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3,2,1: Under 3 mg Valium people


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Chessplayer, congrats!! Major milestones here! :smitten:


A quick update from me, copied and pasted from the Valium support group, because I really wanted to let everyone here in the 3,2,1 thread know that another one of us is doing A-OK! :thumbsup: I am almost there!


Time for a quick personal update too. I was shocked to find out that today was day eight, which is usually the worst day for me. I am actually having zero symptoms at this time. I do still have a really tiny amount of vertigo when I lie down or sit up, but that's just in the AM and at bedtime of course, so it's almost an afterthought. Other than that, really no symptoms.


My gut feeling is that I'm down to almost nothing here and my body has already adapted to it. Of course, I won't know that until I make that final jump at the end of the month. But I feel hopeful right now, about the taper anyway! I'm working a lot, getting out of the house a decent amount, and still sticking to not talking about health-related anxieties. My mindset is so different now that I'm not filling my brain with those worries all day. I've really thrown myself into work and into TV shows and reading when I'm not working, and getting into those fictional worlds is really a huge help.


The funny thing is, I used to think everyone was so shallow when they'd be talking about TV shows and whatnot at family gatherings. (God, that sound awful and judgmental.) I thought it was a waste of time. Not that I didn't watch TV, but I wanted to have all these deep, serious conversations. Now I'm realizing that the reason all those people aren't losing their minds is precisely because they are not so deep and serious all the time. And I don't need to take a benzo to get myself out of my worries. I just have to decide not to indulge them. Just get busy and stay busy. It's really changing me for the better.


Hope everyone here is having a decent week benzo-wise. Just remember that the rough patches do end. They cannot last forever even though they can last a long time. Make it as easy on yourself as you can. Sending strength!



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I'm so proud of you I can barely contain myself. You've done an amazing job and been incredibly brave in fighting off your old vertigo demons.


All the best to you!



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Dear Buddies,

Officially I belong to this club now. I love the transition as we get lower.  :thumbsup: It feels like I have moved into a new class,a new room, a graduation of sorts. :thumbsup: I had so many life situations to deal with while getting from 4 mg to 3 mg. I am finally at 3 mg and stabilising. I will wait until I am stable before I cut tiny bits to get to 2 mg. I have jaw pain, nausea, benzo belly and head pressure constantly for a while. This has been a slow taper but to be minus 27 mg Valium is a fantastic thing. I am also off 3 AD's and Lyrica. I feel again, no more numbing and it can be overwhelming at times as well as wonderful but I am learning to live this way again, learning to be as normal as I can be. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


Everyone here is doing so well. I love the positive vibes.


Much love,

Moya XXX





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[glow=red,2,300]CONGRATS. [/glow]Moya you have come a long way from the beginning of your Benzo Journey and you have had rocks thrown in your path, but you keep moving around them and Living a wonderful Life, you are an inspiration for many here. We will be rid of these pills, and it is like a rebirth of everything and I like that. Carry on, you are doing Great My Friend. :thumbsup::smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
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Dear Buddies,

Officially I belong to this club now. I love the transition as we get lower.  :thumbsup: It feels like I have moved into a new class,a new room, a graduation of sorts. :thumbsup: I had so many life situations to deal with while getting from 4 mg to 3 mg. I am finally at 3 mg and stabilising. I will wait until I am stable before I cut tiny bits to get to 2 mg. I have jaw pain, nausea, benzo belly and head pressure constantly for a while. This has been a slow taper but to be minus 27 mg Valium is a fantastic thing. I am also off 3 AD's and Lyrica. I feel again, no more numbing and it can be overwhelming at times as well as wonderful but I am learning to live this way again, learning to be as normal as I can be. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


Everyone here is doing so well. I love the positive vibes.


Much love,



Moya XXX




Not sure why 3mg of valium is a mile stone but I was as happy to get to it's equivalent in klonopin as you seem.

You have dropped 90% from where you started. :thumbsup:

Wishing you an easy time from here on. :)

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Congratulations! You're on the home stretch now. It may still take a bit of time, but you are very well on your way!



All the best,


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Next cut tomorrow! Still doing well! I really did not feel this last cut at all. And I'm back on caffeine now (update on that in the valium support thread), so that's one more step toward normalcy. Feels good. So grateful for all your kind messages! I cannot believe how close I am to the finish line. I'm a bit apprehensive about it but I can't say I'm actually scared. I'm ready to find out what's on the other side of this.
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solaceandpeace, you are so close and the fact that you are feeling no effects from the cuts must be a good thing?

