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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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So glad to hear you had a window.  It a absolutely does give us hope.  ;D





It’s encouraging to hear that your w/d symptoms got better as you tapered.  It seems for many that the opposite is true and I was kind of dreading that but now I’m hopeful. :thumbsup:



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Not having a very good day today...had a somewhat stressful day yesterday.  I took my 89 year old mother for her pain management appt makes me nervous because of Covid I don't like having her out around people.  She lives alone but I still take care of everything for her.  I have tried to stay busy today but it hasn't helped much with anxiety.  I also started a 1% taper since the 10% cut 5 weeks ago didn't go well.  So hoping to hold at the 1% for 10 days if all goes well hopefully I will be able to increase to 2% then.  Probably isn't helping that it is grey and cold outside I don't do well with cloudy days I need to live in the Bahamas!  ;D

Hope everyone else is having a good day.

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Hello All,


I hope we all have a happier and healthier new year overflowing with windows, relief, lots of healing and comfort.


I am coming very close to the end of my taper. I am currently at 0.0425 mg which is lower than some stop doses. I am still symptomatic, however, currently it is mild and I am sleeping better. My predominant symptoms are muscle aches and tinnitus that comes and goes. I will be micro tapering as low as I can technically go on my compounded solution before walking off. This could be by the middle of February if all goes well.


I have a question about the post jump. I've heard that benzos are stored in our bodies for a while in our tissues. Is it recommended after I jump to try to detox? My acupuncturist said that there are many Traditional Chinese herbs and supplements that people use for this purpose. I'm just wondering whether I might set myself up for a big wave if I try to clear everything out with herbs and supplements. Does anyone have any words of wisdom?



Bibs Jo

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Hi BibsJo,

and all,


I don't have any words of wisdom but I wanted to say thank you for your wishes for a year overflowing with windows.  I love that image.  May it be so for all of us in the coming year, window upon window and few or no waves.  I seem to be hovering around a window right now (maybe it's a pane); not as clear of symptoms as the one I had a month ago, but clearer mentally than I have been since then.  I am accepting it gladly, and hoping it's a sign of windows to come.


Happy new year to all buddies,



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Hi BibsJo,

My experience with supplements is that they tend to throw us into a wave. I had to stop all of my usual supps. I normally take fish oil (Omega 3), Curcumin, a B complex vitamin, occasionally a pre-workout  (energy boost type of vitamins plus some caffeine).

    I have read of many other people on here trying stuff like CBD or antibiotics and it brought on a wave. I had some stomach medication for benzobelly bring on a hideous wave (ppi's omeprazole and pantaprazole).

      I've read a little about our body storing benzos but I walked away with the impression that the science is by no means conclusive on that. I should not be regarded as any kind of authority on that issue. I have successfully completed my taper and found that for lorazepam, for me, I never really could stabilize on .25mgs. I wish I had taken the .25 for one month and then jumped. Hindsight is 2020. Things got better for me when I stopped taking the .25 I still had waves, and they got bad, but on all the other steps I would stabilise, it never happened on .25. That's my experience. I'm a larger person (200lb fit man). This drug does get dosed on weight, so maybe that was part of it.

    I wish I hadn't feared the jump as much as I did. It went better than I thought it would. I'm 4.5 months free and I am DEFINITELY healing! I would have to describe myself as at least 90% healed. I now feel like benzos have lost the fight, I've emerged on the other side stronger and more resilient, with a knowledge of inner fortitude that I never knew I had. May it be so for you. Andy

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As you have tapered, the benzos that once accumulated in those fatty tissues has also slowly disappeared from your body.  Yes, there will be some scant amount left when you jump, but I'd expect that to be gone within a few days with no special treatment.  I agree with Andy that adding new supplements or treatments might increase the chance of a reaction.
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Hi BibsJo,

and all,


I don't have any words of wisdom but I wanted to say thank you for your wishes for a year overflowing with windows.  I love that image.  May it be so for all of us in the coming year, window upon window and few or no waves.  I seem to be hovering around a window right now (maybe it's a pane); not as clear of symptoms as the one I had a month ago, but clearer mentally than I have been since then.  I am accepting it gladly, and hoping it's a sign of windows to come.


Happy new year to all buddies,





Hi Haimona,



Hi Haimona,


I am so glad to hear that you are becoming clearer mentally. Hold onto this! As you know,  I shared that my mentation was severely affected during both benzo use and benzo withdrawal. I am now sharper than I have been in years. I believe this will be the same for you. You will continue to improve. You may have waves that affect your cognition, but they will be temporary. It is a really good sign that you do become clearer.


