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NAD+ Iontophoresis For Benzo Detox (A Journal)


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I had been posting about my experience with NAD+ nasal spray, my experience has been pretty positive. I decided to do a new post about the next step. iontophoresis patch systems. I'm going to be journaling and sharing my experience with an ion delivery system you can do at home. An affordable option to the IV infusions that are out of the reach financially, for so many. Right now I am doing the pre-treatment prep. I wrote about it in the nasal spray post. I thought I'd begin this journal with it. I will update here my experience with the prep, and with the iontophoresis delivery system itself.


So, I am now doing my pre NAD+ prep. Taking TMG (to prep my liver), Magnesium Threonate, calcium, Vitamin C and increased my MSM dose (it'll boost glutathione naturally). I already take Quercetin. I am getting a slight uptick in some symptoms, but nothing I can't handle. For the first time, I had persistent tinnitus.  :o  It sounded like the dial tone on a landline phone, in my left ear, and lasted about 15 - 20 minutes. :crazy: I guess adding all this stuff all at once might be taxing me a little, but it'll better prepare me to receive NAD+. Some of these I got from JLeDi's thread, some from ramcon1, and some from Dr. Ken Starr on YouTube in some of the Q&A replies to his videos.


JLeDi was under the care of a Mayo Clinic doctor, who recommended various things to take for the week prior to his IV infusions. Mayo Clinic is not only among the top 5 in the US, it's doctors are benzo-wise, they have a page on their website about Ashton Method. JLeDi was one of two Mayo Clinic patients on BB, who successfully used NAD+ to get off their remaining benzo. I will be stopping the magnesium and calcium, and increasing the Quercetin during treatment. Will be staying on current dose of TMG. TMG will provide methyl donors, and Vit C and Quercetin will address the histamine (all suggested by ramcon1). TMG also recommended by my patch suppliers.

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Four days into the prep, and my stomach is not agreeing with all this. Feeling a little nauseated.  :sick: It could be far worse, we all dread adding supplements, especially full doses all at once. I'm more than halfway through. Hopefully doing all this will better prepare myself to receive NAD+, and help facilitate the healing it gives.


I'm getting things done at the spiritual end. I keep having little unexpected signs that I believe are of divine origin. It's like all the ducks are lining up now perfectly in a row. Seeds of self-doubt began to be sowed, when a few things went awry. Like a meeting with my pastor for last week. The church tried calling to confirm he could come meet with me, but they couldn't reach me. A major Verizon Fios cable serving about 800 residences, had been severely damaged on Tuesday. It was supposed to be fixed by 6:15 am Wednesday morning, but it was not. So, I missed the attempts to contact me.  >:D  It was restored just before noon. The pastor wanted to come at 10:00 am. A church friend stepped up, and said she and her husband would figure something out, let her speak with the pastor. His schedule is extremely tight, but she and her husband swung by, picked me up and somehow got me to the church yesterday (Monday). I was squeezed in to see him, he laid hands on me and anointed me.  :angel: It was a gargantuan effort to get me there, and get me home. I was exhausted. I went to the bedroom and did my afternoon meditation.


I'll give another update Wednesday, I will be away from the board on Thursday, Friday, and most of Saturday. I know many are interested to see how this turns out for me. No one has tried iontophoresis NAD+ before. We only know about the IV infusions. I have been preparing myself for this, and it's just days away. Tick, tick, tick... ;)

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Some nausea again, today. Two days of prep to go. Mixed feelings. Apprehensive (it may not work), and excited (it will work). Trying to keep a positive outlook and chugging along. I do feel like my body is getting primed, other than the nausea, the added prep cocktail of stuff isn't exacerbating my w/d symptoms. My sleep has been suffering a little the past couple nights. I think it's just feeling a bit stressed, trying to relax more. I will be taking a break for a few days.
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Day 1 started off rough. I applied a 1000 mg patch, and had something like a panic feeling for about 10 minutes. The patch gives off a sort of zapping sensation as the process starts. Not anything really bad, you don't feel it once it's working, I didn't notice it. Added a 400 mg. one at 1 pm. I had no problems removing when done. I just slowly peeled off while holding down the skin. I felt pretty well, considering I'd been miserable all week. I had some minor nausea, bowels are noisier. I am still on my benzo, as per Dr, Ken Starr's recommendation to not stop until at least Day 4. Paresthesia was way down. I had chills, but nothing else. I was feeling pretty upbeat.


