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Eastcoast's Trip


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Hi East coast


I'm glad you're doing so well  :smitten:


I have a cat now too. He's a blue eyed Himalayan. My hubby brought him home one day, he was a 3# fluffball.


He's a indoor kitty. Wish I could send a pic of him sleeping on his back!

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It still amazes me what I went through. How long it lasted, the extreme severity of my symptoms. Mind boggling even now, 6 years later.. But....................


I still cannot describe well what I went through. There don't seem to be words in English to explain it all. I tried but I failed to adequately explain how terrible my WD was. Maybe someday I will be able to do a better job at this.


It hurts my heart to know that so many others are struggling through WD, some of them just as bad off as I was. This is just terrible. NO ONE should have to go through this. But...the madness continues, and nor do I see much growth in the medical community about benzos.


Going through a horrific withdrawal changed SO much in me. Radical changes, even true personality changes. That seems impossible, but here I am, a totally different person  from the me of 6 years ago. Yes, there are remnants of the old me. I did not completely disappear!  I find this astonishing. How some tiny pills could affect someone so much over time.


I am so glad I am alive, despite my long journey into madness And illness.

much love,


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IF my cat Jackie Bear could hug you, he would. He is a very loving cat, and very dependant on ONLY me.


This morning, he carefully walked up to my head and gently rested his big head in my hand. This was my cue to gently rub his chin and he wazs purring so loohdly the bed vibrated. He was trying to tell me it was time for me to rise and pay attention top him. I chose to snooze a bit longer, now that my sleep is pretty much normal again. That is a lovely feeling! To sleep normally AND have a delightful cat compnion.


It is such fun having a younger cat who still loves to play and make trouble sometimes. I have to keep an eye on him....... today, he somehow gopt stuck in the linen closet. I went outside for a short ? Cats are much more intelligent than we think. They know things, hear things, smell things...that we simply cannot.


This site is acting weird today. It keeps disappearing stuff I just wrote, and erasing messages. Yes. I have  new laptop but I dont think that is whats causing this to happen.

hugs to all,

Annie AND Bear


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IF my cat Jackie Bear could hug you, he would. He is a very loving cat, and very dependant on ONLY me.


This morning, he carefully walked up to my head and gently rested his big head in my hand. This was my cue to gently rub his chin and he wazs purring so loohdly the bed vibrated. He was trying to tell me it was time for me to rise and pay attention top him. I chose to snooze a bit longer, now that my sleep is pretty much normal again. That is a lovely feeling! To sleep normally AND have a delightful cat compnion.


It is such fun having a younger cat who still loves to play and make trouble sometimes. I have to keep an eye on him....... today, he somehow gopt stuck in the linen closet. I went outside for a short ? Cats are much more intelligent than we think. They know things, hear things, smell things...that we simply cannot.


This site is acting weird today. It keeps disappearing stuff I just wrote, and erasing messages. Yes. I have  new laptop but I dont think that is whats causing this to happen.

hugs to all,

Annie AND Bear


It's so nice waking up with a cat, that is, if the cat is gentle about it and doesnt  wake you at 4am!  Artie waots until I start to stir and then comes up and spoons with me, purring.  One of my cats, Skimble, would get onto my pillow and purr right into my ear.  Do you let your cats out, Annie? Mine are strictly indoor.


The forum does seem slow lately, which happens sometimes. My internet is spotty too.  But we had a huge windstorm a few days ago, and some of my outdoor wiring got blown around and may have come down.  I live in northern Washington State.

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That's funny. I had the idea you were British. I envy you living up in Washington state. I bet its lovely there. And MUCH cooler than icky Florida.


Yes. All of my cats except my first couple have been indoors only. I firmly believe this is the best thing to do. I think if you love your cats, you will keep them inside, safe from predators and sick humans. AND getting them neutered. I have always fed stray cats. I have one who visits me several times a month. He is not starving, as he looks very healthy. A BIG cat. Half Siamese and half Tabby. Gorgeously funny looking kitty. I know other people feed him but IF I could catch him I would get him neutered. My vet does this for free, with strays. But he is very very wary and I would not be able to catch him. Nor would he be a good fit for Bear. Bear is so timid about many things, and I would never do something that might hurt my Bear Cat.


