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Hi eastcoast, Thanks for your story and the inspiration. When did the anxiety subside? Like you, I'm having full blown panic attacks and pretty much afraid of everything. I haven't completely stopped taking benzos, slowly lowering my dosage. It's ruining my life.
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York, extreme anxiety and panic attacks left me perhaps (mostly) after a year. But do NOT compare yourself to me! Good heavens, I used and abused benzos for 30 years. That set me up to have an awful WD.

Your own anxiety and fears will leave once your brain starts to heal. POnce your poor tired brain starts healing, this stuff will fade away. FEAR ruled me for several years. It was incredibly intense, so much so I STILL cannot describe it. But when someone takes large doses of benzos for 30 years AND goes cold turkey - the results are not all that surprising. I am darn lucky to have survived it all, and I know this.


Again, do not compare yourself with me or anyone else. We all heal at our own special rates. Time is your best friend, and you just have to dig in and learn how to cope with YOUR symptoms. Many people have found that slow, deep, abdominal breathing reduces anxiety and panic. Some people find Yoga helps. Some people find that meditating (mindful meditation) helps. Distracting yourself always helps. You just have to find what works best for YOU.


York, I was so bad off that a damn ordinary CARROT scared me! It felk slimey to me and just very scary so I threw it in the trash can and did not eat vegetables for months. I can laugh about this now but at the time it WAS very real. AND what you feel is very real. But in time it will fade away and you will find a whole new you. Now, that is pretty amazing.


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Mary, I am not having a good computer day. I wrote you a nice long reply and it mysteriously vanished.

I am sorry you have migraines. That is one problem I have never had but I know they are awful and on top of WD, must be truly bad.


I was talking to you about how I became OCDS about cleaning during my WD. I did not know WTF I was doing, but I started cleaning my own home. The only vacuum I owned (I am not lying!) was this tiny Dirt Devil vacuum designed for quick pick ups.I honestly do not recall what I did in the years before....maybe a broom? I just do not remember, thanks to benzos. My homes were not filthy but nor were they really clean, I now know. I always had cats so all my homes had tons of cat hairs but back then, this just did not matter to me.

I think my OCDism about cleaning was a direct result of benzo WD. I felt I had to "clean up my life." And so I tried to do. It also provided a lovely distraction to my many ugly symptoms. I sensed that keeping busy was helping me. So that is what I did.


Mary, all we can do ius keep going forward. Life is gonna throw changes at us erspecially as we get older. Now THAT ius a truly scary subject!!!!

I hope your migraine gets better, and you start to feel better soon.



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The man I met online has turned out to be a no go. Another guy is interested but I get the distinct feeling he is hiding something. He is way to desperate. And  pushy. Right now I am sick and tired of men.


Bear is beside me, snoozing away, just happy to be near me. Isnt that better than some man? Bear doesn't make many demands, he just wants love, food, water and treats, plus toys. And he gives me so much back. Just petting him soothes me so much. The love of a cat is truly joyous and has a calming effect. This cat makes me laugh, smile and feel needed.


Annie and Bear

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The man I met online has turned out to be a no go. Another guy is interested but I get the distinct feeling he is hiding something. He is way to desperate. And  pushy. Right now I am sick and tired of men.


Bear is beside me, snoozing away, just happy to be near me. Isnt that better than some man? Bear doesn't make many demands, he just wants love, food, water and treats, plus toys. And he gives me so much back. Just petting him soothes me so much. The love of a cat is truly joyous and has a calming effect. This cat makes me laugh, smile and feel needed.


Annie and Bear


;D. Yes!  Cats are the best! They truly are.  My kitty Artie has lowered my blood pressure at least 10 points.  ;D


At our age, Annie, a lot of men seem to want someone to take care of them, and I've heard it refered to as "a nurse with a purse.". Thats probably true of some women as well, but since women have traditionally been the ones who physically care for family members, the caretakers, and with you being a retired RN, you probably have to look out for this type of man if you don't want to be caught up in that kind of arrangement.

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Mary, I am not having a good computer day. I wrote you a nice long reply and it mysteriously vanished.

I am sorry you have migraines. That is one problem I have never had but I know they are awful and on top of WD, must be truly bad.


