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Positive Feedback Please - Who felt improvements as they tapered?


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As I get lower I definitely feel improvement.

In the last 2 months I have been able to do things that I have not done in almost a year


Baked cookies and actually enjoyed it

babysat and Laughed and played with my grand children

Shopped in a mall

Went to a restaurant

was out and about for 5+ hours running errands, shopping and seeing friends.

Saturday morning I slept past my morning dose time. I got a full uninterrupted 7 hrs.

I have days that I wake and am showered, dressed and ready for my day by 8 am.

Taking on big projects at work again


Things are not perfect and I still have rough days and moments. Overall things seem to be improving.  I have some life back.




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As I get lower I definitely feel improvement.

In the last 2 months I have been able to do things that I have not done in almost a year


Baked cookies and actually enjoyed it

babysat and Laughed and played with my grand children

Shopped in a mall

Went to a restaurant

was out and about for 5+ hours running errands, shopping and seeing friends.

Saturday morning I slept past my morning dose time. I got a full uninterrupted 7 hrs.

I have days that I wake and am showered, dressed and ready for my day by 8 am.

Taking on big projects at work again


Things are not perfect and I still have rough days and moments. Overall things seem to be improving.  I have some life back.



Thanks  :hug:  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
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I have found on the lower doses I have had better windows of feeling normal again. I still feel some withdrawal, but not as bad on the higher doses. But I have gone slowly at the end of my taper, as you can see in my signature.


Going slowly has definitely helped me, its not a race and if you take your time and taper slowly it will help, than going full on and getting off as quick as possible. I tried that and I went in to psychosis, which is hell on earth. But with out realising I have got better and hopefully things will improve more as I finally get off diazepam.


It will get better you just need to take your time and listen to your body and mind and taper accordingly.  :thumbsup:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I finished my taper of Clonzepam a little over 2 months ago.

I defintly felt better as I went lower.  I've written here before but wanted to offer encouragement.


I noticed the mental symptoms start to lift slowly at .5mg and then as I got to .25 even more. I had more mental symptoms than physical and as the medication induced depression start to lift it was a relief.


I did a slow taper over 22 months and became more and more functional as I got lower.

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Hi final healing


Can I ask you what was you mental symptoms ?






Hi Carla ,


My mental symptoms were heavy depression, despair, rumination, inability to feel optimism, deep sadness.


All of those except for the ability to feel optimism lifted as I got lower. The optimism has started returning now that I am off.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I found some more people who are all  saying they improved as they gotten lower on this thread  http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=255212.0;topicseen



                                                            Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:




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Hi all,


I thought I would post as I have been on Clonaz for 20+ years for nocturnal epilepsy. Last year had a seizure and since then major cog fog, fatigue and a host of other symptoms relating to tolerance withdrawal.

After the seizure was switched to another anti-epileptic.

In Feb 21 I started my taper. Neuro advised "cut by 50%" but I had already learned here that this might not be appropriate. So cut 10% every two weeks for six weeks.


Symptoms slowly decreased with each taper but also had some new symptoms thown in the mix for good measure  :laugh:.

I then cut 30+% to reach the doctors recommended 50% reduction so that I could stabilise at this dose (0.5mg) for 10 weeks prior to my next appointment with the Neuro and because we were moving to another state.


That last cut was in March and I have only been feeling better since.

My only main symptoms are cogfog, fatigue and some days anxiety/depression in the am or pm or both. I am able to be active 6hrs per day compared to 3hrs while tapering.


I am due to start tapering again at the end of May so I am expecting that my symptoms will change.


The things that help me the most are:

- staying positive

- when I have bad symptoms, telling myself that I am healing and cutting myself some slack

- having a husband that is supportive (I understand that this is not a given for everyone but anyone who is understanding and also cuts you some slack is helpful)

Edit: - keeping track of my symptoms

- make a point to push my mind back to when my symptoms were worst (I left my job because I could not cope) and compare what you felt then to what you feel now


:hug: to all that need them  :hug:





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  • 2 months later...
I've been very fortunate. Having used 2-4mgs of Xanax for a few months and being able to rapidly taper (somewhat foolishly) down to less than 0.2mgs in the space of a month. With the main side effects being insomnia, dizziness, tinnitus and muscle twitching. But nowhere near as severe as it could so easily have been. Now switched over to Valium to hopefully prevent withdrawal waves between doses.
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I can say this last taper that my sister said I am more like my old self. I’m on 10 mg V.

Hi RB are you cutting 1mg a month? I can't work your signature out with my cog fog :o


                              Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Mostly yes, I ám allmost half way weaning off Lorazepam and Lometazepam and depression and anxiety are decreasing and I feel better mentally at last. But I also have increased bodystress and on some days fatique, which disables me for a great deal.


I have to be carefull not to smoke to early, when the cortisolspikes are there, because then I get so stressed I get diahrea and the stress often converts to fatique later. Probably depleted adrenal glands due heavy stress.

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I have not had any symptoms above a 1/10 thus far for more than half an hour. In the beginning of my taper I had a stress headache that was fairly bad but lowering how I felt about the stress (I worked on bringing the anxiety down) knocked it out quite quickly.


I have had different symptoms pop up but less as I have gone down. I lowered the amount I was going down each day a bit after hitting 0.1mg of Lorazepam so I imagine that made it easier.


I was in inter-dose WD before I started and did not recognize that I had been until I did get some symptoms while tapering.


I have had days where I felt better than others but not enough to blame it on tapering. I have had a few times where it was difficult to get to sleep but I'm not sure I can blame that on tapering either because after a few days of enough sleep, I just am not tired and that has happened my whole life. I have been focusing on sleep and trying to get more because I think that is important for the tapering.


My biggest symptom that I think is probably from tapering are some internal vibrations, but they are very mild and easily ignored.


I was pretty low dose to begin with and so my DMT are very small so perhaps that makes a difference?


I think I have had some improvements as I have gone lower but nothing major. In the beginning, I read a lot of the posts and think I did feel some anxiety from that. I have a cut off time for visiting the site of 3 hours before I want to go to bed and that helped.


Once I felt I got the information I wanted or my questions answered, I decided to just keep living my life. Whatever symptoms may come, I will try to deal with them at that point by holding or slowing down the taper. I decided that none of us know the future but so far, on the site it looks like most people find ways to keep going and get through this. I am not trying to diminish how hard this can be or the pain and suffering people are feeling, I'm more trying to say that the people here seem extremely resilient and do seem to keep going. I have a tremendous amount of respect for the majority of people and posts that I have read.


I also feel fortunate that people have gone before us and left us with information to help us be successful as well.



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By reducing my risperidone dose from 3 mg to 1 mg my physical anxiety symptoms went away and theyve been gone for months now. I've been tapering valium in the meanwhile.
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No question we heal as we go. I have definitely improved as I got lower. You can see by my signature. Now I feel back to my old self but even better.  I am more motivated to stay healthy.  I am appreciating life so much more. I wake with joy in my heart ready for my day.

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