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Experienced Valium friends,


I need your help.

I'm reposting here, tried the MT thread too, for help with how to "stabilize" to move forward with a liquid MT.

Cut and hold was simply too difficult.


A little history, this is my 3rd taper attempt, with 1 c/t off of .25 k (trusted the Pdoc; same old story) never recovered so reinstated onto 2.65 mg X. X was chosen due to my liver pathway strength.

Fast forward to fall of 2015, a compounding error in my X capsules reduced my capsules 98% instead of 2.5%. An essential C/t.


Now, only on V.


I "stabilized" on 7 mg of V, holding for 40 days.

Began with a .5 mg cut and held for 14 days.

Next, cut .25 mg and held for 16 days. Horrific symtoms.

Back to 6.5 mg and have held for 22 days. A few good days but many horrid days especially pre and post period.

My symptoms are extreme physical pain.


How do I "stabilize" and then move forward?


Much appreciated,



Hi Marija,

Im sorry things have been so rocky...


What i would do is hold for now till things are feeling calmer.

And then start a liquid taper, by replacing a small portion of your dose ( usually 1 mgr) with liquid and taper fromt the liquid part while taking the rest of your dose in tablets.

You can either dissolve your tablet in 1 -2 ml vodka and add 99-98 ml water to make a 100 ml and the cut small fractions each day by drinking less of the liquid each day.

Or you can use the same method, with full fat milk.

Or use a solvent called ora plus.


There is also a pharma grade liquid called Roxane, which youd only have to dilute .

Same principal.


Sounds like cut and hold is shocking your system to much at once, just like it did for me.

A liquid daily taper made it more tolerable for me and allowed me to cut at my own pace and have holds when i felt symproms increasing.



How are you?


Yes, cut and hold does not work for me.

I have a prescription for the liquid Valium and will use that once I "stabilize". I simply cannot figure out how to "stabilize".

Holding hasnt seemed to help. Perhaps due to pre and post period interference as well.

That is definitely a pattern.


I went back to the old Valium thread and read the first 400 pages (yup, trying to fgure this out) for a better sense of where you, Bart, Smiff, JJ and others began, tried, and now finished. You had done horrific days, Moodle.


How long do I hold for?


Hope you are well.


Oh Marija I am so sorry you are in hell.  If you look at my signature that was the range when I was in hell--dry cut and hold-ville. It's amazing my husband lives with me anymore >:D. Moo gave you good advice, micro-titrate and hold even those micro cuts until you feel stabilized.  Even when I was doing vodka micro-titration, I had some wonky days, especially around 2 down to 1.75.  Hang in there, you can do this--it's like climbing friggin( ;D) Mt. Everest, but the jumpers will be waiting for you, as you will wait for others, to plant your flag on the summit---YOU CAN DO IT :hug:


Hi MYogi,

First off, let me say once again how thrilled I am that you have reached 1 mg!

I look at 1mg and my mind, while in this perpetual state of trash compactor muscle hell, speculates if I will ever get there.....

I've studied your signature and wondered about your 6 mg wall and how you got over it? 


I agree with Moodle that my CNS cannot function with .5 or .25 cut and hold. I have my liquid ready but need to first "stabilize". That is my major stumbling block.

My poor children must endure this along side me, driving to school with ice packs on my back & the strong aroma of peppermint oil saturating the car. My muscles feel like I've run a marathon, every day for the past year and a half. Debilitating pain is my unwanted companion.

How do "stabilize"? 

It's been suggested that I continue holding. I will try.  Then, MT.


Thank you for the encouragement!






"Stabilize" is a very open-ended word. A bit like "how long is a piece of string". The only thing you can really do at this point is to just keep holding. You will stabilize because you did when you were on 7mg. So just relax and take this time to have a break from tapering. Allow your body time to recover, then you can start you liquid taper. Things will get much better for you then.

also, since you like the oils, their are some beautiful oils for muscle pain besides peppermint(although peppermint is so good for so many things), like lemongrass, birch, red pine, juniper(nerve pain), wintergreen, majoram, vetiver.  What kind of pain are you having? Clary Sage is wonderful for hormones and premenstrual distress.  The essential oils have been an integral part of my recovery.  I find they help with transforming my mood almost immediately sometimes.  I was given gabapentin post-surgery because of nerve pain and loss of feeling in my legs and I threw it away and put juniper oil on my legs a few times a day--success.  I have been putting oils on my son since he was 6 months old, so he is quite use to it ;)


I do enjoy oils as well. They're a frequent item in our household:)

My pain is intense muscle tightness combined with intermittent paresthesia. The tingling and burning have subsided since off the X but in its place I have what I describe as trash compactor muscles. My muscles from my mid back, buttocks and quads are incredibly tight and in extreme pain.

