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        As posted somewhere on forum potassium gluconate sometimes helps for skipped heart beats

I will be 18 months since jump on the 10th and still getting them and yeah they are harmless.

  I work out on stationary bike and never a problem or do I get them while on bike .

The beta blockers are also used for tachycardia.

  I still get those at times but not as often.Cold water head dunk and hold breath used to work but not always.Tachy usually don't last longer than 25 min and go away at time with just doing nothing.

They still freak us out thoug ,also vagus neck vain massage can stop them also deep breathing..

For peace of mind getting heart tests done will lessen anxiety when they happen.

Also bending down quickly to pick some thing up has set them off.The gut has as I have heard a trigger point besides our anxiety levels.

          Well hope this helps.

My latest sxs is gut troubles.

      Found the Stomach Healing Place support group with a lot of info on what I probably got.

Went to Doc and he sez do Prilosec,well of curse that didn't help.

Had two false UTI episode already and this feels a little worse ,but will wait it out like the rest of these wacky mind screwing sxs

      Good luck and God bless to all .

Hope this may have helped someone













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Sorry for the long time in replying.


A-FIB is a fibrilation of your atria. 


Basically in the crudest of explanations, your atria are responable for 'priming' your ventricles with blood to pump.  Your ventricles are the main chambers of your heart responsible for pumping blood into your circulatory system.


Your atria are small chambers and the ventricle the big ones.  The atria are also situated kind of on top of the heart and the ventricles on the bottom.


When your heart beats,  it beats twice.  a 'ba-bump'  ba-bump...  ba-bump.    If you sit quietly and really concentrate or apply a bit of pressure to your rib cage in certain positions you can feel this easily.  The lighter 'ba' is your atria contracting, and following 'bump' is the ventricles contracting - ejecting the blood at a higher pressure to exit the heart.


It goes like this.... 

1. Blood flows at a lower pressure into your Right-atria from the veins in your body. 

2. The atria contract and help to 'pressurize' or 'prime' your right ventricle chamber which sits below your right atria. 

3. The blood exits the right ventricular chamber as your ventricle contracts into the pulmonary artery which feeds to your lungs for blood oxygenation. 

4. Once oxygenated blood flows through a short loop back to your heart from the lungs in the pulmonary veins.  These veins feed the left atria. 

5. As the left atria fires it pumps blood into the left ventricle chamber and pressurizes it.

6. The left ventricle contracts and ejects blood into the aorta which then splits off into the major arteries.



The reason why you only feel a simple 1-2 beat ...  'ba-bump'  'ba-bump'  instead of a ba-bump-ba-bump  is because steps 2 and 5, and steps 3 and 6 happen at the same time. 



PVC's and PAC's  are premature, or extra beats.   


So a PVC for example means that either the right or the left ventricle contracts out of time and on it's own probably because you have a spot on your right or left ventricular wall of your heart that is capable of creating electrical current and is irritated by certain stimuli.  Triggers for this can be caffeine, stimulants legal or not, cold/allergy meds, codeine, MSG, stress, fatigue.  When the spot gets irritated it fires off an electrical signal that starts a chain reaction in your ventricles to contract prematurely before they get their normal signal form the atria.


When your ventricles contract out of time, you get a pause afterwards as your hearts electrical system 're-polarizes'  and attempts to start a normal heart rhythm again.  The electrical system of your heart can sense when something has happened out of time, and creates it's own pause in an attempt to let things settle down briefly - in very unscientific terms.  During that pause, because your circulatory system is under pressure, the blood is still flowing and your ventricles fill up with more blood than normal. Then the first regular heart beat after the 'reset' often feels very strong because it's pumping a larger volume of blood than it normally would.


PACs and PVCs are NOT the same as flutter or fibrillation.  Fibrillation is essentially a quivering/shivering of atria or ventricular chambers.   


In A-FIB, Your heart still pumps with it's ventricles but is not as efficient.   


