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Stut, hope you and sis are doing well.  You are such a wise strong woman. Love to you.


OK, so what color is your hair going to be?  :D. Love you girl!


Meems, I like the little library idea. Hmmm a little outing.


Val, hope you and your daughter are well.  Your humor is great  :laugh:


FH, I hope you are doing ok today.  I can’t wait for your depression to end.  :)


Intend, where are you?    Gilly?  Miss you Mary.


Thank you GP.  I am alternating between depression and anxiety.  I took an ibuprofen last night at 2:30am and this morning I was shaking like a leaf inside.  I'm slightly better now but it was scary. 


Anyone else have that kind of reaction to ibuprofen?

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Trishy it must be so awfully hard for you to see your son going through this. I can't even imagine. It would destroy me. Please hang in there, know that we're here rooting for you and for him. Protect yourself too as this must be so very draining.I hope your son finds a reason to get out. There's also a fair share of alcoholism in my family but I can't imagine the pain when it's your son going through it and you can't help him and having your hopes lifted only to be heartbroken over and over and over. Take care Trishy. We can't live for them. There's only so much you can do.



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I hope everyone is getting a break today. I'm not.


Olive Kitty I hope you start feeling better soon. I'm not really anywhere near stable after the updose and four month hold. I'm exhausted however it's impossible to sleep without the trazodone and gabapentin. This means I'm nowhere near stabilization. Let me describe: I try to nap after lunch when I can and my brain is firing glutamate like crazy, I can even feel the electricity in my head. So as soon as I doze off this brain jolt wakes me up. This makes me think I will never stabilize. Did ANYONE have this and get better after a long hold?


I don't want to hear about how bad the other drugs are, not interested.


Suzy I really hope you're getting some relief today. GP I understand what you say about how scary it is to be alone. It is. But I see my ex and I think Oh Lord that was worse!


Stutt I really hope you're getting some peace to stabilize from your last cut.


Everyone else here I hope you're getting a little bit better.

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Oh Trishy that sounds terrible! Added to withdrawal... I can't even imagine. I'm so sorry you are going through this I hope you son is able to get the help he needs and has the strength to pull out of this.

Final, I took an Ibuprofen at 2:30am last night as well! Sorry you had such a bad reaction.

ValuimNM, I am so sorry you are not stabilizing.. I bet you will. It took  me a loooong time to stabilize. You already know this but it was all of the cuts that I had done in the previous year catching up with me and I just could not stabilize. I'm SO glad I stuck out the 2mg hold for as long as I did. And I am feeling much better now after being at 1mg for almost a month. 28 days to be exact.

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Olive you keep holding now ok? Please give yourself two whole months of feeling good before cutting again. I want this to be your final taper. Olive k did you also have this symptom of being totally wired up in fear with inner brain vibration and unable to sleep for too brain jolts?


I sleep with the trazodone and thank God, otherwise I could not be keeping up with my duties.

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Hi everyone,

I fell asleep. Guess ineas tired. Thank yoy everyone for think8ng of me. Istut you said it that what he is being

If it does not change I.will have to fo something. Once my muscles start actind normal without this spasming crampy crap I will need to get back to work.I loat alot of money getting sick amd.now dont know when i can work. He says he will.take care of things it could get ugly.and i might just have enough. Getting healthy is the most importsnt thing. I.hope i am making.sense. lobr yoy all dd



I am so.sorry.about your son. That was do.beautiful what you wrote. I might go.back.and read it again. I.am a rec alcoholic. So I unferstand the way the alcohol takes a grip on you. I pray that he will realize he is powerless over alcohol and gets some help. 8 hope yoy are doing ok must be so hard for you. Ly dd



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Hi everyone,

I fell asleep. Guess ineas tired. Thank yoy everyone for think8ng of me. Istut you said it that what he is being

If it does not change I.will have to fo something. Once my muscles start actind normal without this spasming crampy crap I will need to get back to work.I loat alot of money getting sick amd.now dont know when i can work. He says he will.take care of things it could get ugly.and i might just have enough. Getting healthy is the most importsnt thing. I.hope i am making.sense. lobr yoy all dd



I am so.sorry.about your son. That was do.beautiful what you wrote. I might go.back.and read it again. I.am a rec alcoholic. So I unferstand the way the alcohol takes a grip on you. I pray that he will realize he is powerless over alcohol and gets some help. 8 hope yoy are doing ok must be so hard for you. Ly dd


Suzy that's what I thought, that maybe you need the financial support ATM. You be practical, you have to be.