Today, morning was fine, but things started going a bit downhill by afternoon. I ate pierogies, I haven't had them in a very long time, probably should not have had them. I just wanted something different for Easter. Something in them possibly set me off. Paresthesia was up, not as bad as it was before, but still aggravating. I'm going back to my usual boring diet. And see how I feel.


Many who had the infusions, were younger. NAD+ levels decrease with age. I may need to build up more to reach that therapeutic level. I don't know. This is all an experiment. I'm going to keep on using them, I have them here, might as well. It's too soon to know anything, only 2 days in.

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I had an epiphany prior to going to bed. A friend brought me bananas, ripe ones. I had eaten 2 Saturday, and 2 again Sunday. All the tingling was around my mouth, not anywhere else on my face. Something made me look up bananas and histamine. While bananas are a low histamine food, they are histamine liberators, they can trigger histamine-producing cells to release histamine. NAD+ releases histamine during methylation. I take TMG to help with methylating, and quercetin and vitamin C to reduce the histamine. I think the bananas were too much. I also ate a lobster tail, seafood is high in histamine. The pierogies had a bit of cheddar cheese, which in combination with other stuff, just resulted in a histamine reaction. Sticking to a fairly low histamine diet from now on.


Last night was one of the 2 nights a week I take hydroxyzine for sleep. It is a sedating prescription antihistamine. It definitely helped. I woke up during the night a few times, and was aware that while the tingling was down, my lips felt numb, like I'd been dosed up with Novocain. Despite everything, I slept pretty good last night. I hadn't slept this well in a long time. Granted, it was still broken, but much less,


Today, I decided to use 500 mg., and allow the quercetin and vit C clear out the histamine. I'm doing better today. Just chills and some facial numbness like Saturday. I feel pretty good, my symptoms are way down. I think, with the way iontophoresis works, it might be better to do this longer, and perhaps step down from my dose in stages, rather than stopping all at once.


This is, after all, an experiment. and I'm the lab rat.



Reading material for those interested in detoxing with NAD+.


The expert himself, Ken Starr, MD. https://kenstarrmd.com/nad/ JLeDI originally posted this on his journal thread.


The rat study ramcon1 posted on his discussion about NAD+. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fncel.2017.00021/full


This is interesting, it explains exactly how NAD+ likely works. This was published after ramcon1's thread. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7278809/


ETA: I realized I put incorrect link for the 3rd one. It now goes to the correct article.

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Hi BL,

Just wondering how the experiment is going.  Three days in or more?

Thinking of you during this courageous time!



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SS I am now off my diazepam. It's been rough, but I was expecting much worse. I found Shamo's and NFN's stories about their IV experience. They both said it really hits you Day 3-4. They both said it was really hard, but they stuck through it. It's important to hang in there and stay positive. But both said it was so worth it. They never regretted using NAD. Both were on doses much higher than mine. Dr. Ken Starr says NAD+ infusions work when you hit that "sticky patch", which I did. I have had very little paresthesia, mostly it's been numbness in my lower face, which has been gradually fading. You do have to push yourself through this, it puts you immediately into acute withdrawal. Once I finish up (I'm almost halfway through, today is day 6), within a week others noticed massive healing taking place, really rapid improvements in symptoms. After a month, they turned a corner and significantly healed during the following 3 to 5 months. Many went back for follow-up treatments. I will be doing that with the patches.


I wasn't sure if iontophoresis would replicate what the IV NAD+ does. I now know it does. Far cheaper than going to an expensive drip center. At first, the iontophoresis process is uncomfortable, but you barely notice it as the hours pass. I haven't had any issues with irritation from the ion process or the adhesive. I have minor red marks from the higher dose patches. They fade within a few days. Definitely start using in the morning. I put them on right after breakfast. I had a great might of sleep Sunday night, but not as good since. Sunday was one of my hydroxyzine nights, so that helped. Many were offered Depakote for sleep. A woman on Reddit said she was offered gabapentin 300 mg and 10 mg baclofen. I'd already been taking the gabapentin, but plan to jump off that by the end. Shamo jumped off of pregabalin. The Redditor had concerns about the baclofen, but others assured her that 10 mg at bedtime for about a month, was fine. You only become dependent if you use it at higher doses for over 2 months.