Cardiologists don't like to leave a-fib untreated as current medicine shows that blood can pool in the atria.  When blood pools it naturally starts to clot.  If a clot is formed and then dislodged from the atria the clot will be ejected by the ventricles and depending on which side of the heart the clot formed will be ejected into the branch that heads to the lungs and you get.....  tadaaaaaa .............  A pulmonary embolism........  or if the clot formed in the left atria, the risk is the clot gets ejected and flows to an artery that feeds into your brain and you get ........  ba-ba-baaaaaaaaa  ....... stroke.


Treatment for occasional a-fib is usually blood thinners I think, but don't quote me on that.    Persistent a-fib can be zapped by RFCA.


V-fib is..... well,  v-fib is not good.  If your in v-fib for starters, your not reading this.  Odds are you aren't even conscious and unless someone is around that has access to and knows how to use an AED, then your also not going to have to worry about paying taxes anymore.


This post is not meant to scare anyone.  I speak with my tongue in cheek often, but that gets missed in text sometimes.







Do a happy dance for me............  my EP has decided to attempt RFCA for my debilitating PVCs.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi g33K,


As someone who has dealt with both SVT (I have a condition known as WPW) AND persistent PVCs, I'm curious about your PVC load and upcoming RFCA. I'm hoping to ask you some questions, but don't feel you have to answer them!


After putting it off as long as possible, I had a cryo ablation several years ago for a left sided accessory pathway that had caused me episodes of SVT since I was a baby. After the ablation, my SVT improved, but did not go away completely.


Possibly as a result of the ablation, I then developed ever worsening persistent PVCs to the point where I really couldn't function, and since my PVC load was 12-24k per day, around 23% of my total daily heart rate, there has been concern about development of left ventricular cardiomyopathy caused by the PVCs. y


Did you have PVC issues before Benzo W/D? What is your highest load? What is your usual load? Do you know if yours are left or ventricular outflow track or arising from somewhere else? What mess have you tried and have any been helpful?


Thanks and good luck with your ablation! Here's hoping those PVCS are gone forever!



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Hi nomne3

              It's a beta blocker like metoprolol,which I was prescribed in hospital when I went to ER with tachy.it kinda helps by slowing down rhythm but it ant a cure all.

        At 18 months out ,i still get them,I have learned to live with skipped beats and just wait out or do vagus nerve or breathing when tachy happens.Its the least bothersome of the new sxs I am going tru.Have read on forum tachy and palps last till the end of this journey.

      I just didn't want to get attached to another prescription drug and still have a pill or two from last July.i wish this was the only sxs I have ,for a while it was ,but now going tru a new bout of benzo gut issues,which I found out on forum is also benzo related.There even is a support grip Stmach healing place ,because of this.Initial tests at Doc came back negative of course.

    If it's your only sxs think yourself fortunate

  God bless,take care



  PS  for peace of mind get heart tests done then you can ignore them ,never had one come up when

      Exercising on stationary bike


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Thanks for replying... meds now scare me terribly....


Had the monitor and just came from turning it in...


I know palps --pvcs, pacs  and tachycardia are common in withdrawal .... now in addition to that they tell me I am having spells of afib... is that common also for this?


I'm suppose to hear a treatment plan soon and just really don't want to start on any plan if this is all w/d related... btw, dr is one of those who say drug and any symptoms are long gone so no help there



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Hi g33K,


As someone who has dealt with both SVT (I have a condition known as WPW) AND persistent PVCs, I'm curious about your PVC load and upcoming RFCA. I'm hoping to ask you some questions, but don't feel you have to answer them!


After putting it off as long as possible, I had a cryo ablation several years ago for a left sided accessory pathway that had caused me episodes of SVT since I was a baby. After the ablation, my SVT improved, but did not go away completely.


Possibly as a result of the ablation, I then developed ever worsening persistent PVCs to the point where I really couldn't function, and since my PVC load was 12-24k per day, around 23% of my total daily heart rate, there has been concern about development of left ventricular cardiomyopathy caused by the PVCs. y


Did you have PVC issues before Benzo W/D? What is your highest load? What is your usual load? Do you know if yours are left or ventricular outflow track or arising from somewhere else? What mess have you tried and have any been helpful?


