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LadyDen’s Poetry Cafe


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We of all shapes, sizes, colors and gender

Are mountains strong yet tender

Sometimes it is our own selves we must climb

To get over and leave our woes behind

Just when we reach a place to rest

Stopping there feels good but it’s not best

We must continue on with loving care

Even with loads of life we have to bare

Your strength within may be all you’ve got

It is just that whether a little or a lot

We’ll groan or cry every step every breath

Looking ahead we’ll see there’s not much left

We’ll get a burst of energy as not to stop

Oh yes indeed we will reach that top

Once up there success of the climb never cease

For right below is our long awaited valley of peace

We shall with joy easily descend down

To reap the benefits of flat solid ground

As we look back on from where we’ve come

“IT WAS WORTH IT!” will be the sum


By LadyDen

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Don’t Quit


When Things go wrong, as they sometimes will,

When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low and debts are high,

And you want to Smile but have to sigh.

When care is pressing you down a bit,

Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.


Life is strange with its twists and turns,

As everyone of us sometimes learns,

And many a failure turns about,

When he might have won if he'd stuck it out,

Don't give up though the pace seems slow,

You might succeed with another blow.


Often the struggler has given up,

When he might captured the victor's cup.

And he learned too late, when the night slipped down,

How close he was to the golden crown,


Success is failure turned inside out,

The silver tint of clouds of doubt,

And you never can tell how close you are,

It may be near when it seems afar,

So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,

It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.



This poem has been attributed to many different authors but, sadly the true  author has never been established. 


I thought it was a great reflection of our benzo journey and encouragement as well!

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Don’t Quit


When Things go wrong, as they sometimes will,

When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low and debts are high,

And you want to Smile but have to sigh.

When care is pressing you down a bit,

Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.


Life is strange with its twists and turns,

As everyone of us sometimes learns,

And many a failure turns about,

When he might have won if he'd stuck it out,

Don't give up though the pace seems slow,

You might succeed with another blow.


Often the struggler has given up,

When he might captured the victor's cup.

And he learned too late, when the night slipped down,

How close he was to the golden crown,


Success is failure turned inside out,

The silver tint of clouds of doubt,

And you never can tell how close you are,

It may be near when it seems afar,

So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,

It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.



This poem has been attributed to many different authors but, sadly the true  author has never been established. 


I thought it was a great reflection of our benzo journey and encouragement as well!

Wow wow wow! This should be the Benzo poem given to everyone that arrives here  :thumbsup:

2Cats you’re awesome to post this. Thank you! I couldn’t pick any lines that stuck out because every one of them is great. IMO, this was written by GOD.  :thumbsup: I needed this so badly this morning. ❤️🙏

I’m crying while reading this - it’s so comforting to me.

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Red Geraniums"


Life did not bring me silken gowns,

Nor jewels for my hair,

Nor signs of gabled foreign towns

In distant countries fair,

But I can glimpse, beyond my pane, a green and friendly hill,

And red geraniums aflame upon my window sill.


The brambled cares of everyday,

The tiny humdrum things,

May bind my feet when they would stray,

But still my heart has wings

While red geraniums are bloomed against my window glass,

And low above my green-sweet hill the gypsy wind-clouds pass.


And if my dreamings ne'er come true,

The brightest and the best,

But leave me lone my journey through,

I'll set my heart at rest,

And thank God for home-sweet things, a green and friendly hill,

And red geraniums aflame upon my window sill.


Martha Haskell Clark


A reminder to try and look at small joys in life through tough times.

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Red Geraniums"


Life did not bring me silken gowns,

Nor jewels for my hair,

Nor signs of gabled foreign towns

In distant countries fair,

But I can glimpse, beyond my pane, a green and friendly hill,

And red geraniums aflame upon my window sill.


The brambled cares of everyday,

The tiny humdrum things,

May bind my feet when they would stray,

But still my heart has wings

While red geraniums are bloomed against my window glass,

And low above my green-sweet hill the gypsy wind-clouds pass.


And if my dreamings ne'er come true,

The brightest and the best,

But leave me lone my journey through,

I'll set my heart at rest,

And thank God for home-sweet things, a green and friendly hill,

And red geraniums aflame upon my window sill.


Martha Haskell Clark


A reminder to try and look at small joys in life through tough times.

:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: Red is my favorite color. ❤️👏

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Thanks Lady for starting this wonderful thread and also to all that have posted here, you are all so very talented. And your words come straight from a heart that gives to others...during hard times. And have battled through benzo wd and post wd. You are all true Warriors. 💖Peace and Healing to All.💦
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Thanks Lady for starting this wonderful thread and also to all that have posted here, you are all so very talented. And your words come straight from a heart that gives to others...during hard times. And have battled through benzo wd and post wd. You are all true Warriors. 💖Peace and Healing to All.💦

Begood thank you! You’re such a lovely lady! I’m so glad I met you. You’ve given many buddies so much love and hope when they had none. I honor you today with these roses



Thank you for all you do! Please share a poem  :thumbsup:

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Thanks Lady for starting this wonderful thread and also to all that have posted here, you are all so very talented. And your words come straight from a heart that gives to others...during hard times. And have battled through benzo wd and post wd. You are all true Warriors. 💖Peace and Healing to All.💦

Begood thank you! You’re such a lovely lady! I’m so glad I met you. You’ve given many buddies so much love and hope when they had none. I honor you today with these roses



Thank you for all you do! Please share a poem  :thumbsup:

:smitten::)    :smitten:
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In celebration of my birthday today…..




I am someone who God has put here

To shine as the stars of heaven each year

Not to take on any glory all for myself

But to give it to him and no one else

He has made me see his world with fresh eyes

Marvelous wonders, acts and majestic surprises


On the day I was born not too soon or late

God wrapped me in his arms for his love awaits

My life is as a gift presented in ribbons and bows

Where it will lead is only to where God knows

It’s best to not get focused on the pretty outside

For the real gift of who I am lies on the inside


What is more important is truly inside the wrapping paper!


By LadyDen - Every day is a gift….that’s why it’s called present 🎁

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In celebration of my birthday today…..




I am someone who God has put here

To shine as the stars of heaven each year

Not to take on any glory all for myself

But to give it to him and no one else

He has made me see his world with fresh eyes

Marvelous wonders, acts and majestic surprises


On the day I was born not too soon or late

God wrapped me in his arms for his love awaits

My life is as a gift presented in ribbons and bows

Where it will lead is only to where God knows

It’s best to not get focused on the pretty outside

For the real gift of who I am lies on the inside


What is more important is truly inside the wrapping paper!


By LadyDen - Every day is a gift….that’s why it’s called present 🎁

A perfect poem for a special day and Lady. :thumbsup:
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Invisible Illness

I'm the bank teller you dealt with who forgot to say thank you.

I'm the waitress whose lack of cheer isn't what you're used to.

I'm the pre-occupied coworker who didn't smile when you said hello.

I'm the used-to-be sunny neighbor who's suddenly lost her glow.


You see me many times each week, although you don't know my name.

I'm behind the glazed expressions of those with hidden pain.

I'm doing the best I can just to get through another day.

It's a full time job holding all of these demons at bay.


Please forgive me if I cut you off in traffic last night.

I'm really a good driver when my mind's not full of fright.

I try hard to show up for you the best way that I can.

But this torment's so crippling, I'm half the person I know I am.


I'm often written-off as malingering and inconsistent.

Described as aloof, unfriendly, self-absorbed, and distant.

I have no ill intention; I didn’t ask for this curse.

I'm just trying to get through it for better or worse.


I have many names with which I can identify.

Depression, grief, and anxiety are a few you may recognize.

BPD, PTSD, OCD, and BIND are a few of my sobriquets.

Acronyms for illnesses that help explain my malaise.


My senses are affected; my thoughts are not my own.

My body has been invaded by some foreign unknown.

It comes and goes without warning, no schedule does it keep.

It hangs around at the worst times, like some uninvited creep!


So I ask for your patience, you see I'm not feeling well.

This invisible illness is indeed a living hell.

It robs me of my joy and for my love of life.

It cuts deep into my soul, sharper than any knife.


I wish it were as simple as stitching up a laceration.

Or putting ice on my knee to reduce inflammation.

The suffering is just as real, the pain just as intense.

Acceptance is difficult when symptoms defy common sense.


I know there will be times when my presence comes up short.

It’s nothing personal, no malice of any sort,

Someday I will return, and you’ll recognize me once again.

In the meantime, give me space, believe in me, and be my friend.


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She feels like a rowboat, tossed in a raging sea.

Like a grain of sand, on a windswept beach.


She lives with the nightmare, that just won't end.

A living hell, into which she descends.


The waves overwhelm her and knock her flat on her back.

Her mind and body, under an all-out attack.


But deep down inside her, burns a fearless drive.

She knows for certain, that she will survive.


