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Hi. Please count me in . I have really bad health anxiety . Whenever I have bad chest pain I would think about heart attack . I got 3 EKgs and one chest X-ray and one ct scan for head they all normal . I will see cardiologist soon . I just can't stop worry about chest pain .




At this point I believe you would benefit from some form of therapy to get over your fear. The doctors have cleared you multiple times , so medically there is nothing to treat. Can't do any harm to try therapy ,who knows maybe it will give you the tools you need to get over this fear?


Best of luck

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I've been suffering from a lot of health anxiety. I'm 4 months out now and I've only been feeling worse, so I've convinced myself something must be wrong. A blood test came back showing my lymphocytes were a little low, and that put my worry into overdrive. My doctor said the blood test was fine and that it happens sometimes.


I'm waiting for the results of a gastroscopy this week. It's so difficult to wait. I've been getting loads of reflux and nausea since I hit tolerance, and my doctor suggested I get a gastroscopy to make sure everything is okay. It's been difficult to eat, I've been losing weight. I was terrified about being sedated, and I was too scared to ask the anaesthesiologist to not give me any benzodiazepines. I didn't want to lie and say I was allergic, and I thought he wouldn't believe me if I said I was going through withdrawals after 4 months. Every doctor I've met has been convinced you can't still be suffering after 30 days. Luckily, the dose of midazolam didn't set me back too far. I've had a bit of increased anxiety since then and a return of a symptom that had healed, which was a burning scalp. But I can live with that if I get answers about my reflux. I've been getting some mild abdominal pain since the gastroscopy, but they did take a few biopsies. It concerns me, but I know a doctor can't do much about it unless it gets worse.


I've also had a chronic sore throat for months now. My doctor seems to think it might be the reflux. I'm not so sure. My tonsils get so red, I imagine I would feel the acid come up that high if it was the reflux. I sleep with my bed elevated so I don't reflux at night. I saw an ear/nose/throat doctor, and he was completely dismissive of my problem. Over the past week or two, I've been having tinnitus in my left ear, as well as huge pressure in my left sinus under my cheek. It's been giving me headaches and dizziness. I think I might have to see another ENT.


It's been a really tough journey getting off benzos. I'm so tired and lethargic. I'm telling myself it's all the worry and stress that I put myself through, but I don't truly believe it. I'm convinced that there's something wrong with me.

Yeah - I'm in a similar boat.  I've been complaining of a sore throat all over the place and finally saw my ENT today.  He does the scope down the sinus and down the throat.  A better ENT will do that if you have complaints that they can't see from just looking down your throat.  In my case, since my tonsils were removed when I was five -- this infection is stubbornly hanging out in my "vocal" tonsils and if it doesn't respond to another round of antibiotics they should come out, too.  Yikes.  Well at least it isn't all in my head and not cancerous.  Hah -- surgery.  THAT's something to look forward to.  WBB


Such a long process this has been for you buddy. Maybe getting them pulled will be good if they have to? Then you will be over this rough patch ? It must be difficult to cope with this on top of withdrawel . Hopefully you are managing okay? 

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Remy - my sweet living doll.  Thanks for your words.  I'm in tears tonight.  I'm too sick for surgery.  Don't know when I could do it.  WBB
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I am going through some severe health anxiety today. I found a red spot on my scalp and have a mole that I picked at, and now its looking irritated , and of course I am worried sick about these moles. I have an appointment with a dermatologist, but I have an overreaching ever-present fear. I step back and tell myself its more than likely nothing, so the problem is really the anxiety and the fear , which I am working to overcome.
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We know it ! It's ghastly.. your rational mind tells you something your emotions and fear and anxiety tell you something else. The fear is awful.. I love how you have an awareness around it's the anxiety but it's hard to get your head to believe it isn't it..thinking of you x
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey fellow anxious people.  Me again.  The malady du jour is an old back surgery (L5, S1 Lam fusion with ped screws) now causing really bad leg pain on left because I tried to walk too much and tread mill I guess with all this benzo fat.  How dare I move?  i hope it's just withdrawal because i am so sick of going to docs.  But the pain was excrutiating and so took a 1/4 of oxy tyelenol each night for 4 nights.  THis fifth day withdrawal on that s**t kicked in so that's out now.  Anyone else just feel trapped?


And the throat thing is falling away finally but ENT wants an MRI now.  I think that was w/d too but seems to be a winter prob.  Not looking forward to that next year if that's the case.  So sick of sick.  Vent over.  Love y'all WBB

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm on board. So freaked out by foot pain and cramps at night. It's taken on a new shape since last bout with this. More constant and twisty. UGH!! Convinced I have MS. I dread bed time. It's just torture. Not suh an uplifting post--SORRY....
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This is one of my worst wd issues.  Currently, I've had two scary episodes of double vision where my eyes stopped working together for about five minutes.