Thanks and good luck with your ablation! Here's hoping those PVCS are gone forever!




Before this dark path we are all on started for me, I had pvc's.  The counts were very minimal but I'm lucky and can feel every single one.  Initially I had counts of 500-2k per day in pvc 'storms'.  They would subside for months and months and most days I'd have maybe 20 - 30.  Then I'd get flare ups  and my counts would climb. 


Last holter I had 7400 when I was 4 months post jump.    Also, interestingly enough, I don't get them hardly at all when I sleep.  My EP raised an eyebrow at that, but he basically extrapolated that if I was awake for those 8 hours I'd be in counts closer to 10k per day.  What gets me is when I start doing anything physical now at home or work, I start into trigenomy and sometimes bigenomy.  I also have what I think are PACs now (small singular twitch feelings from my heart) that I never used to have before WD.  I have not been lucky enough to have SVT yet.



PVCs are what got me into this mess.....  They terrified me.  Now I wish I could go back to the levels of mild arrhythmia I had before touching zopiclone / klonopin.   


My holter reveals that my pvc's are left side.


Were you given adenosine for your svt or were you having to have cardioversion in the ER? Honestly your account of cryo ablation is the kind that scares the hell out of me.  I understand your situation is greatly different from mine though.  Wolf parkinson is a tough sentence in the game of life as I understand it. 


I wonder if they just didn't get all the pathway???  What did your EP say about it?


I have a close friend who's boy was born with WPW and is currently on med's to suppress the svt it produces.  The doctors won't ablate until he's 10 or 11 (another 5-6 years)


Back to our misery...... 


regarding other symptoms.....  do you happen to get a LOT of muscle twitching?  I have from about 2 months post jump.    Random muscles all over my body twitch, but MOSTLY in my torso from above my hips to the top of my rib cage and into my arms and fingers.  sometimes my calf's but not often. 


When I having a particular bad day of arrhythmia, I also notice I having a particularly bad day of muscle twitching.  Given our hearts are just a muscle is it too much of a stretch to think that once the twitching subsides so will the arrhythmia?


My arrhythmia is also agitated by digestion upset and over eating which is obviously vagal related.  And since WD is about havoc in our CNS well not much a stretch to make the connection there too am i right?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I'm new to this group. I have irregular heart palps that make it impossible for me to sleep. I feel like I don't get enough air because of them.

I feel terrible  :-[

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Before this dark path we are all on started for me, I had pvc's.  The counts were very minimal but I'm lucky and can feel every single one.  Initially I had counts of 500-2k per day in pvc 'storms'.  They would subside for months and months and most days I'd have maybe 20 - 30.  Then I'd get flare ups  and my counts would climb. 


Last holter I had 7400 when I was 4 months post jump.    Also, interestingly enough, I don't get them hardly at all when I sleep.  My EP raised an eyebrow at that, but he basically extrapolated that if I was awake for those 8 hours I'd be in counts closer to 10k per day.  What gets me is when I start doing anything physical now at home or work, I start into trigenomy and sometimes bigenomy.  I also have what I think are PACs now (small singular twitch feelings from my heart) that I never used to have before WD.  I have not been lucky enough to have SVT yet.



PVCs are what got me into this mess.....  They terrified me.  Now I wish I could go back to the levels of mild arrhythmia I had before touching zopiclone / klonopin.   


My holter reveals that my pvc's are left side.


Were you given adenosine for your svt or were you having to have cardioversion in the ER? Honestly your account of cryo ablation is the kind that scares the hell out of me.  I understand your situation is greatly different from mine though.  Wolf parkinson is a tough sentence in the game of life as I understand it. 


I wonder if they just didn't get all the pathway???  What did your EP say about it?


