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Saga23-Good morning!! Sleep is so powerful that it will restore. I got a great 8 hours of sleep last night and exercise is great for helping you sleep. I did listen to my meditation tape before going to sleep and it worked. I think our brain requires sleep to heal. When your sick what do people do they sleep? Sleeping helps your brain just like exercise does. A lot of people who come off a Benzo are not sleeping well due to anxiety and exercise relieves anxiety. I read yesterday it only takes 21 minutes of exercise for your anxiety level to go down. With that said and done I am about to tackle my elliptical and treadmill now. Ready to greet and meet my endorphins:)...


Take each day as it comes. If you couldn't work out one day no big deal for there is always tomorrow. Stay positive it helps because negativity is a downer.




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Hi all, I'll join y'all here :thumbsup: After pushing through never ending waves working out am and pm, always keeping going and moving no matter what, my sxs pulled me to a standstill these last few months as they have done many times before  :tickedoff:.


I also believe in going outside your comfort zone whenever possible and don't think about doing it, just do it!! :boxer: Now my do it was done for as I said these last few months. Every time I was a Ninja I ended up a winger after pushing to exercise until I came to a forced stop. :D


Today for the first time since being bought to an unplanned abrupt halt, I pushed myself unsteadily out the door at 8am after yet again a crap night trying to get some sleep. And was going to try get to the end of my street and back, which would normally take me two minutes, but once I got to the other end near the entrance to the woodlands decided, as in a surreal world through my eyes with DP/DR and unsteady and unsure on my feet. I was going for a woodland walk not straight back home.


So I ventured in to the woods where I normally spend 2-3 hours every day usually and manged 20 minutes by pushing on. I was starting to try and speed up a bit as I'm a really fast high energy person by my authentic nature not benzo bothered, when I realize that fast was not good and slowed down to a slow amble otherwise things i found bearable would become unbearable really quickly.


I was pleased I did it although i thought I'd get no further tan the end of the street, as I cut another half a gram down dose 5 days ago, and can't tolerate the sun. I'm a sun worshiper as well as exercise and outdoors lover and being indoors and intolerant to more and more things the lower I get with my taper is a piss off.  But I dont sit and dwell on it, its just the way it is in this time and space  :)


And as i was well wrapped up the sun didn't bother me as much as it does when I try to get It on my skin . And although 'logically' I was pleased I couldn't feel any emotion anywhere near pleased or satisfaction, I was just grateful and pleased I was able to get the push to do it.  :D


Even if  somewhere inside that can't respond as is should is unable to right now.  If only the anxiety and freaked out cortisol would do the same. ::)  But nothing in the world will take away the fact although I can't feel or express the emotional responses I am truly grateful that every single day I always find something to be grateful for no matter what. 8)


Nova xxxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Good morning all...I didn't read all posts but great job nova and saga.  I didn't sleep well and felt very wavy this morning but I didn't have a headache so I got out the door.  I jogged slowly for 1 1/2 miles. I felt I needed a jog as opposed to a walk because I had to burn off whatever stuff I got going on.  I know I'll pay heavily with sore legs as they were already sore when I started. 

I felt a lot of "what iffing" on my jog. What if my visual aura hits? My legs collapse? I can't get back home because of something?  I just kept going. 

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I too had a bad night--just a couple brief times of dozing and zero sleep the night before this. But I thought of all of you and got myself out the door to walk my mountain trails for 70 minutes. It was hard but I was so glad I did it. I'm usually a very motivated person but that's been gone for a while. Like most of you are doing, I think it's possible to ignore the lack of motivation and press on to exercise. Anything to accelerate healing and help with sleep.
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I too had a bad night--just a couple brief times of dozing and zero sleep the night before this. But I thought of all of you and got myself out the door to walk my mountain trails for 70 minutes. It was hard but I was so glad I did it. I'm usually a very motivated person but that's been gone for a while. Like most of you are doing, I think it's possible to ignore the lack of motivation and press on to exercise. Anything to accelerate healing and help with sleep.


What mountain range would that be?

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Great job Saga, Fran, and MTfan! Everybody else too that's getting out there. You all are motivating me to get out and check the waves.
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Wondernova-Thank you. I just left my gym where I lifted weights for 30 minutes and also used my TRX. TRX is the BEST!!!! Anyone can buy it and use it in your house. My endorphins kicked in while using the TRX.


