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tapering off klonopin


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Hey sweatpea,

I was thinking about you yesterday and wondering how you were doing. How did it go at your 2:00 counselor's meeting?? Did you find your bottle of pills yet? I hope you have more so that you will not cold turkey your ativan. Stick to a safe tapering schedule. I hope your husband decides to stay. It is hard for other people to understand what we are going thru. Hang in there....



Lori :smitten:

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It was hell at the counslers my whole body is freakin,,,,she said there is no way i can get more ativan and that im addicted to drugs well no s--- i have been on themn for 18 years,my body is pinging and now i have to try and cut back faster than i would here,im scared i came home and took 1/2 a ativan i hope it calms me down when i went in her office my heartrate was 120 i will proberly die of a heartattack thanks for caring
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How much ativan do you have left? I was wondering how fast you are going to have to taper now? Don't worry about your heartbeat being 120. One symptom that is common with anxiety disorders is a racing heartrate of 120 and greater! I know that mine has been that fast before. It was like that at the counselors office because you were probably anxious. I bet it has come back down, now?? Hope you can calm down a bit and get a good night's sleep.


Lori :smitten:

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I think i have enough for 14 days...if i do only 2 a day.....my heart went down for a while buts its coming up again,,,Im also on Remeron and Risperdal.My calcium block channel for my heaert rate dont help it much takes my blood pressyre down but not really my heartrate,,,,i dont know if i will keep taking it,scares me they say i have pvc's and small vesell ichemia of the heart  and so i know a high heart rate isnt good..sometimes i think the ativan makes it go high  i may take another half though it calms me down or give in and have a beer
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Hi Sweetpea,


It's very important for you to obtain another refill.

If you cut by a quarter pill every 4 days starting right now, your pills will last twenty eight days. But this is not recommended. You need more pills to comfortably taper. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
i got a refill from another dr and i didnt tell my counsler.im having very bad dizziness and im going off the heart med, it may be causing the dizziness and now im having sweating and burning in my chest i pray im not having a heart attack how s everyone here imust still get off this ativan
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i got a refill from another dr and i didnt tell my counsler.im having very bad dizziness and im going off the heart med, it may be causing the dizziness and now im having sweating and burning in my chest i pray im not having a heart attack how s everyone here imust still get off this ativan


Hi sweetpea,


It's good to hear from you.  Are still tapering?  You've been having these symptoms for quite some time and I don't think they are going to leave you alone until you get off the ativan.


You really should consult your dr. regarding your heart meds, you may be putting your health at risk going off without his/her knowledge.

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Oh my cardoligist had me stop the medication he is going to try me on another one as soon as the one i stopped is out of my system.I developed a severe hadache a couple hours ago and headaches are something i usually dont get..so between it and the severe dizziness i aam very scared and one of the meds im on is causing heartburn bad i had 2 weeks of feeling pretty good than BANG woke up so dizzy today and now the flipping headache.I pray tommorpw is better

U all take care

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi all,Hope u are all doing well,I feel like im losing it,,,let me explain and please if you have any ideas let me know.....i was put on Remeron on Sept 23.08 and i gained 8 lbs and was extremely dizzy so i wanted off,so the dr i have now said to just stop it that im on the lowest dose 15 mg and only 1 month he said i would be fine,,,well a few days before he told me to stop it i had missed taking it thurs and friday night so sat night i took 1/2 pill and none on sunday and  a 1/4 pill on mon and tues and i feel like im going crazy today my legs feel week i cant concentrate,i had a bad morning my counsler called me and upset me and i have been this way ever since..im still on ativan by the way but still working on getting off it.Has anyone any knowledge of remeron PLease i need to know what to do,im going to find a new counsler a nd dr as this counsler wants to run my life thanks hope u all are better than me
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Hi, Sweetpea.


I don't have any direct experience with Remeron. When I searched this forum for posts about it, I got a mixed bag.  Some people had no problems with it and others did.  One member, Petey, weaned himself off of it by going to 15mg one week, 7.5mg the next week and then 0.  He hasn't posted lately so I don't know if he will see your request for information.


How much ativan are you on now?  Are you taking it on a every 8 hours schedule?  When did you last make a cut and how much of a cut did you make?  Maybe ativan tolerance or withdrawal symptoms are messing with you, too.


Good luck.

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Im only down to 1 and 1/2 ativan so much is going on....and no i cant make it 8 hours more like every five hours i take it a 1/2 at a time..so i go along time in the evening and at night without and today i took a half at 1 pm and ever since my throat feels like its sweelen and of course i feel like im going crazy and im on 15 mg of remeron the lowest dose last 2 nites i have taken 1/4 pill my dr told me to just stop it cold turkey
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Sweetpea,

Im jennifer,

Just wondering if your still around here, and how things are going for you.

What a long journey you have been on.

I hope your doing better, and getting off the drugs.

I just started my taper, been taking valium for 14-15 years.

Taking 10mg a day, cut back from 12.5, and man, I cant sleep, my mouth, tongue, cheeks, hands, and up my arms burn

like hell, it is so weird.  Been having heart palp's as well, and supposed to see a cardiologist next friday.

They gave me calcium chanel blockers at the hospital, but Ive decided not to take them just yet.

