their side effects... but those are the choices.  I am finding, as well, that at these lower doses, I've been able to make larger than 10% cuts... not much.  if a 10% cut puts me at .0146... I'll cut to .015 or if 10% is .0144, I'll cut to .014.  This has been working... its still taking so long and its tedious to cut the doses, but I have not gotten delirium tremors again and I can mostly, function.  I am getting much of my memory and ability to problem solve back, not to mention, stress levels are leveling off... alot.  I'm far more hopeful than I was earlier on.  I'm lots more organized.  Thinking about how long its going to take is just another way we can beat ourselves up... oh, give up, cuz its too much.. or I just barrel my way through... yeah,  most of you are way to young to consider going back... there is no high ground w/ this drug... it will always be chasing you and as you age you will be less able to find the fortitude to persevere... and, as for just quitting, go to the c/t boards to find out what its like for people who just quit... or the few here that have done so... I've done my share of whining about how long its going to take but it doesn't help... what helped 6 mo. ago, still helps; prayer, meditation, yoga, music, TV, almost any distraction that works for you... I've been able to add, lately, mild to moderate work or exercise, reading, pushing myself outside my comfort zones on  a number of fronts... I spent about a whole month belaboring how long this was still going to take... you can go back and read my posts... it was time ill spent... it is so important to stay in the moment... it may seem trivial, but it cannot be stressed enough.  It is in the moment  where we can find ways to deal w/ whatever sx is manifesting at the moment.  I no longer think in terms of "when is this going to go away," but how can I make this moment better.  As always, my regards for a bountiful day.  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: Njoy
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Beautiful post, Njoy. Just what I needed to read today. Trying to stay in the moment, and be patient with the pace of my seemingly endless taper. So many good days now. Know that if I rush and cut too much I will get nasty payback.

Learning so much during this process.

Advice for a manageable taper: Enjoy the windows (if you have them), and accept the waves with balanced knowledge -- i.e., sometimes a bad wave can indicate need for slower taper or need to explore other methods of healing. I have been helped tremendously by various supplements: Magnesium, Vit. C, Kelp, hydrolyzed collagen, adrenal fatigue supplement, colostrum, and tart cherry for sleep. I also meditate twice a day, and get some sort of exercise, even if it's just a brisk walk or weeding in the garden.

I know my doctor would love for me to just stop now because I'm at a sub-clinical level in her mind. Ha! I am certain that she doesn't truly believe that coming off the K is as difficult as we all know it is! Very difficult to get .125 clonazepam wafer refills from her. Down to my last wafer. Have been waiting for prescription for a week. Hope it arrives in mail today! (No big worries -- I have .25s left over from when I was at higher dose; just don't like messing with dose changes when I'm micro-tapering. Throws things off a "millibit").


Getting a drenching rain right now. Going to close my eyes and just listen quietly for a minute or two..




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Hello team.


I've had 2 days back at work now.  I can feel a difference.  I can't tell if it's good or bad.  My emotions seem less blunted.  I laugh differently.  But my emotions can also be raw and untempered.  I can be easily agitated and anxious.



Rek & Deinoncote:  Thanks for the support and advice.  I really appreciate it.  Everyone does have a different process and experience.  I don't yet know how mine will unfold.  Nice to think I am healing even now.


Njoy: I liked reading your experience and thoughts on time.  All i have is now.  I will never "arrive" at exactly where I want to be - if it's not benzos; it will be something else I'm counting down until.  The faulty but persistent idea that "everything will be better when I have....."  Fill in the blank with any goal or life circumstance or possession.


Be well all.





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Njoy - there is indeed a sage in each of us.  :)


Cheeryme - I'm taking an adrenal support herbal supplement.  Do you find that it helps you?  Right now it's kind of keeping me propped up, although I feel "wired but tired."  I'm staying away from caffeine.  I don't care for how licorice root works, which is in most adrenal support formulas.  I don't think it's a good long-term solution.  I've only been taking it for a week this go-round, and I've already decreased my dose from 2 capsules to 1.  Short of taking compounded cortisol, I'm not sure what to do about my stubborn adrenal glands.  :(

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So relieved.  Had a dr appointment today.


I was so in fear that doc might not give me more clonazepam prescription to continue my taper.


But he did.  In fact, enough to complete my taper, and be able to go at the slow pace I've been going.


I think I was more nervous about this, than I am about the actual tapering.


I'm very thankful.  :smitten:



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ColoradoChick - I'm so glad you're feeling better. I hope that continues for you. It's such an unpredictable road that we're on. My dear husband likes to say, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." And then I punch him in the arm. He's kind and correct and has no idea what we're going through. It's very hard to explain to others and that's why I'm so thankful for you and all the others doing this with me.


Disney Girl- I'm glad you were able to get the prescription and the piece of mind you needed from your doctor. What a great place to be.