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Day 2 of a moderate paced, 15 minute, walk.


My goal is to go again this evening.


I'm obviously the tortoise and not the hare.....but I'll still reach the finish line.

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Knockin boots burns a lot of calories as well. Depends on how many hours one "works out." "Marathoning" is good for the soul too.  :)
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Hey I wanna join this!  :thumbsup:


I can't tell you how awesome I feel after doing 8 miles of mountain bike trails in the hills  :thumbsup:


I try to do that 3-4 times a week, it usually takes me about an hour & there is no workout I can do that gets

my heart rate up like this type of exercise.  Thank God spring is finally here & the sun is coming out in Oregon.


I used to play racquetball 3-4 times a week & go to the gym & do spin classes & body pump classes but this K crap

has taken my social skills, I have absolutely no desire to go workout at a gym where everyone knows me.  :'(


I throw my ear buds on & tear it up in the hills  :thumbsup: I love it!!!!  :smitten:


Keep up the good work everyone! I have found if I beat myself up & sweat my ass off there is nothing left for the anxiety

to work on.


Ninj  :smitten:

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Hey, I will join in too.


I went to the gym yesterday and lifted for the first time in a while. I got sick. Frans gave me some advice to do some light weights at home.

I'm not as fortunate as some of you. Exercise makes me sick. It's a bummer  :(. I can walk a little hoever like Ninja I love to mountain bike and where I live there are so many awsome trails.


I guess I will have to pull back, stop and smell the roses along the way  :D.



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ValleyGirl-one day at a time!!


I don't think I could do the work out that I am currently doing had I just started....You'll get there!


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Welcome ninja and valley girl!


Well...something revved me and it was either the jogging for 1 1/2 miles(which I haven't had my hr that high for a month) or its rebound stuff from my two days of taking a beta blocker I stopped Friday.  All I know is I just finished a 2hour fear/cortisol rush type thingy.  usually they're done in forty minutes. Yuck!  Not really thinking into it too much.  I tried my damnedest to just be a passenger to the whole experience.  Let it flow through me and acknowledge how I felt but I kept saying "it's part of the healing...no way out but through". 


Stay strong fellow buddies.

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Wow, you guys are all such an inspiration! I am really hoping that SOMEDAY I get to where I can exercise more.


In the meant time, I just did 7 minutes of Hula dancing...all that talk of surfing (and the 6' and 6 months of snow we have had) has me missing Hawaii! My favorite breaks are/were Pakalas even though I'm not goofy (well, maybe just a little!) and Hanalei Bay in spring and fall (no killer winter waves for me). Plus, Pakala's has the best beach glass.


VG & Drew - I have days where I can exercise a bit, some days when I can exercise a bit more and some days where I just cannot do it at all. It's a bit hard for me to know whether it is just my heart defect or benzo w/d sxs (probably a combo of both) but I have most definitely had A LOT of issues with heart rate, BP and exercise intolerance since starting my w/d. If I feel up to it, I exercise (even if it's only 5 - 7 minutes of swaying around the house) and if I don't feel up to it, I stick to my gentle yoga and stretching. If I push too much it puts me off for two to three days with exhaustion, extra sxs, including difficulty sleeping, palpitations and a consistently elevated heart rate that is worrisome. I really do think that exercise tolerance during w/d is a VERY individual thing and that it can change by the day for some individuals, too. I think it's important to keep moving when you can, but I also think it's important to recognize when your body just may not be up to it. My limited understanding of the benzo exercise intolerance, adrenalin rushes, fatigue, etc., is that it all stems from the complexities of the neuroendocrine feedback system and that use of benzos AND benzo w/d can mess up the brain/body communication system and cause these sxs. Of course, exercise also helps heal the mind and the body, so it is a matter of find the right balance and harmony, which is difficult when in the throes of benzo w/d!


Drew - In my experience stopping a beta blocker CT turkey (or missing a dose or two), CAN make you feel an extra adrenalin rush, although if I understand correctly, you only took it for 2 days, which in normal circumstances (non benzo w/d) probably would not be considered enough time to have developed any extra sensitivity. I am still taking propanolol PRN as it is helping with my elevated heart rate, but NOT my elevated BP. However, if you can get by without taking anything, IMHO that is probably best. In the normal (non benzo w/d population) lifestyle changes are often far more effective and safer than taking meds for these conditions. Since I am already eating healthy, exercising as much as I can, meditating and getting fairly adequate sleep, at my age and with my condition I find the beta blocker helpful, but that doesn't mean I am not concerned about taking it. My hope is to get this w/d thing over with and not have to take anything...







