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Hello to all. I am struggling so badly. My night was unbelievably terrifying with night terrors throughout. I've had this intense chemical fear all day along with other symptoms. I sure hope that this is the worse before it gets better because the worse has been here. I honestly haven't felt this bad since I was in acute withdrawal. Don't know how much longer I can hang on.


Hope everyone else is having a window day.


Congratulations Lisa on being 2 years out sounds like you're doing good. I'm looking forward to turning that corner soon myself, hopefully!



How are you doing? I hope your wave has passed and your in a beautiful window.


Hugs to all!



This makes me sad to hear of your acute like wave. I’m hoping it’s your last ugly one before your healing. It’s not uncommon around these parts.  :thumbsup:

My wave is milder since yesterday. I’ve been resting and walking a bit more. Staying distracted.  :thumbsup:

Hope you get relief today sweetie. I’m here for you. Keep your sword out and fight 🗡 I’m fighting too.


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Hi CMZ.  Have you had any improvements at all?  Since you hadn’t posted recently I was so hoping that you were back to enjoying life, or some semblance of it!


I am doing pretty well, but still dealing with the off and on head symptoms….I can go for many days with no head pain at all, then out of nowhere the burning, tingling, pressure surprises me with a very unwelcome visit!  On those days I just countdown the minutes with distracting the best I can.


It is a horrible experience we are going through, and one which we will never ever have to suffer through again!





I’m having the head symptoms too lately especially at my bedtime waves. Weird is all I can describe them as. Quick little short lived weird things annoying me while I’m trying to sleep.  :tickedoff:

Sometimes ( like last night) I get a quick brain zap as I’m drifting off and sometimes I don’t. I’m about 4 days from being 21 months. I just started feeling better yesterday. I’m meaning that my wave started dying down. They were back to back before yesterday. So yes I understand exactly what you mean. I’ve had the overwhelming sudden sleepiness come back in place of being very boaty. My boatiness hasn’t been as bad the past two days or so. It’s still present but not as intense/debilitating. All together this 20 month wasn’t good. But onward we go!  :thumbsup:

Love and hugs 🤗

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Congratulations Lisa on your two year anniversary!  You sound like you are really doing well and I am pleased as punch, as you deserve all good things!  I am celebrating my two year anniversary on the 25th, so right behind you.  You have been and still are a tremendous wealth of supportive messages to so many, and I am happy to call you a friend.


See you at the finish line soon, sooner, soonest🥰🥰🥰🥰🎉🎉🎉🎉

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Thanks, GG and LadyDen!    I am really encouraged by my progress, but of course, am a little nervous that I will inexplicably have a setback.  Oh well.  If that happens, I will continue to press on.    My sleep is still not great.  I am thinking that will be the last thing to "heal".  I am not complaining, but just wish it would improved.  GG:  You are right behind me.  How are you feeling these days?  How are your headaches?    Lady Den:  One day soon we will all walk across that finish line.  What a glorious day that will be.
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Hello all.  As it is getting late in the day and my energy is waning, I invite any who might want to read my latest bwd story that I posted on the breakfast club board a fee hours ago to wander on over and have a peek.  It is very detailed and quite lengthy, so buckle up for the ride.


Healing hugs to each and everyone of you🥰🥰🥰🥰




Lisa, lots of information about my headaches on the post! 


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Bey guys. Thanks for the replies.


It’s just really discouraging as you all know. Tomorrow is my birthday. Next week I’ll be 2 years off.

Life just keeps passing me by and I just can’t ever see myself fully healing.


My biggest issues is the mast cell/histamine stuff. It just doesn’t ever get better. I think that’s what causes the fatigue, head pressure, tinnitus, fog, etc.


I can’t believe how long this has gone on forever especially after such a slow taper like I did.


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I'm sorry that your family is still getting you down. But I know I read a post that you did some planting and you were going to a flower arranging class. That's wonderful you're able to do things for distraction.


Thank you so much for your encouraging words.



That's good that your waves seem to be lightening up, I hope that today was a good day for you. I appreciate your kindness and understanding.