I have a close friend who's boy was born with WPW and is currently on med's to suppress the svt it produces.  The doctors won't ablate until he's 10 or 11 (another 5-6 years)


Back to our misery...... 


regarding other symptoms.....  do you happen to get a LOT of muscle twitching?  I have from about 2 months post jump.    Random muscles all over my body twitch, but MOSTLY in my torso from above my hips to the top of my rib cage and into my arms and fingers.  sometimes my calf's but not often. 


When I having a particular bad day of arrhythmia, I also notice I having a particularly bad day of muscle twitching.  Given our hearts are just a muscle is it too much of a stretch to think that once the twitching subsides so will the arrhythmia?


My arrhythmia is also agitated by digestion upset and over eating which is obviously vagal related.  And since WD is about havoc in our CNS well not much a stretch to make the connection there too am i right?


Hi There,


Thanks for your detailed and informative response! I do want to say that my experience with the cryoablation was unusual. My case was particularly difficult and I have other health issues and cardiac anomalies that made it more complictaed. In addition, I used to follow a couple of cardiac arrhythmia boards similar to BB and from everything I read, it seemed that ablation for PVCs was less likely to have complications than ablation for WPW. There were several people on the board who felt ablation had totally cured their PVCs! I do think it's possible that because cryo, rather than RF, was used (due to the location of the pathway in my heart) it's possible not all the pathway was destroyed, however, my EKG became normal after the ablation in that the delta wave characteristic of WPW disappeared post ablation, so they think something else happened during the procedure, such as inflammation or other scarring on my heart that may have set off the pernicious PVCs.


The irony in all this is that I have NEVER had to be cardio verted and have never been given adenosine. During an earlier EP study (w/o ablation) my pathway was considered to be a "slower conducting" pathway and I was therefore deemed to be at moderately low risk for sudden death, which is why I did not rush into having an ablation. I could ALWAYS stop the SVT on my own by lying down and doing a valsalva maneuver so the episodes rarely lasted longer than 30 minutes and topped out at a rate of about 180-200 bpm...but, as I aged I started having them more frequently, sometimes several times a day and that's how I ended up going for the ablation.


I do have alot of twitching...my facial muscles, my thighs, back muscles and upper arms and, oddly enough, my inner ear (known as inner ear myoclonus) all twitch when I am adjusting to cuts in my dose of benzos. Frequently the twitching, along with severe ear ringing, will be my first clues that I need to slow the cutting for awhile until I "stabilize". I went from an Ativan to Valium cross over Ashton protocol "cut and hold" taper to a daily micro taper when I started having severe migralepsy episodes during the withdrawal (the reason I was first put on benzos 40+ years ago). I have tried Mg, Omega 3s, meditation, exercise, etc., and while I think they all help a little bit, nothing seems to stop the sxs completely. I do seem to go through "storms" or days that are worse than others with the PVCs, but I pretty much have something going on everyday -  I still have SVT and Vtach (which is the one that scares me most) and I do notice it's worse sometimes when I eat and I believe digestion has something to do with mine, but it's not the only thing that sets them off. I try to eat light and healthy, which helps, but still hasn't cured them. Getting good sleep is also helpful for me, but again, not totally curative.


I go through periods where I feel either very freaked out, or vey frustrated -- or both -- with these, but so far I have managed to just keep going. I am hoping I feel better once I get OFF the benzos completely, but it sounds like I may still have some "healing" time for awhile after I jump and given my cardiac situation, I am not sure if I will ever have a "normal" heart rate again, but I never had one anyway since I was born with cardiac issues so I just have to do the best I can at this point.


Keep us posted on your ablation if you feel like it. As I said above, I have heard of some petty positive results for ablations for PVCs and that is what I am wishing for you!





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Hi happy hearts


            Just wanna post, that looks like I got a while yet to go in this nightmare.

  Posting just to let others know it ain't unusual  to get tachycardia and skipped beats as late as 19 months.