BB has always had ups and downs. I still find it terribly sad that so many people need this place. But at least BB exists. Megan, I can say this and know it is the utter truth: if not for BB, I would now be dead. Nop doubt in my mind over this.

Annie and Bear

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I got a cat harness for my cat and take her out in that for a walk when the weather is warm.  Actually she walks me because cats aren't like dogs.  They go wherever they want to.  I tied a long piece of lightweight twine to it and have a hook holder on the end of it. I let her walk wherever she wants to and explore, then I won't lose her.  I even let her run with it and when she bolts, I just drop the line and let her go.  I keep an eye on the 20' long piece of orange twine and then grab it from the ground when she stops running.  She seems to know when she's on the twine not to run too far.  I've been using that on her ever since she was a small kitten.  She knows when she goes outside that she will have to have her harness on.  She doesn't mind wearing it at all either.  I live near a highway and I had a cat once named Tunie who got outside and got hit on the highway and died.  No one should let their cats run loose outside.  Too much danger and diseases.  I can't stand hearing cat fights outside.  It's terrible and should never happen. 
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Yes, it's best to keep them inside, definitely.  I lived in North Seattle until about a year ago, and even there we had wild animals, including a band of coyotes who used to hang around the mailboxes.  I saw one once loping up 28th Avenue!  That area of the city was very parklike with treed ravines all through it, and a friend of mine who lived a few miles north of me saw a puma in her huge, forested back yard.  Here in the country, I've seen bald eagles and bobcats, and hawks, there must be coyotes too, all of which will kill and eat cats if they can.


Annie, I'm a native San Franciscan, but have lived in washington for about 1/3 of my life.  It's beautiful, except for the weather which is often gray and drizzly.  I met my late husband, Bob, in Seattle 35 years ago.


Bob was a software pioneer, and very tech savvy.  20 years ago, we lived in a place with a group of feral cats, and he decided to do something about it.  He set up a remote control humane trap baited it with tuna, and installed a video system so we could watch and trigger the door to close when we saw a cat go in.  We caught every cat, six or seven of them, and took them to a vet who neutered them cheaply.  The little colony stabilized then, no more kittens, and because we already had several indoor cats, we built them a heated house on our deck.  These traps were called havaheart traps, and could be borrowed from the local spca.  Maybe you could borrow one and catch your visitor.


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Annie, I understand how you feel about BB.  I don't know what I wpuld have done without it either.  My symptoms were awful, and i thought i had every deadly disease you can imagine.  On top of that, dreadful intrusive thoughts that, though I knew I wouldnt act on them, had me convinced I was going insane.  I probably would have if not for this place, since i was all alone with no one to help me. 



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Me too, Megan. I was still in acute WD when I stumbled upon BB. My first attempt t finding support ended up a total disaster. I had found that weird, sick site that claims to BE BenzoBuddies. Reading that stuff almost made me swear off computers! I am sure you know who I am referring to. A week or so later I tried again and found the REAL BB. That was the true start to my recovering. I was still hallucinating with all 5 senses when I finally found BB. I was a total mess of a human, a walking wreck. Barely walking, using a walker as I was still recovering from a fractured femur and a blown apart knee that was caused by my many falls (benzo caused). I weight 85 lbs. I looked like a stick with breasts! I can laugh about this now. But I nearly died, due to benzos. I must be tougher than I think. Being here helped me so much. Very quickly I sensed that helping others would help me. So I jumped right into this.


My true education began here, too. It SO helped me to understand why I felt as I did. I read Parker's stuff, other articles here and elsewhere, and it slowly began to fall into place. Just knowing that what I felt wasn't "insane" was very reassuring. I am sure you felt  LOT the same way.