I was talking to you about how I became OCDS about cleaning during my WD. I did not know WTF I was doing, but I started cleaning my own home. The only vacuum I owned (I am not lying!) was this tiny Dirt Devil vacuum designed for quick pick ups.I honestly do not recall what I did in the years before....maybe a broom? I just do not remember, thanks to benzos. My homes were not filthy but nor were they really clean, I now know. I always had cats so all my homes had tons of cat hairs but back then, this just did not matter to me.

I think my OCDism about cleaning was a direct result of benzo WD. I felt I had to "clean up my life." And so I tried to do. It also provided a lovely distraction to my many ugly symptoms. I sensed that keeping busy was helping me. So that is what I did.


Mary, all we can do ius keep going forward. Life is gonna throw changes at us erspecially as we get older. Now THAT ius a truly scary subject!!!!

I hope your migraine gets better, and you start to feel better soon.



Thank you Annie, you cleaned your house with a dirt devil, what a determined woman you are >:D

You give Bear big pet for me. Luv ya, Mary ☮️💜🙏🐱🐾🐾🐕

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LOL! A nurse with a purse!!! SO true. I have backed off this guy and am feeling quite annoyed with men in general. Most are just a bunch of wussies masquerading as men. LOL! Women ARE the stronger sex.


Mary, yes, I cleaned my house with a teensy Dirt Devil. The RED one. Weighs less than a pound. LOL! I THINK I may have used a broom also, back then. I have to laugh about this.


I cleaned a nice home today. The lady is in her 80's with bad memory problems. The home was...well, filthy. Her dog sheds more than normal, a LOT more. The entire places was covered in grayish dog fur dust bunnies! The kitchen was surprisingly clean. B ut the dust was awful and the floors were gross. I happen to LIKE this lady, and her daughter sure has her hands full.


Mr Bear, I think, is finally maturing. He is still playful, and he still hides when strangers come inside. But I sense a calming going on...not as crazy kitten-ish as he used to be.


I have a working TV again, after NOT watching TV for 5 years. And I STILL don't want to sit in front of a TV screen! SO lame, SO useless.

Annie, getting tired

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LOL! A nurse with a purse!!! SO true. I have backed off this guy and am feeling quite annoyed with men in general. Most are just a bunch of wussies masquerading as men. LOL! Women ARE the stronger sex.


Mary, yes, I cleaned my house with a teensy Dirt Devil. The RED one. Weighs less than a pound. LOL! I THINK I may have used a broom also, back then. I have to laugh about this.


I cleaned a nice home today. The lady is in her 80's with bad memory problems. The home was...well, filthy. Her dog sheds more than normal, a LOT more. The entire places was covered in grayish dog fur dust bunnies! The kitchen was surprisingly clean. B ut the dust was awful and the floors were gross. I happen to LIKE this lady, and her daughter sure has her hands full.


Mr Bear, I think, is finally maturing. He is still playful, and he still hides when strangers come inside. But I sense a calming going on...not as crazy kitten-ish as he used to be.


I have a working TV again, after NOT watching TV for 5 years. And I STILL don't want to sit in front of a TV screen! SO lame, SO useless.

Annie, getting tired

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LOL! A nurse with a purse!!! SO true. I have backed off this guy and am feeling quite annoyed with men in general. Most are just a bunch of wussies masquerading as men. LOL! Women ARE the stronger sex.


Mary, yes, I cleaned my house with a teensy Dirt Devil. The RED one. Weighs less than a pound. LOL! I THINK I may have used a broom also, back then. I have to laugh about this.


I cleaned a nice home today. The lady is in her 80's with bad memory problems. The home was...well, filthy. Her dog sheds more than normal, a LOT more. The entire places was covered in grayish dog fur dust bunnies! The kitchen was surprisingly clean. B ut the dust was awful and the floors were gross. I happen to LIKE this lady, and her daughter sure has her hands full.


Mr Bear, I think, is finally maturing. He is still playful, and he still hides when strangers come inside. But I sense a calming going on...not as crazy kitten-ish as he used to be.


I have a working TV again, after NOT watching TV for 5 years. And I STILL don't want to sit in front of a TV screen! SO lame, SO useless.

