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I'm grateful for:


Cooler weather with some breezes.

Making it through work.

Star Trek. Provides nice distraction.

My Kindle.

Baby animals. I love to look at pictures and videos of them.

My friend who checks up on me via text most days.

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I'm grateful for: finding and feeling the health in the blood type diet

                        my cat and dog, especially my cat who knows when I need her

                        being in a taper and mostly OK

                        the flowers...mother earth


                                :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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I'm grateful that despite no sleep for 5 nights, I felt basically OK for work today. How is this even possible? Not that I felt great but not like I was dying. Grateful for every little break--when a task is easier than expected, when a meeting is cancelled, etc.


So grateful for friends who've stuck through me with all of this. Hanging in there when someone is suffering this much is NOT easy so I have tons of respect for them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am grateful that I am two years since my last Xanax dose and doing very well.


I am grateful that I made it through this and am feeling HEALTHY.


:smitten: :smitten:

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I am really grateful I managed to make a lovely bean soup , and have enough to last a few days if I am unable to cook. It was a struggle but I did it and the end result was a delicious nutritious soup :) AMEN!!
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grateful that I got a window reprieve from agonizing scapula pain -  for at least a few hours, anyway.  Other than a cup of coffee - I have no idea why it lifts.  (Hah - sorry God - I cursed at you so much).  WBB
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I'm grateful I faced the fear of cutting and restarted my taper. I will accept what comes, I will watch, I will breathe, and I will rejoice that I am another step closer to freedom.


Kb45, I'm so happy for you. Two years out and healthy!  :yippee:


Nova, glad you were able to make that yummy sounding bean soup. I can barely boil water ;D


Healing is on the Horizon, Left  :smitten: :smitten:

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Left Behind,


I joined Curves this spring to exercise and lose maybe 20 pounds.  The Curves coach told me that with exercise and gradual weight loss which is the safest at my age that the process could take two years or more and could I make that commitment.  I wanted to laugh, after living through Benzo withdrawal, two years of slow weight loss seems like ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.


We do get through this, one hour at a time, one day at a time.


I am now on the other side of this and so very grateful !



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WBB, I'm glad you got a reprieve from the pain and hope those windows grow larger each day. You're nearing the home stretch and will have your life back soon.  :hug:


Kb45, your Curves story makes me smile. :) It seems like once people scale this mountain and recover, anything is possible. Thank you for coming back and sharing, and, again, I'm so happy for you! :hug:

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I'm grateful for the first drug free sleep in a very long time that's happened this month a few times. The stretches without are pretty long and tough but I mostly accept that the nights with any sleep are a hopeful sign.
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Grateful I was able to spend alot of time out of doors enjoying the weather.  I meandered through a flea market and forgot my pain and w/d for at least an hour.  I thoroughly lost myself in the place and was not preoccupied with my sxs, life circumstance or depression.  I'm grateful this can even happen to me.  WBB
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Wanna, I'm glad you had that time of being more present and tuned into your surroundings. Wd can scream at us so loudly that we miss everything else.


I'm grateful I still have some semblance of sanity left after the past few days. It feels like a big deal to have made it through my food shopping and exercise so I'm grateful for that and patting myself on the back.

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Glad the positivity is still alive and well on this thread! Sad to see so few replies, but I get it. Grateful I was able to save money to buy my daughter a super safe and reliable vehicle (subaru outback). Super grateful for all windows, however long or short they may be. Grateful for love, support, strength and determination. That is what we receive here. Grateful for my new life! And grateful for yours. Peace
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You have a great attitude valiumheadnomore. I collect strength and determination here everyday.


I'm grateful that I've had fewer responsibilities these past two days so it's not a big deal that I'm barely functioning. I'm grateful for a flexible and meaningful job.



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I am grateful that what was a bad day turned out to be a little better and I got what I needed to do done at home :)




Lover Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am really grateful I managed to cook food in advance, and that today has been better for me, I was able to sit up all instead of spending all day and night laying down in agony. I am grateful that for a few hours my awful fear and anxiety went away, and that I have ear plugs, they don't always help and often make things worse with my tenacious tinnitus and severe hyperacusis ( acute hearing sensitivity :D.) But today they gave me a break from the world being too noisy to bear, I am also truly grateful for the times that the waves are not so vicious but bearable.


And that every day lately, well all this year, I ALWAYS think about up-dosing back to square one and begin again where I was, but never did it and that I keep in my mind that as bad as I think this is I could end up making it a LOT worse than this super hell already  >:D I am also grateful that I'm  able to look after myself and If I can't do anything then I just lay down and accept  the situation the best I possibly can, try to go with it pray, and ride the storm out.