So, how is it living way up there? I have read that your state tends to be rainy and cool...? True or myth?


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Busy week. Cat sitting in 2 homes and one is a long drive for me. Plus cleaning every day this week.....but I am glad because last month was NOT good financially. I will do much better this month.

I have a lot of bills to pay. Don't we all? Oh, how I wish I was rich and could relax just a bit. Maybe rich people worry just as much. I wouldnt know.


Florida is finally cooling down a bit. A high of 77 today. LOVE it! If it was like that all year, I would love Florida. But it isnt. Summer lasts SO long and is so brutally hot and humid, with millions of insects invading your home. It sometimes feels like a war zone! LOL!  Annie VS Insects - a war I will not win.


Beart, my cat is just the most wonderful companion. He is independent but also quite needful of my love and attention. If he is not sleeping, he will be found next to me. During the night he naps and he plays, and I can hear him batting his toys around at 2 am. But eventually he needs soothing, and gets up on the bed, and he butts his bead head against mine, purring loudly. I pet him and he often snuggles down next to my head. In the mornings, he starts "singing" at about 6:30 am.....meowing in a high voice with these cute chirping noises. It is time for "Mommy" to get up and feed me, is what he is saying. He may get back on the bed and bite my leg through the covers, or pat my face with one big paw. This is not something you can ignore!

People who do not have pets kinda bother me. Animals add so much to ones life. Love, laughter, kindness, and brings out the better side of us stupid humans.

Any fellow CAT people out there??? I would love to share cat stories with other Cat People.

One of these days I will figure out how to post photos online and will show you how gorgeous Bear is!


I am a cat and dog person, love both.  I only have a dog 🐶 now.  He is our spoiled rotten baby.  My last cat Marika was declawed and inside cat , she was half Siamese and crazy.  We called her affectionately "psycho kitty". :D She lived for 19 years.  My dad just thought she was playful when he went with me to pick her out, but she was actually torturing all the other kitties :laugh: It took my husband a while to win her over, but then they became good friends.  I had her a third of my life and have missed her desperately, love Mary. 🐱🐾🐾🐾🐾meow, meow.


We have another friend on here who just adopted a Sr kitty.  I love her for that  ;). Her name is SS.  The cat's name is Sufi and their journey together is so awesome to hear about.  Her other cat is a male and his name is Zorro  :D

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Me too, Megan. I was still in acute WD when I stumbled upon BB. My first attempt t finding support ended up a total disaster. I had found that weird, sick site that claims to BE BenzoBuddies. Reading that stuff almost made me swear off computers! I am sure you know who I am referring to. A week or so later I tried again and found the REAL BB. That was the true start to my recovering. I was still hallucinating with all 5 senses when I finally found BB. I was a total mess of a human, a walking wreck. Barely walking, using a walker as I was still recovering from a fractured femur and a blown apart knee that was caused by my many falls (benzo caused). I weight 85 lbs. I looked like a stick with breasts! I can laugh about this now. But I nearly died, due to benzos. I must be tougher than I think. Being here helped me so much. Very quickly I sensed that helping others would help me. So I jumped right into this.


My true education began here, too. It SO helped me to understand why I felt as I did. I read Parker's stuff, other articles here and elsewhere, and it slowly began to fall into place. Just knowing that what I felt wasn't "insane" was very reassuring. I am sure you felt  LOT the same way.


So, how is it living way up there? I have read that your state tends to be rainy and cool...? True or myth?



Yes, this site is truly wonderful if you use it wisely.  I quickly learned what subjects and posters to avoid.  You really suffered a lot physically, especially with your leg issues.  That must have been awful. I'm so glad you got past all that.  Helping others is not only good for them, but it's a valuable distraction for us.  The main thing withdrawal taught me is how strong I am, because though I've always been healthy and strong physically, i never thought i was that way emotionally.  I was/am extremely shy and don't say much, so its easy for more dominant personalities, like my mother and husband, to control me.  Theyre both gone now, have been for years, and i enjoy living alone with my cats.  My one brother lives in Calif, and we see each other once or twice a year. 