Annie, getting tired


Rest Annie, that is a hard job and I beat you leave the houses spotless  :D. Mary

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Mary, I find it funny that before BWD I didnt give a damn about cleaning. That only started ibn perhaps my 4th month of WD. What happened in my brain to make me OCD about cleaning remains a mystery. I sort of get it: I remember looking around my house and seeing it was dusty, grubby and full of cat hair dust bunnies. I did not know what to do about it and my early attempts are laughable. The only vacuum I owned was a teeny Dirt Devil! And I had a broom. I think, anyway. Part of my own recovery was attempting to clean my own home. I made so many goofy errors. Its funny now.

My cats did not care, but I did. I used bleach on many things and ended up ruining them! Ya have to laugh about this stuff. "Benzos made me do this."


and turkey gravy. That will be a very nice breakfast tomorrow...plus a lot of  cranberry jelly! Last time I made this I put in chicken but the texture of chicken bothered me. I have basically been a vegetarian for many years. On occasion I eat small bits of meat. But not much. I happen to LIKE live chickens and pigs are super intelligent. The movie "Babe" sort of changed how I felt about eating meat.


Bear is snoozing on the other chair...as usual, near me. The Mother Cat - that is ME. LOL!

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Mary, I find it funny that before BWD I didnt give a damn about cleaning. That only started ibn perhaps my 4th month of WD. What happened in my brain to make me OCD about cleaning remains a mystery. I sort of get it: I remember looking around my house and seeing it was dusty, grubby and full of cat hair dust bunnies. I did not know what to do about it and my early attempts are laughable. The only vacuum I owned was a teeny Dirt Devil! And I had a broom. I think, anyway. Part of my own recovery was attempting to clean my own home. I made so many goofy errors. Its funny now.

My cats did not care, but I did. I used bleach on many things and ended up ruining them! Ya have to laugh about this stuff. "Benzos made me do this."


and turkey gravy. That will be a very nice breakfast tomorrow...plus a lot of  cranberry jelly! Last time I made this I put in chicken but the texture of chicken bothered me. I have basically been a vegetarian for many years. On occasion I eat small bits of meat. But not much. I happen to LIKE live chickens and pigs are super intelligent. The movie "Babe" sort of changed how I felt about eating meat.


Bear is snoozing on the other chair...as usual, near me. The Mother Cat - that is ME. LOL!


I love your posts, when I get through wd, I hope I have just a little OCD about cleaning :D. And I love that you love Bear so much.  Pets are the best gifts the universe gives us, well close  ;):laugh:

Love you, Mary 🐱🚰🚽🛀🏼 ☮️💜🙏

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Bear makes me laugh, smile, worry and feel a great love. That itself is a huge gift.


Mary, you sound like my sort of person. Able to laugh in the worst of times. I had to learn this too, but only by faking it for several years. My sense of hunour has always been dry, maybe sarcastic at times (oh lord, look at our White House now!) but withdrawal was so awful for me that it took forever to laugh again. I mean...I did NOT yawn for over a year! Exhausted beyond belief and I did not yawn. Yawning that first time was a HUGE event for me. I KNEW it had to be a sign I was healing. I believe I was right in this.


The cleaning OCD thing remains a neurological mystery. I doubt any doctor (except for maybe Oliver Sacks, and he is now dead-) could explain this. Most docs wouldn't even believe me! Id be written off as some neurotic LOL. And maybe I am, a bit, but those doctors haven't a clue about BWD in a few people.


I am bumping this up for a new Buddie who needs help.

HUGS to all and if Bear could wave, he would too.


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Bear makes me laugh, smile, worry and feel a great love. That itself is a huge gift.


Mary, you sound like my sort of person. Able to laugh in the worst of times. I had to learn this too, but only by faking it for several years. My sense of hunour has always been dry, maybe sarcastic at times (oh lord, look at our White House now!) but withdrawal was so awful for me that it took forever to laugh again. I mean...I did NOT yawn for over a year! Exhausted beyond belief and I did not yawn. Yawning that first time was a HUGE event for me. I KNEW it had to be a sign I was healing. I believe I was right in this.