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Thanks Janice,

Once i get hack on my feet things could be slot different.  :smitten:


Yes but for now you don't want to have more financial stress so you have to measure things carefully like you're wisely doing. You keep holding so you can gradually get stronger. You have to get a hold of your taper without him interfering with it. Don't allow anyone to bully you into cutting or you'll never stabilize. You have to handle the taper on your own Suzy, and then we'll hold here together for as long as it takes. The goal is no longer coming off, it's getting stable so we have the reins of our lives. Today I'm really depressed /pissed so gnight. I know cutting would make things worse though, so I'll keep holding.

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Sorry about typos. When I have my contacts in I cant see up close.



I have weird sx when I start to drift of to sleep. My nody gets shaky and heart palps. I have to get up. It gives me this depressed feeling. It will go away  eventually like some of our othet sx did. I am sorry that is happening. I wonder why sleep does that. Msybe the fight  or flight triggers for some reason. This is one strange  experiene. Love Suzy


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You are right about the taper too. I am going to do it myself and hold with you as long as we need, and get some of this gluamate out. I hope you get some sleep.  It will get better just kmow they are wd sx. I guess because of us being so destabilized we need more time to hold. Love you  :therethere::hug:
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Good morning Suzy, I hope you wake up feeling better today and that the cramps, muscle pain and neuro emotions give you a break. Love you too. You're doing great planning your life wisely in the face of withdrawal. I think what would help you the most is finding a better doctor. I pray that sooner than later that happens. You wouldn't feel so alone in this.
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Hi Stutt, just in case you pop in, I hope you're having a great time at the beach with your daughter. Can't wait till mine is 20 to lighten this responsibility and not have to worry that something will happen to me and she'll be left at the mercy of her or my father. That fear makes my life so difficult. I imagine you and your daughter together confiding and sharing experiences as you walk by the beach or have coffee. Of how on earth anyone can think it's a good idea to spend time at the beach in Ireland in November, well that's an entirely different subject. I mean I guess you people think it's fun to freeze to death by the beach? Strange people these Brits  :laugh:


Don't get cross Stutt, you know I'm joking. You have about two and a half years to go for that pint of Guinness so cheer up. I'm a kind of mild alcoholic so the thought of never drinking beer again adds more depression to my depression. Nevertheless here we go, another lovely bwd day, yay!!


I have breakfast at a bar in hopes that one day a nice compassionate gentleman will come in and we'll help each other through life. Hey wait, that man is looking this way!! The dating site is a waste of time. They all have three children. Who wants a guy with three children? Not me, definitely.


Have a great symptom free day Sutt.

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Oh shite! The waiter caught me looking around (to see if there were any interesting candidates for my search), and he thought I wanted something so he said "dime", so I've had to order another decaf. Another euro twenty just for peeping around! Just my luck.
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Mary I see you posting on some blogs but very little. You must feel very ill. I really hope this muscle stuff subsides. It's so incapacitating and so depressing. I really feel you must be struggling a lot being so silent. I saw you posting something about Ragnar being an aussie. Yes he is and he ruined my love life because since I first saw him, nobody else in this world looks attractive to me. My daughter is nearly fourteen and I ask her if she doesn't like any boys and she says she does not like any real boys but she likes Ragnar. And I say well you're not going to find any of those over here dear one. Hope the pain gives you a break. I'm not even stretching now, I just feel it does nothing for bwd muscle stiffness. But strengthening exercises I keep doing. I think they help prevent us from falling apart completely. It takes all we've got to work out in pain but I feel it's good for us. Love and healing, VNM.
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Hi Janice,

Feeling better today. The m7scles serm a bit more relaxed. Going to slow down on the excercise a bit. I think my muscles cant handle it. Ahhh. I wasnt running marathons. I hope you are feeling better today. Glad yoy got to see some cute guys this morning. That always cheers me up. Lol. You are to.funny!!! Love Suzy