Ive been tested for myasthenia graves and am having brain MRI and an ultrasound of the carotid arteries.  I am hoping it's wd or migraine.


But I worry about very dark things........


I had health anxiety prior to this but NOTHING like this......did other folks have this type of anxiety prior to wd?

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This is one of my worst wd issues.  Currently, I've had two scary episodes of double vision where my eyes stopped working together for about five minutes.


Ive been tested for myasthenia graves and am having brain MRI and an ultrasound of the carotid arteries.  I am hoping it's wd or migraine.


But I worry about very dark things........


I had health anxiety prior to this but NOTHING like this......did other folks have this type of anxiety prior to wd?

I had a lot of health issues before but, yes, it has skyrocketed in w/d.  I'd bet money CJ that they will find nothing.  WBB

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I got this awful 'tic' down the right side of my face. I only get relief at night when my jaw relaxes . It ramps up during the day and I look like a mad person at times. Never had this before WD ..and now getting nausea as well .. had this earlier in WD and it lasts for a couple of days then passes...

I'm learning to let things be for a while . If it's still an issue in 4 days or so then maybe it's something else. Like you all say am sick of feeling sick ..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wondering how we all are with our never ending circles of health anxiety ? I have some very 'real' health issues at the moment  and suddenly all thoughts of heart attack and stroke are forgotten and instead I am worrying about tumours!! What's the bet when that's resolved I'll be back to the impending heart attack within a nano second !! I need to make light of it all as the only way I can cope .

Grandma D you ok ?

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Make a list of every disease you have been certain you have had since starting taper. Actually write them all down. Did you have any of them? My list is soooooooo long and now I can look back at (some) and laugh--others I feel are still yet to be ruled out- ::)-but really, it's got to be w/d, right? we can't ALL have MS and RA can we??? Or can we? I just try to laugh when I see some sun through a window. What else can we do?
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No myasthenia gravis -- still waiting for the MRI to be approved by insurance company


Tonight I am certain I have a brain tumor.  My scalp is sore and I seem to have a new lump on my head..and pressure in my head which I never had before and lightheaded.....two days ago I thought I was getting shingles.....let's see..I also thought I had a spinal infection, a bleeding ulcer , multiple UTIs, rhombydolysis can't spell that, stroke, heart attack, strep throat, lupus and no doubt I have forgotten the rest..so far I have been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and mild chronic kidney disease


Always a good time.....

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Just wondering how we all are with our never ending circles of health anxiety ? I have some very 'real' health issues at the moment  and suddenly all thoughts of heart attack and stroke are forgotten and instead I am worrying about tumours!! What's the bet when that's resolved I'll be back to the impending heart attack within a nano second !! I need to make light of it all as the only way I can cope .

Grandma D you ok ?


I'm hanging in there BB.  One day at a time. (:

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Yep.. every disease known to man !! It has gotta be withdrawal ...! And for me all these diseases mainly seem to come at night . In the day time they go away !!

It's soul destroying at times.. but we will all get there. One foot in front of the other.. lots of love BB xx

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Yep.. every disease known to man !! It has gotta be withdrawal ...! And for me all these diseases mainly seem to come at night . In the day time they go away !!

It's soul destroying at times.. but we will all get there. One foot in front of the other.. lots of love BB xx


You are so right BB! Together we'll make it!


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Hey Grandma D .. here's one to bring a smile to your face.. sad thing is it is all true ! This is even better than the smiling at yourself in the mirror each morning to see if you had had a stroke..!

Anyhow last night I woke up in the night and got up to go to the bathroom and noticed blood on the pillowcase... not a lot but enough to be scary on a white pillowcase , right where my mouth had been ... could feel the fear just rush through me.. what  on earth .. my mouth felt kind of sore , could it be a new type of stroke?? I had a small paper cut just at the side of my mouth that is taking a long time to heal.. I figure in the light of day I must have scratched it and it has bled a little.. added to that ,reflux and you have a messy pillowslip.. oh no , could I be that logical in the middle of the night ??  Not on your life.. I was bleeding internally  , I was bleeding from an artery in my nose somewhere.. oh my goodness... funny now as I tell it but you can bet it wasn't funny in the night ... the sight of blood always scares the daylights out of me.... health anxiety in the extreme ....xx

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Hey Grandma D .. here's one to bring a smile to your face.. sad thing is it is all true ! This is even better than the smiling at yourself in the mirror each morning to see if you had had a stroke..!

