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4.5mg on the 9th day and no side affects except for random nerve ending shocks.  Will cut to 4mg on 2/5.  My migraines, nausea and unbalanced feelings are gone and have been for awhile.  Should I be concerned that my taper is going well so far?  I don't want to get my hopes up and have them crushed with a sudden side affect.


I am staying positive and moving forward!  ;)


I do have to admit, I am a little concerned this is going well at this stage so far.  I REALLY hope it is this way the rest of the way.  I am also a little concerned about the nerve ending shocks and random muscle twitching and hope it doesn't get worse but it hasn't as of yet.  It comes and goes and I am so used to it by now.

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I'm new but I think I like a slow taper for me. MY highest dose was 1.5 mg for insomnia. A doctor told me it didn't work for insomnia. For me it did. It felt like a glass of wine without a hangover or calories yet I know now that this is addiction. I never had an addiction to anything else yet I am now down to 1.0 without feeling like I'm withdrawing Yet.... I am scared to do it fast as I've been on klonopin so long. Yet I know I must get off. So here I am thinking of doing a compound pharmacy liquid tapering or staying at this dose for awhile. Any advice. Thank you
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Hi Gang. Cut another 0.5 to 1.5mg two nights ago. Still going really well for me. Yep, arcade, it makes me suspicious that something bad is around the corner. But I'm very grateful that I can continue to go about life and am not too hung up on my taper. I know I'm fortunate this last while, and I have no idea at all why my cuts since about 4mg have been very manageable. It took me months and months to successfully cut down from 5mg, and I had a pretty bumpy ride at times.


mayaone - hi there! We're all cutting Valium, and I think from your post you're doing Klonopin. A much stronger benzo with a different half life. You're very welcome here but might find the 'Klonopin Club' more directly helpful. We're also a thread that are dry cutting pills to taper. On the main Valium support thread are folk using liquid titration and there a whole other thread for it as well. Whatever you do, do it slowly and carefully.



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Glad it is going so well Bolders. You give me hope for the rest of my taper. Getting from 6 to 5 has been so hard. I am going to hold for a bit because we are moving house! Maybe it will be easier after that.


Arcade- looks like you were only on for a short time, I think you will be fine!


Mayaone- sorry you are here, but glad you are here. You will find a way out!


Hi Rose, Lainey, Ingrid!

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sounds to me as if I am the one having the hardest battle with this right now.


I am cutting again on Friday and then I will FINALLY be at 5mg!!!!  Seems like eternity before I will be off


I pray that my sx don't get worse as I get below 5. So far its been CRAP O'CLOCK all the way down from 15mg


trying to prepare for what to do with this stinking anxiety once I am off.


Well Bolders & Arcade....you are either extremely lucky or God is blessing you abundantly. I weigh on the second choice personally

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I'm sick today with nausea, chills, weak. Tummy not good.


I'm not sure if it's from my cut 6 days ago or a bug.


Gosh, you've come so far ...from 15 . That's great!


I too think God blesses us, keeps us going.


I also just started having the nerve ending shocks, weird. I never had them before..


Lainey, I know how you feel now with the awful stomach issues..

This and no sleep.. :(


I'm here resting and rusting..


Love. Rose

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Hello Everyone !


JKS, I agree with holding till you move. Hang in there  :thumbsup:.


Boulders,  you give me hope too. I do have a problem with focusing on the negative bc that way I won't be disappointed if something bad happens.  Sound familiar arcade79 ? I'm happy for you boulders  :thumbsup:.


Arcade79,  the unknown is frightening. If challenges come up you will deal with them at the time. Just enjoy your window  :).


mayaone, welcome! This is a great place for support.


rosegal and laineyk , I'm so sorry you 2 are having a tough time. Take care of yourselves sweet ladies  :smitten:.