The cleaning OCD thing remains a neurological mystery. I doubt any doctor (except for maybe Oliver Sacks, and he is now dead-) could explain this. Most docs wouldn't even believe me! Id be written off as some neurotic LOL. And maybe I am, a bit, but those doctors haven't a clue about BWD in a few people.


I am bumping this up for a new Buddie who needs help.

HUGS to all and if Bear could wave, he would too.



I'm glad you're still hanging around Annie. Your withdrawal was extremely scary and I think you'll be an inspiration to a huge number of people. Thanks :)

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Bear makes me laugh, smile, worry and feel a great love. That itself is a huge gift.


Mary, you sound like my sort of person. Able to laugh in the worst of times. I had to learn this too, but only by faking it for several years. My sense of hunour has always been dry, maybe sarcastic at times (oh lord, look at our White House now!) but withdrawal was so awful for me that it took forever to laugh again. I mean...I did NOT yawn for over a year! Exhausted beyond belief and I did not yawn. Yawning that first time was a HUGE event for me. I KNEW it had to be a sign I was healing. I believe I was right in this.


The cleaning OCD thing remains a neurological mystery. I doubt any doctor (except for maybe Oliver Sacks, and he is now dead-) could explain this. Most docs wouldn't even believe me! Id be written off as some neurotic LOL. And maybe I am, a bit, but those doctors haven't a clue about BWD in a few people.


I am bumping this up for a new Buddie who needs help.

HUGS to all and if Bear could wave, he would too.



Love you and Bear , Annie.  Humor helps so much I believe and most of us on here, use humor a lot, which I am sure you can tell by reading this thread, BUT you are special  ;). You are the only one I know that took up cleaning  :D;D.  Love you, Mary 🐱🐾❤️💚🐕🎶☮️💜🙏

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Aw geez and a whole lot of unprintable cusswords. I wrote out a long reply to you guys and "computer villain" disappeared it all. I HATE when this happens. I did not hit the wrong key so where the F did it all go? I am too tired to re-create my reply.



If any of you can explain why this happens please let me know. PHOOEY!



But know I love you all. Isnt that what matters?

Annie and Jackie Bear

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Aw geez and a whole lot of unprintable cusswords. I wrote out a long reply to you guys and "computer villain" disappeared it all. I HATE when this happens. I did not hit the wrong key so where the F did it all go? I am too tired to re-create my reply.



If any of you can explain why this happens please let me know. PHOOEY!



But know I love you all. Isnt that what matters?

Annie and Jackie Bear


Love you and and Jackie Bear too  ;). Know what?  :laugh:  It pisses the hell out of me when I do a really good long post and for some reason it won't go :tickedoff: :tickedoff:  next post is always much shorter  :D.  Mary 🎄🐱🐾☮️💜🙏💚

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Yup. Guess this happens to more than just me!!!n VERY annoying.



I live in Florida and we are having a VERY early cold spell. LOL! In Boston, 55 degrees would have felt warm. In Florida, it feels damn cold. VERY odd to have this happen in December. Hope the rest of the winter is like this. I LOPVE wearing heavy jeans, boots and a jacket. Its like wearing your own cocoon. But right now my hands are very cold.



Bear got yet another palmetto bug. UGH! Giant cockroaches is what they are. I did not know I had these dumb bugs until I adopted Bear. He is a master killer.

He has gotten maybe 6 of them so far. I keep my sink drained covered, but this bug can fly so when you o[pen your door, they can - and do - fly in. YUCK!!! Ten times worse than ants.



The type on my screen is huge and I cannot figure out how to make it smaller! My computer Guru is having work problems and not able to help me.She is also a customer, so I don't want to bug her.



My customer today again is out of town and didn't write a check ahead of time. This is maybe the fifth time. I put up with it because steady jobs are hard to find. But this week I really needed her darn check. I came close to overdrawing my checking account. PHOOEY! I know she will pay me. But I need that $80 NOW!