My current psychiatric NP is useless and non-supportive. told me I need to find another provider. I tried telling her about NAD+, she just wasn't listening. Knows nothing about Ashton, isn't willing or interested. I know she wouldn't prescribe baclofen. Lucky me, I have some here from my opiate withdrawal, I'd been prescribed it to address the restless legs. Didn't work. It's 5 years old, but I got it out. It is actually helping. I tried 5 mg first. Tonight I will take 10. I used to have broken sleep with a lot of shifting and moving. The baclofen stops that. I can lie still in bed. I still wake up after a few hours, and then the broken sleep starts, wake up, fall back to sleep, repeat. But I don't shift or move. I will use it for a month, then stop. The Redditor did end up using it. She took it for about 6 weeks post NAD+ treatment, and stopped with zero issues. It is not a long-term solution, but a short term one. I'd prefer that over Depakote. The one person who took Depakote had to have monitoring lab work done while taking it.


I also learned something else. The first 4 doses are called "loading doses" and they are the highest. If you are over 50, you will need those "loading doses." NAD+ levels have dropped by as much as 50% between ages 50 and 65 (I'm in that age range), compared to a young person in their teens and 20's. They generally start declining in your 30's. NAD+ levels stay pretty high during the child and young adult years.  Somebody younger might need 1 or 2 loading doses. So, I started with two days of 1400 mg, one 1000 mg patch, and a 400 mg one. I'm finishing up the 1000 mg, tomorrow I will drop to 800 mg. I have 1 1000 mg patch set aside for a top-up in a few weeks. And I'll be getting more of the 400 mg ones. All told, the cost adds up to a little over $1000, I don't have any doctors guiding me, so I had to set up my own doses based on what I could glean from others. I can contact the NP at the one provider, though we did discuss the basics during our telehealth session. She basically answered all the questions I had.

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This is so fantastic!  :thumbsup::smitten: :smitten:you are so courageous in doing this -- And  I know that you researched the hell out of it to make sure that what you are doing is scientifically sound.  Still the roughness of the experience is the unknown scary bit.


I'm going to look up NFN's posts.  I know we had been in contact earlier but I've been mostly off BB for a few years -- I found it hard to read the stories of such profound suffering when I was just keeping my head above water.


Interesting to know about the loading doses and that generally we lose NAD as we age, I'm now 66 so that is a huge factor in how this whole process is going to affect this old body.  (I don't actually feel old, it's just that things do change don't they?)


I'm going to try the gorilla spray tomorrow knowing that it is a product that is not really recommended.  It's just that due to postal mixups I now have two bottles of the spray and I'll bet it can still give me an indication of how this might work for me, or not.


You are almost through the hardest bit and YOU ARE OFF DIAZEPAM!!!  that must have been a dream to write and that is the thing that can help with those really rough spots, knowing the result is worth it.


Please continue, when you can, with the updates about your progress.  It's inspiring to read.

Best of it all to you warrior!

Best of it all from me


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SS, here is the threads I read about others experience with NAD+ IV. NFN's story is part of the conversation of the first link. The first is limeedition's experience, NFN shares hers in that thread, and answers a lot of questions others had. Shamo is the 2nd link. fishyfish is the 3rd, and JLeDi's the 4th. JLedi had smaller doses after the loading dose, was in his 20's, so he had higher NAD+ stored in his body.











Honestly, I was doubting my research. NFN says for her it was hell. But she jumped from 1.5 mg Ativan. Kenn Starr doesn't recommend doing that. He likes people to be under the equivalent of 5 mg diazepam. NFN even admits NAD+ probably works better for someone who has tapered. JLeDi had the fattest turnaround, jumping from 1.5 mg diazepam. About half what I was at. NFN repeatedly points out that this isn't an instant fix. You still have acute and post acute. It just accelerates the recovery. And the symptoms are much milder for many. BTW, I've been eating those d@mn pierogies again and again. They aren't bothering me. They were fresh ones I bought and froze, and never ate as the benzo taper ruined my digestive system. They are just wheat pasta with a filling of mashed potatoes with a bit of cheddar cheese. I ate them plain, though I prefer them with sauteed onions. I didn't want to push the onions just yet. But this stuff is even working on healing my gut. Many found themselves back to eating more regular food as the month went by. There's frozen Tempura shrimp in my freezer calling me.


