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Hi MT team,


After 17 days at  full dose liquid .5mg x2, and mildly symptomatic, I tried one day of pills and still felt some symptoms.  Mostly jaw tension, teeth are sensitive and some head pressure. Mild anxiety too.  So...it looks like a liquid taper will be the way I go unless it is too rough.  I start the new job on Aug 3. I need to stabilize and see how the job goes before I try to taper.  Do these  mild symptoms mean I will most likely have a rough taper?  I just fear getting slammed once I start.  The plan was to reduce by .25ml each day. I could use help with a spreadsheet to track doses and ensure I am below the 10% per month reduction.  I am not sure of the math as the doses get smaller.  I can try to put a tentative schedule together tomorrow.  Too tired tonight.


Thanks for your continued support. 


You all are awesome. 


Shabbat Shalom my friends,



Hope you are feeling better today, Shaani. Sorry that I cannot help with math and schedules. Crossing to L has slowed me down, and I was never a math person to start with! I think if you post a schedule, one of the math people will look at it for you!



Hi Shaani,


thanks for updated on how you are doing. I'm sorry you are still having the symptoms from the switch to liquid. Just remember you are STRONG, and no matter what happens with your taper, YOU WILL be able to deal with it, even while starting this new job.

keep us posted my friend,

this wont last forever,



I agree, Shaani. You're still just finding what works for you...plus, you have then exciting, yet stressful, start of a new job coming up. Things will smooth out for you when you're in your niche. One small step at a time.





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You have to listen to your own body when cutting. don't let the amount of time you have left be discouraging. it is your taper and you can go as slow as you want. I know it is easy to be in a hurry but don't be. It only causes anxiety. My taper is very slow because of sxs and also other issues that life has thrown my way. steady and slow said the tortoise to the hare! good luck and take care of you first.


Thanks,  body says cutting more near end is good, bc sxs now not bad. Had terrible tol wd, which makes a turtle pace unwise, and doesn't seem nec, considering I responded well to a "fast" but safe reduction from 8 mg.  Had I listened to similar advice in the beginning, I would have never known that a 10% cut/hold was not hell, but okay!  My question is what is a safe equivalent of micro daily cuts when I reach 1mg?  .003grams, .004?  I like to cut in safe and reasonable ranges, but don't know what they are with daily micro.  If anyone can advise, many many thanks!  Waverider


Holy snot, NYC!! You went from 7mg of Klonopin to 2.2mg in 5 MONTHS??!! How in the world did you do that? I was a little over 5mg for 12 years or so (21 1/2 years total on a benzo...started at 3mg). I'm having a hard time just moving along like I am right now. I'm at about 2.3mg/day.




Hasn't been a walk in the park, but not agony either...still work,  exercise, live, laugh.  A post I wrote with a few things that have helped.  Best of luck to you!  WR



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Well, pray for drugs! As a lot of you know, I've been feverishly trying to get scripts for my clonazepam so I can continue my MT. My newest primary doc won't write scripts for controlled substances, and I've tried everything known to man to find ANYONE in my insurance network who'd work with me. I went to see my D.O. today about my trashed thyroid (thanks, benzo) and she said she'd send a couple of referral forms to people she knows of in my network. They may not be taking new patients, but maybe they'll make an exception if I follow up and remind them what my doc did.


Fingers crossed!!!!


Geaux LSU.




Hey Jeff,


Sending positive thoughts your way.


doodle dog :thumbsup:


Jeff you an LSU fan?  I graduated from LSU  :)


What!!!!!!  You graduated from LSU??!!  I was born and raised in New Orleans and then graduated from LSU before moving to Los Angeles. Mike the Tiger, jambalaya, Golden Girls, Who Dat (Geaux Saints), Tiger Stadium, Dale Brown, the quadrangle....great stuff, huh? Man, I bet we could get together and tell some stories. I'm a Delta Tau Delta dude.


I love you man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




So, other than loving Sharkey, how are you doing, Jeff?? Been wondering about you!!


