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tapering off klonopin


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Hi,Well I checked my self into a hospital for 5 days all my insurance would pay,They took me off klonopin and put me on ativan i was doing ok untill a few days ago and now im sicker than a dog ,i called the dr and told him that i believe benzos are posisining me he dont believe,all i did was lay around yesterday,i have been functioning i dont know why i would get so sick now,My blood pressure and heart rate are doing wierd things,I took a 05 mg of ativan this morning and 1 hour later im physicalyy sick and im shaking..Can you guys offer me help,they told me i would always need benzoz in the hospital but this is killing me plus my husband told me i have 2 months to pull it together,i need to get off the meds and  ttry to live with out anything if i can and i guess drs arent the answer,this dr only treated me in the hospital and is offer me advice over phone but told me i need to get a dr,MY question why would the ativan help me for awhile and now do this to me the dr says its all my anxiety,i have to make it thru this day,how long will it take to for this pill to wear off and maybe i will feel better Thanks and i hope u are all ok sweetpea
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Oh Sweet Pea so glad to hear from you.  You sound so much better.  Sorry about the Ativan.  You will have to let everyone here know what dose you are on and how you are taking it.  They will continue to help you taper.  You could be having interdose withdrawls again.  The only way to help that is to keep on tapering.  Benzo's made me feel ill too.  So I knew it would be hard but I just kept on tapering down until I was off.  I still have some waves of symptoms but am feeling better everyday.  I wish you the best of luck.  You need a break from all of this.



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Hi My dose was 1 mg 3 times a day,now since i mentioned i think its causing me to be ill he said to cut it down to 05 3 or 4 times a day.U guys i was better but i feel so ill now,i showered and almost blacked outIm thinking maybe there is something wrong with my liver but i had so much blood work done at the hospital i would think they would check for that..My blood pressure is 148 over 90 it keeps doing wwierd things,and this is embarrisssing i feel like im getting to where i can t control my bladder im in bad shape compred tp 3 days ago this is so wierd...can it make me this sick so fast..the dr thinks its my anxiety overriding the pill
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Hi My dose was 1 mg 3 times a day,now since i mentioned i think its causing me to be ill he said to cut it down to 05 3 or 4 times a day...the dr thinks its my anxiety overriding the pill


Sweetpea :smitten:


I'm sorry you are feeling so bad.  If it's any comfort, my blood pressure is almost always around 145/90.  Anyway, I do think you are letting your fear about the pills and how you are feeling make you feel even worse.  You really will feel better if you take your mind off yourself and do some of the deep breathing and relaxation techniques we've told you about in the past. 


How long have you been taking 1 mg 3x/day?  You should stay on a steady dose for at least a week before cutting I think.  Then cut .25mg, or about 10%, off of any one of the 3 doses so you are taking a total of 2.75mg/day.  With klonopin, 3x/day is enough to keep a steady supply of it in your blood; you don't need to go to 4x/day.  The last time you started changing how much you took and when you took it you got much worse.  Please don't make that mistake again, okay?


Take care.  :therethere:

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Oh no Im off the klonopin they stopped that in the hospital its ativan im on now and it just seemed to start making  me ill 3 days ago is that possible,,,i dont want to keep feeling this way every time i take a pill...i thought it was suppose to help anxiety not make it worse.I have been on 1 mg 3 times aday since aug 8,the dr said  to try to see if i feel better on 05 than 1 mg if not go back to 1 mg and im wondering if i should have stayed at 1 mg as im starting to get those thoughts where my mind is leaving me im a wreck just in 3 days,,i took 05 at 6am my time and i felt worse one hour later,,i hope im not repeating myself and im wondering how long i should space the dose
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Oh no Im off the klonopin they stopped that in the hospital its ativan im on now and it just seemed to start making  me ill 3 days ago is that possible,,,i dont want to keep feeling this way every time i take a pill...i thought it was suppose to help anxiety not make it worse.I have been on 1 mg 3 times aday since aug 8,the dr said  to try to see if i feel better on 05 than 1 mg if not go back to 1 mg and im wondering if i should have stayed at 1 mg as im starting to get those thoughts where my mind is leaving me im a wreck just in 3 days,,i took 05 at 6am my time and i felt worse one hour later,,i hope im not repeating myself and im wondering how long i should space the dose


SP, just continue taking it 3 times a day like you were the klon. We will help you taper directly off the ativan.

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I'm sorry, sweetpea.  I knew you had been switched to ativan but got in the habit of thinking klonopin.  


So you've been taking 1mg ativan 3x/day since Aug. 8 except for today? Is that right?  I was on ativan (loraxepam) as well and it took me many months to get off it safely but I did it.  You can, too.  


If you've been at a steady dose of 3mg/day since Aug. 8, it's okay to .5mg out of one of the doses.  Since you only took .5mg this morning, take a full 1mg pill 8 hours from when you took the morning dose and then 8 hours after that, take your last 1 mg for the day.  Write this down, preferably on a calendar so you know every day exactly how much you took and when.  It will make everything so much easier, believe me.