      I think I'm in a wave for last few weeks .The skips are more often and more pronounced,and if I bend fast to pick something I dropped it activates tachycardia.Just happened while cooking.Also my calves are twitching and cramping while just being in recliner.All  these little signs plus insomnia  makes me think I still got a ways to go.Not to mention GI issues for last 6 weeks sure makes this soooooo much fun . But thank God I am able to do stuff,just finished mowing front and back before started cooking.Go figure the mowing didn't set it off.    Just FYI ,,,exercise has never set off tachycardia.

    So exercise with out fears.

    Hang tough guys. We 'll make it tru someday !











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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes please if anyone has info on how to stop heart palps during tapering I would love to know.  I have heard taurine can help with this but I have no experience with it and I don't really want to be put on a beta blocker since I have heard they are hard to discontinue.  I have had 3 ekgs in the last year and all were normal.


I am going to be starting a slow liquid titration soon so hopefully that will help.


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Well I'm not currently tapering but when I do I always end up getting spurts where my heart rate goes up and it's very noticeable and scary.  Last time I tried to taper a few months ago I shaved roughly 1% off pills using a gram scale and lasted 2 weeks because of the heart thing.  The other symptoms weren't too bad but at the 2 week point it was either taper another 1% or go back to the original dose so I went back up and of course it all went away.  I've tapered a lot faster in the past and did have spikes in heartrate but I was never at a particular dose for long.  Now I'm at 1.5 and been here for about a year.  I just don't know how to tolerate that except maybe try a slower cut rate via liquid titration which I am planning so I'm hitting 1% in 6 days and not just dropping 1%. 


It's a shame too because other that that I have to admit I was feeling better.  I'm just get scared I'm gonna have a heart attack or something which leads me to anxiety which leads me to reinstate.  Very uncomfortable feeling.  Anyways I have had 3 ekgs in the last year and all came out normal.

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Are you measuring your heart rate?     


Resting HR should be anywhere between 60-100.


Runs of tachycardia are normal for the withdrawal, and PAWS process but I'm sure you've figured that out by now.


I'd suggest that if your above 100 bpm for more than 10-15 minutes at a time, that you go and see your doctor about getting a Beta-blocker to keep your HR down.


You don't have to be on them for life.  I know a few people that take them as needed with satisfactory results.


I think it's clear that when your system returns to homeostasis after you've heeled that your HR will come down on it's own.

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Hi Raven,


I have done a couple of Benzo tapers over the years and I have experienced LOTS of bouts of tachycardia and palpitations during the process. In addition, I actually do have congenital heart defects so they monitor me pretty closely during withdrawal. I can tell you that despite all the tachycardia (resting pulse rates of over 100 BPM sometimes) and all the palps, I've never had a heart attack or needed to be hospitalized for these episodes even with a heart condition...and I'm old!


Both my PCP and my cardiologist are well aware of these issues for me during taper and I have had to resort to using beta blockers to help manage my heart rate during w/d. However, the regime my cardio doc has helped me devise works well for me. It involves taking a very low dose, 12.5-25mg of extended release metoprolol once per day to keep a certain amount in my system (which helps "steady" things by blocking the body's reaction chatecholamines and adrenal surges) and using an additional dose or two, 5-10mgs, of immediate release propranolol as needed, which helps on days where my heart rate is really high. I was also advised to get a Fitbit HR, which keeps reasonably accurate track of my heart rate over the day and found that it has been helpful as well for letting me know my overall daily heart rate, which in a 24 hour period is usually lower than the times when I feel it racing and take my pulse. It also provides my docs with the data they need to make sure I stay in my safe HR zone during w/d. I find that after I cut, I will get a period of especially high heart rate and blood pressure, then if I just wait it out things get better again.


You do have to taper off beta blockers when you have used them every day, but it's not that bad (I have done it twice already) and if you keep the dose in the lower range that also makes it easier. Not everything works for every person, but this has worked well for me. I have also found taking Mg glycinate and melatonin at night on days when my sxs are bad is helpful to me to get to sleep when I am having severe palps.