Howdy Gardener. You're a sweetheart. I'm still trying to find a way to get scripts. Saw a psych. today at the medical school who really degraded me, put me down, said I was on way too high a dose of K, and that I could taper off 2-3mg of the stuff in less than two months. Next thing I knew, we were face-to-face while I told him NEVER to talk to me or ANY patient like that ever again. He kept trying to interrupt me with his German accent and condescending tone. He was definitely the biggest jerk I've ever met in my life. I told him that it was HIS wonderful industry that put me on "too much K" to begin with, and thank you very much. His wonderful industry was fast to put me on the stuff, but was useless when it came to actually caring about people and helping me/them get off the poison that he/they prescribed. I also told him to say "hello" to Hitler when he dies.


Sorry, but I was ticked. Uh, I didn't get a script.




Oh dear! That didn't go as planned!  :o  :'(


Jeff, so sorry.

Absolutely appalling.

Hope you are able to find a provider soon.


Thanks, Marija!  Yep, it's a huge bummer, but we all have huge bummers.  Next!


So true Jeff.

However, it is particularly maddening to me that doctors are willing to turn a blind eye to the gravity of your situation. A situation created by doctors. To knowingly refuse assisting your taper is contrary to the Hippocratic Oath.  Ridiculous. And to be tongue lashed on top of it!  Argh.

But, doctors live in a clinical, tracking environment. Schedule 1V scripts and opiods are bad business and they do not want the risk.


I sure hope you are able to find a compassionate doctor soon.



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Hi guys think my last post got lost on here in the midst of all the action


So I cut to 5.5mg ativan for 6 days and was doing ok until day 4 now it's Rocky really bad I'm having psychotic breakdown again but it happens every wave and at least like yesterday I was in and out instead of all in


But I accidentally cut all my pills and the remaining ones daily dosing add up to 5.4mg is cutting .1mg at a time too fast I definitely feel it and I don't know if it's too fast because my waves are so severe and unpredictable even when holding or before tapering. Because of kindling and ct I'm just screwed


So is .1mg cuts too big. I've cut .5mg in one month. I'm so sick and twisted but I was having some good day so and now I have to drop again after only 5 days cuz a stupid mistake I made


Second question


Because I am so kindled and I mean KINDLED probably worse than anyone on here not bragging or anything. I'm is there any chance that a slow taper will help restore my brain and nervous system? Or is it too late for that because of kindling. I am not stable in any way and never have been except for the first month I was reinstated. Now I'm just in severe tolerance withdrawal. Or waves from my cold turkey detoxes. I feel hopeless


I don't know how much or how fast to cut. I want to do the daily micro tapering but I'm detecting using a scale that is not very accurate I think noodle was helping me with this before.


.1 mg cuts too much? Will my brain and nervous system heal? Or am I just preventing more kindling by slow taper? I get absolutely no therapeutic value from benzodiazepines anymore. Just pure withdrawal unless I'm completely stress free sometimes I have semi Windows for s few days


Still gotta come off methadone and gabapentin after this and I always have this fear that I'm in tolerance withdrawal from gabapentin also or something Idk. I'm just so sick and overwhelmed and twisted up


You have been doing pretty good.  For me, sometimes I would just have bad days but I kept tapering.  I would hold for a week then if you get out of this wave cut again to 5.1mg from 5.4mg.


I felt a lot better mentally when I got to the lower doses so hopefully you will too.  I believe you will heal bro.  I work with a guy who is pretty much healed and he took 10mg of Xanax a day for a while building up tolerance for many years.


Stay strong!


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Hi MT team,


After 17 days at  full dose liquid .5mg x2, and mildly symptomatic, I tried one day of pills and still felt some symptoms.  Mostly jaw tension, teeth are sensitive and some head pressure. Mild anxiety too.  So...it looks like a liquid taper will be the way I go unless it is too rough.  I start the new job on Aug 3. I need to stabilize and see how the job goes before I try to taper.  Do these  mild symptoms mean I will most likely have a rough taper?  I just fear getting slammed once I start.  The plan was to reduce by .25ml each day. I could use help with a spreadsheet to track doses and ensure I am below the 10% per month reduction.  I am not sure of the math as the doses get smaller.  I can try to put a tentative schedule together tomorrow.  Too tired tonight.