December 2 will be a day we all say congratulations :thumbsup:

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Might as well add a bit of good news since the thread is rolling. Cut down to 1.4mg  last night! Feeling a bit crummy, but nothing unmanageable.  :)


And congrats to you again, SandP!




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Edzo, Shaftoe, 2trusting, Graoe, begood,

Every 1 mg at this stage of my taper is a celebration land it helps me to move forward to the next stage which will be under 2 mg.


Keep going, we are on the home stretch and I know it is all possible now. Minus 27 mg is a miracle for me. So grateful for buddy help on the way. :thumbsup:


Moya XXX

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Dear Moya,


Yes, we'll just do our best to take it nice and slow in order to minimize the impact once we step off. You've done great and this IS possible despite what many of us may have thought at various points of our taper.




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Thank you guys!! I am actually having heart palpitations now, which started the night before this cut (go figure). But I'm doing OK. I mean, it feels awful when it happens but I just keep my focus on whatever task I'm doing, or if I'm not doing anything, I distract myself with something fun. I feel honestly pretty wonderful mentally and I've even gotten back to some creative projects which I had abandoned. Despite the palpitations (which may or may not be caffeine-related but I'm still being a daredevil with that I guess!), my overall feeling is that my body is ready to let go of this poison. Day two is usually a beast and it's absolutely fine this time. I'm tired of the battle and ready to be free. Even if it's difficult, even if my symptoms ramp up, whatever. I just want to move through these times and get to the other side, no matter what it takes.


Sending love to all of you! :smitten:

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oh Congrats all around!! you guys are real troopers and doing a fabulous job with pressing on towards to goal of completion and healing!!!  I always leave here inspired to push on, thx :smitten:
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I have been holding 1mg for about a month

It's been rough I am not going to lie

Worried I can't do this

Added 200 mg neurontin 3 times daily

I went from the fetal position ( excruciating pain in chest and Akathesia and burning prickling all over) to being quite sedated and depressed

At what point should I start cutting again ?

3 wks ago when hit w what felt like acute I honestly felt this might not be possible for me. It was the most unbearable month of my life and I am not even off

What if my body can't do this?

I was always anxious to begin with but nothing even remotely like this

I was happy energetic and exercises all the time

Now it's an effort to walk. Forced myself today

Luckily I am gaining s bit of weight


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I have been holding 1mg for about a month

It's been rough I am not going to lie

Worried I can't do this

Added 200 mg neurontin 3 times daily

I went from the fetal position ( excruciating pain in chest and Akathesia and burning prickling all over) to being quite sedated and depressed

At what point should I start cutting again ?

3 wks ago when hit w what felt like acute I honestly felt this might not be possible for me. It was the most unbearable month of my life and I am not even off

What if my body can't do this?

I was always anxious to begin with but nothing even remotely like this

I was happy energetic and exercises all the time

Now it's an effort to walk. Forced myself today

Luckily I am gaining s bit of weight



Hi Jackson,


I'd hang in there for a couple of weeks to let the gaba really take hold. My guess is that sedated is certainly preferable to what you were dealing with prior to adding adding in the extra drug.  Your signature really isn't clear. What were the dosages/timeline leading up to the 1mg when things went south for you?




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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi, Im new to this group! Just checking in with my own taper. Im a short user and was on 5mg valium for less than a month for panic attacks/insmonia, tapered from 5-3 no probs.....My father died in october  :( :( :( :( :( :( and that sent me into hell, but recovered from wd/cut two weeks later...I am able to cut a tad faster than the ashton manual, but now at 1.5 hit a wall...some nasty symptoms appearing...Im going to hold and resume my .25 cuts but for now im stuck waiting to get back to baseline. Have a great day!
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Yesterday I made a cut in mu klonopin bringing me close to the 1mg mark.

Had muscle aches all day and last night I had zero sleep, this was a bit of a downer after the last 2weeks being really rather symptom free, will hope it gets better in a day or so.

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Yesterday I made a cut in mu klonopin bringing me close to the 1mg mark.

Had muscle aches all day and last night I had zero sleep, this was a bit of a downer after the last 2weeks being really rather symptom free, will hope it gets better in a day or so.


Thats how I felt....was doing great for 2-3 weeks then slammed. We will get better.

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