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Eastcoast's Trip


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Lily's 14.  I cannot stand to lose her.  She's my best friend.


I know Becks, we are all hoping and praying for the best.  Love you and Lily 🐱❤️💚💕❤️ Mary

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When I first adopted Bear he had three instances of partial urinary blocklages. I lost my cat Charlie to a total blockage so I knew what was happening to Bear. My wonderful vet gave him the right treatments and told me top try glucosamine. It seems to relax the bladder, he said. He also said that stress plays a big role in this.

I didn't quite believe him then but now I do. It took Bear a full year to relax enough. I now see that whatever happened to him that first year of life traumatized him deeply. After that first year, his real personality came out because he began to feel truly SAFE. And what a wonderful personality it is. Nor has he had any more blockages. I give him glucosamine plus L-Lysine (for nasal allergies/herpes) twice a day in his wet treats. He now pees at least 2 times a day and sometimes 3 times and in really good quantities. Hey, I am a nurse! Nurses think about this stuff!


Yes, you are right, Annie.  A urinary blockage is an emergency situation for any male cat because their urethras are so narrow.  They will die if its not treated immediately.  But for female cats its not usually serious because their urethras are wider and they dont get fully blocked.  Skimble, my beloved golden cat of the '90s almost died of it but was saved by our vet, and Artie showed signs of it a few years ago but wasnt actually blocked.  Like you say, in his case it was from anxiety. 


Also, many cats just dont drink enough water and if they eat mostly dry food their urine is too concentrated.  So, after reading up on this, I put several xl dog water bowls (his favorites) around the house.  Artie prefers the one in the bedroom, and drinks from it every morning.




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You ladies are just the BEST.

I hope Lily is all right. Having a sick cat can just break your heart. Please keep us all updated on this and I will again say a "prayer" for Miss Lily.


If Bear would eat canned food I would give him that. But he does not. He eats the quality dry food I give him but seldom drinks plain water. These wet treats are sort of new, maybe a couple of years...? They come in pouches and each one costs 98 cents....not cheap. But Mr Bear is worth it. He gets 3 a day. Sometimes a bit more.


Have you guys thought much about what makes Cat People different? I have, but have never bounced my thoughts off anyone. I sense that cat people are more sensitive, creative. More comfortable with words than others, perhaps. I think Cat People are more intuitive, introverted. It does take a special person to understand how a cat feels(and we can never truly know! But we can sure try.)


Long week. I almost overdrew my account again. But these things have a way of working out.



I am now considering finding the $300 I would need to renew my nursing license. It is on retired status. I could do per diem home nursing care, perhaps.

Doing an admission could pay as much as $100 and I happen to LIKE doing admissions despite all the damn paper work.I enjoy the process of getting to know the patient and family and figuring out what they truly need. Just a thought anbd that could change tomorrow.


Is anyone else feeling blue because of the Holiday Season?? I am. NO family nearby and NO truly good friends. Christmas time always makes me feel a bit sad, and lonely. And I wont be able to work that day either so no money. And New Years - holy cow this year I weill be 69. March 19th I turn 69. I dont look it but I do feel it.



Bear and I will celebrate Christmas by maybe eating some turkey from Boston Market! They do make some pretty decent turkey dinners.



Life goes on despite our problems. Time just flies by now that I amn getting older.


Beck: HUGE hugs to you anbd Lily. My heart is with you both.




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You ladies are just the BEST.

I hope Lily is all right. Having a sick cat can just break your heart. Please keep us all updated on this and I will again say a "prayer" for Miss Lily.


If Bear would eat canned food I would give him that. But he does not. He eats the quality dry food I give him but seldom drinks plain water. These wet treats are sort of new, maybe a couple of years...? They come in pouches and each one costs 98 cents....not cheap. But Mr Bear is worth it. He gets 3 a day. Sometimes a bit more.


Have you guys thought much about what makes Cat People different? I have, but have never bounced my thoughts off anyone. I sense that cat people are more sensitive, creative. More comfortable with words than others, perhaps. I think Cat People are more intuitive, introverted. It does take a special person to understand how a cat feels(and we can never truly know! But we can sure try.)


Long week. I almost overdrew my account again. But these things have a way of working out.



I am now considering finding the $300 I would need to renew my nursing license. It is on retired status. I could do per diem home nursing care, perhaps.