On the 25th you'll be 2 years out and I will be 22 months out. I guess I'm exactly 2 months behind you. Hoping for better days, soon.



I also have histamine problems. So I take a dao enzyme before I eat anything with histamine in it. It's supposed to block histamine reaction. I get it on Amazon if you're interested. Been trying to follow a low histamine diet but it's just so difficult. The fact that you're two years out things could definitely start settling down for you soon. Let's hope so.


Sending warm hugs and healing thoughts to all.



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Thanks, GG and LadyDen!    I am really encouraged by my progress, but of course, am a little nervous that I will inexplicably have a setback.  Oh well.  If that happens, I will continue to press on.    My sleep is still not great.  I am thinking that will be the last thing to "heal".  I am not complaining, but just wish it would improved.  GG:  You are right behind me.  How are you feeling these days?  How are your headaches?    Lady Den:  One day soon we will all walk across that finish line.  What a glorious day that will be.

Yezzzzzzz we will walk across it….no…..we will run! 😂

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Bey guys. Thanks for the replies.


It’s just really discouraging as you all know. Tomorrow is my birthday. Next week I’ll be 2 years off.

Life just keeps passing me by and I just can’t ever see myself fully healing.


My biggest issues is the mast cell/histamine stuff. It just doesn’t ever get better. I think that’s what causes the fatigue, head pressure, tinnitus, fog, etc.


I can’t believe how long this has gone on forever especially after such a slow taper like I did.


Happy birthday! 🌹💋🎂🎈🎁

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Warm hugs and healing wishes to all you yearlings here! May today be the corner you’ve been waiting for to turn. Happy healing and enjoy what you can.

My love to all of you.  :smitten:


I’ve been MIA because of the pollen sinus headache. Doing self care.

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Bey guys. Thanks for the replies.


It’s just really discouraging as you all know. Tomorrow is my birthday. Next week I’ll be 2 years off.

Life just keeps passing me by and I just can’t ever see myself fully healing.


My biggest issues is the mast cell/histamine stuff. It just doesn’t ever get better. I think that’s what causes the fatigue, head pressure, tinnitus, fog, etc.


I can’t believe how long this has gone on forever especially after such a slow taper like I did.


Happy birthday! 🌹💋🎂🎈🎁







Just seen this happy birthday. Was looking at a video from a psychologist who mentioned the stockdale paradox. He was guy who survived being prisoner of war in Vietnam fir several years , he survived it by believing he would be released, but not thinking I’ll be out in 6 months, year etc. I really thought I would be recovered by 3 year mark, think maybe that is attitude I need to take, very hard not making plans for trips, holidays , but maybe need to accept this is how it is fir now.There seems no logic as to why some of us take so much longer, or reasons fir it.Have made so many plans in past thinking I’ll be recovered at 2 years, 3 years, like you feel life is passing me by, but trying take each day as it comes from now on, just hope one day miracle will happen😊

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Leann yes it’s ridiculous how long it takes and the process is as well. Nothing we’ve ever encountered heal in this way. But we do have evidence of complete healing at various timeframes so we know it is a reality. So yes you will get to heal too. If we put a time limit on it, it makes us live in such disappointment and doubt when that time comes and goes. You’re right not to put another date on it. In many ways this is like a prison….we are trapped TEMPORARILY in our symptoms. Our freedom is in the making with each day. I just thank God that I know I’ll be free of this soon and you will too.
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Good Saturday Morning!  Thanks for the reminder LadyDen that we are all healing, just in different stages and with varying degrees of symptoms waxing and waning.  Just like snowflakes, of which there are too many to count, there are no two of us alike!  Even twins have differences.  So, in spite of a headache I am going to roll up and out of bed and get out of the house into a sunshiny day🌞🌞🌞🌷🌹🌺


Healing hugs and prayers for all of you.



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Happy Saturday!


I hope everyone has a beautiful day! It’s sunny and going to be 75 degrees today here in Oklahoma. Im riding another wave of symptoms, but persevering.