As has been mentioned before, if you have a very elevated heart rate, or it lasts for a really long time, or you feel light headed or have chest pains -- or if you are just feeling unbearably panicked by your sxs, it's definitely time to go to the ER or call your doc. Chances are its nothing to worry about, but having that reassurance from being checked out is worth it. Believe me when I say I totally understand how you feel with the heart sxs and any and all reassurance you can get is helpful. 


Good luck!



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Alright thanks for the info I appreciate it.  Yes I have a heart rate thing on my phone and I do remember once it was about 128 during one of my tapers.  Other times I'm too panicked to really check my heart rate and I reach for a benzo to calm it down.  Obviously that always works but it makes it pretty hard to taper these meds with that going on.  I will look into a beta blocker even though I would rather not take them but maybe they will help.  I'm not trying to taper off completely at this point but maybe a beta blocker would help me get down to my goal of 1mg.  Currently I'm at 1.5 and it's just too sedating etc.


Anyways thanks again to both of you

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Also Mozart how is your taper going using beta blockers?  Fairly smooth?  How hard is it to taper off beta blockers if you're taking them everyday?
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Also Mozart how is your taper going using beta blockers?  Fairly smooth?  How hard is it to taper off beta blockers if you're taking them everyday?


I have tapered from beta blockers twice so far. The first time was from about a year of using low dose propanolol every day and within about 3 months I was off. I DID notice my heart rate was up slightly during the taper, but I just cut really slowly and it was no big deal. My second taper was off much higher doses when I had been on higher doses of metoprolol daily for 10 years and that taper took a much longer time, probably about a year for me since I have heart issues already.


I am not a big proponent of beta blockers at all and would rather not be taking them now, but I weighed the issues myself and discussed it at length with my wonderful cardiologist and we decided that for now, this is the best approach for me given my particular existing cardiac issues.


I can also tell you that I used to take benzos on a regular, daily dosing schedule and then take additional doses when needed for my migralepsy episodes and I noticed that when I quit taking rescue doses and kept my benzo intake stable, my palps improved - I went from having 12,000-24,000 PVCs per day to less than 3,000 per day. No one is sure it was the benzo w/d which helped my palps, but there is some interesting evidence that the interdose w/d and daily ups and downs of varying benzo doses may have played a role. There are GABA receptors in your heart, too. Even though the palps got better when I started cutting, I do still have increased episodes of tachycardia and more palps right after I cut so I am convinced there is a direct relationship there and one which makes it difficult for me to taper since my heart is already impaired.


I wish I knew of something else to help you, but that is the extent of my experience. Maybe someone else will chime in here...or maybe talking with your doc will help you come up with some alternative ideas for dealing with the tachycardia.





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Thanks Mozart..  How is your taper going using beta blockers?  I have heard they can help with anxiety as well since they stop the racing heart etc.  Do they just keep your heartrate and blood pressure steady regardless of reducing benzos for the most part? 


I would say it probably did play a role in reducing your heart palps by not taking extra doses.  I usually don't take extra if I can avoid it because I know it's going to affect me later on when it leaves my body.  My only problem right now is that I know I will feel better if I reduce after I get through it and my anxiety etc settles down but I just need to get there safely.


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Also does anyone get pain in their left arm when tapering?  I am wondering if this is heart condition related?  I have had it before and called 911 which led to an EKG which came out normal.  I have had 3 ekgs in the last year and all were normal so I just don't get it.  Is the EKG possibly not picking up on something or is this just a part of tapering?  This is the only thing that is stopping me from tapering currently and I kind of feel like seeing a cardiologist for further testing could be a waste of money if my ekgs are normal.  Any advice or experience with this?
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Also does anyone get pain in their left arm when tapering?  I am wondering if this is heart condition related?  I have had it before and called 911 which led to an EKG which came out normal.  I have had 3 ekgs in the last year and all were normal so I just don't get it.  Is the EKG possibly not picking up on something or is this just a part of tapering?  This is the only thing that is stopping me from tapering currently and I kind of feel like seeing a cardiologist for further testing could be a waste of money if my ekgs are normal.  Any advice or experience with this?