In her trial is a lesson, that she needs to learn.

So she can help others, that's her foremost concern.


So she fights through the pain when push comes to shove.

She knows she'll pull through, using faith, hope and love.


She gets off her knees, for the time is at hand.

The waves won't defeat her, as she rises to stand.


She's getting stronger, with each passing day.

Nothing will stop her, as she forges her way.


A profile in courage, all fears cast aside.

She's winning this battle; she will not be denied.


I witness her victory, over all she contends.

She is my champion and the truest of friends.

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Thank you Blue for sharing your poems. They’re lovely and a true testament of what we ensure in this recovery.


“But deep down inside her burns a fearless drive

She knows for certain that she will survive”


That resonates with me. My continued waves/ symptoms tell one story but deep down I know this will end with me being returned to a normal me. A survival like no other for me to enjoy life again. I wait….


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I wrote this poem for a dear friend that's going through benzo withdrawal and thought I'd share.


Keep the Faith


A verse or two to start off your day.

To remind you there’s someone sending thoughts your way.

Hope springs eternal and prayers do come true.

So, I’ll keep asking God to provide relief to you.


A twist of fate has dealt you an awful hand.

A debilitating illness no one seems to understand.

Despite the best efforts of doctors and clinicians,

Your battle forges on with inexplicable conditions.


Using your faith and God's grace as your sword and shield.

You fight through the pain; you won’t wither nor yield.

Through all your hardship, your countenance never wavers.

Of your strength and your courage, I know no one braver.


You never complain, you accept your plight.

Your resilience enables you to keep up the fight.

You find purpose and resolve through all that’s transpired.

You exemplify grace, and you keep me inspired.


The pain and the anguish, you’ve suffered so much

I've so missed your smile, your words, and your touch.

But your faith remains strong, and you know you’ll pull through.

I know this as well 'cause God has a plan for you.


I wish I had more to aid in your healing

then just simple rhymes describing my feelings.

But alas, all I have are my words and a phrase.

I’ll use them the best I can to brighten your day.

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Invisible Illness

I'm the bank teller you dealt with who forgot to say thank you.

I'm the waitress whose lack of cheer isn't what you're used to.

I'm the pre-occupied coworker who didn't smile when you said hello.

I'm the used-to-be sunny neighbor who's suddenly lost her glow.


You see me many times each week, although you don't know my name.

I'm behind the glazed expressions of those with hidden pain.

I'm doing the best I can just to get through another day.

It's a full time job holding all of these demons at bay.


Please forgive me if I cut you off in traffic last night.

I'm really a good driver when my mind's not full of fright.

I try hard to show up for you the best way that I can.

But this torment's so crippling, I'm half the person I know I am.


I'm often written-off as malingering and inconsistent.

Described as aloof, unfriendly, self-absorbed, and distant.

I have no ill intention; I didn’t ask for this curse.

I'm just trying to get through it for better or worse.


I have many names with which I can identify.

Depression, grief, and anxiety are a few you may recognize.

BPD, PTSD, OCD, and BIND are a few of my sobriquets.

Acronyms for illnesses that help explain my malaise.


My senses are affected; my thoughts are not my own.

My body has been invaded by some foreign unknown.

It comes and goes without warning, no schedule does it keep.

It hangs around at the worst times, like some uninvited creep!


So I ask for your patience, you see I'm not feeling well.

This invisible illness is indeed a living hell.

It robs me of my joy and for my love of life.

It cuts deep into my soul, sharper than any knife.


I wish it were as simple as stitching up a laceration.

Or putting ice on my knee to reduce inflammation.

The suffering is just as real, the pain just as intense.

Acceptance is difficult when symptoms defy common sense.


I know there will be times when my presence comes up short.

It’s nothing personal, no malice of any sort,

Someday I will return, and you’ll recognize me once again.

In the meantime, give me space, believe in me, and be my friend.


Very good and so so true MP

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Using your faith and God’s grace as a sword and shield


That stood out to me. Faith is important in this journey. Using it in this battle makes everyday much easier. Thank you for sharing Blue. 😉

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May You


May you run this race with your dignity in tact

And hold fast the goal of its ending as fact

As you make your strides with legs feeling heavy in weight

May you keep going anyway towards your restful fate

If you stop for a break as to catch your breath

May you continue on to a winner’s wealth

And when you get there please take a glance back

May you realize right then you were always on track

As you bask in enjoyment of your life made whole

May you cheer on your brethren who’s journey has just unfold


Lady Den ❤️

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