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tapering off klonopin


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I noticed something and wondering if this is true in all cases seems like when my blood pressure is higher then my pulse is low and when blood ppressure is lower than my pulse is higher   why is this,,,i would think it would be blood pressure high pulse high and so forth just thinking


That is exactly how it is supposed to work, sweetpea.  If your blood pressure is high, your body doesn't need to pump as fast to get the blood circulating the way it's supposed to.  On the other hand, if your blood pressure is low, your heart will pump faster to make sure the same amount blood gets circulated in the same time.  It's actually one of the many neat things about how the body makes adjustments to keep us well.

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cool i dont know how to explain this im feeling calm after my ativan but the left side of my face feels funny and my chest feels tight i thought i waas feeling better but im not sure about this.want to walk but afraid i might pass out
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im feeling like my chest is tightining up and my blood pressure and heart rate are goiong down all this happened after the ativan,i m afraid i m going ot have a heart attack and i can do nothing about it because i wont go up here to the hosptial,,,,i wish there was a way i could check to see if im getting enough oxyagen
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im having such a hard time breathing i feel faint i am scared its not time for a ativan i cant go to Emergency room. I wonder if my oxyagen level is ok but have no way to check it..any ideas what i should do
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I have gone to the fire station several times before to get my oxygen level checked. And they can check your blood pressure for you as well. If you have a fire station or an EMT station near you, they can check both of those for free. This can give you some peace of mind.



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Thanks for the idea our fire station is volunteer and they are only there when called to answer a fire call.the only place is the local hospital....when I'm feeling this way should i try to go for a walk mt right side of my face is all messed up feeling..oh and thank u all for the posts while i was gone i just read them thanks for caring
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I think xanax would be considered the most powerful but it also the shortest acting. In my book that makes xanax the most "evil" of the three.


.5 mg xanax = 1 mg ativan = 10 mg valium









(Edited to add ativan)

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i need some relief and im wondering if i will get it from the ativan they have been kinda helping till today and when i took one it made my face feel funny and i swear im having hard time breathing and i thought i was doing better today,,yeah right
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its the right side of my face all messeed up and im afraid to take my next ativan i feel like i have something laying on my chest and im having my lips go numb

nothing i can do could it be the ativan all of a sudden doing this im so scared

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Numb lips is a sign of hyperventilation or over-breathing.  It is not due to the ativan; take your next dose as scheduled and calm yourself down.  Your fear is making you sicker.
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Beeper my head feels empty my heartrate is down to 61 and i felt this way ever since taking my last ativan,,,my blood pressure is up again im scared my hubby will want to go out and im afraid to take my ativan i keep feeling faint it could be the beta blocker im on i dont feel like im breathing at all ..after my last ativan i got all confused more ffeeling im scared
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Beeper my ativana is getting low will it hurt to take one that has been broke in half and half again....i mean to equal a hole
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If your next dose is 1 mg and you have some 1/4 and 1/2 pieces that you can add together to make 1 mg., that is fine.  When you get to .75mg you will be adding pieces together like that.
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Thanks beeper i feel like today the ativan is causing the right side of my face to screw up bad i feel so odd and confused and i feel like i have pills caught in my throat and the heaviness in my chest i pray tonight is not my last one
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ok i read way back and i have complained of this right sided face pain along time i dont get the confusion or how i have the heaviness in my chest my right eye is all whacked up too and my tounge hurts i cant be allergic to ativan so i have no clue what is happening to me,,i did take some trazodone last night but that was a low dose i will try to go out with hubby and pray i dont pass out,,,,any last words of advice for me
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Does anyone think i could be having alleriv reaction to the ativan or the one dose of trazodone i took last night or the beta blocker i have been on 1 week
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Dear Sweetpea,


My goodness.  You are scaring yourself to death here.  There are many good sites on this forum that tell you how to use some coping mechanisms.  Have you thought of CBT therapy?  This might help you deal with your worries about your physical health.  I had almost 50 symptoms during my taper process.  I did not unnecessarily worry about any of them because I knew they were withdrawal symptoms.  Wishing you luck and please hang in there.


Patty  xo

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SP you need to get ahold of yourself. Your only making yourself feel worse. You are NOT allergic to ativan, you are ok, your freaking yourself out about it just like with the klono. We have tried to help you with coping techniques and you dont want to use them. We talk to you and tell you your ok but you dont want to listen to that. PLEASE try to understand that YOU are making yourself feel worse by freaking out. Ylou need to change that negative thinking around.

We're here to talk to you but there's nothing we can do for you. You are the one that needs to change how your feeling. If you werent making yourself so scared about this it would be a much easier process.



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Dear SP:

I think that you must stabilize your mind. All that you say about your symptoms are present in most of us; I can write a very long list of all the most common symptoms that I have experience, and some that are rare. We all deal with this issues in a different way; I will tell you what has worked for me: meditation has been crucial to keep away thoughts that are created out of desperation, so you must calm dawn.You may be thinking, "it is very easy to say it, but is very difficult to do it". As a matter of fact it is not; it may take some days of deep introspection. Do not freak out, that is the worse thing for you. I never think that I am suffering; I think about who privilege I am, compared to millions of people that really suffer around the globe. Have a positive an optimistic attitude, do physical activities, and keep as busy as you can. Do not ruminate your negative thoughts. Listen very closely to the administrators and moderators, they know very well what they are talking about, they have experience, and most important, they try very hard to help all of us with generosity. And above all, "Amid the storm, we should learn to dance under the rain".

I sincerely hope that what has worked for me can be beneficial to you. YOU CAN OVERCOME YOUR FEARS. ;)

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I am so trying the deep breathing but when i do it i feel like im passing out,,i see my counsle ron thursday But Imhaving problems thinking,i dont know what all is going on with me i know u all say its not physical but my hands keep swelling i lose my thoughs and i cant quit shaking,i feel like i have malise and deep depression its like im losing the ability to fight this,,,its controlling my mind  there is no help here in my town for me my husband dont know where to turn  i think its gotting worse on this heart medication,its like im falling deep insside myself and cant crawl out,i can barely shower myself how can i fix me im so scared that im on the verge of death...and i do try very much to listen to all you all say here
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I am so trying the deep breathing but when i do it i feel like im passing out,...


You have to do deep breathing very slowly and calmly.  If you do it too fast you will get the symptoms of hyperventilation, which include dizzyness and panic.  I wish I could be there to coach you through it.  I know it is hard when you are so scared.  :therethere:


....i dont know what all is going on with me i know u all say its not physical but my hands keep swelling i lose my thoughs and i cant quit shaking,...


Those things are physical - they are happening to your body - but are caused or at least made worse by your fear and panic.  Fear and panic causes your brain to release adrenaline among other things and too much adrenaline can cause the shakes, dizziness, headaches and a whole bunch of other stuff.


..i feel like i have malise and deep depression its like im losing the ability to fight this,,,its controlling my mind  there is no help here in my town for me my husband dont know where to turn  i think its gotting worse on this heart medication,its like im falling deep insside myself and cant crawl out,i can barely shower myself how can i fix me im so scared that im on the verge of death...and i do try very much to listen to all you all say here


Deep depression is very difficult to crawl out of.  You must tell your counselor all these things you have told us and try to get the professional help you need.  We can help you withdraw from ativan but don't have the ability to help you much with all the rest.  I agree with Lori Lee that you should check with your doctor about the beta blocker.  I had to stop taking one because it made me too dizzy and tired.


I hope you feel better soon.  :)

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