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Thx mo.  I started taking it for migraine prevention then said screw that. My gf did notice my hands were extremely shaky this am so I'm pretty sure it is compounded by stopping the beta.  I'm hypersensitive to most meds.

I just got back from Kauai last month. Stayed at the ST Regis.  Even though I was symptomatic it was still better than my bed. Lol

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Mosart - I gew up in Hawaii & try to get back there once a year to see friends & family. I went twice last year because of a High

              School reunion, once was a family trip & the next month was by myself  :laugh: No schedule to keep with the family &

              just hit the beach everyday, beaches my kids can't swim in because of the waves & dangers.  I am going home in July

              and I am due for a salt water baptism  :laugh:


VG - I went & did 7 miles today on the trails  :thumbsup: the one thing that pisses me off about the mountain biking is the little

        cough I get when I am done, I have heard that benzo's suppress the lungs.  I never had this issue before & it just irritates

        me to no end, but I keep going  :thumbsup:  Good for you lifting weights, start out low & work your way up.  You should

        be proud of yourself, great job!  :thumbsup: One day you will be out on the trails again, ripping & shredding  :laugh:


Drew - Sorry you had a cortisol rush like that, hang in there! Keep going because exercise is so therapeutic & I feel so good after

            I get done, there is no anxiety because I think I am just to wiped out to care about it  :thumbsup:


Great job my exercise buddies, keep it up!


Ninj  :smitten:

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Great job Kiddo, Mosart, Ninja, Drew and Fran. We all have to listen to our bodies like Mosart says, while they're flipping out over this wd thing. We're strong just for choosing to get off these drugs and anything we do on top of that is good. Sometimes that means we may be able to walk, run, surf or whatever and other days all we can do is hold onto our hats. I'm glad we're encouraging each other and that there's no judgment here. I admire you all.
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ValleyGirl-one day at a time!!


I don't think I could do the work out that I am currently doing had I just started....You'll get there!




I' not giving up  :thumbsup:

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Welcome Ninja & VG!


Ninja-great to see you still plugging away. I'm obviously not around the K club much anymore but I think about you guys a lot. I know how tough it is to get off that crap. I'm proud of you bud.


Laser-"Knockin boots"  :laugh: That was a good one. Haven't heard that in a long time.


Kiddo-Can I ask the significance of 1977? Feel free to not answer if personal. I only ask cause I was born that year.


Drew-Hang in there. Anxiety really sucks. If any people deserve a break from it, it's all us BB's.


Well folks. I got my surf in this afternoon. It was a rough morning so it was nice to get in the ocean. Even though the waves were small and it got crowded. I'll be lookin for more waves tomorrow! (The good kinda waves) 8)


Take care folks.


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Good morning everyone. I hope everyone slept well.


I'm about to attack my elliptical and treadmill for the next 90 minutes. I'm feeling good and exercise is helping!!


Have a great day.


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Good job everyone.....I'm slipping down the rabbit hole but am still going to try and get my walk in today.


Wondernova - 1977 is my birth year, yes. Looks like we're the same age  :)

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Thx mo.  I started taking it for migraine prevention then said screw that. My gf did notice my hands were extremely shaky this am so I'm pretty sure it is compounded by stopping the beta.  I'm hypersensitive to most meds.

I just got back from Kauai last month. Stayed at the ST Regis.  Even though I was symptomatic it was still better than my bed. Lol


So glad (and a bit envious) that you got to enjoy Kauai! It is one of my favorite places in the whole world. The fact that is was better than your bed is such a GOOD sign! :thumbsup: Unfortunately, I am still having those days where bed feels best and then I either have to decide whether my body and brain need bed or if I should push myself. Usually after 10 minutes of gentle yoga my body gives me clues as to whether it will be a day of rest or a day of doing.




In re the migraines: Propranolol is commonly prescribed, but the only BP drug that ever worked for me for migraines was Verapamil, a calcium channel blocker and it gave me such low BP that I had to quit taking it. It is my experience that if you have a history of migraine, benzo w/d can cause them to be worse. If you don't have a history of migraine, benzo w/d may still cause them in some people. There is interesting research suggesting that GABA may play an important role in many types of migraine.


