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Menopause/Hormonal Support


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You could be like me Ingrid. I went swimmingly along, all through my 40s, with neary a thought to menopause. My periods did get a little bit irregular, but nothing too unusual. Then BAM - the Big M hit just about my 51st birthday. Of course that doesn't mean it will happen to you. You could be someone who won't experience anything much at all. The majority of my older female friends all gave me blank looks when I started complaining about my symptoms. They are claimed they had no problems at all.

Same think happened to me, no problems at, just a few irregular period when I hit 50, and when 'WHAM'! Hot flashes, adrenalines surges, anxiety awful, and then toss in some benzo w/d and let the games begin :laugh:


Oh boy, you ladies have me wondering now, I turn 51 November yikes! I'll be far into my taper by then. Please, please hormones stay level for a while longer?! ??? ??? ???::)

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Yes, so right!  It is NO fun going through menopause while trying to taper.  It's hard to figure our which symptoms beyond to which condition.  I do think men 'generally' have a bit easier time.  I don't know either if it's because they are just mentally tougher or it's some true physiology.  It is true that some men have a really rough go, no doubting that, but yes a lot of women on here in their perimeno and menopause years. UGH!
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I think women do have double whammy. I too started menopause at 51. Hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, palpitations, I wish I would have worked thru it another way. Started the ativan, which did help for years, but now is not my friend.  >:(  Best wishes of health to ladybuddies... :smitten:  rosegal
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Hi everyone,


Forgive me if this topic has already been discussed, but every single month before or during my period I get sent into a wave. I think if it wasn't for my period every month I'd be doing quite well. Why does this happen? And is it going to get better as we heal? Also, my periods have become irregular and I used to have extremely heavy periods and now they are light. Any info would be greatly appreciated as I dread getting my period every month. Thanks, jenny

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Hi Jenny, I'm not sure any of us have any concrete answers as to why this happens.  I'm 52 about to turn 53 and do not have regular periods at all.  They are reduced to a little spotting every 3 or 4 months.  I do take biodentical hormones and I feel they have helped to even me out tremendously. 


Are you in perimenopause?  How old are you?  Perimenopause can start as early as your 40ties, but typical is early 50ties.

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Hi Rabitt,


Thanks for the reply, Im 39 years old. Ive always had really painful, heavy periods, with bad PMS. Im almost 7 months benzo free and every month I get sent into a wave, its very frustrating. I did have a miscarriage almost 5 months ago I don't know if that has anything to do with it or if its just the benzos. Thanks again, jenny

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Hi Jenny,


I believe Smiffy is younger and has hormonal problems during her period too.  I think she uses a bit of estrogen patch to help out.  You might want to PM her and ask her about it.


I know this is awful stuff.  Hang in there sweetie  :smitten:





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Hey Jenny


I'd find a really good Dr who specialises in bio identical hormones and will do every test before they jump in to something. Spend your time researching and asking anyone who might know someone who knows their stuff.


From a very untrained perspective it sounds like you could be peri menopausal. The reduced and irregular periods seem to indicate that.


Periods are tough for a lot of us even when we aren't perimenopausal. They are kind of like our own monthly taste of menopause. Every hormone is at a low. If we have never get a high of progesterone before the period then all hormones are at a low just before it too.


In short, it is not at all uncommon to be suffering waves every month because of your hormones. Something can be done about it and you might want to since you may be entering a peri menopausal phase, have always had symptoms of low hormones, and therefore may need some help during this transition and into menopause.


