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I just found this thread.  Omg I tapered for twenty six months and jumped ten weeks ago and I never experienced them until ten days ago. I had tachycardia with my hr going about 100 for the last ten days.  It scared the hell out of me. I had panic, shortness of breath, dizziness, and a costant anxiety state. They just stopped today!  The dr gave me a beta blocker which helped.  I never had this during my taper and never want this again.
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I just found this thread.  Omg I tapered for twenty six months and jumped ten weeks ago and I never experienced them until ten days ago. I had tachycardia with my hr going about 100 for the last ten days.  It scared the hell out of me. I had panic, shortness of breath, dizziness, and a costant anxiety state. They just stopped today!  The dr gave me a beta blocker which helped.  I never had this during my taper and never want this again.


you are fine


get a small dose beta blocker and forget about it


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6 months ago I jumped from Ativan and my heart was out of control. My blood pressure was randomly dropping to 70/40 and i would almost lose consciousness. There was some other heart issue that was severe where it would beat prematurely and out of sync every other beat, which made me feel extremely weak. Then my resting heart rate was around 110 if I remember correctly.


I ended did up seeing a cardiologist who ran all the normal tests, including the stress test, and he said that sure enough, there was the premature beat. We could both see it there on the monitor as clear as day. Then he said it wasn't a risk factor and I asked of I could start running. He said go for it. This was about 4 months ago.


That day I went home and started running. When I started out I could barely walk, much less run. When I ran I felt like I was falling forward on my face and my legs were hard to move, sort of like they were disconnected from my brain. My heart was beating so irregular that I literally thought I would die. When I finished the run my head would be buzzing and all my benzo symptoms would be there. I would be jumpy and feel like I was going into cardiac arrest.  I kept running and pushing through it. I figured if there was something wrong I would collapse and they would have to figure it out, else I would eventually get into shape.


Fast forward to now, I am biking and running 200 miles a month. My resting heart rate is 56 and my heart rate recovery is 65+ (meaning if I get my heart rate to 160, and then stop, the rate drops to 95 in less than 2 minutes. The heart issues are completely gone. I have started lifting weights and have my body fat at 14 percent. I am a new person basically, and healed.


My suggestion is to push through this stuff and stop letting it control you. It's hard as hell, the hardest thing I've very done, but it's worth it in the end. You will feel like you're dying when you start exercising, but remember its healthier to exercise than to not. The benzos mess with your head. You have to ignore it. If the doctors say you're good then go all out like a wild person with no fear. You only live once so live it to the fullest with no fear.



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Weevil thanks for your post. I remember reading your success story. It's been a huge lift for me knowing that my palps will fade away. I still have them every day, but they are definitely not as bad since I've been surfing. It's really cool of you to come back and let every one know that this is temporary. I hope you have continued success. Take care.
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6 months ago I jumped from Ativan and my heart was out of control. My blood pressure was randomly dropping to 70/40 and i would almost lose consciousness. There was some other heart issue that was severe where it would beat prematurely and out of sync every other beat, which made me feel extremely weak. Then my resting heart rate was around 110 if I remember correctly.


I ended did up seeing a cardiologist who ran all the normal tests, including the stress test, and he said that sure enough, there was the premature beat. We could both see it there on the monitor as clear as day. Then he said it wasn't a risk factor and I asked of I could start running. He said go for it. This was about 4 months ago.


That day I went home and started running. When I started out I could barely walk, much less run. When I ran I felt like I was falling forward on my face and my legs were hard to move, sort of like they were disconnected from my brain. My heart was beating so irregular that I literally thought I would die. When I finished the run my head would be buzzing and all my benzo symptoms would be there. I would be jumpy and feel like I was going into cardiac arrest.  I kept running and pushing through it. I figured if there was something wrong I would collapse and they would have to figure it out, else I would eventually get into shape.


Fast forward to now, I am biking and running 200 miles a month. My resting heart rate is 56 and my heart rate recovery is 65+ (meaning if I get my heart rate to 160, and then stop, the rate drops to 95 in less than 2 minutes. The heart issues are completely gone. I have started lifting weights and have my body fat at 14 percent. I am a new person basically, and healed.