Going to wait on that.  Im wondering if mine is from the valium, and not a heart prob. (I hope)

Do you think your heart racing is from the med's?

Hope your still comming around here and working toward your goal.

Im here too if you want to talk, send me a message,


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Hey Sweetpea,


Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, I've been gone for a while.


I did ween off the Remeron. I was on 15mg for over 8 years... found it didn't work and eventually ended up on 7.5mg... I couldn't cut it more than that, so I rode it out for a few months and dumped it... looking back, I would have cut it one more time, but what can I do? Don't drop it at 15mg... go down to at least 7.5mg and let it ride for a few weeks... also make sure your doc knows you're getting off it...



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Hi Thanks to those that have posted to me,Yes im still around...Tp Petey I tapered off the remeron for only a few days,i still feel awful.....I was only on the 15 meds(and the remeron) for only a bit over a month...To Jen,Yes i have alwaays felt the benzos up my heartrate at least over the past year,,,Drs want me on Effexor now,i took one yesterday and my blood pressure and pulse drop really low so i decided not to take it today,I have been ill the last two days,im tapering off the Risperdal also and i had 2 pills of nitroquick on thursday and feel it made me ill even thought he drug leaves teh body fast the effects it has on the body can last awile so my pharmaist says others say no.im still on the ativan and the last month has been heck awful dizziness,i have blamed it on other drugs but wondering now if its the ativan i dont rememmber it making me dizzy at first,,,so anyways im still here and im still a wreck..What do all of you think of me going on effexor? THanks sweetpea1960
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  • 3 weeks later...
hello,well things have happened about a month ago a new dr took me off ativan (no taper) and put me on xnax again....i was thinking the stivan was casuing the dizziness but i cant see why it woiuld now after being on it for what 3 months,,,,,,,,,,anyways anyone remember when they tried me on xanx last winter and i feel into a deep depression........well its happening again and it must be the xanax im thinking about going back to ativan and pray the dizziness dont come back..............will one benzo cause a bad  depression and anotehr one not,,they alos stopped my risperdal but i was on such a low dose of it,,,,,,,,,,,,i had some good times over the summer but since this switch about a month ago i feel so out of it and im scared i should never have let them put me on xanax  again and with no taper off the ativan oh waht have i done and what should i do...Please i still need of thes e poisoness  drugs
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hello,well things have happened about a month ago a new dr took me off ativan (no taper) and put me on xnax again....i was thinking the stivan was casuing the dizziness but i cant see why it woiuld now after being on it for what 3 months,,,,,,,,,,anyways anyone remember when they tried me on xanx last winter and i feel into a deep depression........well its happening again and it must be the xanax im thinking about going back to ativan and pray the dizziness dont come back..............will one benzo cause a bad  depression and anotehr one not,,they alos stopped my risperdal but i was on such a low dose of it,,,,,,,,,,,,i had some good times over the summer but since this switch about a month ago i feel so out of it and im scared i should never have let them put me on xanax  again and with no taper off the ativan oh waht have i done and what should i do...Please i still need of thes e poisoness  drugs


Hi sweetpea,


It is good that you were doing better this summer. I am sorry to hear you are having problems with the Xanax with depression. Hazyworld here also has expressed that he feels depressed on the Xanax and has gone back to Ativan which also makes him dizzy. You should discuss this with your doctor and see if switching back to Ativan will help with the depression.


T2 :smitten:

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i will speak to my dr,,i know xnax made me feel odd before but do u rememner how scared i am of pills i would probelry be afraid to go back on the ativan,,,,,arent benzos supppose to be like uppers not downers
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i will speak to my dr,,i know xnax made me feel odd before but do u rememner how scared i am of pills i would probelry be afraid to go back on the ativan,,,,,arent benzos supppose to be like uppers not downers


Benzos are tranquilizers.

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so they are downers,before switching me to xanx the ativan sometimes made me feel faint i never fainted and i was on it for 3 months it was the last month i was on it that i felt so dizzy and funny would that be normal or maybe iot was teh risperdal,im  scared and my dr  didnt talk to me
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Hey sweetpea,

Are you still tapering and off of what benzo? I am getting confused. Don't be scared of withdrawal symptoms. Know that they are signs of healing and recovery...


Lori :smitten:

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Hello i feel so foolish im also hazyworld on here i had forgot ths login and made up hazyworld and when i remebered thsi one i was to ashamed to admit my memeory is so messed up..so please refer to me as hazyworld now,,,,Thanks and im sorry
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That's okay, SP/hazy.  I'm going to have a hard time knowing you are really sweetpea but calling you "hazyworld", but I'll try to remember to do it in the future.  So you are going to stop posting to this thread and post to the hazyworld thread instead, is that right?   You are only supposed to have one account so the administrators may close the sweetpea one to avoid further confusion.  You'd still be able to read everything but just not post as sweetpea anymore, which is what it sounds like what you want to do anyway, is that right?
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well u all can still call me sweetpea if u like that better than hazy,im feeling so much more confusion in my head and im afraid to take teh celexa tonight because im owndering if it caused it but i know the xanx was making me feel empty and no feelings,yes i guess this account will be closed for posts but i do hope we can still read it as i look back on it now that i found out how to get into it again
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