Doing an admission could pay as much as $100 and I happen to LIKE doing admissions despite all the damn paper work.I enjoy the process of getting to know the patient and family and figuring out what they truly need. Just a thought anbd that could change tomorrow.


Is anyone else feeling blue because of the Holiday Season?? I am. NO family nearby and NO truly good friends. Christmas time always makes me feel a bit sad, and lonely. And I wont be able to work that day either so no money. And New Years - holy cow this year I weill be 69. March 19th I turn 69. I dont look it but I do feel it.



Bear and I will celebrate Christmas by maybe eating some turkey from Boston Market! They do make some pretty decent turkey dinners.



Life goes on despite our problems. Time just flies by now that I amn getting older.


Beck: HUGE hugs to you anbd Lily. My heart is with you both.



Eastcoast, how could you feel 69, you go 100 miles an hour and cleaning is no easy task.  Getting your nurses license back sounds like a good idea, but whatever gives you the best feeling.  It's weird, I don't feel 63 even though I am going through wd, migraines and a a lot of muscle trouble.  Now I have a cataract that needs to come off.  :D :D. If you could you could join me for Christmas 🎄 I would love to have you🐱🐾☮️💜🙏

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I think cat people tend to be more secure in themselves, perhaps, because they don't need a slavish animal at their feet.  Our cats love us, but don't slobber all over us (yuck).  I'm an introvert, and definitely creative.  When I was young i made my living selling my paintings of animals and birds in Bay Area galleries. 


Annie, I was born on March 9, 1950, so I'm 10 days older than you.  :laugh:  i think renewing your license would be a good idea.  It would certainly expand your options.


I'll be spending the holidays alone too.  My only close relatives live in California.  This time of year is not fun for me, but it really wasn't much fun when I was younger, either.



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I think cat people tend to be more secure in themselves, perhaps, because they don't need a slavish animal at their feet.  Our cats love us, but don't slobber all over us (yuck).  I'm an introvert, and definitely creative.  When I was young i made my living selling my paintings of animals and birds in Bay Area galleries. 


Annie, I was born on March 9, 1950, so I'm 10 days older than you.  :laugh:  i think renewing your license would be a good idea.  It would certainly expand your options.


I'll be spending the holidays alone too.  My only close relatives live in California.  This time of year is not fun for me, but it really wasn't much fun when I was younger, either.




Ok you cat people, I am a dat, that is cat and dog person equally for different reasons  :laugh: :laugh:

I hate that you guys will be alone at Christmas my dat heart will be with you.  Love you Mary. 🐱🐕🐾🐾💚❤️💜❤️☮️💜🙏

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Thanks for asking about Lily and praying for her and sending her your good thoughts.  She did drink water on her own today and ate some wet food out of her glass plate this afternoon.  No bm or peeing for a few days now though.  Please keep praying for her.  This is too much stress on me.  I want her to be like she used to be: purring; licking my face; wanting me to kiss her on top of her head all the time and begging me for more wet food to eat.   
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Thanks for asking about Lily and praying for her and sending her your good thoughts.  She did drink water on her own today and ate some wet food out of her glass plate this afternoon.  No bm or peeing for a few days now though.  Please keep praying for her.  This is too much stress on me.  I want her to be like she used to be: purring; licking my face; wanting me to kiss her on top of her head all the time and begging me for more wet food to eat. 


We are all right beside you Becks, praying for you both, that sounds like improvement though.  Gosh I hope so.  Love you, post, we are all watching and waiting with you.  Mary 🐱🐾🐾🐾❤️💚💜🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Oh Beck.... I am so sorry. I think you need to get her to your vet asap, if you can afford to. When I was VERY poor, sometimes the vet was just too much. But I did what I had to do. Some vets will allow you to pay it off in time.



My Bear was just mewing in another room. I called him and now he is purring loudly on the other chair. This big cat just makes me very happy. Something about him appeals to my entire heart. I have to curb my tendency to worry about him, since he had those 3 episodes of partial blockages. But in over a year now he has had NO problems with this, and usually pees twice a day and sometimes three times.



If you can afford to, get Lily to your vet asap. He/she may have missed something. I would suspect that she is in some form of kidney failure, since she has not peed. Female cats rarely "block". But like femal humans, they are prone to UTIs.



