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I am grateful that an Email I sent to my housing officer  while in the midst of huge anxiety, panic, emotionally schizophrenic episode  and  seriously  hyped depression wise up wasn't delivered. I was paranoid  even more  so about it after I calmed down for a short while and able to think a bit clearer.  :D And have been worried with and fretting about sending all night. :-\


I checked my Emails after getting paranoid about doing that because of it and it hadn't gone through and had an 'Unable to deliver'' notice on  it. THANK YOU GOD AMEN!!!  :highfive: Now to carry on  probably being paranoid about something else that's not going to or hasn't happened. Freaking ''Benzo lies!!'' aaarrrgggghhhh !!!!!!!! :o Goes back and checks the non delivery notice for the umpteenth time today ::)





Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Grateful I went to the swimming pool alone and exercised for an hour and a half.  Just walking back and forth across the pool.  It felt wonderful to forget about the symptoms.  I keep going.  Wishing all of you a healing day.  :-*
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I'm grateful to complete another milestone today, no more gabapentin. The chemical part of my journey is done...now for the extreme patience as the physical part of my healing path begins.  I'm so very ready.  I've set new goals -ones I hold very dear and I will achieve them starting today...it starts today! :)


Blessings to all for a beautiful week!




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I'm grateful to complete another milestone today, no more gabapentin. The chemical part of my journey is done...now for the extreme patience as the physical part of my healing path begins.  I'm so very ready.  I've set new goals -ones I hold very dear and I will achieve them starting today...it starts today! :)


Blessings to all for a beautiful week!






Congrats on Day Zero Gabapentin Ever :hug: I am grateful I got through yesterday and am coping okay so far today.




Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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I am so grateful for a day pottering in my back garden full of blooms, roses, raspberries, lupins, clematis etc......I got totally lost in a calm space while weeding and sweeping. It was bliss  :smitten:  :smitten:
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I'm grateful for rain and how green it makes everything...but not so much as to flood so far ;) I'm grateful for distraction and silence and periods of relative calm in the midst of the wd hurricane.
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I am grateful I got a bit more sleep these last 2 nights.  I am grateful I was able to work with my son and his friend on their project and not too preoccupied with sxs.  I am grateful I have found a resource to assist in improving my mood without drugs.  WBB
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I am grateful to be living and to help others through this.


I am grateful to be having a pretty darn good week- close to 90% perfect!


I am grateful for healing so fast I can hardly believe it myself.



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Crazy week!  Had to fire my assistant, that's never easy, vicious wave, but I'm still here😨. Grateful to have survived this last wave. Grateful for my understanding wife and daughter. Grateful I didn't go to the hospital when I thought I might need to because of panic and numbness, they probably would have wanted to give e me a benzo. Grateful for this 3 day weekend. Grateful I didn't sit around the house and feal sorry for myself, because that never helps, at all. Grateful I got done what I set out to do yesterday. Grateful fireworks didn't keep me up. Grateful for my parents and their willingness to educate themselves about what is going on with me. Grateful for fans and decaf coffe. Grateful for distractions, sometimes that's the only way. Grateful for integrity, I know my true self, and I like him. Grateful I started this journey to have found all these strengths that were masked by benzos. Grateful for this community who several people reached out to me the other day when I truly needed it. Grateful for low cal gatorade. Grateful for the rain we're  supposed to get this evening, we sure need it. Peace
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I am grateful i was well enough to drive for a few hours into the mountain with my family and have a picnic by the river.


Happy 4th everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey, that's great Bill. We walked about a mile to and from a July 4th event. We didn't stay long but it reminded me of all I have to be grateful for. Got to see cute kids and dogs.
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I am grateful for all the help that SG whose usually found  on the Micro tapering thread amongst others on here and others Buddies that    provide help so  selflessly and that today's been a better day than it started out. I am grateful for any tiny reprieve in symptoms, and for any sleep I get.





Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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I'm grateful that I had a pretty good night last night and even had a good day at work today. Every time I get through a work day it feels like a miracle of sorts and I'm so thankful when I feel productive but then when it's done. Now I can rest for a couple of days and do it again.
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I'm grateful for deep blue skies and bright green leaves that sound like a rushing river outside of my window.  I'm grateful for beautiful sunlight when it comes in my window or dances on top of the waves at the beach.  I'm grateful for sleep when it comes and the moments I am not nauseated, tired or anxious.  Those moments come.  I'm glad.