I am accustomed to athletic pain being a competitive figure skater and tennis player (past tense). My hardest spills on the ice never produced this quality and quantity of pain. Even when extreme, I could count on a defined healing period. Not this.


Thank you for the oil tips:)  I will try them. Anything to knock it back a little to get past this 6.5 mg mark.

How is your pain level at 1 mg?


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Thanks again to oregoncatz and All Tied Up with your replies re: liquid valium. Turns out it IS available in Ontario, Canada (thank you, misleading pharmacist), so hope that will be an option re: doc prescribing. If not, it's good to know milk and vodka are alternatives; with benzos, you sooo never know how things will go, huh ::).


I also had a pharmacist steer me down a wrong path with liquid diaz. He said they only have 5ml single dose cups made by Precision Dosing. Luckily, I had been in the pharmacy a couple of days before and spoke with a nice lady pharmacist and discussed my taper plans. When she saw what her colleague had ordered for me, she thought to herself that the packaging would be less than ideal. After a bit of sleuth work by her, she found the code for the Roxane 30ml bottle. Better yet, the Roxane 30ml IS covered by my insurance for $4.20 whereas the same quantity of Precision Dosing wasn't covered and would have been over $70 per 30ml. It's nice to have a relationship with your medical provider (or pharmacist) that's for sure.


It's nice to find a human amongst the allopathic crowd but unfortunately most of them will disappoint you most of the time.


I am happy to see that you made it over to this thread edzo, this is a good crowd(I was one of the people who responded to your Intro ;))


If you have a sensitive belly, you may dislike liquid Valium(I still have half a bottle).  As soon as I put it in my mouth I could feel it burn.  I know the Vodka titration sounds daunting, but as you do it, you will see how easy it is.  You make it yourself without the hideous chemicals  and preservatives that it contains.  It intensified benzo-belly for me.  Also, as you get into lower numbers, you will have to dilute it anyway, just like we do with the pills.  Some food for thought and my 3 cents worth ::)


Yup, you were right about the sensitive belly and its reaction to liquid diazepam.  Within minutes of consumption, I could feel my intestines rumble a bit and begin to squirm and make noises. I knew it wouldn't be good from there. Last night, I felt like I was cold turkey even after my evening dose. Up until 7am just feeling POISONED for lack of a better word.  Sucks that it's worked out that way.  Things have finally evened out a bit 30 hours later. I just got back from the store, where I bought whole fat milk. Do you or anyone know how long it takes the diazepam pills to dissolve fully in the milk?  Also, should I expect a degree of sediment as I'm sure there are binders/fillers in with the diazepam in the pills.

Or would just crushing the pills from the get go and pouring them into the milk be the best route?


I'd love to try the vodka method, but I don't trust myself with booze even at trace levels.


Many thanks,


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Thanks again to oregoncatz and All Tied Up with your replies re: liquid valium. Turns out it IS available in Ontario, Canada (thank you, misleading pharmacist), so hope that will be an option re: doc prescribing. If not, it's good to know milk and vodka are alternatives; with benzos, you sooo never know how things will go, huh ::).


I also had a pharmacist steer me down a wrong path with liquid diaz. He said they only have 5ml single dose cups made by Precision Dosing. Luckily, I had been in the pharmacy a couple of days before and spoke with a nice lady pharmacist and discussed my taper plans. When she saw what her colleague had ordered for me, she thought to herself that the packaging would be less than ideal. After a bit of sleuth work by her, she found the code for the Roxane 30ml bottle. Better yet, the Roxane 30ml IS covered by my insurance for $4.20 whereas the same quantity of Precision Dosing wasn't covered and would have been over $70 per 30ml. It's nice to have a relationship with your medical provider (or pharmacist) that's for sure.


It's nice to find a human amongst the allopathic crowd but unfortunately most of them will disappoint you most of the time.