Life goes on despite our silly trials. I have been thinking lately about age.I turn 69 ibn March. If I am lucky I will live to be 90n like my mom. I may not be so lucky. My main worry is Bear. I know this cat very well. He will NOT adjust to a new home. NO WAY. It would kill him to lose me. SO - I know this is morbid and will not please anyone, but it is MY truth. If I become unhealthy, or have a terminal disease, I would have to have Bear put to sleep. It would about kill me to do that, but nor can I let him suffer needlessly if I am gone. He is THAT special a cat to me. Oh this is so sad. Sorry to burden anyone else.


Cats just mean a lot to me. I am still not sure why they appeal to me so much. Their special intelligence, maybe, the way they look and feel....the soft little faces, the way they love their human Mom....just speaks to me. I wish Bear were a human Man. THAT would be the man I would want to spend my life with.


Time to call it a night. I put a plushy extra blanket on the bed.

annie and Mr Bear


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Hi Annie,


I've been thinking about age a lot too.  You and are almost exactly the same age, I'll be 69 on March 9th.  I'm paranoid about my cats too, and when i go out, even just for groceries, i leave several days worth of food and water for them.  I never take long trips since i don't trust pet sitters anymore.  I do worry about what will happen to my cats when I'm gone.  My brother loves cats, but my sister in law is allergic and has never had pets of her own. 


Artie is almost 6 now, so hopefully I'll outlive him.  The other cat is older and she and don't have the kind of bond that Artie and I have.


There should be a "settings" area on your device, and probsbly a "display" icon on that, where you can set your font size to small, medium or large.



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I'm asking everyone I can find to please pray for my 14yr old Siamese cat Lily.  She has a very bad UTI and was given antibiotics by the vet, but she's still not eating or drinking.  It's been 4 days now.  I had to give her eye droppers full of water tonight.  Had her to the vets the last two days.  Thank you.  I love my Lily so very much and don't want her to suffer and want her to be healthy and well and drink and eat again.
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Yup. Guess this happens to more than just me!!!n VERY annoying.



I live in Florida and we are having a VERY early cold spell. LOL! In Boston, 55 degrees would have felt warm. In Florida, it feels damn cold. VERY odd to have this happen in December. Hope the rest of the winter is like this. I LOPVE wearing heavy jeans, boots and a jacket. Its like wearing your own cocoon. But right now my hands are very cold.



Bear got yet another palmetto bug. UGH! Giant cockroaches is what they are. I did not know I had these dumb bugs until I adopted Bear. He is a master killer.

He has gotten maybe 6 of them so far. I keep my sink drained covered, but this bug can fly so when you o[pen your door, they can - and do - fly in. YUCK!!! Ten times worse than ants.



The type on my screen is huge and I cannot figure out how to make it smaller! My computer Guru is having work problems and not able to help me.She is also a customer, so I don't want to bug her.



My customer today again is out of town and didn't write a check ahead of time. This is maybe the fifth time. I put up with it because steady jobs are hard to find. But this week I really needed her darn check. I came close to overdrawing my checking account. PHOOEY! I know she will pay me. But I need that $80 NOW!



Life goes on despite our silly trials. I have been thinking lately about age.I turn 69 ibn March. If I am lucky I will live to be 90n like my mom. I may not be so lucky. My main worry is Bear. I know this cat very well. He will NOT adjust to a new home. NO WAY. It would kill him to lose me. SO - I know this is morbid and will not please anyone, but it is MY truth. If I become unhealthy, or have a terminal disease, I would have to have Bear put to sleep. It would about kill me to do that, but nor can I let him suffer needlessly if I am gone. He is THAT special a cat to me. Oh this is so sad. Sorry to burden anyone else.


Cats just mean a lot to me. I am still not sure why they appeal to me so much. Their special intelligence, maybe, the way they look and feel....the soft little faces, the way they love their human Mom....just speaks to me. I wish Bear were a human Man. THAT would be the man I would want to spend my life with.


Time to call it a night. I put a plushy extra blanket on the bed.

annie and Mr Bear



Eastcoast, we have those flying coach roaches too.  They only come in, if we have had no rain for too long or if it's too hot.  Hate them, ewwww..  you are going to live to be 95, I feel it.  Do not worry.