Beck....you have to start preparing yourself for the worst. I know you know this. It truly stinks, when you know you may lose a beloved cat. I have been through this SO many times. It is truly a heartbreaker. My best advice on this is that you do not wait TOO long. Dont let Lily suffer longer than she should. I did that with Oreo and still regret it deeply.



My heart is with you both.



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Annie, Lily is better today.  She ate some wet food last night and today and peed too and tonight she just ate some of her dry food.  She's purring and acting like she used to.  She's not in kidney failure.  The vet said it's just a UTI and I've been giving her antibiotics and they're working now.  I'm not preparing for the worst. 
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Annie, Lily is better today.  She ate some wet food last night and today and peed too and tonight she just ate some of her dry food.  She's purring and acting like she used to.  She's not in kidney failure.  The vet said it's just a UTI and I've been giving her antibiotics and they're working now.  I'm not preparing for the worst.


Oh thank goodness,yay Lily!!  I am so happy for you Becks, great news 🐱🐾🐾🐾☮️💜🙏🎄🎄🎄🎄


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Annie, Lily is better today.  She ate some wet food last night and today and peed too and tonight she just ate some of her dry food.  She's purring and acting like she used to.  She's not in kidney failure.  The vet said it's just a UTI and I've been giving her antibiotics and they're working now.  I'm not preparing for the worst.


I'm so glad to hear this!  Lily sounds like she is on the mend.  A really sick cat usually won't eat or drink, and tries to "go to ground (hide)."  I hope she makes a full recovery soon!



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She ate some of her dry food tonight and just got done eating some more wet food.  I pray she drinks some water tonight too.


You might try whst i did for my non-drinker kitty.  I put three water bowls (kitchen, living room, and bedroom) out for him.  He prefers the one in the bedroom.

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I already did that. He has one water bowl in the kitchen and one in the living room. The truth is he gets most of his water in his wet treats (those pouches of smelly tuna and chicken). I mix his supplements in them and then add water. He drinks the water but leaves all the fish/chicken in the bowl. Weird, I know.



There was a damn palmetto bug in my bedroom today while I made the bed. I swatted it down with a broom but couldn't catch the darn thing. I know Bear will get it. UGH! Giant roaches are not my favorite things. Bear is a Natural Born Killer. He has killed maybe 5 of these huge bugs so far. But the idea of it flying around my bedroom absolutely horrifies me. YUCK! Another reason I dislike Florida. So many insects and most seem to prefer to find their way inside your home. Up in Boston I saw an occasional small spider, but NO ants or roaches. And my home was over a 100 years old. When we did the renovations we found all sorts of interesting things inside walls. Old bottles, beer bottle caps., a pencil, a post card, old newspapers, all sorts of neat stuff. Like a timer capsule. So, of course, I DID a real time capsule and sealed it in a bottle and its inside a wall up there now. The man I moved up there for is long dead. Aids got him, stupid bugger. He lived a wild life, which appealed to me when I was young. Now I just think is stupid...to die so young....for sex? NOT.

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Good, it sounds like they are getting plenty of water and moisture.  I give artie canned cat food with sauce and he licks up all the sauce and maybe takes a few bites of the solid part.  But he prefers dry food, Blue Buffalo Indoor Chicken flavor, pricey but he likes it and its good quality.


Those huge roaches sound awful.  I've seen them in the tropics, but except for a few ants and fewer house spiders, there are surprisingly few bugs here.  Too cold this time of year!  Even in summer, though i live near a lake, there were no mosquitos.  I did get an invasion of tiny, starving field mice early this year but they're gone now.  Artie caught and killed one and left it on the bed for me, but then he lost interest and i had to catch and dispose of the rest of them; usually i released them live outside, they were so tiny and pitiful.  Artie is no hunter, but he is a good mouse locator.



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Good, it sounds like they are getting plenty of water and moisture.  I give artie canned cat food with sauce and he licks up all the sauce and maybe takes a few bites of the solid part.  But he prefers dry food, Blue Buffalo Indoor Chicken flavor, pricey but he likes it and its good quality.


