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Hello all,

I'm very upset. My son came over today with my dil and my two grandson's. We were having dinner outside when my son happens to mention that they were SICK all week!!  :tickedoff: :tickedoff: I looked at him and said WHATTTT?!  My dil chimed in with we don't have covid, oh really?? How do you know is what I said! She said we don't have fevers just nasal congestion and Cameron has a runny nose. Wtf , I mean really.. Now I'm terrified! I had already held at kissed the baby and hugged my 5 yr old grandson. I will worry all week about them and Rich and myself. I can't believe the lack of common sense! I told my dil who is a medical assistant and a damn good one I might add, she should have known better bc she's so damn smart, that there's a wide range of symtoms with covid. My son said come on mom I'd of been on a vent by now if I had covid bc he has high BP but takes meds for it. So he thinks bc of his health he'd be on a vent if he got it! Are these people f'in dumbies?!! I'm so pissed I don't know where to put all this anger :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

We stayed outside the whole time in the deck I didn't allow them in my house only to use the bathroom and that's it. I have to get a grip and calm down but I just don't know how to do that right now 🤬🤬🤬

I just needed to vent so for anyone who read this, thanks for doing so. 😭

Love to all,





If they really just have nasal congestion it probably isn't COVID. And infection rates aren't that high where you live, right? I think you are in CT? I know I have been so incredibly stressed as many of the symptoms of COVID overlap with Crohn's, which is what my son has, so I have spent the last five months wondering every time he doesn't feel well if he has COVID. The anxiety level is off the charts for me with all of this, so I totally get where you are coming from. We actually did just get him tested again last week as he is not doing spectacular at the moment, and it came back negative. If you can take some extra zinc, vitamin C and extra D, that is what our doctor recommends. Try not to worry too much. I think it sucks how much anxiety there is over all of this. I know my husband went back to work this week and he is so upset and concerned. He is not high risk but with our son (and I have asthma and am overweight), I know he worries about us. You certainly have every right to be upset, so vent away, but try not to worry too much.


But people who are sick with anything need to stay home now!

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bonty: can you tolerate taking ibuprofen? I was told to try to take it pre- cramps/muscle aches bc its easier to stop the escalation of pain early as opposed to get it down once it has set in. Prostoglandin is the culprit for the aches and cramps usually. Had this discussion with my ob/gyn about it.


Next weekend is my next round at this. fingers crossed.Hang in there ladies.

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Trina thanks for explaining how iBuprofen works, I used to take it just before the cramps started and found if I took it at that time, the cramps are very mild and go away quickly, as opposed to taking it a bit later which wouldn’t work as well... now I know why... does anyone take iBuprofen with tinnitus? I stopped taking because of the tinnitus so last month I took nothing :-( Would love to hear from someone taking iBuprofen with tinnitus...
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bonty: can you tolerate taking ibuprofen? I was told to try to take it pre- cramps/muscle aches bc its easier to stop the escalation of pain early as opposed to get it down once it has set in. Prostoglandin is the culprit for the aches and cramps usually. Had this discussion with my ob/gyn about it.


Next weekend is my next round at this. fingers crossed.Hang in there ladies.

yes I was told that too. when I went to see him after a very strange stomach and ovaries painful episode that I thought I was going to pass out I had to wait until the  advil  started working....


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Hello all,

I'm very upset. My son came over today with my dil and my two grandson's. We were having dinner outside when my son happens to mention that they were SICK all week!!  :tickedoff: :tickedoff: I looked at him and said WHATTTT?!  My dil chimed in with we don't have covid, oh really?? How do you know is what I said! She said we don't have fevers just nasal congestion and Cameron has a runny nose. Wtf , I mean really.. Now I'm terrified! I had already held at kissed the baby and hugged my 5 yr old grandson. I will worry all week about them and Rich and myself. I can't believe the lack of common sense! I told my dil who is a medical assistant and a damn good one I might add, she should have known better bc she's so damn smart, that there's a wide range of symtoms with covid. My son said come on mom I'd of been on a vent by now if I had covid bc he has high BP but takes meds for it. So he thinks bc of his health he'd be on a vent if he got it! Are these people f'in dumbies?!! I'm so pissed I don't know where to put all this anger :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

We stayed outside the whole time in the deck I didn't allow them in my house only to use the bathroom and that's it. I have to get a grip and calm down but I just don't know how to do that right now 🤬🤬🤬