Thanks for your continued support. 


You all are awesome. 


Shabbat Shalom my friends,



I think once you get use to the liquid your taper will be pretty smooth.  Stick it out and get that job rolling then worry about taper.  What do you need for a spreadsheet?  I will help you but it may be a while until I can get to it.


Stay strong!


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I am now finalizing my Klonopin taper (again) and seeking advice/opinions from those more experienced based on my relatively short-term use, but taking into account my history of sensitivity to meds in general.


I had relative luck rapidly tapering Lamictal earlier this year (see my sig line), from 100mg to 4mg and currently holding, however, with Klonopin, we’re talking about a different psychotropic med that works on entirely different receptors. Therefore, to err on the side of caution, based on various advice and recommendations (obviously not my physician’s), to avoid w/d as much as possible, I am going to launch the taper conservatively, keeping a detailed log and monitoring anything noticeable – both positive and negative: 


Current dose of generic K has remained consistent @ 0.5mg bid (1mg total) daily from day one.


1) Simultaneous day-night dose microtaper starting @ 5.00% for the first 30 days [1.25% avg total cut of calculated on the last dose every 7 days starting with 1mg; 0.625% per dose/tablet] 


2) Assuming homogeneity per tablet, dry cutting tablet to start (since that is what my chemistry and digestion is acclimated to) using an analytical lab scale adjusted to reading 0.01mg (0.0001g) due to environmental factors (unfortunately my environment is too unstable to use the scale in the 0.00001g mode).


3) Will convert later to pulverized tablet powder and encapsulating the powder (as I did successfully tapering Lamictal) or more than likely, a custom-compounded liquid suspension when the cuts get too small to measure accurately using the scale.


4) Cuts to be adjusted every month (possibly less) assessed on presence or lack of w/d symptoms following hold periods.


Here is my “compass” for the first month only, a sample spreadsheet which shows the 5% total cut in actually 28 days using a 7 day hold (hopefully my calculations are correct); I can always modify and shorten the hold time (no less than 4 days), but keep the total cut for the month the same:



Does this sound like a reasonable way to launch this journey?


By any chance, is there a calculator someone has already made up somewhere, otherwise, I will have to figure out how to do it using macros in excel? These manual calculations are way too laborious and my brain gets too fried!


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It is very conservative for a dose of 1mg K.  From what I can tell you are cutting about .00625mg K every seven days.  That's about .027mg a month, which is equivalent to about .5mg V a month.  That is the kind of rate commonly found at the very end of most tapers.  So yes it is a conservative start.  I think you could double it and still be "conservative."  In all liklihood you can probably cut somewhere above .075mg K per month.  But good job.  You are erroring on the right side of caution.


Your rate is .00625mg/7 days which is the same as .0009mg/day and you have a scale that can do this.  Personally, I would take advantage of this and make .0009mg daily cuts instead of running out seven days ahead and inviting symptoms.  But I understand the hesitancy to cut daily and it is a solid plan.  Why not split the difference and cut .0036mg every four days?

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I am now finalizing my Klonopin taper (again) and seeking advice/opinions from those more experienced based on my relatively short-term use, but taking into account my history of sensitivity to meds in general.


I had relative luck rapidly tapering Lamictal earlier this year (see my sig line), from 100mg to 4mg and currently holding, however, with Klonopin, we’re talking about a different psychotropic med that works on entirely different receptors. Therefore, to err on the side of caution, based on various advice and recommendations (obviously not my physician’s), to avoid w/d as much as possible, I am going to launch the taper conservatively, keeping a detailed log and monitoring anything noticeable – both positive and negative: 


Current dose of generic K has remained consistent @ 0.5mg bid (1mg total) daily from day one.


1) Simultaneous day-night dose microtaper starting @ 5.00% for the first 30 days [1.25% avg total cut of calculated on the last dose every 7 days starting with 1mg; 0.625% per dose/tablet] 


2) Assuming homogeneity per tablet, dry cutting tablet to start (since that is what my chemistry and digestion is acclimated to) using an analytical lab scale adjusted to reading 0.01mg (0.0001g) due to environmental factors (unfortunately my environment is too unstable to use the scale in the 0.00001g mode).