Those huge roaches sound awful.  I've seen them in the tropics, but except for a few ants and fewer house spiders, there are surprisingly few bugs here.  Too cold this time of year!  Even in summer, though i live near a lake, there were no mosquitos.  I did get an invasion of tiny, starving field mice early this year but they're gone now.  Artie caught and killed one and left it on the bed for me, but then he lost interest and i had to catch and dispose of the rest of them; usually i released them live outside, they were so tiny and pitiful.  Artie is no hunter, but he is a good mouse locator.




:laugh: :laugh:

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Lily ate some of the canned food I gave her tonight.  I put it down on the floor in front of her and then she'll eat it.  I do wish she'd eat more and have a bm soon. 
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Lily ate some of the canned food I gave her tonight.  I put it down on the floor in front of her and then she'll eat it.  I do wish she'd eat more and have a bm soon.



Think about you both all the time Becks, give Lily big pet for me, love you both.......Mary 🐱🐾🐾🐾💜🙏☮️

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Fellow Cat Ladies,

I have had a bad day. My NEW Lenovo computer up and died on me. I spent hours on the phone with some overly polite Phillipino who couldnt help me but damn, he was so polite. I ended up talking with yet another Phillipino y old supervisor who was a bit more fluent in English. My new computer is broekn and I am SO upset about it. I got out my old laptop. It would not recognize my password. Over and over I tried and finally DID get through using Microsoft password. UGH! I hate this stuff. My Lenovo cost over $400, not easy money for me. I will have to try to get it repaired....more expense.


Bear did kill the Palmetto bug! He got in the living room. YAY for hunting cats! Giant roaches ARE disgusting. I just cannot figure out how they get inside. I cover all my drains. I always close my front door. I guess they fly in somehow. YUCK! But Mr Bear always does a fine job of killing them. I just love that big silly cat so much. He is like my shadow. Always with me, always nearby. He has a lovely personality too....gentle yet also very silly and playful. He has a thing for brushes...makeup, or paint brushes....He nabbed a make up brush I never liked and is playing with it all the time. It must smell interesting to him, but only a cat would get this sort of thing. Until I put my makeup brushes in the drawer, he routinely dragged them around and played with them.


Living in Florida: you just have to deal with insects of all sorts. UGH. I wish I fully understood why withdrawal made me SO weird about ants! I know it has something to do with being in control. I had lost control over my own life, and I began to see how many ants were invading my own home. Being without benzos made me start noticing a LOT of things.


My life had gone out of control, and I guess I saw the damn ants as representing this. So I set about trying to kill them all. I STILL hate ants! But now I can laugh about it a bit.


Withdrawal truly can change a person. In many way. I would love to hear YOUR thought on this.


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Fellow Cat Ladies,

I have had a bad day. My NEW Lenovo computer up and died on me. I spent hours on the phone with some overly polite Phillipino who couldnt help me but damn, he was so polite. I ended up talking with yet another Phillipino y old supervisor who was a bit more fluent in English. My new computer is broekn and I am SO upset about it. I got out my old laptop. It would not recognize my password. Over and over I tried and finally DID get through using Microsoft password. UGH! I hate this stuff. My Lenovo cost over $400, not easy money for me. I will have to try to get it repaired....more expense.


Bear did kill the Palmetto bug! He got in the living room. YAY for hunting cats! Giant roaches ARE disgusting. I just cannot figure out how they get inside. I cover all my drains. I always close my front door. I guess they fly in somehow. YUCK! But Mr Bear always does a fine job of killing them. I just love that big silly cat so much. He is like my shadow. Always with me, always nearby. He has a lovely personality too....gentle yet also very silly and playful. He has a thing for brushes...makeup, or paint brushes....He nabbed a make up brush I never liked and is playing with it all the time. It must smell interesting to him, but only a cat would get this sort of thing. Until I put my makeup brushes in the drawer, he routinely dragged them around and played with them.


Living in Florida: you just have to deal with insects of all sorts. UGH. I wish I fully understood why withdrawal made me SO weird about ants! I know it has something to do with being in control. I had lost control over my own life, and I began to see how many ants were invading my own home. Being without benzos made me start noticing a LOT of things.


My life had gone out of control, and I guess I saw the damn ants as representing this. So I set about trying to kill them all. I STILL hate ants! But now I can laugh about it a bit.


Withdrawal truly can change a person. In many way. I would love to hear YOUR thought on this.