I'm so glad to hear this,


Bibs Jo

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Hi BibsJo,

and all,


I don't have any words of wisdom but I wanted to say thank you for your wishes for a year overflowing with windows.  I love that image.  May it be so for all of us in the coming year, window upon window and few or no waves.  I seem to be hovering around a window right now (maybe it's a pane); not as clear of symptoms as the one I had a month ago, but clearer mentally than I have been since then.  I am accepting it gladly, and hoping it's a sign of windows to come.


Happy new year to all buddies,





Hi Haimona,



Hi Haimona,


I am so glad to hear that you are becoming clearer mentally. Hold onto this! As you know,  I shared that my mentation was severely affected during both benzo use and benzo withdrawal. I am now sharper than I have been in years. I believe this will be the same for you. You will continue to improve. You may have waves that affect your cognition, but they will be temporary. It is a really good sign that you do become clearer.


I'm so glad to hear this,


Bibs Jo


Thank you so much, Bibs Jo! I certainly find it encouraging.  Just knowing I can get those windows makes me feel like this may not be a permanent condition. 


I mean, I know there are good days and bad days with dementia too, but those (from what I have seen with other people) tend to come and go more regularly. 


This happening once in a blue moon really does feel like a window, and I notice when I am in the windows, I think of things that I've been too foggy to remember for a while.  Like, I will remember I told someone I would do something or find out something for them -- and realize I hadn't thought of that since the time I told them that.  And I think ordinarily those things are just gone for me, when I am in the brain fog.  But during the windows, the fog lifts (at least partially), and things come back to my mind again.  It's encouraging because it tells me my brain is still capable of making those connections and coming back on board.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone have or know where I can find Diaze-Pam's DLMT schedule?  I read on some older posts that she had a good one that a lot of people had followed.


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Hi Everyone,


I hope everyone is doing ok enough right now. It's been pretty quiet on this thread.


Haimona, how are you doing? I read your signature and see that you hit a bad wave. I wanted to give you some encouragement. I hit some extremely hard waves at 0.25 mg. That was a super rough period. Things got better for me when I switched to a liquid compounded solution. Significantly better. I still hit waves, but 0.25 was the hardest and then it got easier. Are you using liquid or pills - i forget. Anyway, I have been thinking about you and hoping you are ok.


Take good care of yourselves everyone. I am praying for all of us.


~ Bibs jo



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Hi everyone struggling really hard today just need some encouragement.  Feeling so hopeless.  It seems like when I finally make a cut I feel better for a few days then after 2 weeks I start feeling bad.  I want to start the DLMT but I'm scared.  Wondering if I am one of those who actually need to taper even if I don't feel like it?  Kind of rambling don't know what to do. :'(
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Hi everyone struggling really hard today just need some encouragement.  Feeling so hopeless.  It seems like when I finally make a cut I feel better for a few days then after 2 weeks I start feeling bad.  I want to start the DLMT but I'm scared.  Wondering if I am one of those who actually need to taper even if I don't feel like it?  Kind of rambling don't know what to do. :'(


Hi Dianedeedee,


Unfortunately it is normal in this group to alternate between feeling better and then feeling bad. Our healing is not linear. It's extremely difficult, but I want to encourage you by letting you know this. I have watched Many people taper here on this thread, and then finish and move on with their lives. They were all here because it was hard, and so many of them "graduated."


As far as DLMT and tapering maybe someone else can chime in. I had such cog ffog that I had a hard time understanding all of the different tapering methods. I found one that works for me, but I am not an expert in this area.


The things that worked the best for me was going outside and walking when things got really bad. The feeling of the cool, cold air on my face helped. Gentle movement helped. Distraction helped. I hope some of these might help you too.


Also, no matter how hard it got, I always believed that I would heal. And I am healing. I am so much better than I was a few months ago.


~ Bibs jo




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Thank you Bibs jo I guess I am just really in a slump today.  I know it will get better but right now it sure doesn't feel like it.  Thank you for your kind words.


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Dianedeedee, I would usually feel better about 3 days after a cut. The first week was pretty good, but weeks 2 and 3 I would be hit hard with symptoms. My experience has not been linear with withdrawls. Today is 5 months off for me. I'm getting better and life is pretty good. My symptoms are manageable and not bad. I messed up today and had caffeinated tea (black Englugh breakfast tea) and I am paying right now with insomnia. My sleep is pretty good, most nights about 7 hours with no meds (no over the counter sleeping aids). Still have some stomach issues but I'm very much hanging in there.


What helped me most was, in no particular order, ginger tea for the stomach pain, doxylamine for insomnia, walking out doors, I welcomed the distraction of work, I worked full time throughout with few times where I took a few days off, it was better to work for me, it took my mind off the suffering and pain, dont drink caffeine! That's was a big one for me, it was hard! Dianedeedee you will work your way through this!

