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No! I don’t , I do not over-credit myself.


I said that to sound likeable and because the truth would sound arrogant, but it is not. I’m not an arrogant human being and if anything I under-estimate myself... but more than this, others do.



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INFP here, but I see we have lots of similarities.  My world has shrunk beyond what I’d ever imagine it could, through this.  People have become triggers, so it’s like I’m in cocoon mode.  But I have developed an extreme case of monophobia after my c/t.  Catch 22.


People are triggers for me too.


Me too... I find during this process, and it started before this too , that if I don't feel in control I freak out around people. HAving a crazy sensitive nervous system no I have no reserves to conduct the energy of others, usually I feel a lot worse. So I preferr to be alone most of the time now, its a hard palce to be as I like company too , the right kind. But even that is hard now

I remember one year  when I realized that I no longer would subject myself to relationships that didn't feel good to me , I had to reach almost 50 years old to accept that in myself, that it was ok to be very particular with the company I kept. that is even more true now.


I still struggle with guilt about it, saying no, because sometimes I love people that are't good for me  , even family members.


I had to move half way around the world to find 'myself ', and it's still a challenge.


I'm an Aries , with Sagitarious rising, it's very strange to have all that fire and yet be basically a sensitive introvert!


I am very lucky to have 2 friends who are extremely sensitive like me , they feed my soul and their company is very healing.

I can;t even see them that much these days due to wds, but whenever I can , it's wonderful.


MiYu :smitten:

ps I haven;t been following that much , but thought I'd pop in  :-*


Hey MiYu, I'm an Aries too. :)  Lots of water in my chart though which explains the sensitivity.  I'm thankful for the Aries Sun which is definitely fueling the fight for survival in this whole process. 

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I must do these caveats: I’m not personally angry at an individual right now.











My helpful question for working through my anger—


Does Anyone Really Care if an INFJ

  Gets Angry







Sure they do. Once that supportive, agreeable, loyal, pleasant, undemanding, you-lead-I’ll-follow, cheering-squad presence disappears in a puff of smoke or in a nuclear mushroom, most will pay attention. The ones close to you will care, very much so.


How do they go about trying to get it back is a whole other issue. Only a few will reach for the mirror. Some will do more of what provoked the anger.


It takes a while for INFJs to understand they have the right to be angry, as we sometimes grow up thinking we really don’t have the same rights as everyone else, that others’ wellbeing, happiness, confidence, comfort and satisfaction trumps our needs. It often takes even longer to learn to say things right away. To disagree - right away, to object - right away, to refuse - right away. Nicely, but immediately.


Because we have an intense aversion to disharmony, aggression and conflict, we assume disagreements inevitably lead to ugly, prolonged confrontations for which we don’t have the energy. We believe it’s not worth “fighting” over small things (even though we don’t need to fight, just speak up), so we give in, over and over, hoping one day the other will take a hint and grant us - the equality. Just that, nothing more, the right to be appreciated, equally listened to, equally heard, equally understood, equally taken into consideration.


When that doesn't happen, the resentment builds up and eventually explodes.


If I’d have to choose one thing that changed my life for the better, it would be learning to speak up when things are happening, to say what bothers me and what I want, right there and then. For every littlelest of the little things.


Cause if we wait for (most of) them to get it, we’d be waiting until the cows come home. Or, more likely, until we burst up in flames, or simply decide there’s no other way but to kick them out and slam those doors.



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On the topic of self-confidence/esteem (INFJ and Floating Values) :



This completely answered the question about arrogance/pride— this is exactly (for me) the answer... it is so frustrating because this is so maddening for me!

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You Know You’re an INFJ when...


Love this!  Related to so many of them and wish I could list them all.  I jotted down a few the second time I watched through it...


"You feel bad for people who disappoint you." yup


"ISTJs drive you insane." Ugh yes. Dad and brother. 


"Nobody can tell the difference between when you're being funny and when you're being serious." yup.  I feel instant kinship with those who laugh when I'm being funny.  Most people don't get it.  But I think I'm super funny.


"An unplanned trip to the bank is just too much spontanaeity for one day." lololol


"You are a magnet for ENFPs...and trolls." haha and yes.  I think a lot of my childhood/middle school friends were ENFPs.  Interesting to think about that because it was a time when relationships were maintained in the school environment and outside socialization wasn't required.  I really enjoy ENFPs.  I can't really meet their energy needs when I have to interact with them too often though, and if they don't get that, they're disappointed.


"You're more alone in crowds than when you are by yourself." well duh




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Developing introverted intuition for INFJs and INTJs


"INFJs and INTJs will often experience conflict between their intuitive process and their feeling or thinking process. For example, an INFJ may feel confident in a decision because of its future significance but still struggle to make that choice if they know it will hurt others.


This isn’t to say that INFJs and INTJs should always allow intuition to make decisions over feeling and thinking — those functions also exist for essential reasons! — but if they find themselves constantly ignoring their intuitive insights in favor of external acceptance, it’s probably being repressed too often."


Working on this!

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INFJ: Ghost Mode: Why INFJ’s Disappear



“Our creativity becomes constarined by the shallowness of the moment...”

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ISTJ  >:(





No, I kid. In the past, I have had a great deal of difficulty with one ISTP however!

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