OMG, I have had ALL SORTS of distressing chest and left arm pain through this process.    Somebody on here described their chest pain as 'disturbing' and I'd agree with that assessment.    Truly, the word, disturbing, describes it best.


I have mentioned it to my cardiologist and my Electrophysiologist  and they say it doesn't sound cardiac related and that it's likely in the chest cavity wall. 


I've had shooting pains down my left arm.


I've had what feels like bone pain almost, but not quite the same, where it's a not localized like a sharp pain would.


I've had sharp chest pains.


Feels like smooth muscle spasming because I can feel my pulse in it sometimes.





MOZART:    Whats your resting HR before you were on beta blockers and after?   


I have a resting rate if 55-65.      I want to try a BB myself, but I'm a little concerned I'll dip into bradycardia territory on them as my resting rate is already low-normal.    But I want to try them because I'm having all sorts of terrible palps lately.  I'm not talking about ectopics or tachy, I'm talking about pounding heart; when I lay down in bed at night especially.   


Like my heart doesn't get the message to pump softer, it still thinks it has to pump through the effects of gravity.      Almost like dis-auto-tonamia of sorts?????

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Thanks g33k at least that gives me a little comfort knowing it doesn't sound like I have heart problems.  Would you say I don't if my ekgs come out ok?  Also how long were you on k?  Just curious
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Well, if you have an EKG and it's normal that shows you don't have any life-threatening arrhythmia. 


Of course chest pain is often associated with heart attack but I would say that more specifically, congestive heart failure.  Which is from plaque build-up in your coronary arteries.  The plaque causes critically low bloodflow, and some times full blockage, of oxygenated blood to your heart muscle.  An EKG doesn't show that specifically, but if your heart was in distress and you were having congestive heart failure, a life-threatening arrhythmia could very well be present.  If you go to the ER with chest pain and palps, they run blood work looking for troponin when if present in medium to high levels often signals heart muscle damage.


The proper-way to rule out congestive heart failure is with a nuclear stress test.    This is like a normal treadmill stress test, but with one other element.    They inject you full of radio-active solution and capture images of your coronary arteries before and after physical activity to see how much blood is flowing.


I had that test done and passed it.    I had holters and event monitors up the wazoo, because I was freaked right out over the pains, which didn't show any life-threatening arrhythmias.  My cardiologist and EP are therefore not concerned with my pains.


I'd say if your really worried see if they'll run a nuclear stress test.  After thats been ruled out, you gotta take the docs word for it and try and ignore it.




How long was I on K?  5 weeks usage, 5 week taper.      But that's not what got me in trouble.  The zopiclone is whats put me in the position Im in now.  At the bottom of my posts is a link to my blog.  The first post of my blog is about dosages and duration of my drug usage.





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Hi all heart palps sufferers,


      Check on your own ,but just did a drug interactions check on line ,but using potassium gluconate and ACE heart meds,enalapril etc. is major concern.

  Been using them for a while for skipped heart beats,at a suggestion of a fellow BB,they do help but read the interactions warning.It freaked me out !    But in this latest wave at almost 20 months since jump,it doesn't take much to freak out..    Been having some unpleasant side effects and stared checking what supplements can mess us up .    I was a fool to think that all supplements ,vitamins,etc are harmless...  Found out also cause of my dizziness may be excessive probiotic use. 

    So FYI.  all wacky symptoms may not me Benzo related !!!

  We may doing it to ourselves with out knowing.  I guess that's how desperate I am to get we'll again.

Well GI Dr tomorrow ,may be gut issues are Benzo or not ,although there is a lot of info on gut related problems because of Benzos

        Feel better,get well soon,God bless



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All those concerned with PVC's  you might want to read a site.  drjohnm.org. Some info there may lay arrest some thoughts on the issue


      Quick healing to all.



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