I just needed to vent so for anyone who read this, thanks for doing so. 😭

Love to all,





If they really just have nasal congestion it probably isn't COVID. And infection rates aren't that high where you live, right? I think you are in CT? I know I have been so incredibly stressed as many of the symptoms of COVID overlap with Crohn's, which is what my son has, so I have spent the last five months wondering every time he doesn't feel well if he has COVID. The anxiety level is off the charts for me with all of this, so I totally get where you are coming from. We actually did just get him tested again last week as he is not doing spectacular at the moment, and it came back negative. If you can take some extra zinc, vitamin C and extra D, that is what our doctor recommends. Try not to worry too much. I think it sucks how much anxiety there is over all of this. I know my husband went back to work this week and he is so upset and concerned. He is not high risk but with our son (and I have asthma and am overweight), I know he worries about us. You certainly have every right to be upset, so vent away, but try not to worry too much.


But people who are sick with anything need to stay home now!


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: seriously  >:( >:(

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I had to avoid my son and grandchildren’s visit cuz I’m fearful of Covid.  He humbugs it and refuses to wear mask and is out and about everywhere.  There would be 8 in his party and he would have brought his friend and his family which would be 5 more.


They went boating and invited me and also went to a marina bar to listen to a band.  So once again I’m the bad grandma.    :-\

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This whole thing has been a strain on family and friends. For some it's become a political issue. The other day a friend (more like an acquaintance) stuck his hand out to shake and I had to tell him I'm not comfortable with that. I got a really weird look.
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Does it get worse before it get better?

Despite sleeping well, the shaking and teeth chattering is back. Still in bed. No periods this month. I am in peri menaupose.

I am worried to stay like this for ever.

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Does it get worse before it get better?

Despite sleeping well, the shaking and teeth chattering is back. Still in bed. No periods this month. I am in peri menaupose.

I am worried to stay like this for ever.


Unfortunately for some it does get worst before it get's better. You've had some good windows so that's a good sign you'll have more and stabilize if you just hold. I still think it's the hormonal imbalance causing your symptoms



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Hey guys, Mary, NJ, Jwl and GP

Thanks for weighing in guys and reading my post or should I say my " bitching" post. I was stark raving mad yesterday.

I'm doing better today. They will be here on Sunday for an end of the summer gathering and last swim before we close the pool for the season. I plan on telling them that they are never ever, ever to show up at my house again if they even have so much as a little sniffle. I really don't understand their ignorance. We are all Trump haters and know this is serious and not a hoax as some believe it is. We're all on the same page politically. No one in my family is a Republican. The kids have been very careful out in public but a little too carefree around me and Rich. Maybe it's pandemic fatigue idk but they better step up their game.

So thanks again you guys for your input.



Yes I'm from Connecticut and thank God our numbers are low but the college's here are now seeing cases of it. My niece's daughter is actually at UConn right now quarantined in her dorm bc she was notified that she's been exposed. My niece is having a fit! She wants her daughter to come home but her daughter refuses. It's her first year of college and she doesn't want to give up the experience of it all. Anyway, I hope our numbers don't start climbing bc of the schools but I think it's inevitable. ☹️

Also NJ I just want to say how sorry I am that you're still going through hell. I can only imagine how frustrating this all is for your poor son. He is young and should be able to live his life without all these health issues. My thoughts are with you and as always so are my prayers.  :mybuddy:

Love to all,

Trishy ❤️❤️

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I had to avoid my son and grandchildren’s visit cuz I’m fearful of Covid.  He humbugs it and refuses to wear mask and is out and about everywhere.  There would be 8 in his party and he would have brought his friend and his family which would be 5 more.


They went boating and invited me and also went to a marina bar to listen to a band.  So once again I’m the bad grandma.    :-\


Oh GP, you aren't, you are the smart Grandma.  I know it doesn't feel like it, but you just can't risk getting Covid.  Please try not to feel bad.  You did the right thing.  LY 🙋🏼🙋🏼😘😘😷😷🙏🙏

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V, I love British movies too. They're so witty. I like the way they talk. I'll have to check out the Winsors.


Love the song you posted. I like R&B too. I also like classic rock especially the bluesy, folksy stuff like: Crosby, Stills and Nash, Eric Clapton, Tom Petty, Joe Cocker.


Mary I love Alexa too. Whatever song pops into mind, you just tell her to play it


I just love that Alexa can do that, lol.  I mean I remember 45's  :laugh: :laugh:  It's great  :laugh:

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This whole thing has been a strain on family and friends. For some it's become a political issue. The other day a friend (more like an acquaintance) stuck his hand out to shake and I had to tell him I'm not comfortable with that. I got a really weird look.