I am happy to see that you made it over to this thread edzo, this is a good crowd(I was one of the people who responded to your Intro ;))


If you have a sensitive belly, you may dislike liquid Valium(I still have half a bottle).  As soon as I put it in my mouth I could feel it burn.  I know the Vodka titration sounds daunting, but as you do it, you will see how easy it is.  You make it yourself without the hideous chemicals  and preservatives that it contains.  It intensified benzo-belly for me.  Also, as you get into lower numbers, you will have to dilute it anyway, just like we do with the pills.  Some food for thought and my 3 cents worth ::)


Yup, you were right about the sensitive belly and its reaction to liquid diazepam.  Within minutes of consumption, I could feel my intestines rumble a bit and begin to squirm and make noises. I knew it wouldn't be good from there. Last night, I felt like I was cold turkey even after my evening dose. Up until 7am just feeling POISONED for lack of a better word.  Sucks that it's worked out that way.  Things have finally evened out a bit 30 hours later. I just got back from the store, where I bought whole fat milk. Do you or anyone know how long it takes the diazepam pills to dissolve fully in the milk?  Also, should I expect a degree of sediment as I'm sure there are binders/fillers in with the diazepam in the pills.

Or would just crushing the pills from the get go and pouring them into the milk be the best route?


I'd love to try the vodka method, but I don't trust myself with booze even at trace levels.


Many thanks,



Yes, you will get some residu, which indeed are fillers.


Shakemarieke is currently using the milk method. Maybe you could exchange info about it. Just fyi.


I could not tolerate Pharma liquid either. Some do really well on it but my tummy was on fire on it.

You diluted it, right?

Sorry that didnt work for you.


Hope things will settle for you soon!

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Thanks again to oregoncatz and All Tied Up with your replies re: liquid valium. Turns out it IS available in Ontario, Canada (thank you, misleading pharmacist), so hope that will be an option re: doc prescribing. If not, it's good to know milk and vodka are alternatives; with benzos, you sooo never know how things will go, huh ::).


I also had a pharmacist steer me down a wrong path with liquid diaz. He said they only have 5ml single dose cups made by Precision Dosing. Luckily, I had been in the pharmacy a couple of days before and spoke with a nice lady pharmacist and discussed my taper plans. When she saw what her colleague had ordered for me, she thought to herself that the packaging would be less than ideal. After a bit of sleuth work by her, she found the code for the Roxane 30ml bottle. Better yet, the Roxane 30ml IS covered by my insurance for $4.20 whereas the same quantity of Precision Dosing wasn't covered and would have been over $70 per 30ml. It's nice to have a relationship with your medical provider (or pharmacist) that's for sure.


It's nice to find a human amongst the allopathic crowd but unfortunately most of them will disappoint you most of the time.


I am happy to see that you made it over to this thread edzo, this is a good crowd(I was one of the people who responded to your Intro ;))


If you have a sensitive belly, you may dislike liquid Valium(I still have half a bottle).  As soon as I put it in my mouth I could feel it burn.  I know the Vodka titration sounds daunting, but as you do it, you will see how easy it is.  You make it yourself without the hideous chemicals  and preservatives that it contains.  It intensified benzo-belly for me.  Also, as you get into lower numbers, you will have to dilute it anyway, just like we do with the pills.  Some food for thought and my 3 cents worth ::)


Yup, you were right about the sensitive belly and its reaction to liquid diazepam.  Within minutes of consumption, I could feel my intestines rumble a bit and begin to squirm and make noises. I knew it wouldn't be good from there. Last night, I felt like I was cold turkey even after my evening dose. Up until 7am just feeling POISONED for lack of a better word.  Sucks that it's worked out that way.  Things have finally evened out a bit 30 hours later. I just got back from the store, where I bought whole fat milk. Do you or anyone know how long it takes the diazepam pills to dissolve fully in the milk?  Also, should I expect a degree of sediment as I'm sure there are binders/fillers in with the diazepam in the pills.

Or would just crushing the pills from the get go and pouring them into the milk be the best route?


I'd love to try the vodka method, but I don't trust myself with booze even at trace levels.


Many thanks,



Yes, you will get some residu, which indeed are fillers.


Shakemarieke is currently using the milk method. Maybe you could exchange info about it. Just fyi.


I could not tolerate Pharma liquid either. Some do really well on it but my tummy was on fire on it.

You diluted it, right?

Sorry that didnt work for you.


Hope things will settle for you soon!


Yup, diluted the 5ml=5mg with 1ml to 99ml of water (100ml). I actually drink milk quite regularly, so I don't have qualms about the milk aspect of my new approach. I just hope that the tablets retain their potency and consistency throughout the liquid.  Do you think there is anything wrong with crushing up the tablets before introducing them to the milk in order to guarantee they fully dissolve?

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Thanks again to oregoncatz and All Tied Up with your replies re: liquid valium. Turns out it IS available in Ontario, Canada (thank you, misleading pharmacist), so hope that will be an option re: doc prescribing. If not, it's good to know milk and vodka are alternatives; with benzos, you sooo never know how things will go, huh ::).