Frus and Deinoncote - I'm not sure I would know if I was going too fast. I always feel bad - sometimes terrible and sometimes just very fatigued. I've felt this way since being put on the klonopin. I don't know what would happen if I slowed down because the klonopin never worked well for me. I pretty much began accidentally tapering myself and going through withdrawal after being on it for a few weeks because I felt so sedated. I want to feel better than this, but I'm not sure slowing down would do the trick but I'm scared to go faster. I feel like I'm in this precarious middle ground that's barely tolerable most days. Is that basic withdrawal or signs of a too fast taper? This benzo guy I emailed from one of Dr. Ashton's pages said 10% every 2 to 6 weeks. I'm doing about 10% every 2 weeks, a little faster. He also mentioned that tortoise and the hare as a cautionary tale. Gulp.


Brian- I hope you continue to feel better as your body gets use to your new dose. I'm thinking extra healing thoughts for you as you go through your work days. I'm about to head back to work and have no idea how my greatly fatigued mind will hold up to the task. I'm hopeful I'll be able to do just what I need to do. I'm hopeful you will too.



Peace to you all.



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Deinoncote, Hi!


I was pretty careful about taking an adrenal supplement. I chose dr. wilson's because it has a reported positive track record and because hormones are removed through processing. I even showed this to my primary care physician. Loved that she dismissed it as harmless. Of course, she didn't think it would have any effect on my CNS or adrenal function. But I have taken this steadily since last winter. I am finally experiencing days without tinnitus. That is why I was drawn to it -- as a means to rid myself of non-stop tinnitus since I cut too quickly last summer. I do not think it was a 100% solution, but I do think it has contributed to my healing. I take it with Magnesium and Vit. C.

Found out about it by following Perseverance's threads on adrenals and HPA Axis.


Okay, this seems to have either helped or done me no harm. If I were feeling wired and thought it was directly connected to a supplement, I would stop taking the supplement.


But...I was experiencing tremors almost non-stop for months going back to summer 2012...Nothing touched that for many months -- until time passed. Time has been the best healer. I rarely feel tremors now. And the wired feeling...that is gone for the most part too. I do think supplements helped though. Also, meditation and mild exercise.


I am micro-tapering slowly, slowly.


Hope reports of my experiences help you!







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Hi everyone, just making an appearance...


I'm a cold-turkey-er if anyone wants to know how it was for me.


Coming up on 15 months K-free, memories of withdrawal sxs are starting to fade. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad, but that's what it is. Big changes are becoming commonplace - our new place is clean and organized. Clothes are picked up, garbage is taken out, dishes are done, my energy during the day is enduring. I'm in my 6th month of starting yoga (at least 3x a week), and it's the best thing I could have started for myself.


Some of you guys know I had a failed sales career this year and I'm back to teaching. I'm going back part-time, but the money is great so I'm making a full salary at 14 hours a week, go figure  :) I've been a happy housewife for the better part of the year - glad to have experienced that when my life (and my generation) has been directed to have huge aspirations and follow them. I'm middle-aged, but my dad still wants me to jump into some other career. Nope, not at this time, probably not ever. It's time to be content, and I feel I've deserved it.


I love coming back and seeing you guys, my old friends Reks, Njoy, Brian, Dein, DisneyGirl. You guys are SO supportive of one another! The tone of this awesome Klub has been maintained - kind, considerate, caring. Love it!


Congrats, Reks, on your year! :yippee:


Congrats, Njoy, on being so close to the jump!  :thumbsup:


Congrats, Brian, for persevering, even when it feels crazy  :crazy:


Keepin' tabs on y'all...





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Thanks, Cheery.  What I take is just called Adrenal Support and it's all herbal.  I'm a vegetarian and won't do desiccated glands.  I can't understand how western doctors can so consistently balk at the effectiveness of herbs.  Licorice root has a very proven effect on cortisol levels and it's a key ingredient in most adrenal formulas.  And it CAN be harmful.  I hope you're able to talk to someone like a naturopath who understands herbs and how they work.  It sounds like you do your research.  :thumbsup:  I'm not familiar with Dr. Wilson's, but my naturopathic dr. approved the formula I'm taking.  I know I need to quit taking it when I develop anxiety with a hand tremor.  I do take vitamin C and magnesium, as well as a host of other supplements, being prone to anemia and having had liver damage in the past.  I'm particularly fond of MediClear, which I blend into a smoothie.


Jax - glad you're enjoying your new career and you can barely see the withdrawal in the rear view mirror now.  :)  That must feel really great!


Peace - it wouldn't hurt to try slowing down.  However, it sounds like many of the problems you're facing are side effects of being on the drug.  I certainly experienced a lot of fatigue while in withdrawal, so it's hard to say.  Fatigue can be caused by so many different things.  Stress, withdrawal, side effects, poor diet and on and on.  I'm so wiped out right now I feel like I can hardly move or think, so I'm working with my doctor to make sure I don't have any other underlying conditions.  My taper got easier as I progressed, which makes me wonder what negative effects I was experiencing from being on the drug.  Test the waters carefully, is my advice.  Maybe try a smaller cut and see how you feel.  If you don't feel any better, maybe try a little bit bigger cut and see how you feel. 