3) Will convert later to pulverized tablet powder and encapsulating the powder (as I did successfully tapering Lamictal) or more than likely, a custom-compounded liquid suspension when the cuts get too small to measure accurately using the scale.


4) Cuts to be adjusted every month (possibly less) assessed on presence or lack of w/d symptoms following hold periods.


Here is my “compass” for the first month only, a sample spreadsheet which shows the 5% total cut in actually 28 days using a 7 day hold (hopefully my calculations are correct); I can always modify and shorten the hold time (no less than 4 days), but keep the total cut for the month the same:



Does this sound like a reasonable way to launch this journey?


By any chance, is there a calculator someone has already made up somewhere, otherwise, I will have to figure out how to do it using macros in excel? These manual calculations are way too laborious and my brain gets too fried!


I am in agreement with SG. Small daily cuts would have much less of an impact than one larger cut after 7 days. Do you have a small enclosed area where you could put the balance?  I am sure you already know a balance is sensitive to temperature, vibrations, humidity, air currents from ventilation, etc.  If I were to bring my balance home, I would probably put it in a small room away from any vents or even in a closet that has a good stable shelf/table.


I do not know if there is a dose calculator available on the site. I have a simple spreadsheet that I made up for my taper.  It is set up so that I only have to manually enter a value in one cell when I decrease my daily taper amount usually every couple of months or so.  It will calculate the 2 week percent cut for me. Once I go over 10%, I then adjust my taper rate.  The spreadsheet shows the amounts I need to reduce up until  next August (hopefully it will not take that long). If I need to hold for a day or so, it is easy for me to update the information. 




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Hello all,


I don't remember if I've already asked this question or not . . . if I have .5mg Xanax pills, can I dissolve 2 of them in 4ml of Everclear (190 proof) and add 96ml of water?  Will the 96ml of water support this?  I only dose twice per day. 


Still doing my dry flat cut and hold taper every 2 weeks, but just getting prepared in case I need to do this micro taper.  I cut last Friday night and my sleep was really bad last night.  I'm currently at a daily total dose of .8175mg down from 3.0mg.  I want to keep my flat cuts every other week as long as I can as this micro taper will not be convenient at all and also I don't know how my body will react to the quicker absorption of the liquid.  I like to stick with the 'devil I know'  ;)


Thank you! :)

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It is very conservative for a dose of 1mg K.  From what I can tell you are cutting about .00625mg K every seven days.  That's about .027mg a month, which is equivalent to about .5mg V a month.  That is the kind of rate commonly found at the very end of most tapers.  So yes it is a conservative start.  I think you could double it and still be "conservative."  In all liklihood you can probably cut somewhere above .075mg K per month.  But good job.  You are erroring on the right side of caution.


Your rate is .00625mg/7 days which is the same as .0009mg/day and you have a scale that can do this.  Personally, I would take advantage of this and make .0009mg daily cuts instead of running out seven days ahead and inviting symptoms.  But I understand the hesitancy to cut daily and it is a solid plan.  Why not split the difference and cut .0036mg every four days?


I wanted to start slow and then can always increase the cut during the initial month, however, I believe it is important for me to hold at least 4 days to evaluate each cut (since I've noticed it takes that time for any dose change to register in my nervous system), hoping that since they are so conservative, my CNS can handle it. I hear what you're saying, so maybe doing half for 4 days as you suggested would be less of a jolt.

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Hello all,


I don't remember if I've already asked this question or not . . . if I have .5mg Xanax pills, can I dissolve 2 of them in 4ml of Everclear (190 proof) and add 96ml of water?  Will the 96ml of water support this?  I only dose twice per day. 


Still doing my dry flat cut and hold taper every 2 weeks, but just getting prepared in case I need to do this micro taper.  I cut last Friday night and my sleep was really bad last night.  I'm currently at a daily total dose of .8175mg down from 3.0mg.  I want to keep my flat cuts every other week as long as I can as this micro taper will not be convenient at all and also I don't know how my body will react to the quicker absorption of the liquid.  I like to stick with the 'devil I know'  ;)


Thank you! :)


Hi Rabbit,


I think you can do that, but it would be better to just dissolve one .5mg instead.  Here's why: the numbers say that 100ml water will hold up to 4mg of dissolved X.  But we are operating close to the limit here and taking into account Murphy's Law it would be better to reduce the amount dissolved in half if possible.  I think it is wise to minimize the amount dissolved when possible.  Another benefit of this is you would still be dosing .5mg dry so only half the liquid change over effect, if there is any.