I turned 62 earlier this year, so I'm glad I went with the 1000 mg patches, so I could load up on NAD+. After age 65, NAD+ levels decline even more. That's why people use it for anti-aging/longevity treatments. Ken Starr starts people off on the spray first, to see how they tolerate NAD+. He then does 2 trial sessions of IV drips. If they go well, treatment continues. The whole process is very uncomfortable, but all in those threads say it was absolutely worth it. You go through an intense treatment, slog through post-acute, but the post-acute is more rapid than if you tapered all the way. I'd rather suffer through an intense 6 weeks, then dragging on another year of horrible taper symptoms, followed by a year at least of post-acute. Everybody says you turn a corner 4 weeks post treatment.


Yeah, diazepam free. And I'm hoping I stay free. I think I will. Others doubted it was working, but they hung in there for a month after, only to turn that corner. Going back for follow up treatments help. Honestly, the day before stopping, I was getting cold feet. But I realized I just needed to do it. It was scary, but now it is so liberating. I'm not a slave to the tapering anymore.


I wanted to do this for me, and for those that wanted NAD+ but couldn't afford the infusions. Now there is a much cheaper option. I had to be the first, take the plunge, see if I'd sink or swim. It works best for those still tapering, or who recently jumped. I haven't read of anybody having success during post acute or protracted. I wish there was an answer to why that is.


I guess I am a Warrior, finally slayed the benzo beast with an NAD+ weapon.  :D  I think you'd do well following the same protocol I did, should you want to do this.


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Lottie- I found you.  Yay.  I just read through.  I am really excited about all of this, but also terrified.  I am not sure what I am going to do.  I think I want to try.  I don’t want to feel really bad, but I don’t want to drag this out for another year either……soooooooo….I have a lot to think about and to look into.  I will be asking more questions for sure.


Thank you for being the WARRIOR! 



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SS, here is the threads I read about others experience with NAD+ IV. NFN's story is part of the conversation of the first link. The first is limeedition's experience, NFN shares hers in that thread, and answers a lot of questions others had. Shamo is the 2nd link. fishyfish is the 3rd, and JLeDi's the 4th. JLedi had smaller doses after the loading dose, was in his 20's, so he had higher NAD+ stored in his body.











Honestly, I was doubting my research. NFN says for her it was hell. But she jumped from 1.5 mg Ativan. Kenn Starr doesn't recommend doing that. He likes people to be under the equivalent of 5 mg diazepam. NFN even admits NAD+ probably works better for someone who has tapered. JLeDi had the fattest turnaround, jumping from 1.5 mg diazepam. About half what I was at. NFN repeatedly points out that this isn't an instant fix. You still have acute and post acute. It just accelerates the recovery. And the symptoms are much milder for many. BTW, I've been eating those d@mn pierogies again and again. They aren't bothering me. They were fresh ones I bought and froze, and never ate as the benzo taper ruined my digestive system. They are just wheat pasta with a filling of mashed potatoes with a bit of cheddar cheese. I ate them plain, though I prefer them with sauteed onions. I didn't want to push the onions just yet. But this stuff is even working on healing my gut. Many found themselves back to eating more regular food as the month went by. There's frozen Tempura shrimp in my freezer calling me.


I turned 62 earlier this year, so I'm glad I went with the 1000 mg patches, so I could load up on NAD+. After age 65, NAD+ levels decline even more. That's why people use it for anti-aging/longevity treatments. Ken Starr starts people off on the spray first, to see how they tolerate NAD+. He then does 2 trial sessions of IV drips. If they go well, treatment continues. The whole process is very uncomfortable, but all in those threads say it was absolutely worth it. You go through an intense treatment, slog through post-acute, but the post-acute is more rapid than if you tapered all the way. I'd rather suffer through an intense 6 weeks, then dragging on another year of horrible taper symptoms, followed by a year at least of post-acute. Everybody says you turn a corner 4 weeks post treatment.


Yeah, diazepam free. And I'm hoping I stay free. I think I will. Others doubted it was working, but they hung in there for a month after, only to turn that corner. Going back for follow up treatments help. Honestly, the day before stopping, I was getting cold feet. But I realized I just needed to do it. It was scary, but now it is so liberating. I'm not a slave to the tapering anymore.


I wanted to do this for me, and for those that wanted NAD+ but couldn't afford the infusions. Now there is a much cheaper option. I had to be the first, take the plunge, see if I'd sink or swim. It works best for those still tapering, or who recently jumped. I haven't read of anybody having success during post acute or protracted. I wish there was an answer to why that is.