Living in the Northwest is great, mostly.  It is beautiful here,  we have mountains, lakes, islands, and even an active volcano, Mt Baker.  The climate is on the cool side though not extremely cold.  This time of year it may freeze at night but seldom does during the day.  Though its often overcast, we really dont get more rain than other places, it's a light extended rain/drizzle that can last for days at a time.  I've been to the Southeast, and couldnt stand the heat and humidity there!  I couldn't live in that, it was like being in a steambath.




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OH! It sounds like my idea of heaven there! Mountains, lakes and running streams are MY idea of heaven. When I lived in New England UI loved New Hampshire for those reasons, and Vermont for how GREEN it all was (at least back then.) Unfortunately my parents moved to Florida and when they needed help I moved here. I hate Florida. SO backwards, bigoted, overly religious, and WAY too hot and humid for me. I LIVE for our "winters" which are sort of like Fall in NE except not as cold and no pretty leaves. And its hard to grow pretty flowers here, as that is one of my passions. I just cannot afford to move to a new area, and that is sort of sad. I don't dwell on it. I do know that the reason I am now so poor is a lot due to my using benzos for so long. Long story there. Benzos affected me perhaps more than most people. I get the feeling my story IS a bit extreme, since benzos almost killed me and almost lost an entire leg. Someday I hope to put all my journals and notes together and try to publish a book about it all.


Yes, I learned early on to avoid certain topics and certain members here. I pretty much stayed on the Cold Turkey Board, since that is what I could relate to. That and Introductions. I have always felt so sad that so many people still go through this stuff! I don't know BB's current stats, but I would guess they have not improved much in all these years.


Bear is snoozing on the other chair, patiently waiting for me to pet him or pay attention to him. He still can be quite needy, this boy of mine. But that is okay because I do understand why. As a child, I felt emotionally abandoned by my parents. And Bear feels something similar. He needs reassurance and I do give it to him.



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Right now I am sort of fed up. I met a nice man online and we saw each other several times and talked about possibly moving ibn with each other. This man is also a retired RN. But he lives in Okeechobee, a tiny town in the middle of the state, a real hick town. I told him from the start I will never live there. At that time he was willing top consider moving. But now he is NOT. He opwns a lot of STUFF. Some of it is worth some money but who cares about that??? I sure don't. But he does. He wrote today and said that, basically, since he canbnot part with his STUFF, he cannot move.

I am feeling quite down about this. NOT that he was perfect, but because I DO want to live with another person as I get older.

Dreams......are just dreams.

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Right now I am sort of fed up. I met a nice man online and we saw each other several times and talked about possibly moving ibn with each other. This man is also a retired RN. But he lives in Okeechobee, a tiny town in the middle of the state, a real hick town. I told him from the start I will never live there. At that time he was willing top consider moving. But now he is NOT. He opwns a lot of STUFF. Some of it is worth some money but who cares about that??? I sure don't. But he does. He wrote today and said that, basically, since he canbnot part with his STUFF, he cannot move.

I am feeling quite down about this. NOT that he was perfect, but because I DO want to live with another person as I get older.

Dreams......are just dreams.


Oh that just sux, I am so sorry.  Could he have been a hoarder, I can't imagine a man that is that crazy about his stuff .  My husband watches a show called Pickers, 2 guys travel around the country and buy things from these people that are worth money, but most of the room is taken up with junk.  It's just a little weird to want all that stuff.  I hate you're feeling down, you need a good man, You keep looking.  I believe there are a lot more good men out there than use to be.  I think men are maturing, they participate in parenting, cook and help clean.  He's out there, you just keep looking.  Love you east!!  ❤️🐾🐱☮️🙏

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Well, HI Becksblue!!!! I remember you. How are you doing now???