Enjoy this day the Lord has made!🙏



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Hi Sandy.  Sorry about your revolving door of symptoms, but your strong faith and fortitude will see you through as they have in the past.  I am in a bit of a wave with my headaches, but a month without them gives me reassurance that they can go away and will eventually stay away.


Enjoy your lovely weather and have some fun in the sun🌞🌹🌺💐🥰





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Leann yes it’s ridiculous how long it takes and the process is as well. Nothing we’ve ever encountered heal in this way. But we do have evidence of complete healing at various timeframes so we know it is a reality. So yes you will get to heal too. If we put a time limit on it, it makes us live in such disappointment and doubt when that time comes and goes. You’re right not to put another date on it. In many ways this is like a prison….we are trapped TEMPORARILY in our symptoms. Our freedom is in the making with each day. I just thank God that I know I’ll be free of this soon and you will too.





Least you didn’t try any more meds like stupid me, listening to the doctors.Think this is worse than prison, least there everyone in the same boat, you don’t have explain why you can’t do stuff. Least sun shining here been doing the garden, looking forward to my birdbath coming. What is a breezeway? This is like a foreign language at times. Book was reading kept on about bangs had me completely confused until looked it up. Do you call call you gardens yards, learning experience fir me here!

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Just stopping in to say hello and sending warm love and healing hugs to everyone. Hopefully I will get through this terrible wave soon. I've had some moments that have been a bit better but for the most part it's not been good.



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Hi LiveLife, I am praying that you will be released soon from your ongoing wave like symptoms and start to see some significant relief.  You are such a wonderful source of support for so many of your fellow buddies, you are due for and should be rewarded with a long-lasting lovely window!!!!🙏🙏🙏😍😍😍😍






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Hi live hope you soon get some relief, I admire the fact you are so compassionate to others despite suffering. I’m just back to thinking this is it make best of it mode at moment. I know shouldn’t compare ourselves to others, but keep thinking why haven’t I made more progress yet. I do think mental symptoms seem take lot longer to improve from than physical for some reason. Anyway hope everyone on here has good day when they wake up.
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Leann yes it’s ridiculous how long it takes and the process is as well. Nothing we’ve ever encountered heal in this way. But we do have evidence of complete healing at various timeframes so we know it is a reality. So yes you will get to heal too. If we put a time limit on it, it makes us live in such disappointment and doubt when that time comes and goes. You’re right not to put another date on it. In many ways this is like a prison….we are trapped TEMPORARILY in our symptoms. Our freedom is in the making with each day. I just thank God that I know I’ll be free of this soon and you will too.





Least you didn’t try any more meds like stupid me, listening to the doctors.Think this is worse than prison, least there everyone in the same boat, you don’t have explain why you can’t do stuff. Least sun shining here been doing the garden, looking forward to my birdbath coming. What is a breezeway? This is like a foreign language at times. Book was reading kept on about bangs had me completely confused until looked it up. Do you call call you gardens yards, learning experience fir me here!

A breezeway is an area outside of an entrance that’s open to outside but covered above. It allows the breeze to flow through it. Picture it as a hallway but located outside but it’s connected to the house. In my case it’s connected to the apartment.

No we call garden an area where things are planted. The yard is the whole area that is within the property line. The yard can have a garden planted in it.  :thumbsup:

Yes different countries call things different. It took me a minute to figure out that chips are French fries or chopped fried potatoes in other countries.Here in the USA we call them fries or French fries. Our chips are a snack food which can be made of potatoes or corn. I think the English call them crisps. I agree that it can be confusing. I’m glad you asked.  :thumbsup:

Hope you’re doing well today. Big hugs 🤗

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Sandy GG and Live…..big warm hugs to you all. Our brains are doing some tuneups for sure. I’m in the same boat.

I just turned 21 months,!! Yay! Another month over. I’m praying for you all to feel better and the waves to taper off quickly. Enjoy the Spring blooms, sunshine and rain when it comes.

Happy healing!

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Leann yes it’s ridiculous how long it takes and the process is as well. Nothing we’ve ever encountered heal in this way. But we do have evidence of complete healing at various timeframes so we know it is a reality. So yes you will get to heal too. If we put a time limit on it, it makes us live in such disappointment and doubt when that time comes and goes. You’re right not to put another date on it. In many ways this is like a prison….we are trapped TEMPORARILY in our symptoms. Our freedom is in the making with each day. I just thank God that I know I’ll be free of this soon and you will too.