Hope that helps


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Hi ladies I hope to get a response. I am 31 I have three children never had issues with hormones other than pms. I started my taper off Klonopin Jan 2013, my taper has been extremely fast and awful. Last year my doctor dropped me from 2.5mg to 1mg and it has been hell ever since. My periods as well as ovulation have been wicked throughout this taper. Last May I missed a period during an awful period of withdrawal. My periods have been regular, I have long cycles 35 days. I had a full examination including an ultrasound in September  2013 (anxious I had a serious problem.) In January 2014 I had to take a Plan B morning after pill (super huge dose of hormones) my therapist told me that I was likely to have some very negative symptoms in withdrawal after taking such a huge dose of hormones. I got my period early in January then by February i had a lot of stress topped with a large cut in Klonopin. I got my period February 28th and that was the last time. I cut my Klonopin again in March had what I thought was the worst ovulation ever, but never got a period for March. I'm not pregnant, I'm at the end of my semester in college and freaking out. March was one of the worst withdrawal periods I ever had, I was fatigued, achy, severe anxiety. I wonder if my hormones are trying to balance themselves? I just want to know if I should feel afraid that something is very wrong.
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Hi ladies I hope to get a response. I am 31 I have three children never had issues with hormones other than pms. I started my taper off Klonopin Jan 2013, my taper has been extremely fast and awful. Last year my doctor dropped me from 2.5mg to 1mg and it has been hell ever since. My periods as well as ovulation have been wicked throughout this taper. Last May I missed a period during an awful period of withdrawal. My periods have been regular, I have long cycles 35 days. I had a full examination including an ultrasound in September  2013 (anxious I had a serious problem.) In January 2014 I had to take a Plan B morning after pill (super huge dose of hormones) my therapist told me that I was likely to have some very negative symptoms in withdrawal after taking such a huge dose of hormones. I got my period early in January then by February i had a lot of stress topped with a large cut in Klonopin. I got my period February 28th and that was the last time. I cut my Klonopin again in March had what I thought was the worst ovulation ever, but never got a period for March. I'm not pregnant, I'm at the end of my semester in college and freaking out. March was one of the worst withdrawal periods I ever had, I was fatigued, achy, severe anxiety. I wonder if my hormones are trying to balance themselves? I just want to know if I should feel afraid that something is very wrong.


I don't think you should panic yet.  It is well documented that female athletes and women who have undergone trauma related injuries and even those under severe stress have disrupted cycles.  My daughter was in a horrible car accident three years ago, with injuries to her arm and leg from the crash and a broken eye socket, jaw and nose from the airbag.  She did not have her period for six months while her body healed after the surgeries to put her all back together again. 


I am no expert by any means, but if it were me, I would not feel the need to worry about missed periods until I missed at least four of them.  I think the stress of w/d really messes with the female hormone system and makes this tapering business that much more challenging for us ladies of any age.


I hope you feel better soon.  Be kind to yourself and try not to push yourself too far too fast.  :smitten:

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Thank you for your kind reply ! I feel much better knowing that. On the other hand, I have had the longest window with none of the hideous withdrawals, no anxiety either. I do feel like my body is healing and maybe just can't sustain all the reproductive aspects. I hope your daughter is doing well. Healing of any kind seems to take every drop of strength.
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Hey Jenny


I'd find a really good Dr who specialises in bio identical hormones and will do every test before they jump in to something. Spend your time researching and asking anyone who might know someone who knows their stuff.


From a very untrained perspective it sounds like you could be peri menopausal. The reduced and irregular periods seem to indicate that.


Periods are tough for a lot of us even when we aren't perimenopausal. They are kind of like our own monthly taste of menopause. Every hormone is at a low. If we have never get a high of progesterone before the period then all hormones are at a low just before it too.


In short, it is not at all uncommon to be suffering waves every month because of your hormones. Something can be done about it and you might want to since you may be entering a peri menopausal phase, have always had symptoms of low hormones, and therefore may need some help during this transition and into menopause.


Hope that helps







Thanks for the reply Smiff,


Do you know if I go to a Doctor if they will be able to test me for being peri menopausal?? Im so frustrated right now as Im sure all of you are because the w/d sx and menopausal sx are very similar so its hard to figure out what is going on. Thanks again, Jenny  :smitten:

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Hi Jenny,


Make sure you go to someone who specializes in hormone therapy or at the very least has a good understanding of hormone therapy.  If you go to just a regular GP or GYN, they may not test you.  I had a GYN tell me years ago, they couldn't really test hormones because your hormones are different on any given day.  That last part is true, that's why any true practitioner of hormones tests between days 19 and 23 from the date of your last period.  That's when your hormones are the most predictable.  So just make sure your practitioner knows about bioidentical hormones.  If they do, they will know when and how to test.


Best wishes,



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What Rabbit said Jenny :)

They'll know what to do.

Yes: low hormones and benzo w/d s/x are VERY similar. It is weird and annoying

Good luck xx

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I'd like to know when it's sensible to wean off bio-HRT. I'm postmeno, have taken both estradiol patch (low dose) and progesterone PILL for the past 2-3 years. Last time I had labs ,my estrogen was nearly undetectable, and I realize poor adrenal function contributes to this. But my progesterone levels are slightly on the higher end of range for postmeno. Want to start my benzo taper and I know progesterone hits the GABA receptors, but I figured I'd get off the benzo and worry about stopping HRT after that. Thoughts?