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Hi Janice,

Feeling better today. The m7scles serm a bit more relaxed. Going to slow down on the excercise a bit. I think my muscles cant handle it. Ahhh. I wasnt running marathons. I hope you are feeling better today. Glad yoy got to see some cute guys this morning. That always cheers me up. Lol. You are to.funny!!! Love Suzy


Thanks Suzy! There's a weight lifting exercise thread and it has some very helpful posts on how to handle exercise through withdrawal. I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better today. I'll read more tomorrow from the bar. Off to get dinner now. Classes over. Have a good afternoon and evening. Love Janice

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You are funny. You will read the rest at the bar. Lol. I will check out that thread. Thx. Have a  nice dinner and enjoy your evening!! Love Suzy  :smitten:
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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Janice are you stalking eateries today?😉Yes we are all a bit nutty in this neck of the woods everyday is beach day 😵.l know you are deflated honey but it will settle down if you hold long enough.Look at Olive a year and a half however it did settle.At 8 months l was still having problems so don't give up hope.lf you are worried about your girl going to your family and ex have you a friend that would take on the care of your daughter? You won't need a fall back however it would give you peace of mind.Try to be patient honey you will get there in the end.love you.X

Morning Suzy how are you pet? Just keep holding and when you are feeling better you can get back to work.When you are financially independent you can decide where you go from there.In the meantime tell him to back off and let you get on with it.Thinking of you.love you.X

Morning Olive are you back in the trenches?l think perhaps you cut too quickly which we all have a tendency to do.Let everything settle down my love then slowly creep down.love to you.X

Morning Feeling,Bill, Meems, Intend,Lost,Free,GP Lady Mary, Valley Gilly and everyone here let us know how you are doing please.l really hope everyone can enjoy at least part of their day.Xo

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Good morning Trish awe pet l am so sorry you are dealing with your son at this time.l don't know how you cope you are one strong lady.Let us know how you are and know you are doing everything you can to help him.Sadly the rest is up to him.Thinking of you twiny.

Love you my lST.Xo

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Hi Stut,

Hope you sis and your daughter are well. Glad you went to the beach! I love the beach! I am hanging in there. Feeling tired. I think I slept..lol. muscle pain seems a lettle better but sore. I have only bern stretching. Took some walking days off. I get realky discouraged when I am walking and the muscles cramp and have to sit. You are right once I am back on my feet and get back to work I will decide from there. I will tell him to back off. My god cant believe my life has come to this. When we are through this hell I bet we will gind so.e much more meaning in our life and discover things about ourselves that we never new before. If that makes sense

Love you Suzy

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Hi Stut,

Hope you sis and your daughter are well. Glad you went to the beach! I love the beach! I am hanging in there. Feeling tired. I think I slept..lol. muscle pain seems a lettle better but sore. I have only bern stretching. Took some walking days off. I get realky discouraged when I am walking and the muscles cramp and have to sit. You are right once I am back on my feet and get back to work I will decide from there. I will tell him to back off. My god cant believe my life has come to this. When we are through this hell I bet we will gind so.e much more meaning in our life and discover things about ourselves that we never new before. If that makes sense

Love you Suzy


Suzy, it really makes sense to me. I'm also trying to find the silver lining in all this.

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Me too. I was just reading about tramatic experiences amd wow I could relate. I have to find the story. All the things thst go.through your head. Ill put it in my plog.
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Hi everyone

Been a while since I’ve posted.  Feeling quite a bit better now, the flu is gone, took a big hit to my symptoms when I was sick.  Awful!  Continuing to slowly taper now.


Trishy I’m so sorry about your son, it’s hard when your kids have issues, you really want to help them so badly but I know they also have to live their lives.  It doesn’t help withdrawal that’s for sure. Hope things improve for your family.


Stut, I hope you’re doing ok and have had some enjoyment with your family.


Everyone else, hang in there and keep on keeping on.  We’ll all make it to better days ahead



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Good morning!  Holy shit guys, I had the WORST night last night.  I thought I was going to die.  Terrible sxs.  The worst thus far.  I took Omega 3 liquid supplement for first time and wondering if it had an effect. I texted my doctor and asked her if I could updose to calm me down. She said no and to stay where I’m at and ride it out. Boy this shit is insane.  I can only think I had a reaction to the supplement.  I dunno 🤷‍♀️.  Can supplements send us into a spiral? 



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