I guess I am a Warrior, finally slayed the benzo beast with an NAD+ weapon.  :D  I think you'd do well following the same protocol I did, should you want to do this.


Thank yo for all that information BL!

I'm so happy that the gut is doing OK -- such a sign as so much of our health can be determined by our gut, and our guts reaction to thing -- as you know.


I've found two more NAD IV clinic that have opened in my city since I first researched this a few years ago.  I'm going to call them this morning to see if they could start me off with patches to see how well I could tolerate all of this. 

I agree six weeks of hell looks so much better that the years that I see ahead of me doing what I'm doing.  And I know I could just continue but so SO so want a quicker path.


Hoping this day is good with perogies and onions ( ya never know things seems to changing quickly!)




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Lottie- I found you.  Yay.  I just read through.  I am really excited about all of this, but also terrified.  I am not sure what I am going to do.  I think I want to try.  I don’t want to feel really bad, but I don’t want to drag this out for another year either……soooooooo….I have a lot to think about and to look into.  I will be asking more questions for sure.


Thank you for being the WARRIOR! 




In ramcon1's thread, he has a few compatibility test you can try first. You should then give the NAD) nasal spray a go. Dr Ken Starr has potential drip patients test out the nasal spray while they continue their taper. I did so for over 3 months, and I responded very well, so I knew I could handle high-dose NAD+. I didn't try ramcon's test, I just bought the spray and started with low doses. I did post about that experience here: http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=275902.0

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Thank yo for all that information BL!

I'm so happy that the gut is doing OK -- such a sign as so much of our health can be determined by our gut, and our guts reaction to thing -- as you know.


I've found two more NAD IV clinic that have opened in my city since I first researched this a few years ago.  I'm going to call them this morning to see if they could start me off with patches to see how well I could tolerate all of this. 

I agree six weeks of hell looks so much better that the years that I see ahead of me doing what I'm doing.  And I know I could just continue but so SO so want a quicker path.


Hoping this day is good with perogies and onions ( ya never know things seems to changing quickly!)





Just pierogies, no onions yet. Don't want to push too much. Today I ate breaded fish, I've been eating poached for so long, a little gassy from the breaded fish.  ;D  But not too bad. Pierogies tomorrow though.


IV clinics probably won't do patches, ion NAD+ competes with their IV business. But, you can get a lower dose of a drip, to see how you feel. Dr Ken Starr does that. The drip can be slowed or stopped if needed. There's a drip place near me that opened 2 years ago, it's $750 for one 750 mg drip. These places vary in price. The ion patches are far cheaper. 

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Woke up hot and sweaty early this morning. While paresthesia is way down, and hyperacusis is non-existent, I've developed mild tinnitus, in both ears. There is a constant, low-level, ringing, in both ears. NFN said her first month after was a hellish withdrawal. She even questioned if the NAD+ failed. She jumped from the equivalent of 15 mg diazepam. Shamo jumped from 10 mg diazepam. Both describe an intense withdrawal for a month. These song lyrics from a 5th Dimension classic popped in my head.


Last night I didn't get to sleep at all, no, no

I lay awake and watched until the mornin' light

Washed away the darkness of the lonely night (lonely night)

Oh, and last night, I got to thinkin' maybe I, I, I

Should call you up, and just forget my foolish pride

I heard your number ringin', I went cold inside

And last night I didn't get to sleep at all


My sleep is averaging maybe 5 hours, with 3 being pretty solid. I have pressure behind my eyes sockets (something I started having on-and-off while tapering), waves of nausea, mostly in the morning, some tingling and numbness around my mouth, feeling like I can't breathe (air hunger, also something I had sometimes during taper), air smells musty, sometimes feel like I'm suffocating. Sometimes I have chills, though I feel warm and sweaty. I have a pricky sensation on the top of my head. Bleh.  :crazy: Then there's this sense of doom, I can't describe it. Shamo stated that you have to keep telling yourself that you are going to succeed. NFN said she wondered if it failed, and she did it for nothing.


So, that "call you up" in the song is me questioning if I made a mistake doing this, the benzo lies are the "foolish pride", the number ringing is the tinnitus in my ears, "I went cold inside" being the realization that I jumped,  it's self-doubt. But NFN and Shamo went through much worse. While JLeDi went through very little. If I'm away from BB, you know I'm in the thick of it. 