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I'm grateful for the solace and joy of reading. I can't imagine all of this without that escape. Whether it's learning or getting swept up in events on another planet (I love sci-fi) books help fill some of the spaces in my life. I'm thankful my husband and kids share this passion. We had a great conversation today about books we want to read on vacation. We share some of the same tastes and enjoy talking about what we're reading. Despite the dark weekend my books lightened the load.
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That's Awsome my fan I love sci books as well . Have you ever read any of Robert Hienlan,Issac Asimovs books.? Very good scifi
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Betray, benzo wd makes all of us Strangers in a Strange Land! I've read most of what Asimov wrote. Was so sad when he died. Now days I read Kim Stanley Robinson (loved the Mars books), Robert Sawyer, Orson Scott Card, Shari Tepper and Ursula le Guin (among many others). Sci fi soothes the beast in my mind without agitating me like some other fiction can.


Most days I feel like I'm struggling just to survive and have to push myself to see life as a good thing rather than a curse. Today it came more naturally. I'm thankful for feeling a little tiny bit like I found a groove. Thankful that every day following a zero sleep night doesn't have to totally suck. I even feel some of the elusive sensation of peace. I want to appreciate these little glimpses of relief, normality and joy.

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Grateful to be alive. Grateful for all the info and support on this forum, it helps more than others could ever know. Grateful for windows, and grateful for perspective during waves. Grateful for strength, both physical and mental. Grateful for my work, a welcome distraction. Grateful my wife and daughter are taking a vacation with my family, too bad I can't go, but I've had too much time off already this year, a vacation by no means,but still time away from work. Grateful for my bicycle the best distraction. Grateful for sleep when it comes. Grateful for self realization, and existential  introspective thoughts, the ones that once scared me to death, know I try my best to use them for strength. Realizing my pains are illusions, and my thoughts do not mean reality. Grateful for the greenway my city has built over the past few years, nearly completed it stretches 35 miles and connects so many communities and makes transit transortation available to more people, not to mention less cars. I know I'm a bit all over the place, but I had to get that out.  Peace
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Grateful that I can restart my physical therapy that I abandoned last year due to withdrawal.  Grateful that I can plow through moving my body even though I feel crappy.  Grateful that I can speak up for myself despite the depression/low self-esteem.  Grateful I feel better by afternoon again.  WBB
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I'm grateful that everything at work felt manageable today. Grateful for an unscheduled hour that allowed me to catch up on some things. So grateful for a stretch of sleep last night. Grateful to be home now and able to relax for a while. Silence can feel like a soothing blanket that drapes around me allowing the internal noise to recede for a time. Our house gets so quiet at night. After having people talk to me all day it truly is a beautiful sound. There's a richness to the soft melodies of the AC, the wind, the floor creaking, even the sound of my breath as they ever so gently dance around the silence I've wrapped around myself. I need to remind myself to drink deeply of this when stillness flees. It's too easy to try to cram voices, TV and music into the spaces in an attempt to drown out wd. There's a time for that but it doesn't nourish my soul like the times of quiet.
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I'm grateful that everything at work felt manageable today. Grateful for an unscheduled hour that allowed me to catch up on some things. So grateful for a stretch of sleep last night. Grateful to be home now and able to relax for a while. Silence can feel like a soothing blanket that drapes around me allowing the internal noise to recede for a time. Our house gets so quiet at night. After having people talk to me all day it truly is a beautiful sound. There's a richness to the soft melodies of the AC, the wind, the floor creaking, even the sound of my breath as they ever so gently dance around the silence I've wrapped around myself. I need to remind myself to drink deeply of this when stillness flees. It's too easy to try to cram voices, TV and music into the spaces in an attempt to drown out wd. There's a time for that but it doesn't nourish my soul like the times of quiet.


What a beautiful depiction of the situation unfolding before you. It is wonderful to read :thumbsup:

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I'm thankful for life, able to function, sleep and being able to do more with my son.


Despite job stuff going on I'm grateful to have a full time job.


Praying these symptoms clear up soon but I have that things will only get better from here.

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I'm so grateful that I start vacation tomorrow. My symptoms will be coming with me but I'm choosing not to focus on them. I want to immerse myself in the present moment and drink deeply from it. I'm thankful for how when I work on present moment focus it helps me feel more alive and less like I'm just serving time. Even in the midst of the crappiest storm there are moments, however brief, of sunshine.
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