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I am now finalizing my Klonopin taper (again) and seeking advice/opinions from those more experienced based on my relatively short-term use, but taking into account my history of sensitivity to meds in general.


I had relative luck rapidly tapering Lamictal earlier this year (see my sig line), from 100mg to 4mg and currently holding, however, with Klonopin, we’re talking about a different psychotropic med that works on entirely different receptors. Therefore, to err on the side of caution, based on various advice and recommendations (obviously not my physician’s), to avoid w/d as much as possible, I am going to launch the taper conservatively, keeping a detailed log and monitoring anything noticeable – both positive and negative: 


Current dose of generic K has remained consistent @ 0.5mg bid (1mg total) daily from day one.


1) Simultaneous day-night dose microtaper starting @ 5.00% for the first 30 days [1.25% avg total cut of calculated on the last dose every 7 days starting with 1mg; 0.625% per dose/tablet] 


2) Assuming homogeneity per tablet, dry cutting tablet to start (since that is what my chemistry and digestion is acclimated to) using an analytical lab scale adjusted to reading 0.01mg (0.0001g) due to environmental factors (unfortunately my environment is too unstable to use the scale in the 0.00001g mode).


3) Will convert later to pulverized tablet powder and encapsulating the powder (as I did successfully tapering Lamictal) or more than likely, a custom-compounded liquid suspension when the cuts get too small to measure accurately using the scale.


4) Cuts to be adjusted every month (possibly less) assessed on presence or lack of w/d symptoms following hold periods.


Here is my “compass” for the first month only, a sample spreadsheet which shows the 5% total cut in actually 28 days using a 7 day hold (hopefully my calculations are correct); I can always modify and shorten the hold time (no less than 4 days), but keep the total cut for the month the same:



Does this sound like a reasonable way to launch this journey?


By any chance, is there a calculator someone has already made up somewhere, otherwise, I will have to figure out how to do it using macros in excel? These manual calculations are way too laborious and my brain gets too fried!


I am in agreement with SG. Small daily cuts would have much less of an impact than one larger cut after 7 days. Do you have a small enclosed area where you could put the balance?  I am sure you already know a balance is sensitive to temperature, vibrations, humidity, air currents from ventilation, etc.  If I were to bring my balance home, I would probably put it in a small room away from any vents or even in a closet that has a good stable shelf/table.


I do not know if there is a dose calculator available on the site. I have a simple spreadsheet that I made up for my taper.  It is set up so that I only have to manually enter a value in one cell when I decrease my daily taper amount usually every couple of months or so.  It will calculate the 2 week percent cut for me. Once I go over 10%, I then adjust my taper rate.  The spreadsheet shows the amounts I need to reduce up until  next August (hopefully it will not take that long). If I need to hold for a day or so, it is easy for me to update the information.


Right now, I do not have an enclosed area that is any better than where the scale is set up now (which is on my kitchen countertop which is the most stable surface available). I have a meter that reads both the temp and humidity. Eliminating the 5th digit was the only solution due to the climate I live in (very low humidity/high heat at this time of year), so it wouldn't make much difference. At least the scale has a glass enclosure. The A/C is on all day and night, nothing I can do about that. I could set up the scale in a small closet where there's no vent, but would need a stable surface which I don't have and don't know if it would make much difference than now with all the other variables I have zero control over. 


For your spreadsheet, did you set up macros to calculate your dosage change automatically? What you describe is exactly how I want to set it up, but don't know how to use excel macros. Guess that will be my next bit of homework before moving forward. Always something to delay my taper. This is crucial since every tablet weighs different.