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I thought I'd start this b/c not too many are tapering off Ativan.  However, I know it's possible and have seen success.  My doctor won't switch me to V or K since I am such a low dose to begin with.  Would love to share notes with anyone currently tapering or who has successfully tapered off Ativan.  I am currently taking my dose 3 times/day.  Thanks, Tina  :smitten:




I am guessing that you are healed and have moved on, but I wanted to thank you for starting this thread. We are now on page 1000! That means that there have been and continue to be a huge number of people who have helped each other through this thread.


Thank you!

~ Bibs jo





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Thank you Andy I needed to hear this.  Winter time is not good for me the grey days I know this is not helping me.  I appreciate your encouragement so much.  Diane
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Hi buddies,

  I just wanted to show up on the 1000th page of this group that was essential to my taper and success in getting off benzos! So many are now off from my time on this page, and you all will be too. Stay strong, distract, and KNOW that healing is coming. You’re all incredible.




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Thank you Beauty for the encouragement... I'm fairly new to this board but I've read it from the beginning it has helped me so much!


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Hi All Veteran Ativan users,


I'm back here on benzo buddies after a long hiatus. Things were going fine with previous issue until recently. I am no longer on my effexor xr and used prozac as a bridge to get through the tail end. Unfortunately, a dang withdrawal symptom of Akathisia developed and is extreme. Therefore doctor gave me Ativan to midegate the symptoms and I've been using it for 3 weeks now inconsistently to get me through the hump. 


My question is that... this site is overwhelming to find information on how to taper after short intermittent use and how to do it. Can someone point me in the right direction? The ashton manual is pretty lengthy and the schedules shown dont apply to me. I am looking to do a direct taper if possible. Long tapering needed? 10% every 4-6 weeks? Please help point or guide me in the right direction.

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Somebody can correct me if I’m wrong but you may get good suggestions from others on this thread but you may also try the Planning Your Withdrawal site from the homepage.


Since it’s Ativan I’m guessing you will get some good feedback from this thread.  Everyone has been super helpful here.



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Somebody can correct me if I’m wrong but you may get good suggestions from others on this thread but you may also try the Planning Your Withdrawal site from the homepage.


Since it’s Ativan I’m guessing you will get some good feedback from this thread.  Everyone has been super helpful here.




Thank you. I have restless energy so hard for me to go through each part of this site in detail. Not time to really taper yet but wanted suggestions.

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No worries.  We all totally get it.  What is working for me is a smaller percentage cut a little more frequently.  It softens the withdrawal symptoms from making a big cut all at once.


I was going to do 3% cut every 2 weeks but I made a math error and ended up doing about a 1.2% cut, so instead of increasing the cut to the 3% I intended , I just kept the lower cut and do it more often, every 6 days.  I dry cut using a jeweler’s scale to measure the weight of the pills.  This kind of information can definitely be found on the Planning Your Withdrawal from the home page.


You may have to play around with how much you cut.  Since you have been taking it intermittently maybe a bigger cut will not affect you as bad as someone who has taken it regularly for years like me.


Definitely put your question to the other thread and hang out here too.  I’m sure you will get some other suggestions or other’s experiences. I just speak to my own experience.



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Hi Everyone,


I hope everyone is doing ok enough right now. It's been pretty quiet on this thread.


Haimona, how are you doing? I read your signature and see that you hit a bad wave. I wanted to give you some encouragement. I hit some extremely hard waves at 0.25 mg. That was a super rough period. Things got better for me when I switched to a liquid compounded solution. Significantly better. I still hit waves, but 0.25 was the hardest and then it got easier. Are you using liquid or pills - i forget. Anyway, I have been thinking about you and hoping you are ok.


Take good care of yourselves everyone. I am praying for all of us.


~ Bibs jo


Hi Bibs Jo,


Thank you for thinking of me! I have had some very tough days since landing at .25 mg over a month ago.  I have been holding since then, waiting for things to get to some kind of stability, which they haven't yet.  But I did have two reasonably good nights and one very good night of sleep in the past week, which is a big deal, of course.  Each time I sleep okay I feel like I can see my mind peeking around the corner of coming back; I can sometimes retrieve memories and thoughts that I usually couldn't.  So even though the cog fog and memory problems are still there, especially as compared to before the taper, I see glimpses of my old self in those moments.  I hold on to those, because there are other days and nights that are sheer hell.


I am taking pills and using a scale to weigh each daily dose.  Bob on the tapering threads helped me figure out the measurements.  Thank you for the encouragement -- this has been the toughest part of my taper so far, and that's definitely saying something.  A part of me just wants to plow ahead, but I have to keep working and so I have to stay functional.  Hardest thing I've ever done (and I've done some hard things).


I hope you're doing well.  :smitten: I'm praying for all of us too.



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