Best of luck to everyone in moving forward!



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It did not last. That is what is so hard w all of this. I have 1 good day, then another, and then I am so sick. Today I had one of the worst days I have had so far . Sweating, nauseous, ears ringing badly. I know this is a long road but man is this hard. I was on this med for a l-o-n-g time. It worked and I know that if I just start taking it again I will not be sick but I can't do that. All of you say that this will end at some point and I believe it. You are right abt others not knowing what this is like. I am a strong person but I can tell you that this is stretching me to the outer limits. I feel so toxic. I can smell it all over me. I look forward to the day when I can say, 'I feel really good.' I know I will get there. Thanks for your support.  :'(  :'(  :'(


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Buddies- Thanks for the great feedback about my taper. I'm still trying to work out the best approach. I just cut again yesterday and today I feel pretty great with a little anxiety. I always feel pretty good right after I taper but then get slammed with side effects a few days out. Anyone else feel better in the few days right after a cut? What's up with that?


Coloradochick- I'm sorry it's so hard. I'm sorry for all if us and at the same time believe in our strength and I hope. I hope to be as patient as possible and to feel as well as I can through this. The advice I've received so far is to stop for awhile when side effects are unbareable. Can you stop for awhile? I hope things smooth out soon. I think I literally feel your pain. Big hugs to you.

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Hello K-Klub:


I am cautiously optimistic about my most recent cut.  I feel pretty good - not great, but not knocked down benzo-sick.  I'll take it.  One week back at work and things seem ok.  I am definitely a little on edge; but, it feels manageable.


Peace, thanks for your kind and supportive words.  It means a lot.


Jaxy, so good to catch up with you.  I remember a lot of what you talked about in your post about your past year: the sales job, etc.  How lucky I am to have you on here.  Your upbeat presence really can take the sting out of a bad benzo day.  I think it's something to do with perspective.


K-Klub really continues to be my lifeline in terms of benzo withdrawal support and advice.


Hope all are well this night.





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Hello K-Klub:


I am cautiously optimistic about my most recent cut.  I feel pretty good - not great, but not knocked down benzo-sick.  I'll take it.  One week back at work and things seem ok.  I am definitely a little on edge; but, it feels manageable.


Peace, thanks for your kind and supportive words.  It means a lot.


Jaxy, so good to catch up with you.  I remember a lot of what you talked about in your post about your past year: the sales job, etc.  How lucky I am to have you on here.  Your upbeat presence really can take the sting out of a bad benzo day.  I think it's something to do with perspective.


K-Klub really continues to be my lifeline in terms of benzo withdrawal support and advice.


Hope all are well this night.








Even though I'm new to this klub, I'm hoping to connect with you & every other k klubber as well.

I'm glad that you are feeling ok after your last cut & that you continue to be optimistic about it & your taper experience. I hope that it continues for you.

I appreciate the support given here as well. I need the support from all of you. I am 6 days in & already starting to feel a bit of symptoms coming on. Not bad but I feel them starting.

I'm trying my best not to be afraid,  as I know fear makes everything worse, but I am fearful of the symptoms that may arise  & their severity. I too am cautiously optimistic that I'll be able to push through them each day & put up a strong fight. But we shall see.

Anyway thank you to all of you for listening & supporting me when I need it the most.




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I slept last night, 6 hrs. I do not remember tha last time I slept for so long. My last cut was 2 weeks ago. Only in the evening, every other day. I was fine for abt 2 days and then I was slammed w w/d . The worst was abt  on day 8-10. I was told that the end is the worst. I am off k-pin 2 months now. I am tapering off the valium that I was given to help w k-pin w/d. This is really hard on my personal life. BF is really supportive but I have been MIA for 8 months now. I am not going to cut again for a few more weeks. I need to level out.


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Hey KK:


Today is 2 weeks since I cut from 1mg K daily to .75mg K daily.  I was mandated to work a double yesterday at work and I was actually ok.  In exchange, I'm off from work today.  Heading to the Jersey Shore with family for a long weekend.  I live in NYC, so its nice to get away.  NYC is not the best place for benzo w/d - the screeching subways, the crowds, the general madness.


Lealani,  congrats on starting this final leg of your taper.  It sounds like you are doing your taper as gently as possible.    Like Jax commented to me, many people who taper wisely get by with little symptoms and become benzo-free.  Why not you?  And on bad days, you can always come here.  Post away!  Also come here on good days, and let us all know the upside.


Be well all.


Have a good weekend.



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Hi everyone,


Day 6  into my daily taper & I'm feeling really tired & depressed.

Also really alone...my husband is having a hard time understanding all of this.

It's stressful & I feel misunderstood. I have no rock to lean on but myself.

My youngest son will be turning 14 on Sunday, & my older children are 25 & 27.

They both work full time. So everyone is gone most of the time & I'm left alone for most of the day

which can be really tough. I know I need to take things day by day, but it is difficult when I know I have a long road ahead of me. If I can just have a few words of encouragement from some of you it would really help.


Thank you so much,




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