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I think your scale method will be fine.  Having that fourth decimal place is a big advantage.  Plus you have a glass enclosure.  Just an idea though...what about getting a rectangular cardboard box of the right size to surround the scale on top, and both sides (but not underneath) to cut down on drafts?  That might be a cheap and effective solution.

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Hello all,


I don't remember if I've already asked this question or not . . . if I have .5mg Xanax pills, can I dissolve 2 of them in 4ml of Everclear (190 proof) and add 96ml of water?  Will the 96ml of water support this?  I only dose twice per day. 


Still doing my dry flat cut and hold taper every 2 weeks, but just getting prepared in case I need to do this micro taper.  I cut last Friday night and my sleep was really bad last night.  I'm currently at a daily total dose of .8175mg down from 3.0mg.  I want to keep my flat cuts every other week as long as I can as this micro taper will not be convenient at all and also I don't know how my body will react to the quicker absorption of the liquid.  I like to stick with the 'devil I know'  ;)


Thank you! :)


Hi Rabbit,


I think you can do that, but it would be better to just dissolve one .5mg instead.  Here's why: the numbers say that 100ml water will hold up to 4mg of dissolved X.  But we are operating close to the limit here and taking into account Murphy's Law it would be better to reduce the amount dissolved in half if possible.  I think it is wise to minimize the amount dissolved when possible.  Another benefit of this is you would still be dosing .5mg dry so only half the liquid change over effect, if there is any.


Thank you for the prompt reply SG.  Can you please explain?  You said: 100ml will hold up to 4mg of dissolved Xanax and in this case, I'm only dissolving 1mg (2 .5 pills).  What am I missing here?  Sorry I'm so bad at this stuff  :P


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Hi Rabbit,


I think you can do that, but it would be better to just dissolve one .5mg instead.  Here's why: the numbers say that 100ml water will hold up to 4mg of dissolved X.  But we are operating close to the limit here and taking into account Murphy's Law it would be better to reduce the amount dissolved in half if possible.  I think it is wise to minimize the amount dissolved when possible.  Another benefit of this is you would still be dosing .5mg dry so only half the liquid change over effect, if there is any.


Thank you for the prompt reply SG.  Can you please explain?  You said: 100ml will hold up to 4mg of dissolved Xanax and in this case, I'm only dissolving 1mg (2 .5 pills).  What am I missing here?  Sorry I'm so bad at this stuff  :P


I suppose it is my engineering training kicking in. :D  When I see a chance to increase the factor of safety I do it.  What if the alcohol was not made to spec?  What if we haven't properly accounted for the pill inert ingredient also dissolving and changing the solubility of X?  What if we screw up a measurement?  And on and on...

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Hi Rabbit,


I think you can do that, but it would be better to just dissolve one .5mg instead.  Here's why: the numbers say that 100ml water will hold up to 4mg of dissolved X.  But we are operating close to the limit here and taking into account Murphy's Law it would be better to reduce the amount dissolved in half if possible.  I think it is wise to minimize the amount dissolved when possible.  Another benefit of this is you would still be dosing .5mg dry so only half the liquid change over effect, if there is any.


Thank you for the prompt reply SG.  Can you please explain?  You said: 100ml will hold up to 4mg of dissolved Xanax and in this case, I'm only dissolving 1mg (2 .5 pills).  What am I missing here?  Sorry I'm so bad at this stuff  :P


I suppose it is my engineering training kicking in. :D  When I see a chance to increase the factor of safety I do it.  What if the alcohol was not made to spec?  What if we haven't properly accounted for the pill inert ingredient also dissolving and changing the solubility of X?  What if we screw up a measurement?  And on and on...


OK, so even though technically 96ml of water could hold 4mg of dissolved Xanax, the less dissolved the better, just in general, right?


I'm thinking then, I do have .25mg pills as well.  I could dissolve 1  .25 mg pill, remove my total daily cut from that, divide that dose by 2 (since I dose twice per day) and then take a .25mg pill with each of those liquid doses.  This is assuming I'm starting at .75mg per day (1 more dry cut to go to reach that).  Right?

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I suppose it is my engineering training kicking in. :D  When I see a chance to increase the factor of safety I do it.  What if the alcohol was not made to spec?  What if we haven't properly accounted for the pill inert ingredient also dissolving and changing the solubility of X?  What if we screw up a measurement?  And on and on...