It is so hard to understand that there are people who think it's a hoax or just maybe the flu.  I will never understand  :idiot: :idiot:

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Hey Mary how are you feeling woman? I hope things have improved since I last talked to you 🙏🤞😷


Rich and I are looking for something to watch on TV. So much to choose from now a days yet nothing 🤷 we watched a good movie Saturday night, The wife with Glenn Close. It's probably not for everyone but we liked it.


Hello to all the LHSG'ers 👋 hope everyone is hanging in there. 🙏

Love to all, Trishy ❤️

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Hey Mary how are you feeling woman? I hope things have improved since I last talked to you 🙏🤞😷


Rich and I are looking for something to watch on TV. So much to choose from now a days yet nothing 🤷 we watched a good movie Saturday night, The wife with Glenn Close. It's probably not for everyone but we liked it.


Hello to all the LHSG'ers 👋 hope everyone is hanging in there. 🙏

Love to all, Trishy ❤️


Hey TT, glad you were able to let go of the anger and have a plan  ;). I was doing pretty good until I made a huge mess this morning  >:(.  I knocked over my 32 oz glass of water and a little cranberry juice and it went everywhere  :-\ :-\. I had to move and wash everything.  I have 3 really heavy knife sets I had to move and appliances, all kinds of crap.  It made me anxious and then my back muscles tightened up..... I am a dumbass  :crazy:  My back had been doing some better, now I am afraid I may go backwards.  :( :(.  Damn benzo's  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:  I am still trying to figure out my evening dose so the gaviscon lets me have the full effect of the Valium.  Not sleeping great.

106 here today with heat index  :( :(.  Sorry you asked now  :laugh: :laugh: :D.  But I am glad you are doing better  ;D.  Hey, have you seen the series "The Fall"?  I loved it  :);)

Have a good evening girlfriend!!  🙋🏼🙋🏼😘😘😷😷🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Hey Mary how are you feeling woman? I hope things have improved since I last talked to you 🙏🤞😷


Rich and I are looking for something to watch on TV. So much to choose from now a days yet nothing 🤷 we watched a good movie Saturday night, The wife with Glenn Close. It's probably not for everyone but we liked it.


Hello to all the LHSG'ers 👋 hope everyone is hanging in there. 🙏

Love to all, Trishy ❤️


Hey TT, glad you were able to let go of the anger and have a plan  ;). I was doing pretty good until I made a huge mess this morning  >:(.  I knocked over my 32 oz glass of water and a little cranberry juice and it went everywhere  :-\ :-\. I had to move and wash everything.  I have 3 really heavy knife sets I had to move and appliances, all kinds of crap.  It made me anxious and then my back muscles tightened up..... I am a dumbass  :crazy:  My back had been doing some better, now I am afraid I may go backwards.  :( :(.  Damn benzo's  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:  I am still trying to figure out my evening dose so the gaviscon lets me have the full effect of the Valium.  Not sleeping great.

106 here today with heat index  :( :(.  Sorry you asked now  :laugh: :laugh: :D.  But I am glad you are doing better  ;D.  Hey, have you seen the series "The Fall"?  I loved it  :);)

Have a good evening girlfriend!!  🙋🏼🙋🏼😘😘😷😷🙏🙏🙏🙏

Oh man girlfriend I'm so sorry about your back and the lack of sleep. Not sleeping well is there worst. 😔

I know with most stomach meds they say to take an hour after or is it an hour before you take your benzo. I know when I took nexium I called the pharmacist and was told to do that. Why don't you call your pharmacist and ask they will know.

I never did see the series there fall but I'll check it out :D

Don't worry about going backwards with your back either just start putting heat and doing all the things you do for when it's really bothering you. If you get in front of it you may be able to ward off any possibility of a long term ordeal with it again. Just get the jump on it girlfriend!

Yes, I'm very glad I asked , always like to know how my dear friend is doing.  :mybuddy:❤️❤️

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Hey Mary how are you feeling woman? I hope things have improved since I last talked to you 🙏🤞😷


Rich and I are looking for something to watch on TV. So much to choose from now a days yet nothing 🤷 we watched a good movie Saturday night, The wife with Glenn Close. It's probably not for everyone but we liked it.


Hello to all the LHSG'ers 👋 hope everyone is hanging in there. 🙏

Love to all, Trishy ❤️


:mybuddy: :mybuddy:


Hey TT, glad you were able to let go of the anger and have a plan  ;). I was doing pretty good until I made a huge mess this morning  >:(.  I knocked over my 32 oz glass of water and a little cranberry juice and it went everywhere  :-\ :-\. I had to move and wash everything.  I have 3 really heavy knife sets I had to move and appliances, all kinds of crap.  It made me anxious and then my back muscles tightened up..... I am a dumbass  :crazy:  My back had been doing some better, now I am afraid I may go backwards.  :( :(.  Damn benzo's  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:  I am still trying to figure out my evening dose so the gaviscon lets me have the full effect of the Valium.  Not sleeping great.