Anyhow last night I woke up in the night and got up to go to the bathroom and noticed blood on the pillowcase... not a lot but enough to be scary on a white pillowcase , right where my mouth had been ... could feel the fear just rush through me.. what  on earth .. my mouth felt kind of sore , could it be a new type of stroke?? I had a small paper cut just at the side of my mouth that is taking a long time to heal.. I figure in the light of day I must have scratched it and it has bled a little.. added to that ,reflux and you have a messy pillowslip.. oh no , could I be that logical in the middle of the night ??  Not on your life.. I was bleeding internally  , I was bleeding from an artery in my nose somewhere.. oh my goodness... funny now as I tell it but you can bet it wasn't funny in the night ... the sight of blood always scares the daylights out of me.... health anxiety in the extreme ....xx


LOL! Sounds just like thoughts I'd have if that happened to me!  I learned yesterday after sharing on my blog about an incident that morning that we are not alone in this craziness. How I thank God for that.


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  • 1 month later...

Ok , so I've downloaded the snoring app that tells you how much you snore during the night. And records you ! Oh dear.. so my snorting was in 'epic' scale !! Not good .. of course that means sleep apnoea heart attack and stoke... doesn't it ? Of course it does ... all properly happening tonight .. !

Didn't realise that benzos and z drugs relax the muscles in the throats and keeps the snoring going ... it never ends !! I was going to have a rest before tapering the zopiclaine after I'm done with Ativan but guess I'd better just keep at it !! 

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Ok , so I've downloaded the snoring app that tells you how much you snore during the night. And records you ! Oh dear.. so my snorting was in 'epic' scale !! Not good .. of course that means sleep apnoea heart attack and stoke... doesn't it ? Of course it does ... all properly happening tonight .. !

Didn't realise that benzos and z drugs relax the muscles in the throats and keeps the snoring going ... it never ends !! I was going to have a rest before tapering the zopiclaine after I'm done with Ativan but guess I'd better just keep at it !!


I downloaded a snore app as well, and I too achieved "epic" status. And yes, convinced myself I'll be dead in 6 months...gah, this is just awful. Today, I'm convinced I have pulmonary hypertension.


If I don't die from one of my imagined diseases anytime soon, I'm definitely going to die of fright over this health anxiety!!!

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Me again with this persistent pain.  Yes - I feel like my whole pelvis is on fire.  The pain on the left side is so severe I have been resorting to pain meds - no fun.  Xrays for me showed osteoarthritis in that hip with spurring, etc.  2nd talk with doc who insists I simply must get the steroid shot in there to determine if something is really wrong in hip or back.  I'm pretty nervous about doing that at only a few months out.  However, remaining in this state for much longer has me worried. 


I really don't want to pathologize -- I'm thinking hip replacement, of course, at age 58.  The pain is not letting up and even the little pain med I take in the middle of the night is causing w/d a few hours later..  I don't recall ever being this depressed in my life and I've endured all kinds of hell.


The bladder is killing me, too, with stinging and aching.  Not doing well at all and miserable quite honestly.  Mothers Day was a struggle -- I do hope you Moms had a better one than I :(  WBB




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Lol Twinkle

Was it Snorelab ? It seem s to be very detailed. They told me only 7% of people were WORSE than me ...that must be you and me !! Anyway have been out and Brough some Aline solution for my nose and also nose strips.. had never heard of them before but in my effort to stop from dying this week thought I'd better try something !! I'll let you know how it goes..

Ps .. I wonder if to avoid the 'epic' scale just move the microphone further away !!!

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Wannabebetter .. that sounds simply awful .. maybe you do need to have the steroid shot? I can understand the reluctance but it really does sound nessacary ..

Living like you are doesn't sound like much fun either..


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Thank you for starting this group. I definitely fit in here.  My dad was a true hypochondriac-he always had something or was at the doctor.  I kept it at bay until I started perimenopause.  After being on xanax my healthy anxiety became more pronounced.  Now trying to get off xanax it is with me constantly.  Bowel obstructions-I'm there.  And I just had a colonoscopy.  The reason I had the colonoscopy was my health anxiety while tapering.  I can also relate to searching the web.  And this make things worse, if someone tells me someone has just been diagnosed with a terrible disease it begins a viscious cycle.  So I say you are not alone.  I've had a few physical health symptoms during my journey-some scary-but mostly anxiety and depression.  Sometimes I obsess about whether I'm going "crazy."

I hope this wansn't TMI-but we all need to stick together here.  Again bless you for starting this thread. 

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Wannabebetter .. that sounds simply awful .. maybe you do need to have the steroid shot? I can understand the reluctance but it really does sound nessacary ..

Living like you are doesn't sound like much fun either..

Yeah - getting the shot next week and anxiety starting already.  Frankly the pain has diminished so I think the w/d has lowered my pain threshold and it is slowly getting to a better level.  But still not right.  So I'll keep you posted.  I wish I could wait longer but I don't really have a life and at some point I think I have to jump this hoop/procedure to get to where I have more info on what to do, if anything.  WBB

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