I'm grateful that although I am restricted I what I can do, my little is a LOT more than some other fellow suffers can do at all. I am grateful that all things change for the better eventually and that each time I think 'I CAN'T DO THIS NO MORE!!!!  :D  :'(  throughout  the year's, I somehow get through and carry on doing it anyway. I am grateful that I've been able to prepare at least a weeks dose in advance today instead of struggling to do it each day and getting evermore paranoid  that the dose is wrong and I'm messing may taper up.  :-\


I am grateful I have the ways, means, tools and presence of mind to be able to do it today, and I'm grateful that it I felt quite relaxed while doing it for the first time in a long time. Usually I'm panicking due to noise and disruption form upstairs neighbour and visiting feral kids that come here >:( And even when its quiet my symptoms have me on edge  when sorting ,my dose out and make me feel worse but today I was okay doing it and I'm truly grteful for that. Some calm in the eye of the storm, I am grateful that I  can feel gratitude for all the above and more :)



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Hey Nova, you've got a great attitude. I have a lot of the same feelings as you.


Throughout the day I try to rattle of the things that I'm grateful for and then write down 3 in my journal at night. They can be really basic like: being able to bathe myself, being able to cook a meal, breathing without difficulty, having a warm, safe and dry home to hang out in. Sometimes there are bigger things like I had a good conversation with a friend this weekend and my husband and I went out on a date (movie and dinner) Saturday night. It was Ok that I felt like crud. It was a pleasant distraction from the all misery all the time channel.


I'm grateful for being able to stay in this fight and for all of the mighty benzo warriors who inspire me with their courage and strength.

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Hey Nova, you've got a great attitude. I have a lot of the same feelings as you.


Throughout the day I try to rattle of the things that I'm grateful for and then write down 3 in my journal at night. They can be really basic like: being able to bathe myself, being able to cook a meal, breathing without difficulty, having a warm, safe and dry home to hang out in. Sometimes there are bigger things like I had a good conversation with a friend this weekend and my husband and I went out on a date (movie and dinner) Saturday night. It was Ok that I felt like crud. It was a pleasant distraction from the all misery all the time channel.


I'm grateful for being able to stay in this fight and for all of the mighty benzo warriors who inspire me with their courage and strength.

Hi MT :hug: I'm glad you managed a night out and found it  a helpful distraction, we can never have too many of them :) I am really grateful I now have toilet roll, man!! Its hell running out when you piss like a male horse all day and night and run out of toilet roll  :D The simple things REALLY matter right now, and something that small revvs up my  sxs, like everything else seems to lately  ::) but that essential to me right now toilet roll thanks to my wobbly chemical  OCD thinking brain take over.


I am also grateful that so far I have managed to control over whelming anger surges, the urge to smash my home up, ring my ex and scream profanities down the phone at him for dumping me in hell tolerance withdrawal, and call him some really, really awful names starting with the letter C and working my way through the alphabet. And not gone and freaked out and smashed my upstairs neighbour whom I've been having serious noise problems with since he moved in 6 months ago and had to keep ringing the housing association over frequently. :tickedoff:


Unfortunately him moving in coincided with my withdrawal symptoms becoming an uncontrollable hell, and housebound and exercise intolerant yet AGAIN, so I can't get out fro a break or work the mood swings off either. And I can't stand the angry aggressive wanna smash bash and crash intrusive thinking that seems belongs to an impostor whose not me at all,  bloody ''Body snatcher''  :( I am grateful I can recognise the need to hold it off as hard as it is and hope I can continue to do so each time it rears up which is pretty much everyday, as long as I can remain logical in the madness its okay.  :o




Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: 

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"Hulk SMASH!" Doesn't that sum up how we often feel in wd?! Sometimes my hair curls and my ears are blown back by the vitriol that runs through my head. Some of it is towards myself but the littlest things can annoy the heck out of me and start the poison. Today I was trying to practice kindness with two women who were talking incessantly in two meetings. They were lonely but it started up the mind dance. I'm trying to notice it and practice patience and acceptance but sometimes that goes better than others.


Today I'm grateful I was able to go to those meetings and had some meaningful interaction in one of them. Doing normal things is hard but it helps me feel a bit better about being in this place that isn't quite life and isn't quite death.



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I am grateful that after a serious day and night from hell and a really bad morning I felt better for a few hours later in the day  :) I wish the same for everyone that suffering too, a respite from it all  :hug:



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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