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The nerve ending shocks come and go.  I feel real itchy at times and it feels like a minor sunburn...LOL.  I can't tell if it's because of the dry and very cold weather and really dry skin, which I am trying to manage with Lotion, or the Valium causing this.  Anyway, this has been manageable so far and I am able to work and go on with life and continue taper.


I am trying to figure out if there is a trigger causing this.  If so, I will let you know.  It might just be part of the withdrawal process making the nerve ending more sensitive.  I'm telling myself this will go away when taper is done or sometime after to keep positive.  When I get a nerve ending shock on one of my teeth or eyeballs, I chuckle a bit and move on.  :D

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Hey Arcade79, you said you had migraines. That is one of my biggest problem. I have baseline migraines but I wake up every morning with some sort of headache. They vary in intensity and move around. I also snore like an old man so I try to sleep on my side. I guess that's sleep apnea.


You said your went away as you lowered your dose. I hope mine will too.

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Hey Arcade79, you said you had migraines. That is one of my biggest problem. I have baseline migraines but I wake up every morning with some sort of headache. They vary in intensity and move around. I also snore like an old man so I try to sleep on my side. I guess that's sleep apnea.


You said your went away as you lowered your dose. I hope mine will too.


It went away towards the tail end of 5mg.  I am hoping yours will go away the lower you get.  I bet it will.  ;)


My migraines moved around also.  It went as low as the bridge of my nose like someone was pinching it.  It was also the main cause of my nausea when it moved in between or the back of my eyes.

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rosegal and laineyk, hope you guys are doing better.  :).


Arcade79,  I too live in a cold and dry climate. I wonder if we live in the same town  :laugh: bc there are a lot of distance runners here too. Hope your symptom are better today.


These migraines and strange headaches are keeping me from work and it depresses me  :'(. It's hard to even go out for a walk bc if feel so sick  :sick:. Thanks for the support  :).


Hope everyone on has a sparkling day  :thumbsup:  :smitten:;).



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Not much change on the sensitive nerve endings today.  It seems to get worse at night.  Feels like a mild sunburn and I get goose bumps easily.  If this stays with me the rest of the way I'll deal with it.
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Valley girl,

Yes, my tummy is better. Slept ok. usual  wakenings so, a few hours, I'd love to get 5 or 6 hours..


Been on soup mostly.


Sorry about the migraines, headaches..I get them occasionally, mostly when I've had no sleep for days. It's hard to walk, talk, anything..

Wishing you some relief.  :smitten:



Arcade, I get the goosebumpy sensations too. Little nerve zaps too, in my legs..

Me too, if this is the worst of nerve pain, sxs, I'll be okay... :thumbsup:



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When you have sleep issues, do you take your Remeron?  Or do you use that sparingly?  My psych doc gave me Trazadone but I only use it during the bad nights.


Good news, hopefully I am not jumping the gun here but the nerve sensitivity seems to be going away this afternoon but turning into a little nausea and minor migraine.  This same exact thing happened back at 5mg.  Seeing a little pattern here...


Sitting at work and pushing through it :thumbsup:


Doing my best to keep my IT job during this taper.  Been busting my butt for my employer for 13 years.  My boss has been so supportive of me during this tough time, I feel so lucky.  I also feel so lucky and grateful for all of you here and your support!  Especially your compassion for one another.  :smitten:

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I take it only once or twice a week now..it never worked every night. I also used trazadone, but it didn't work for me..I used otc unisom just as well. Melatonin too, magnesium.


It helps to see patterns. A friend here told me to write down my sxs everyday, then I can go back and see the pattern. For me, the 5 or 6 th day seems to be the worse after a cut.


With working, it ha to be difficult with headaches, nerve sensations..mayso had nausea yesterday like you. Having a compassionate boss is a lifesaver. :thumbsup: you are lucky. I hope to go back to work, after I taper. Just part time, but something.


People are the best here, aren't they?  :smitten:


I'm glad you are finding support and help as needed too.