OK, so even though technically 96ml of water could hold 4mg of dissolved Xanax, the less dissolved the better, just in general, right?


I'm thinking then, I do have .25mg pills as well.  I could dissolve 1  .25 mg pill, remove my total daily cut from that, divide that dose by 2 (since I dose twice per day) and then take a .25mg pill with each of those liquid doses.  This is assuming I'm starting at .75mg per day (1 more dry cut to go to reach that).  Right?


Right, the less dissolved the better, so having .25mg pills is even better.  And the plan you described sounds solid to me. :thumbsup:

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I think your scale method will be fine.  Having that fourth decimal place is a big advantage.  Plus you have a glass enclosure.  Just an idea though...what about getting a rectangular cardboard box of the right size to surround the scale on top, and both sides (but not underneath) to cut down on drafts?  That might be a cheap and effective solution.


Funny you mention that; the manufacturer suggested that as well. Will try that. It's pretty stable no though.

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OK SG, here's my math, please check me.  This is one .25mg pill dissolved. Then two .25mg pills dry to be taken with each liquid dose (dosing twice per day)



Total pill mg  Number of Water MLs    =    mg/ml                 

0.25                            100                      0.0025                 


% Desired Reduction  x  current daily dose    = total mg reduction/14 days = DAILY mg reduction = DAILY ml reduction

        0.05  (5%)                          0.75                    0.0375                                0.0027                      1.0714


Then just multiply the DAILY ml reduction each day, so day two would be about 2.14 ml reduction, correct?


Thank you!

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OK SG, here's my math, please check me.  This is one .25mg pill dissolved. Then two .25mg pills dry to be taken with each liquid dose (dosing twice per day)



Total pill mg  Number of Water MLs    =    mg/ml                 

0.25                            100                      0.0025                 


% Desired Reduction  x  current daily dose    = total mg reduction/14 days = DAILY mg reduction = DAILY ml reduction

        0.05  (5%)                          0.75                    0.0375                                0.0027                      1.0714


Then just multiply the DAILY ml reduction each day, so day two would be about 2.14 ml reduction, correct?


Thank you!


Right on target.  I got the same thing.  A 1.0714ml (.0027mg) daily cut will drop you 5% in 14 days. :thumbsup:

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Thank you SG, if I can prevail upon you just once more.  When I start my second 14 day drop, the number of MLs I start reducing from would be 85 since that's what I would be down to at the end of my first 14 days, right? 


Then I have my spreadsheet calculating a new 5% cut for the next 14 days. So my first cut would be my new calculation (done same as above except starting with .7125mg total daily dose) and start from 85mls and reduce from there, since that's where I left off right?  So my first reduction would bring me to a total liquid dose of 85ml - 1.02ml = 83.98ml.  I just want to make 100% sure I have my spreadsheet set up correctly.  I'm so paranoid when it comes to math and formulas.


Thank you so much for sticking with me  :smitten:

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Thank you SG, if I can prevail upon you just once more.  When I start my second 14 day drop, the number of MLs I start reducing from would be 85 since that's what I would be down to at the end of my first 14 days, right? 


Then I have my spreadsheet calculating a new 5% cut for the next 14 days. So my first cut would be my new calculation (done same as above except starting with .7125mg total daily dose) and start from 85mls and reduce from there, since that's where I left off right?  So my first reduction would bring me to a total liquid dose of 85ml - 1.02ml = 83.98ml.  I just want to make 100% sure I have my spreadsheet set up correctly.  I'm so paranoid when it comes to math and formulas.


Thank you so much for sticking with me  :smitten:


No problem. :)


You drop 1.07ml/day for 14 days so, 1.07ml/day x 14 days = 15ml after 14 days.  So you are then at 85ml.


When you begin your next 14 day cycle, yes, you begin at 85ml...pick up where you left off.


Your total 14 day cut would be 5% of the new dose, which is .036mg


Divide that by 14 days is .0025mg/day which is 1.02ml/day.  Check :thumbsup:


Your spreadsheet seems to be working well.

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