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Hey guys. Trying to stay more off of the website to try to distract myself. I left benzos 32 days ago, yeah! 

my head pain is a little bit better but still here. I have new symptoms appearing everyday and other disappearing. My sleep is getting better - I can sleep more hours - however my nightmares are getting worst. Light still kills my eyes and beeing with people is so exhausting. Working from home now and beeing able to write and do it, so good on me. 

today my body shaked all day, from head to toes. I also reduced my venlafaxine from 75 mg to 35 mg so I think that is not helping but I was felling so dizzy with that, that I decided to stop it also.

Today I cried. I miss myself so much. Tired of beeing strong. Tired of pretending all is good when I feel so bad. Thanks for the support guys, your posts make me feel im not alone. Much love 

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going off antidepressants after long use can be as debilitating. caution there. 

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I started in January to help with the whitdrawal. I cut from 75 to 35. Any avise on the tapper? 

7 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

going off antidepressants after long use can be as debilitating. caution there. 


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Hi kriss,..the very last anti d I stopped and tapered was venlafaxine and it was the 1 I struggled with most getting of,there’s a good group on FB about it,.I’d really read into it bud,.it’s another med you have to go slow with unfortunately,I was a bit of a mess dealing with venlafaxine and coming of,.you also get bad shakes while on them bud.

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2 minutes ago, [[J...] said:

Hi kriss,..the very last anti d I stopped and tapered was venlafaxine and it was the 1 I struggled with most getting of,there’s a good group on FB about it,.I’d really read into it bud,.it’s another med you have to go slow with unfortunately,I was a bit of a mess dealing with venlafaxine and coming of,.you also get bad shakes while on them bud.

I feel that my dizziness improved but my anxiety is on the edge, im shaking so so much, my emotions are so overwhelmed at the moment… 


Do you have any Facebook groups that I can check? Any advise on the tappering? I was taking 75mg and I cut to 37 last week - 7 days ago

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Kriss there definitely at least 2 good groups on FB just about venlafaxine,.I was basically back and forward on the groups for most of 2022,.you will be still shook up from the benzo taper bud,.but yea funny you say that my emotions were all over the place coming of venlafaxine,.I’ve been on a lot of anti ds and venlafaxine a rollercoaster on and off it,.it was leaving me burnt out every single night and feeling like crap,.I think the FB groups called venlafaxine discontinuation or somet,..it will explain a lot about stopping it,.the good thing about it is it’s tiny beads in the capsules,.so if you taper properly you just count the beads and take away a few a week,.I’ve got photos of the mess they left me in coming of them bud,be careful.




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I’ve just checked,..1s called venlafaxine support group,.and the other is Effexor/venlafaxine tapering/reinstatement and protracted withdrawal,..there busy groups,.good luck with it bud

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1 hour ago, [[K...] said:

Hey guys. Trying to stay more off of the website to try to distract myself. I left benzos 32 days ago, yeah! 

my head pain is a little bit better but still here. I have new symptoms appearing everyday and other disappearing. My sleep is getting better - I can sleep more hours - however my nightmares are getting worst. Light still kills my eyes and beeing with people is so exhausting. Working from home now and beeing able to write and do it, so good on me. 

today my body shaked all day, from head to toes. I also reduced my venlafaxine from 75 mg to 35 mg so I think that is not helping but I was felling so dizzy with that, that I decided to stop it also.

Today I cried. I miss myself so much. Tired of beeing strong. Tired of pretending all is good when I feel so bad. Thanks for the support guys, your posts make me feel im not alone. Much love 

Aw well keep going!!  You're doing so good! :)

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