106 here today with heat index  :( :(.  Sorry you asked now  :laugh: :laugh: :D.  But I am glad you are doing better  ;D.  Hey, have you seen the series "The Fall"?  I loved it  :);)

Have a good evening girlfriend!!  🙋🏼🙋🏼😘😘😷😷🙏🙏🙏🙏

Oh man girlfriend I'm so sorry about your back and the lack of sleep. Not sleeping well is there worst. 😔

I know with most stomach meds they say to take an hour after or is it an hour before you take your benzo. I know when I took nexium I called the pharmacist and was told to do that. Why don't you call your pharmacist and ask they will know.

I never did see the series there fall but I'll check it out :D

Don't worry about going backwards with your back either just start putting heat and doing all the things you do for when it's really bothering you. If you get in front of it you may be able to ward off any possibility of a long term ordeal with it again. Just get the jump on it girlfriend!

Yes, I'm very glad I asked , always like to know how my dear friend is doing.  :mybuddy:❤️❤️

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Found a show Mary on Netflix. Warrior Nun?? Going to see what this is about.

Good night girlfriend! Catch you here tomorrow I hope. 👋😘❤️

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Hello to anyone who remembers me! I've been off this main forum for quite a while.


I'm sorry that so many people on here are so worried about Covid. Our town has done relatively well but even one death is one too many. Shoppers now have to wear masks. Due to my agoraphobia, my life hasn't changed that much! I don't go out so I don't need a mask. My hair's a bit of a mess because I cut it myself!


I am gradually cutting down on the Valium. Was on 4mg so now I'm alternating days 4,4,3,4,4,3. Pretty soon I hope to be 3,3,4,3,3,4. Anyone who may be interested, I'll let you know how it's going.

Hugs (cyber hugs are allowed)

Gilly/English xxx

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Hello to anyone who remembers me! I've been off this main forum for quite a while.


I'm sorry that so many people on here are so worried about Covid. Our town has done relatively well but even one death is one too many. Shoppers now have to wear masks. Due to my agoraphobia, my life hasn't changed that much! I don't go out so I don't need a mask. My hair's a bit of a mess because I cut it myself!


I am gradually cutting down on the Valium. Was on 4mg so now I'm alternating days 4,4,3,4,4,3. Pretty soon I hope to be 3,3,4,3,3,4. Anyone who may be interested, I'll let you know how it's going.

Hugs (cyber hugs are allowed)

Gilly/English xxx

Hey English! I remember you very well and have missed you and your wonderful sense of humor. You, me and Mary had some really good times here at LHSG. How's Posse? I hope you're feeding him well :D:2funny: :2funny: Do you still have Tilly?

I like what you're doing with the 443443... My therapist suggested this to me but I didn't think it could be done with a drug like Xanax. I would be very interested to know how it works out for you. If you're having good success with that method I may give it a try myself.

So very, very happy to hear from you. I hope you won't be a stranger and will pop in as often as you can.  :)

Trishy, ❤️

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GillyBlossom aka English, hey girlfriend, it's so good to see you posting!!  Love your avatar. 

Will PM this evening, you have the best day possible and give Tilly lots of love and pets from me.

LY woman 🙋🏼🙋🏼🙋🏼😘😘😘🙏🙏😷😷😷.      🐱🐾🐾🐾:laugh:


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Hi English

I would be interested to know how you are feeling reducing like this. I know that in the military,  the stretch the spacing of their dose. Do you have any symptoms?  How long have you been reducing like this?

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Does it get worse before it get better?

Despite sleeping well, the shaking and teeth chattering is back. Still in bed. No periods this month. I am in peri menaupose.

I am worried to stay like this for ever.


Unfortunately for some it does get worst before it get's better. You've had some good windows so that's a good sign you'll have more and stabilize if you just hold. I still think it's the hormonal imbalance causing your symptoms


Jwl  I think that you are right. Never had my periods this month. But 2 days after my due day, there is very little shaking. I keep my finger crossed!

I have a dentist appointment this morning so I skip my early morning dose and will combine it with the noon dose. I am worry of the teethical chattering.


Anyone was able to travel, fly while holding?

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trying: Ok I need you to explain this..does ibuprofen affect your tinnitus? I have the whooshing tinnitus but it is so mild now and comes and goes.
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