I have an implanted pain pump. It was put in 11 years ago after I fractured my femur and blew apart a knee replacement....thanks to benzos. My being on benzos for so long affected my gait and balance horribly. Back then, I fell almost every day and sometimes more than once. Beck, I was a walking train wreck. The pain after femur surgery was immense. Oral narcotics oly made me feel sick and stupid. My pain doctor suggested the pump, and it did help. It delivers a teeny tiny dose of Dilaudid into my spine, at the level of my right leg. The drug never ever makes me feel "snowed" or high. Last year, I decided it was time to see if I really need that drug now. I am slowly reducing the dose, 2% every 3 months. So far, no increase in pain.


The femur is the largest bone in your body. Breaking into thousands of tiny bits of bone is extremely painful. Several surgeons told me I would lose that leg. I asked that one particular surgeon consult, because I knew he had Army Field experience during war). I had worked at that hospital, so I knew all the surgeons. He said the same thing but said he would try to save my leg. And he did.


Damn benzos for doing this stuff to me. But in all truth, I was responsible for what happened. I no longer blame doctors. I was at fault.




This site seems to be having computer issues lately! No big deal. I woprk around them. Bear is a true Mackeral Tabby. His markings are very outstanding. I just love his build, a bit husky but not fat, and I have always liked BIG kitties.

Have you ever figured oput why cats appeal to you??? There has to be a REASON why Cat People prefer cats. I have mny own ideas, but would lopve to hear yours.


Negativity on BB is chronic. That is why this wponderful place exists.BWD IS a horrible things for some people and going through something so awful does create negativity. It is very hard to fake it whenb you feel so bad. This was terribly difficult for me. To this day, I honestly do not know how I stood what I went through. Going through it taught me that I amn a lot tougher thabnn I knew, but -  for God's sake, why does anyopne have to suffer SO much, because of teensy tiny little pills? I find this incredibly awful.

I will hit send because BB is having some sort of internet troubles tonight.

much love, annie


free, have you ever heard of a pump like east coast is using?  I just wanted you to see thi incase it might be thought for you.....love you, Mary


I am so glad you are on here, east, your experiences and knowledge, wow, we need you around.  I put small curse on guy that did that to you.  ;). Luv ya, Mary. 🐱🐾🐾☮️💜🙏

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Right now I am sort of fed up. I met a nice man online and we saw each other several times and talked about possibly moving ibn with each other. This man is also a retired RN. But he lives in Okeechobee, a tiny town in the middle of the state, a real hick town. I told him from the start I will never live there. At that time he was willing top consider moving. But now he is NOT. He opwns a lot of STUFF. Some of it is worth some money but who cares about that??? I sure don't. But he does. He wrote today and said that, basically, since he canbnot part with his STUFF, he cannot move.

I am feeling quite down about this. NOT that he was perfect, but because I DO want to live with another person as I get older.

Dreams......are just dreams.


Thst's too bad, Annie.  i have a friend who had divorced her husband of 30+ years, and for several years was very lost and unhappy.  But eventually, she met a man online.  She's 67 now and he's severel years younger.  They married in 2012, and boy did he luck out.  Though my friend is very average looking, she has a heart of gold and is extremely wealthy.  Extremely wealthy! He's a retired school teacher.  So, he did well indeed.


I'm a reformed shopaholic, and for me buying things, mostly clothes, is/was an antidepressant.  Its also a way of nesting I guess.  I'm always downsizing in some way.  I was never really a hoarder, though.  I have another friend whos a high class hoarder - she's in her 70s and has countless antiques, which she'll never part with.  Lots of it is in storage, there is too much to fit in her two houses.  Hoarding is a psychiatric disorder in some people.


I dont want to ever marry again, I like being in control of my life and not ever having to ask permission or explain myself to anyone.  So, my cats are my family!


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Yes, it's best to keep them inside, definitely.  I lived in North Seattle until about a year ago, and even there we had wild animals, including a band of coyotes who used to hang around the mailboxes.  I saw one once loping up 28th Avenue!  That area of the city was very parklike with treed ravines all through it, and a friend of mine who lived a few miles north of me saw a puma in her huge, forested back yard.  Here in the country, I've seen bald eagles and bobcats, and hawks, there must be coyotes too, all of which will kill and eat cats if they can.