My suggestion is to push through this stuff and stop letting it control you. It's hard as hell, the hardest thing I've very done, but it's worth it in the end. You will feel like you're dying when you start exercising, but remember its healthier to exercise than to not. The benzos mess with your head. You have to ignore it. If the doctors say you're good then go all out like a wild person with no fear. You only live once so live it to the fullest with no fear.


Good for you We! I had heart palps heavy in the first month then they kind of faded away...well today they came back in the morning...but then faded somewhat :-( I'm afraid to run due to disequilibrium and jelly legs...did you have those symptoms too? Proud and happy for you!

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Yeah, I had those symptoms big time, and still do when a wave hits. I just ignore the wave and it passes quickly I theorize that heavy stres rebalances the neural receptors. It takes a few weeks of fighting through the physical and mental nightmares to see results. This was true for me.


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Paying the price is part of it unfortunately.  It was VERY rough for me, the worst mental and physical pain and distress I have ever experienced. Exercise definitely sped up my recovery and still helps me when a wave hits. Whenever I start having the memory issues, weak or foreign legs,  hands, etc or any of the countless benzo mental or physical symptoms, I just go exercise. The body and mind almost always try to convince me not to, but I feel better afterward.
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This is definitely true for me as well. I feel way better after exercise. I just can't get the palps to go away completely.  :-\
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It's normal for heart heart and BP to jump up when walking around. It's the thuds, premature beats etc that are concerning and should at least be checked out once by a heart doctor if it's happening to you. It's reasonable to not make benzo assumptions about the heart. I was fairly sure that my heart issues were in fact benzo related but I had a heart doctor verify that my heart was indeed ok. My heart issues were severe. Once the doctor said there were no risk factors,  I had enough evidence to make me feel ok about putting my heart through the wringer with exercise. If doctors are saying you're healthy then it's very probable that exercise can only make you even healthier. The healthier and more fit you become, the more the benzo stuff get drowned out, until they are gone. You're basically taking control of the situation.
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I never had heart palpitations until I tapered benzos.  It's taken months to accept the periodic ones I get and I just don't worry about it since I know it's withdrawal.
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Hi gang.


I've read this entire thread, and it has been a source of relief and encouragement to me.


Last December, I had bouts of tachycardia pop up. My heartrate would jump up to 150s-160s-170s and then settle back down again. It was horrifically uncomfortable, but after a holter monitor, an overnight stay in the hospital, and another 30-day monitor, all tests came back normal (of course! We've all been there, eh? :P ). Things have slowly settled back down over this time since then, with only 1-2 "jumps" in the past couple months. Praise God for this :). I have 10mg propranolol prescribed as needed, and am so grateful for its help also.


Today, I had a high "jump" occur this evening. I am only a day or two outside my period, so this has occurred around this time in the past. I have also experienced some high bouts of anxiety (and nausea) this past week, as well as today, from some temporary stress. As a result, I believe some palps have been aggravated. I've been feeling a lil rough today, to be honest. The propranolol has been quite helpful for me with this. I will be so grateful for when the weekend has passed, and things settle back into my normal patterns again.


Oh, I also forgot to mention that I take 1,200mg of magnesium glycinate per day to help as well :) :) Which is helping as well, I believe. And I'm grateful for it also :)


Thanks for being here with me, buddies. Any other tips and thoughts for calming a "buzzing" body from anxiety, I'm open! :) Take care, and thanks again for having me on this thread :)


Mrs. :smitten:

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I did have a question. When "palpitations" are referred to, what is meant? I've heard it referred to as skipped beats, or also heavy beating, or also a faster heartrate. For me, when I refer to palpitations, I am most commonly talking about a little faster heartrate. My resting rate during withdrawal has been high 70s/low 80s in good times, and 90s-low 100s in other times (during stress, after eating sometimes, near that time of month, after exercise for a bit, etc). Back in December & January, I was experiencing small time frames where it would jump up to higher rates (140s/150s mostly) and then settle back down. These went down significantly and rarely occur now, the past few months only nearby my period and at that only once will it happen. Thank you Lord.