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oh im in a bad way i had to go to ER i felt so bad,the dr laughed at me because my vitals were great there he told me he did not want to hear any of my hyperchrodriac storeies,,,finally he said he would do my blood work aand my vitals were fine whille i was hrere <i made a mistake and took a half xanax instead of ativan as soon as i stood up my heart started racing im home now and i took my pulse and its like 122 im a wreck,,and i think xanax always made my heart race i had it in my purse cauise my dr told me to try it yesterday and see if it worked better than ativan now im areck and dont know when to take a tivan i took teh xanax .25 mg at 1 p,m my time im pacific any advic ei feel liek im dying and im shaking so bad
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oh im in a bad way i had to go to ER i felt so bad,the dr laughed at me because my vitals were great there he told me he did not want to hear any of my hyperchrodriac storeies,,,finally he said he would do my blood work aand my vitals were fine whille i was hrere <i made a mistake and took a half xanax instead of ativan as soon as i stood up my heart started racing im home now and i took my pulse and its like 122 im a wreck,,and i think xanax always made my heart race i had it in my purse cauise my dr told me to try it yesterday and see if it worked better than ativan now im areck and dont know when to take a tivan i took teh xanax .25 mg at 1 p,m my time im pacific any advic ei feel liek im dying and im shaking so bad



Just take your regular dose of ativan tonight at your regular time. 


Please throw out the rest of your xanax. You've been off it for weeks, you should not be carrying it around.

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dont you think its wierd that xanax has always made my heart rate go up.Im scheduled for a stress test on my heart tommorowIf you were feeling like me would you try to go out tonight,im tired of the house but im shaking so bad and there is a woman at the abr afetr my hubby i want to go but afraid i will pass out or something also i havnet been eating that well would that be pa tof my problem and could i be having withdrawals from the klonopin after he just stopped me and put me on ativan
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oh im in a bad way i had to go to ER i felt so bad,the dr laughed at me because my vitals were great there he told me he did not want to hear any of my hyperchrodriac storeies,,,finally he said he would do my blood work aand my vitals were fine whille i was hrere <i made a mistake and took a half xanax instead of ativan as soon as i stood up my heart started racing im home now and i took my pulse and its like 122 im a wreck,,and i think xanax always made my heart race i had it in my purse cauise my dr told me to try it yesterday and see if it worked better than ativan now im areck and dont know when to take a tivan i took teh xanax .25 mg at 1 p,m my time im pacific any advic ei feel liek im dying and im shaking so bad


SP, why did you take meds while you were in the ER?  Did the dr. tell you to do that? 



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I was having anxiety dr told me nothing he laughed at me and walked out after telling me he would not treat me,i feel like my kidneys are shutting down or my liver im a wreck the dr did finally order some blood work it turned out fine but im a wreck im not fine
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I was having anxiety dr told me nothing he laughed at me and walked out after telling me he would not treat me,i feel like my kidneys are shutting down or my liver im a wreck the dr did finally order some blood work it turned out fine but im a wreck im not fine


SP, in reality you are fine as far as having an illness or such but what you are having is withdrawal symptoms from your drugs.  And the symptoms are making you feel you are very sick but nothing shows up on test and nothing will.  Your kidneys or liver is not shutting down, it's all withdrawal symptoms. 


What are your plans to taper off the ativan?

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TS,I was put on ativan aug 8 and the dr stopped the klonopin you will remember how i felt the klonopin was making me feel,,,,anyways im kinda feelong the same on the ativan....im afraid to take it i need something for anxiety so bad and im sure im withdrawing from the klonopin i was on it since april wouldnt the ativan take its place..once before i was taken off it and they put me back on xanax and i did alright..as far as tapering off the ativan i will but its such a small pill how do u cut it up,,,i have 1 mg pillls i can see breaking them in half but can u break tehm smaller
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oh i should of had a ativan at 2 but now that i took a xanax at 1 im all messed up


Just take your regular dose of ativan tonight, dont worry about what you took today.

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im afraid to take it i need something for anxiety so bad and im sure im withdrawing from the klonopin i was on it since april wouldnt the ativan take its place..


The amount of ativan they put you on equals the amount of klon you stopped. So that should be fine.

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dont you think its wierd that xanax has always made my heart rate go up.Im scheduled for a stress test on my heart tommorowIf you were feeling like me would you try to go out tonight,im tired of the house but im shaking so bad and there is a woman at the abr afetr my hubby i want to go but afraid i will pass out or something also i havnet been eating that well would that be pa tof my problem and could i be having withdrawals from the klonopin after he just stopped me and put me on ativan


You said the klon used to make your heart rate and BP go up also. You probably have some paradoxical symptoms from benzos and if that is the case, the only answer is to get off them.


Yes, I think you should go out tonight! You'll probably feel better for it.

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I am so sick im sweating  im wondering if i took a half of a half of a  1mg ativan i might get some relief...i took that xanax at 1 pm and im having such a hard time i need something to calm me,,,i called pharmisit they said i could take the half of a half as long as i dont go over my recommened amount,,so what do u think im gonna have a stroke if something dont calm me down
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My pulse is still over 100 and i noticed i have these lumps in my arm right over the blood vesseles,they are like under the skin.Does anyone think they could be blocking my blood flow? Im so scared why do i keep finding all these things i have a bad headache and i feel like im losng bladdr control
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Hi sweetpea,


I'm sorry you are feeling so anxious. You really need to try to calm yourself down, breath in through your nose deeply to the count of four, and breathe out through your mouth to the count of 4. Do this at least 4 times, and tell yourself "I am relaxed" each breath. You are in a state of anxiety, and every little thing is making you anxious. You do not have blocked blood flow. This anxiety is feeding on itself, making it worse. You have to try and distract yourself by doing something else to stop the cycle. Have you ever tried meditation just to try to relax some? I used this quite a bit during my anxious times. I use the website, myinnerworld.com (can't get it to connect right now, but maybe it would come up for you), go to the meditation tree, chose one of the meditations and just try to relax through the reading. I also drank chamomile tea to calm me somewhat. Hang in there, you will be all right!!


T2 :smitten:

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You were in the hospital for 5 days, is that right?  I'm guessing it was around the 8th thru the 12th?  How did you feel for the next 2 weeks?  We haven't heard from you since Aug. 7 and I'm wondering how things have been going since then.

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