Have a good night, sleep too.. :thumbsup:



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Hi rosegal, so did you make homemade soup?  ;). Glad to hear you are feeling better  :). Wishing you a good sleep  :angel:.


arcade79, wishing you some good sleep too  :angel:. I agree with rose that you are lucky to have a nice boss and be able to work. It's a good distraction too. Hope all your sxs get better soon.


You guys are all so strong! Keep up the good work  :thumbsup:.


I too agree the people here are the best but, if you guys really knew me...  :wacko:. Ha ha :D. I'm really just a big goofball ;).


Thanks everyone for all the love and support  :smitten:.

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Dragging myself into work and will see how it goes.  A lot of muscle, body twitching and nerve shocks at 3am so I put on my headphones and turned on the thunderstorm sounds to distract away from it.  At least 5 hours of sleep thank goodness.  :)
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Arcade, since you work in IT can you just hide away at your desk and just chill and work at your own pace?


I'm in real estate. As you know if I get a client it's on! I'm slow now bc I can't market myself. Really could use like the commission but scared of pressure if I have to show property suffering sxs or close a deal.

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Arcade, since you work in IT can you just hide away at your desk and just chill and work at your own pace?


I'm in real estate. As you know if I get a client it's on! I'm slow now bc I can't market myself. Really could use like the commission but scared of pressure if I have to show property suffering sxs or close a deal.


Valley Girl,


That is exactly what I am doing today.  Putting my head down on my desk and taking quick naps.  No one around to catch me.  Do you have to leave the house often to show property?  Hopefully you're feeling better when Spring comes around.  I'm in the midwest so not much home selling going on now.

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Congrats bolders  :thumbsup: 1.5mg!!! You're almost to the "Underworld" - meaning under 1mg for BBs!


And arcade Congrats on 4mg!!  :thumbsup: I will be right there on Friday! So glad I will get to take 2--2mg pills and NO cutting!!  ;D

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Good night's sleep.  Minor nerve shock storm last night.


Benzo dream update:  I dreamed I was back at my old elementary school.  I was taking a tour and noticed the building was updated and I thought it was the coolest thing.


Need some advice.  I am currently taking 3 doses a day and will turn that into two doses by slowly eliminating the mid day dose.  Here is the plan:


4mg: 1mg am/1mg noon/2mg bedtime

3.5mg:  1mg am/.5mg noon/2mg bedtime

3mg: 1mg am/2mg bedtime

2.5mg: 1mg am/1.5mg bedtime

2mg: 1mg am/1mg bedtime

1.5: .5mg am/1mg bedtime

1: .5mg am/.5mg bedtime

.5: .5mg bedtime

.25: .25mg bed time


Any thoughts or recommendations?

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Hey Buddies, I do want to mention that my short term memory is shot so forgive me if I miss out on some of your mile stones. I do care very much for everyone here. I have trouble keeping up where I am on my taper so I need to make a log.



It did slip my mind boulders and arcade that you guys cut and are on you way. Congratulations to both of you  :thumbsup:

Thanks ingrid for reminding me. Ingrid, way to go  :thumbsup:. No cutting will be nice.


Arcade, what is it with you and your school dreams  :laugh:. I hated going to school so much so I wouldn't want to go back even in my dreams  :laugh:.

I love to give you advice on your plan but I can't figure out what the numbers means. Its one of my sxs.

I live in the NW and the market is hot. This winter I showed houses to one client who had me running around, write an offer and pull out at the last minute :brickwall: Other brokers are doing very well. I stay away from the office. Not a good vibe there  ::). The competitive and high pressure nature of the bizz is not the best for w/d. Hoping to pull it together in the spring.






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I updated my dosage times so it's easier to read.  I am not sure why I have dreams of the old times but it's actually kind of nice to see what lingers in the brain.


Grats to Ingrid on cutting to 4mg soon and Bolders getting so close to the end.  I hope to see more of you cut soon and be closer to freedom.

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