Annie, I'm a native San Franciscan, but have lived in washington for about 1/3 of my life.  It's beautiful, except for the weather which is often gray and drizzly.  I met my late husband, Bob, in Seattle 35 years ago.


Bob was a software pioneer, and very tech savvy.  20 years ago, we lived in a place with a group of feral cats, and he decided to do something about it.  He set up a remote control humane trap baited it with tuna, and installed a video system so we could watch and trigger the door to close when we saw a cat go in.  We caught every cat, six or seven of them, and took them to a vet who neutered them cheaply.  The little colony stabilized then, no more kittens, and because we already had several indoor cats, we built them a heated house on our deck.  These traps were called havaheart traps, and could be borrowed from the local spca.  Maybe you could borrow one and catch your visitor.


What you did for those cats was incredible!!  My husband works at a big equipment company where there was a group of feral cats.  They caught them, took to vet who neutered them, and they now live at the forklift compamy :D. They are happy as can be, come and go through this window , lay around

on the forklifts, eat well.  Have a great life.  But the funny part is, the owner of the company is not an animal person and now the first thing he does is go check on the cats.  My husband finds it hilarious.


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Mary, that's wonderful!  I think a lot of people who say they don't like cats really haven't had much experience with them. 




I love all animals and don't understand people who don't  :(


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I love all animals but prefer cats. I feed the squirrels, the birds and several stray cats. All of my cats have been rescues or adopted from Shelters. Animals do not ask for much.


I also love all of Nature. Flowers, trees, shrubs...sunlight and shade. I look at the bright moon and wonder.....and feel SO small, compared to the vast universe. My little life means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Yet, I AM alive and I DO feel, so in some ways, I DO matter.


Sometimes I stand on my front porch and marvel that millions of living things surround me. Insects, worms, bats, moles, possums, snakes, rats and mice, squirrels and SO many othe!r little lives are all around me. Life and death go on all around me all of the time. Because I am a human, my life may be longer than a possums, but that does not make me BETTER than a possum.


I do not know why cats please me so much. I feel very comfortable with them, and I "speak cat" fluently. Few cats dislike me. I am currently considering getting officially trained as a "Cat Whisperer." Someone who could actually trains a cat's human how to treat the cat in order for it to behave. Sort of Jackson Galaxy without the dumb hair cut and weird beard thing!!!! Top me, cats somehow feel just wonderful. You have to be somewhat skilled ibn order to understand them. Cats DO want to feel safe, above all. Much as we do. Dogs are different, and they just do not appeal to me. TOO easy, I think. A dog will love someone even if they beat them, as long as they get fed. Cats are NOT like this at all. You hit a cat and its trust will leave...permanently. I think I would - theoretically- shoot a person who abused a cat. I do not own a gun, so do not worry!


Getting trained to "train cats" (which truly means training their humans!) is not cheap. About $1000 would do it and I do not have that kind of money. This is all just a pipe dream.


We all need our dreams, dont we?


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I love all animals but prefer cats. I feed the squirrels, the birds and several stray cats. All of my cats have been rescues or adopted from Shelters. Animals do not ask for much.


I also love all of Nature. Flowers, trees, shrubs...sunlight and shade. I look at the bright moon and wonder.....and feel SO small, compared to the vast universe. My little life means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Yet, I AM alive and I DO feel, so in some ways, I DO matter.


Sometimes I stand on my front porch and marvel that millions of living things surround me. Insects, worms, bats, moles, possums, snakes, rats and mice, squirrels and SO many othe!r little lives are all around me. Life and death go on all around me all of the time. Because I am a human, my life may be longer than a possums, but that does not make me BETTER than a possum.