I haven't had much mental, it's been mostly physical. I'm very uncomfortable, it's not pleasant. I may need to step away from BB and take a break. I have been avoiding any doomscrolling. Geesh, this is hard. But NFN and Shamo said it was really hard for them. I had hoped for JLeDi's experience, the fact he was on only 1.5 mg diazepam, and that he was in his 20's, probably were factors in his experience being mostly symptomless. I guess I'm falling somewhere in the middle between JLeDi and Shamo. Doing another round of 800 mg today and tomorrow, then I will be finishing up with smaller doses Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

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Lottie- Thank you for your reply.  I had read that info on his page about the test before.  I don’t have any trouble with vitamin C???  I am interested in who you got your patches from.  Can you PM me? Or post it here?


I am sorry you aren’t feeling well.  Please take care and feel better soon.  :smitten:



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Woke up hot and sweaty early this morning. While paresthesia is way down, and hyperacusis is non-existent, I've developed mild tinnitus, in both ears. There is a constant, low-level, ringing, in both ears. NFN said her first month after was a hellish withdrawal. She even questioned if the NAD+ failed. She jumped from the equivalent of 15 mg diazepam. Shamo jumped from 10 mg diazepam. Both describe an intense withdrawal for a month. These song lyrics from a 5th Dimension classic popped in my head.


Last night I didn't get to sleep at all, no, no

I lay awake and watched until the mornin' light

Washed away the darkness of the lonely night (lonely night)

Oh, and last night, I got to thinkin' maybe I, I, I

Should call you up, and just forget my foolish pride

I heard your number ringin', I went cold inside

And last night I didn't get to sleep at all


My sleep is averaging maybe 5 hours, with 3 being pretty solid. I have pressure behind my eyes sockets (something I started having on-and-off while tapering), waves of nausea, mostly in the morning, some tingling and numbness around my mouth, feeling like I can't breathe (air hunger, also something I had sometimes during taper), air smells musty, sometimes feel like I'm suffocating. Sometimes I have chills, though I feel warm and sweaty. I have a pricky sensation on the top of my head. Bleh.  :crazy: Then there's this sense of doom, I can't describe it. Shamo stated that you have to keep telling yourself that you are going to succeed. NFN said she wondered if it failed, and she did it for nothing.


So, that "call you up" in the song is me questioning if I made a mistake doing this, the benzo lies are the "foolish pride", the number ringing is the tinnitus in my ears, "I went cold inside" being the realization that I jumped,  it's self-doubt. But NFN and Shamo went through much worse. While JLeDi went through very little. If I'm away from BB, you know I'm in the thick of it. 


I haven't had much mental, it's been mostly physical. I'm very uncomfortable, it's not pleasant. I may need to step away from BB and take a break. I have been avoiding any doomscrolling. Geesh, this is hard. But NFN and Shamo said it was really hard for them. I had hoped for JLeDi's experience, the fact he was on only 1.5 mg diazepam, and that he was in his 20's, probably were factors in his experience being mostly symptomless. I guess I'm falling somewhere in the middle between JLeDi and Shamo. Doing another round of 800 mg today and tomorrow, then I will be finishing up with smaller doses Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.


Hi BL,

I know I need to step away sometimes when I'm feeling really bad from this whole thing - -but remember we're here rooting for you! Everyday!

I'm so sorry it's so awful right now -- in the thick of it I often wonder if I can go on - and then things get easier and I remember there is light at the end of some tunnel.

Doing this in our 60's is an entirely different animal from our 20's -- and yet perhaps the wisdom of years can out weigh the resilience of youth.

Here's hoping it is so for you

Remember some kind of mantra:

a well thought out month of hell vs a well thought out years of semi-hell.


I'm guessing that if those other buddies can do it so can you

Get back to BB when the time is right.



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Lottie- Thank you for your reply.  I had read that info on his page about the test before.  I don’t have any trouble with vitamin C???  I am interested in who you got your patches from.  Can you PM me? Or post it here?


I am sorry you aren’t feeling well.  Please take care and feel better soon.  :smitten:





I intentionally left out the patch providers, because this is still a science experiment, and I'm still the lab rat. I probably won't until I'm a month post treatment and can assess whether this actually works like the IV drips. I feel I have a duty and a responsibility to be cautious, as to my knowledge, no one on here or any other forums I've visited, used iontophoresis NAD+. I want to wait until I can be certain that this is a viable substitute for IV NAD+.