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I'd like to know when it's sensible to wean off bio-HRT. I'm postmeno, have taken both estradiol patch (low dose) and progesterone PILL for the past 2-3 years. Last time I had labs ,my estrogen was nearly undetectable, and I realize poor adrenal function contributes to this. But my progesterone levels are slightly on the higher end of range for postmeno. Want to start my benzo taper and I know progesterone hits the GABA receptors, but I figured I'd get off the benzo and worry about stopping HRT after that. Thoughts?





I think it is a very sensible approach to deal with the benzo wd first and not complicate that process by trying to wean off of hormones at the same time.  I find that it is difficult to determine what side effects are due to benzo w/d and what are due to hormone imbalance.  If I had to taper both I think I would go nuts!


There are many health benefits to continuing the estradiol for life including bone and heart strength.  My own mother is in her 70s and still takes the estradiol patches for this reason.  Everyone is different but unless you just do not want to deal with them, there is no reason to stop taking them.  I hope whatever choice you make that your taper goes well.  :smitten:

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aw, thanks, eliz - I tend to agree. It would probably be most unwise to tackle both, for sure. But I've heard awful stories of women who said they went into w/d agony when stopping progesterone, so I was wondering about that. Guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Thanks for sharing about your mom, and thanks for your support  :smitten:
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aw, thanks, eliz - I tend to agree. It would probably be most unwise to tackle both, for sure. But I've heard awful stories of women who said they went into w/d agony when stopping progesterone, so I was wondering about that. Guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Thanks for sharing about your mom, and thanks for your support  :smitten:


Well since you brought up the progesterone issue.  I was on a continuous progesterone of 100mg daily along with my estradiol.  This was the regimen the doctor wanted me on so that I would not have to have a monthly bleed.  I did this for 5 months straight and then noticed some side effects including cancer sores, insomnia and very very dry hair that are known side effects of excess progesterone tissue buildup.  I decided to stop the progesterone and go back to taking it 10 - 12 days per month to mimic a normal cycle.  The first two weeks off the progesterone did ramp up my benzo w/d side effects a little bit.  Nothing too horrible, but enough to cause some discomfort.  I am hoping when I start back on it May 1st for 10 days then back off for the rest of the month I will not have a repeat of the two weeks I went through after stopping it from continuous 5 months.


It is a tricky game this hormone therapy during benzo withdrawal.  I have not really figured it out completely yet but hopefully my new plan will work better than the continuous regimen plan did.

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eliz, I hope you meant "cankor" sores (sp?)  not cancer sores. That scares me. Yikes!

But I do hope the next round of treatment goes well for you. I might check in with my gyn about all this, too. Thanks dear.

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eliz, I hope you meant "cankor" sores (sp?)  not cancer sores. That scares me. Yikes!

But I do hope the next round of treatment goes well for you. I might check in with my gyn about all this, too. Thanks dear.


Yes canker sores!  That's what I get for not previewing before I post!  If your doctor has any advice about this I hope you come back and post.  It is always good to hear other points of view since there seems to be so many!

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Hello I'm back panicking about my missed period in March. I was doing some research and apparently cessation of periods is a benzo withdrawal issue. I am still scared because I want one more child and I'm only 31, I hope this doesn't mean my period will never return ? 
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Hello I'm back panicking about my missed period in March. I was doing some research and apparently cessation of periods is a benzo withdrawal issue. I am still scared because I want one more child and I'm only 31, I hope this doesn't mean my period will never return ?


Hi Craziiminal18,

I don't want to make light of your situation.  I do believe it is too early to worry.  Maybe if you still do not have a period by the end of April you could go to your doctor and tell them about your concern and see what he / she says about it.  I have never read anywhere that permanent loss of menses is the result of benzo withdrawal so maybe give it a little more time? 

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Hello I'm back panicking about my missed period in March. I was doing some research and apparently cessation of periods is a benzo withdrawal issue. I am still scared because I want one more child and I'm only 31, I hope this doesn't mean my period will never return ?


that is interesting that cessation of periods ia a benzo w/d issue! I wonder if it is related to drops in hormones in general because I know I've never suffered from low hormones like I am now.


I think, with almost surety, that your periods should return. It may require being off benzos and other things like putting on weight. There are drs who can help but at your age I wouldn't worry about never having periods again.  :hug:


Charis I agree also to w/d from benzos before reducing HRT. Maybe modify to get the HRT where estrogen isn't so low - so it is detectable?? And maybe change prog pill to occasional pre-menstrual bio identical prog use?? DP has lots of knowledge on bio identical prog pharmaceutical grade products. It may prove better then constant prog.

Hope that helps  :hug:

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