They can squeeze real tiny and get through places you wouldn't think of.  The ones on the coast are HUGE.  I remember staying at Hilton Head Island and got up in the middle of the night to get some water and there was one in the sink.  I almost had a heart attack  :laugh:  the ones in Texas are about 2/3 rd's that big. Still digusting :)

I am still tapering with probably the hardest in front of me.  I hope not, but I have lost some of my confidence, I still think most of it's the benzo's and after I am off and had time to heal, I'll be me again.  Physical muscle pain has been a problem.  But I think I care more about people, we have all been through so much .  I hope that answers your question  :). Luv ya Annie, Mary. ☮️💜🙏🐱🐾🐾☮️


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Mary, if it werent for people like you, I would have given up back when I went through WD. People like you helped me, guided me, and made my struggle a bit easier. Just knowing that what I was feeling was "normal" for WD made me feel SO relieved. Knowing this helped me get through it.


Palmetto bugs are just huge roaches. I detest roaches. I dont care for most insects. Ants STILL annoy me, and I STILL find them somehow disgusting. I think they represented how out of control I was, and my old home WAS infested with them. UGH! I recall teensy little me, still using a walker, trying to put caulk along my baseboards, to try to keep them out. But...when I was getting the house ready to sell, I cleaned out my storage shed. There was this box (cardboard) with old newspapers in it. Dont know why. Well, zillions of tiny ants had made it their home! I almost fainted, and used my hose to spray them into oblivion. This scene still makes me cringe. And then, when I moved into THIS rental apartment, to my horror, it too was infested with ants. I did my best to get rid of them and ended up hiring an exterminator. He did a good job, and I no longer have hundreds of ants on my bathroom and kitchen floor. Wish I truly understood why these tiny creatures bother me so much. I know its silly, but I cannot control how I feel.


The friend who helped me get the new new laptop up has offered to have her office puter tech take a look at it. I will do that but guess it will need a major repair. It has to be under warrenty. It just sucks that this POOR person bought a lemon laptop.


To all of my dear friends here today - I love you all and am SO grateful for the love and support you have given Little Me. I could not have done it without you. That is the utter truth. I know that if I had not fouond BB I would now be dead and rotting in a grave. My situation was that bad, and I am not exaggerating. Benzos really did almost kill me. And NO ONE should die because of these horrible drugs.


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Mary, if it werent for people like you, I would have given up back when I went through WD. People like you helped me, guided me, and made my struggle a bit easier. Just knowing that what I was feeling was "normal" for WD made me feel SO relieved. Knowing this helped me get through it.


Palmetto bugs are just huge roaches. I detest roaches. I dont care for most insects. Ants STILL annoy me, and I STILL find them somehow disgusting. I think they represented how out of control I was, and my old home WAS infested with them. UGH! I recall teensy little me, still using a walker, trying to put caulk along my baseboards, to try to keep them out. But...when I was getting the house ready to sell, I cleaned out my storage shed. There was this box (cardboard) with old newspapers in it. Dont know why. Well, zillions of tiny ants had made it their home! I almost fainted, and used my hose to spray them into oblivion. This scene still makes me cringe. And then, when I moved into THIS rental apartment, to my horror, it too was infested with ants. I did my best to get rid of them and ended up hiring an exterminator. He did a good job, and I no longer have hundreds of ants on my bathroom and kitchen floor. Wish I truly understood why these tiny creatures bother me so much. I know its silly, but I cannot control how I feel.


The friend who helped me get the new new laptop up has offered to have her office puter tech take a look at it. I will do that but guess it will need a major repair. It has to be under warrenty. It just sucks that this POOR person bought a lemon laptop.


To all of my dear friends here today - I love you all and am SO grateful for the love and support you have given Little Me. I could not have done it without you. That is the utter truth. I know that if I had not fouond BB I would now be dead and rotting in a grave. My situation was that bad, and I am not exaggerating. Benzos really did almost kill me. And NO ONE should die because of these horrible drugs.



Ants are hard to get rid of, we got some in our pantry one time and it took us forever to get rid of them.  I am so sorry about your damn computer, that is so disappointing when you buy something new and are excited about it and it craps out on you :(. I hope it's simple and they get it back to you quickly and then t works perfect for a long time.  Love ya eastcoast Annie, Mary ☮️💜🙏❤️🎄🎁

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