I really urge those interested to read and do a lot of research, which is what I've been doing for the past few months before deciding to take the plunge. And definitely try out the NAD+ nasal spray. I took a chance ordering the spray from a website that caters to the body-building and nootropics crowd, fortunately the spray came from a reputable source. Unfortunately that website changes product suppliers, so one can never be sure of what they will receive. Archway Apothecary and AgelessRx have compounded NAD+. AgelessRx gets theirs compounded by Belmar Pharmacy. The spray Dr Ken Starr has on his website is from Archway.


Dr Ken Starr has any potential client considering IV NAD+ for benzo withdrawal, to use the spray while continuing with a taper. How you respond to that, determines how you would likely respond to NAD+ in the very large doses you will get from IV or iontophoresis NAD+. That is what ramcon1 did, and it was a disaster. He reacted badly to it, and he was intending to go to New York for IV NAD+, an idea he scrapped. I started using the spray in December of 2022, so had ramped up slowly from 12.6 to around 88-90 mg a day, for 4 months.


Still feeling like yuck. Symptoms cycle from one thing to another, and from day to day. I recall NFN had 25 hours of headaches, the next day they stopped.

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I'm guessing that if those other buddies can do it so can you

Get back to BB when the time is right.




I keep going back and reading their responses in threads. It helps me to keep my eye on the prize, so to speak.


Symptoms are rapidly cycling, some last for a day, others come and go through the day, some just stick around like an annoying mother-in-law who doesn't leave. Hello tinnitus! I barely knew ya during my taper, now you reside in both my ears, chiming away!  :sick:  Good thing: paresthesia is mostly gone, it was gradually replaced by numbness, but now the numbness is easing off. Stomach acid problems are less, I'm probably going to experiment with gradually reintroducing foods once initial treatment is done. The bad: having more headaches, they don't linger long, but I'd been mostly free of them for months. Having a bit of bloat, and a lot of gurgling in my stomach. Today I began feeling dizzy with that floaty-boaty feeling as the day went by. Two days ago I was moving around without being impeded by withdrawal, today I'm hanging onto whatever to steady myself.


Still feeling hot like I have a fever, but I don't. Sleep is still less. Just an allover, uncomfortable, feeling. With the remaining bit of diazepam still exiting my system, I'm not sure how things will go over the week after I finish. It seems to sure be working. Surely by now I should be getting significantly worse after c/t diazepam. Today was my last day of 800 mg, I'll be dosing much smaller doses with everything wrapping up on Wednesday. I'm going to contact the supplier I have the subscription plan with, and request the next set of kits from them, so I have it here for top-ups. After I finish Wednesday, I will return to using the nasal spray.   

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Hi, Lottie

  Thank you for your sharing. I do believe the patch will work well for you.

Please take care. Hope you feeling better soon  :smitten:


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Hi, Lottie

  Thank you for your sharing. I do believe the patch will work well for you.

Please take care. Hope you feeling better soon  :smitten:




I am in the thick of acute right now, but I am trying hard to stay positive. I appreciate the support. Shamo began noticing improvements a week post-treatment. Tomorrow will be my last day, a total of 12 days. I'm doing 500 mg now. NFN she turned a corner after 4 weeks (She jumped from 1.5 mg Ativan, Shamo from 5 mg diazepam). JLeDi at 1.5 mg diazepam had the best response. Fishyfish was back in school 5 weeks later. I'm posting an update after this. I hope this science experiment works, and my lab rat self has the same outcome as others. Then you other BB"S can look into this yourself.

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Hi, Lottie

  Thank you for your sharing. I do believe the patch will work well for you.

Please take care. Hope you feeling better soon  :smitten:




I am in the thick of acute right now, but I am trying hard to stay positive. I appreciate the support. Shamo began noticing improvements a week post-treatment. Tomorrow will be my last day, a total of 12 days. I'm doing 500 mg now. NFN she turned a corner after 4 weeks (She jumped from 1.5 mg Ativan, Shamo from 5 mg diazepam). JLeDi at 1.5 mg diazepam had the best response. Fishyfish was back in school 5 weeks later. I'm posting an update after this. I hope this science experiment works, and my lab rat self has the same outcome as others. Then you other BB"S can look into this yourself.


Thanks for the update BL!

hard to be in acute - but so helpful to know the stories of those who have done this in the past.  Here's hoping that you turn the proverbial corner very very soon.

Quietly rooting for you every day! :thumbsup::)


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