I do not know why cats please me so much. I feel very comfortable with them, and I "speak cat" fluently. Few cats dislike me. I am currently considering getting officially trained as a "Cat Whisperer." Someone who could actually trains a cat's human how to treat the cat in order for it to behave. Sort of Jackson Galaxy without the dumb hair cut and weird beard thing!!!! Top me, cats somehow feel just wonderful. You have to be somewhat skilled ibn order to understand them. Cats DO want to feel safe, above all. Much as we do. Dogs are different, and they just do not appeal to me. TOO easy, I think. A dog will love someone even if they beat them, as long as they get fed. Cats are NOT like this at all. You hit a cat and its trust will leave...permanently. I think I would - theoretically- shoot a person who abused a cat. I do not own a gun, so do not worry!


Getting trained to "train cats" (which truly means training their humans!) is not cheap. About $1000 would do it and I do not have that kind of money. This is all just a pipe dream.


We all need our dreams, dont we?



Yes we do Annie, and that's a great one  :D. Mary

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Cats are so emotionally tuned into us that even if we have even an oppositional thought or feel hatred towards it and don't even hit it, it will feel it and react accordingly.  It's good to give a heartfelt apology to a cat, too, if you've done something that is upsetting to it.  It will accept a heartfelt apology.  My cats always did.  I've owned cats all my life and know how sensitive they are to love and hatred.  A cat owner must love the cat and think good thoughts about it or it will turn on them in some way, IMO.  That's what I've noticed.  I think cats will run away too if the owner is mean to them, and if it finds a new owner who is nice to it and feeds it, it will stay with them.  Just my thoughts about the nature of cats.
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Becks, that is a very profound way of saying something about cats. You are so right! Cats sense and know things we "smart" humans cannot know or think. They are extremely sensitive to many things.

My Bear was abandoned. Thank heavens he wandered into a neighbors yard. A lady who also loves cats. She fed him for a year and got him neutered for free by our vet. His early trauma scarred him. He wasn't abused, per se, but I would guess that being abandoned at a young age frightened him terribly. He truly IS scared of everyone but me now. But his strong bond with me is wonderful and very comforting to me. That 15 lb kitty rules my life in many ways.


Mary - LOL! Our dreams are often amusing, but our dreams do help us find our way. How are YOU doing???


I cleaned a yucky mobile home today. Its rented every winter, otherwise empty. It was filled with mouse droppings, lizard poop and a whole lot of dust and dirt. Part of me wanted to just throw my hands up in the air and yell "NO! I am going home." It was THAT filthy. But I dug in and 4 hours later it was nicely clean and smelling a whole lot better. I had top empty my vacuums dirt cup THREE times...that is a record!


As one of my friends here says..."ever onward." I sure aint getting any younger now.

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Becks, that is a very profound way of saying something about cats. You are so right! Cats sense and know things we "smart" humans cannot know or think. They are extremely sensitive to many things.

My Bear was abandoned. Thank heavens he wandered into a neighbors yard. A lady who also loves cats. She fed him for a year and got him neutered for free by our vet. His early trauma scarred him. He wasn't abused, per se, but I would guess that being abandoned at a young age frightened him terribly. He truly IS scared of everyone but me now. But his strong bond with me is wonderful and very comforting to me. That 15 lb kitty rules my life in many ways.


Mary - LOL! Our dreams are often amusing, but our dreams do help us find our way. How are YOU doing???


I cleaned a yucky mobile home today. Its rented every winter, otherwise empty. It was filled with mouse droppings, lizard poop and a whole lot of dust and dirt. Part of me wanted to just throw my hands up in the air and yell "NO! I am going home." It was THAT filthy. But I dug in and 4 hours later it was nicely clean and smelling a whole lot better. I had top empty my vacuums dirt cup THREE times...that is a record!


As one of my friends here says..."ever onward." I sure aint getting any younger now.


East, I have a horrible migraine, but you definitely beat me with the filthy trailer .  No woman, we are not getting any younger, but we are hanging in girlfriend  :D. That's what we do  ;). Luv ya, Mary 🐱🐾🐾🐾☮️🙏💜

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