Least you didn’t try any more meds like stupid me, listening to the doctors.Think this is worse than prison, least there everyone in the same boat, you don’t have explain why you can’t do stuff. Least sun shining here been doing the garden, looking forward to my birdbath coming. What is a breezeway? This is like a foreign language at times. Book was reading kept on about bangs had me completely confused until looked it up. Do you call call you gardens yards, learning experience fir me here!

A breezeway is an area outside of an entrance that’s open to outside but covered above. It allows the breeze to flow through it. Picture it as a hallway but located outside but it’s connected to the house. In my case it’s connected to the apartment.

No we call garden an area where things are planted. The yard is the whole area that is within the property line. The yard can have a garden planted in it.  :thumbsup:

Yes different countries call things different. It took me a minute to figure out that chips are French fries or chopped fried potatoes in other countries.Here in the USA we call them fries or French fries. Our chips are a snack food which can be made of potatoes or corn. I think the English call them crisps. I agree that it can be confusing. I’m glad you asked.  :thumbsup:

Hope you’re doing well today. Big hugs 🤗



Thanks for explanation, strange how we all speak English but has evolved differently over the years. I read a lot and do get confused sometimes with food descriptions when it’s an American author. We call the thin chips like Mac Donald ones, French fries. The bangs really stumped me, also think you call trousers , pants. Lot of American names for items are filtering in over here. Most flats seem to be called apartments now. Least I know what a yard is now! It’s same with pronunciation , lot things said differently. Think there was a song about it.

I’m not doing great be 21 months off AD’s the intrusive thoughts just not eased. Think since stopping unisom awful depression eased, but only getting about 4 hours sleep, but do think maybe it was contributing to some of anxiety so will stay off it. Least weather warm at moment, sat in garden for bit this afternoon. Bridgerton  starts Friday, not much eye candy though, as no sexy Duke. I read they are concentrating on different books so different characters feature. Need bit  light relief, things pretty dire here, with war in Ukraine, and Covid cases going through roof again.

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Hello to all  my 12-24 month buddies!  Congrats LadyDen on 21 months!  I am closing in on 20.  Can't believe it really.


I am trying to stay busy, but tend to push myself too much.  I just can't seem to dance inside the limits that withdrawal has drawn for me LOL.  Today I did a lot of housework, and sitting down just now I am bracing for the nerve pain.  It will be nice someday when those are not my immediate thoughts after a busy day.  Perhaps someday I'll just sit down and go "ahhhh, it's nice to sit down..."  Oh well, not yet.


I actually woke up a bit dizzy this morning after a pretty good night's sleep.  I don't usually get this symptom too often, but I think it's the "boaty" feeling people talk about.  I feel like I'm half asleep and my brain hasn't woke up yet.  It lasted throughout the day very minimally, and now mostly gone.  No one believes me when I say I still have effects from getting off Ambien.  Even hubby thinks I've come a good way along (which thank GOD I have!) and that when I mention a symptom he thinks it's just a normal feeling which I'm just hyper focused on.  I just have to take a deep breath, and I remember that all of YOU totally get it!!!  Bless you all!


Sincerely hoping each one of you has a bit of joy today.  Joy helps us recover!!!!!

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Hello to all. Thank you Leann, GG and LadyDen for your encouragement. I want to congratulate you LadyDen on being 21 months out. That's a great accomplishment. Hopefully things will start turning a corner for you soon.


I went to my doctor today and he feels that my phone is really flaring me up. He's a naturopath. I guess the EMFS from it can be a problem for sensitive people. I had a Blocker on it but it's not working very well. So I'm going to try to order a different one and see if it helps. He does not think it's causing my wave, but it is flaring up my nervous system, from some of the testing he did. So, until I get a new blocker and hope that works. I'm not able to post too much, I'm trying to stay off my phone as much as possible.


Sending warm love and healing hugs to everyone.





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