Also, there is a well known, but little understood phenomena called the "benzo w/d headache" — these can be mild or ferocious. I have had them every time I have gone through w/d and have basically had one that waxes and wanes, but never goes away completely for about 2 months now and have not found a good way to deal with them. My neurologist is currently looking into this and hoping to come up with something to help.


If what you are having is migraine, I have been working with my neurologist (who specializes in migraine) for over a year before I started my taper because I was put on the benzos in the first place for seizure migraines and, while we all want me OFF the benzos, we don't want to have increased episodes of them. So, she prescribed the following for me and before I started the benzo w/d in November, I actually went 6 months without ANY migraines — truly a record for me!


Here is my neuros Rx for my migraine issues:

1.) I had to change my diet. NO MSG or other excitotoxins (they activate glutamate receptors and can not only initiate a migraine, but they can worsen sxs of benzo w/d). You can google excitoxins to see the complete list...basically they are in almost ALL processed foods. So, I only eat fresh, non-processed foods — that took a bit of getting used to since, as my family will be happy to inform anyone who asks, I am not much of a cook.

2.) I cut down on foods high in histamines (I have found it nearly impossible to avoid them so I just try to lessen them). You can google the histamine diet.

3.) I started taking 200mg of Riboflavin (some people take up to 400mg) per day.

4.) A special kind of Physical Therapy that focuses on the muscles that affect the tregimenal nerve and the muscles at the base of the skull. I thought this sounded like a waste of time, but I actually think it was a MAJOR help and I go for a about 6 sessions every 3-4 months. My PT is very skilled at this and has been god send for me.

5.) I meditate for 15-30 minutes twice a day – morning and night. Some people consider this a waste of time, but I count it and have noticed a real difference not just in my headaches, but in some other health issues I have.

6.) Getting regular, good quality sleep...sometimes hard during benzo w/d, but apparently known to help keep the neurons and cortical spreading that seem to be associated with migraine "regulated" or stabilized or something...

7.) Regular cardio vascular exercise, well on this thread, we're already on to that, although I am more off than on right now..

8.) Limited time on the computer and TV AND avoidance of flashing lights. Studies show these can trigger both migraines AND seizures in people prone to either.


I realize that is a lot to take in, but for me following this means I have the option to get OFF the benzos for good as long as keep my seizure migraines controlled.


BTW, I can often stop a migraine from getting too bad by using the following "cocktail":  550mg of Naproxen (a prescription NSAID, related to OTC Alleve); 400- 800mg Mg glycinate (IV Mg is used in the ER to help with migraines); 10mgs propanolol (helps brain "slow down") 8 oz. Dr. Pepper (caffiene helps constrict blood vessels and carbonation takes the meds into the blood stream faster) and a handful of soda crackers (helps the nausea). NSAIDs are not something to take lightly — there are a host of side effects and they might to have a mild ability to interfere with GABA receptors, but taken occasionally, for the types of headaches I get for me the benefits are worth it.


Hope your headaches ease up soon!



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Fran, you're putting us to shame! It's going to be tough to keep up with you I can tell. :)


Kiddo, 77' was a great year! We can let others do the math to figure out our age. ;) It looks from your signature that you're getting towards the end of your taper. That's awesome. Anyone who gets off these drugs is a champion. :thumbsup:


Well, I think I'm going to play my drums instead of surf today, but if I play really fast it's a workout. I'm counting it as exercise!

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Wondernova-I'm not here to put anyone to shame we are all in the same boat:) If I can help anyone with exercise tips it's only my pleasure. I had a wave of anxiety before however I went to the gym to lift weights. The anxiety passed.


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After one of the hardest days of anxiety/fear yesterday I got out of bed after miserable sleep to exercise. My cog fog was a ten on a 1-10 scale.  I gently walked two miles and my cog fog lifted as the day went on.  I've decided when in a wave like I am it is only walking or gentle exercise for me. I believe the jogging revved me too much. 


Mo-thx for the migrain info. I get terrible tension and migraine.  I had them pre benzo but nothing like this.  I currently am taking 400mg of mag per day, I meditate twice a day, and get cranial focused massages at least once a week. I've recently incorporated the massage and magnesium.  I also never eat processed foods unless I'm stuck(I'm a great cook and live in SF so we get some great foods here). TV and computer I spend too much time on but I need distractions.

  I also just went gluten free as my doc mentioned there are studies saying it helps.

Really appreciate everything you listed.

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