Does anyone else experience an elevated heartrate as well? As I mentioned previously, I've been tested quite thoroughly, and all tests prove my heart is in great shape and that everything is normal. It is merely a discomfort (albeit decently uncomfy at times, lol!). I am aware there are others like me, of course, its just nice to hear from others who have experienced this as well :) Thanks buddies for listening/reading again :)


Take care,


Mrs. :smitten:

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Badsocref - Thanks for the encouragement. I like that your wellness is based on how many beers you can drink. Hilarious. I can't wait till I can drink a beer without feeling like I'm going to die.  :thumbsup:


Mrsalw- The skipped beats are usually PACs/PVCs, and are very common even in healthy hearts. I usually feel a sensation like my heart has the hiccups. They bug me because I have on average about 50 of them per day. A lot of folks have them a lot worse than that. Some people don't know they have them.


The fast heart rate is bothersome too I know. I found that if I do deep breathing for at least 5 min. it goes away.


I think they're both just symptoms of a wonky nervous system. At least that's my take. Hope that helps.

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I think it might be beneficial for people and doctors to use better language when describing issues affecting the heart. When people say everything is "normal", I know that it's not really "normal". Even I am guilty of using the word normal. I don't know for sure, but I doubt the heart is designed to race out of control, beat irregularly or skip beats for a good percentage of each day. Perhaps a better description is irregular with no risk factors.
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Hi Weevil,


I know what you mean. The SA node, the rhythm, etc are normal and healthy. Which indicates that there are zero issues of the heart. So the thing that creates a little elevation in heart rate and/or PVCs comes from an outside sourced influence. I think that's what is meant by "normal", and they are correct -- the heart is normal and healthy (thank you, Lord!). But, you're right, it does make it a little confusing for the patient :) I know I was at first!


I hope you are feeling well today, buddy :) Our healing just keeps manifesting more and more every day! (Hooray!) Take care this morning, :)


Mrs. :smitten:

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Hi coop


I had them so bad!! I went to er they admitted me due to my age (61) and combined symptoms in chest area. When they did the stress test they said they saw something that could be, maybe, a blockage. I was terrified. They proceeded to do a heart cath. After the test results came back they said my heart was perfect veins wide open!! They called it a false positive. One of the drs thought it was caused from w/d. I have not had any for about 2 mos. I thought I was going to have heart failure when they said I could have a blockage, my god what this has done to everyone is UNREAL there really are no words that describe this.


I have read many of your posts you are such a trooper, and a kind soul, I hope you are feeling better!!


I wanted to join your 6 mo. thread but I did not think I qualified. I am 6 mos.out from a rapid detox. I did reinstate though, I took the last dose the 24th of july I am so happy to be off. I know we will all heal but it is a horrible struggle to remain positive. m

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Does anyone find that hrt rate and Bp are all over the place upon standing.


Sometimes I stand and Bp drops but hrt rate is up to like 130.


Other times I stand and Bp goes way up but hrt rate down.


What the heck is going on.


Anyone have this at all?


Is this autonomoc dysfunction and is it normal for wd?

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is it normal for wd?


i think the word is common not normal.


yes it is common


i had to be hospitalized for this several times in acute and post acute withdrawal however my numbers were more extreme than you are posting.


I had sustained heart rate of 275 on several occasions and blood pressure spikes of 230/180, sustained.


I had crazy high pressure with tachycardia also.


Most times they though I was having a heart attack  and were confused by the EKG and blood test being OK.


It all finally stopped at just a little over 5 years after completion of taper.


Still a few weks a go I had a liitle trouble but I was able to correct it myself at home. I know all the tricks now. 



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Anyone have this?


Hi Ruby,


I just wanted to stop in to say that I have experienced things similar to this regarding heartrate. I don't monitor my blood pressure regularly (I am 32 and in the low-mid range for my weight, as well as blood pressure), so I don't have much to comment there from my personal experiences. But I have read of many experiencing fluctuations with blood pressure as they heal from withdrawal :)


This thread tends to be a little quieter, so no worries if it takes a little while for other responses to come in :) Take care tonight; our healing is manifesting every day in every way! :)


Mrs. :smitten:

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Wow I are all so brave!! Heart palps are scary and so bad!!! I am almost eight months out and three nights ago heart rate stayed at 95 all night it's normally 65 it's wd I know it is but it totally sucks!'
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