Love you, Mary 🐱🐾🐾🐾🎄☮️💜🙏


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I'm asking everyone I can find to please pray for my 14yr old Siamese cat Lily.  She has a very bad UTI and was given antibiotics by the vet, but she's still not eating or drinking.  It's been 4 days now.  I had to give her eye droppers full of water tonight.  Had her to the vets the last two days.  Thank you.  I love my Lily so very much and don't want her to suffer and want her to be healthy and well and drink and eat again.


I'm so sorry, Becks.  I hope your dear Lily recovers soon.  :therethere:

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I'm asking everyone I can find to please pray for my 14yr old Siamese cat Lily.  She has a very bad UTI and was given antibiotics by the vet, but she's still not eating or drinking.  It's been 4 days now.  I had to give her eye droppers full of water tonight.  Had her to the vets the last two days.  Thank you.  I love my Lily so very much and don't want her to suffer and want her to be healthy and well and drink and eat again.


I'm so sorry, Becks.  I hope your dear Lily recovers soon.  :therethere:


You have my prayers Becksblue

You have my love, Mary 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Lily and Becksblue)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


HUGE hug for you, my old friend. Being a Cat Mom has its wonderful times and some very sad times. I have walked in those shoes TOO often and I know how much it hurts.

How old is Lily????



When I first adopted Bear he had three instances of partial urinary blocklages. I lost my cat Charlie to a total blockage so I knew what was happening to Bear. My wonderful vet gave him the right treatments and told me top try glucosamine. It seems to relax the bladder, he said. He also said that stress plays a big role in this.

I didn't quite believe him then but now I do. It took Bear a full year to relax enough. I now see that whatever happened to him that first year of life traumatized him deeply. After that first year, his real personality came out because he began to feel truly SAFE. And what a wonderful personality it is. Nor has he had any more blockages. I give him glucosamine plus L-Lysine (for nasal allergies/herpes) twice a day in his wet treats. He now pees at least 2 times a day and sometimes 3 times and in really good quantities. Hey, I am a nurse! Nurses think about this stuff!



Beck, you knbow as well as I that there will come a time when it is time to say goodbye. Lord, I hate that moment when I know this! Such an awful feeling top know that you just have to do this. Our kitties mean so much to us, but nor can we let them suffer too long. I found that repairing myself early helped. Mentally rehearsing it. That helped but when the actual time came, NOTHING helped. nWe mourn our  lost pets and we hate having to do this. But its our love that makes us do it.



Let me know what happens, Beck. Wish I was there, IO could really hug you. Lily would like me. Most cats do, I must smell different from other humans! And I WILL say a prayer for her and you.



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((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Lily and Becksblue)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


HUGE hug for you, my old friend. Being a Cat Mom has its wonderful times and some very sad times. I have walked in those shoes TOO often and I know how much it hurts.

How old is Lily????



When I first adopted Bear he had three instances of partial urinary blocklages. I lost my cat Charlie to a total blockage so I knew what was happening to Bear. My wonderful vet gave him the right treatments and told me top try glucosamine. It seems to relax the bladder, he said. He also said that stress plays a big role in this.

I didn't quite believe him then but now I do. It took Bear a full year to relax enough. I now see that whatever happened to him that first year of life traumatized him deeply. After that first year, his real personality came out because he began to feel truly SAFE. And what a wonderful personality it is. Nor has he had any more blockages. I give him glucosamine plus L-Lysine (for nasal allergies/herpes) twice a day in his wet treats. He now pees at least 2 times a day and sometimes 3 times and in really good quantities. Hey, I am a nurse! Nurses think about this stuff!



Beck, you knbow as well as I that there will come a time when it is time to say goodbye. Lord, I hate that moment when I know this! Such an awful feeling top know that you just have to do this. Our kitties mean so much to us, but nor can we let them suffer too long. I found that repairing myself early helped. Mentally rehearsing it. That helped but when the actual time came, NOTHING helped. nWe mourn our  lost pets and we hate having to do this. But its our love that makes us do it.



Let me know what happens, Beck. Wish I was there, IO could really hug you. Lily would like me. Most cats do, I must smell different from other humans! And I WILL say a prayer for her and you.



Please keep us posted Becks, I have been thinking of you and Lily all day and I smell as good as eastcoast  :). 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱Mary

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