I also had a pharmacist steer me down a wrong path with liquid diaz. He said they only have 5ml single dose cups made by Precision Dosing. Luckily, I had been in the pharmacy a couple of days before and spoke with a nice lady pharmacist and discussed my taper plans. When she saw what her colleague had ordered for me, she thought to herself that the packaging would be less than ideal. After a bit of sleuth work by her, she found the code for the Roxane 30ml bottle. Better yet, the Roxane 30ml IS covered by my insurance for $4.20 whereas the same quantity of Precision Dosing wasn't covered and would have been over $70 per 30ml. It's nice to have a relationship with your medical provider (or pharmacist) that's for sure.


It's nice to find a human amongst the allopathic crowd but unfortunately most of them will disappoint you most of the time.


I am happy to see that you made it over to this thread edzo, this is a good crowd(I was one of the people who responded to your Intro ;))


If you have a sensitive belly, you may dislike liquid Valium(I still have half a bottle).  As soon as I put it in my mouth I could feel it burn.  I know the Vodka titration sounds daunting, but as you do it, you will see how easy it is.  You make it yourself without the hideous chemicals  and preservatives that it contains.  It intensified benzo-belly for me.  Also, as you get into lower numbers, you will have to dilute it anyway, just like we do with the pills.  Some food for thought and my 3 cents worth ::)


Yup, you were right about the sensitive belly and its reaction to liquid diazepam.  Within minutes of consumption, I could feel my intestines rumble a bit and begin to squirm and make noises. I knew it wouldn't be good from there. Last night, I felt like I was cold turkey even after my evening dose. Up until 7am just feeling POISONED for lack of a better word.  Sucks that it's worked out that way.  Things have finally evened out a bit 30 hours later. I just got back from the store, where I bought whole fat milk. Do you or anyone know how long it takes the diazepam pills to dissolve fully in the milk?  Also, should I expect a degree of sediment as I'm sure there are binders/fillers in with the diazepam in the pills.

Or would just crushing the pills from the get go and pouring them into the milk be the best route?


I'd love to try the vodka method, but I don't trust myself with booze even at trace levels.


Many thanks,



Yes, you will get some residu, which indeed are fillers.


Shakemarieke is currently using the milk method. Maybe you could exchange info about it. Just fyi.


I could not tolerate Pharma liquid either. Some do really well on it but my tummy was on fire on it.

You diluted it, right?

Sorry that didnt work for you.


Hope things will settle for you soon!


Yup, diluted the 5ml=5mg with 1ml to 99ml of water (100ml). I actually drink milk quite regularly, so I don't have qualms about the milk aspect of my new approach. I just hope that the tablets retain their potency and consistency throughout the liquid.  Do you think there is anything wrong with crushing up the tablets before introducing them to the milk in order to guarantee they fully dissolve?


No, there is nothjgn wrong it, as long as you get everyhting into the milk. Your tablets will not fully dissolve due to the fillers and there will be a bit of residu but the valium will.

The milk fat is what dissolves your benzo. For as far as i know , you will not have a probelem with potency.

I am not all that great with th technical side of things.

Maybe you could ask SG or Builder.

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Thanks again to oregoncatz and All Tied Up with your replies re: liquid valium. Turns out it IS available in Ontario, Canada (thank you, misleading pharmacist), so hope that will be an option re: doc prescribing. If not, it's good to know milk and vodka are alternatives; with benzos, you sooo never know how things will go, huh ::).


I also had a pharmacist steer me down a wrong path with liquid diaz. He said they only have 5ml single dose cups made by Precision Dosing. Luckily, I had been in the pharmacy a couple of days before and spoke with a nice lady pharmacist and discussed my taper plans. When she saw what her colleague had ordered for me, she thought to herself that the packaging would be less than ideal. After a bit of sleuth work by her, she found the code for the Roxane 30ml bottle. Better yet, the Roxane 30ml IS covered by my insurance for $4.20 whereas the same quantity of Precision Dosing wasn't covered and would have been over $70 per 30ml. It's nice to have a relationship with your medical provider (or pharmacist) that's for sure.


It's nice to find a human amongst the allopathic crowd but unfortunately most of them will disappoint you most of the time.


I am happy to see that you made it over to this thread edzo, this is a good crowd(I was one of the people who responded to your Intro ;))


If you have a sensitive belly, you may dislike liquid Valium(I still have half a bottle).  As soon as I put it in my mouth I could feel it burn.  I know the Vodka titration sounds daunting, but as you do it, you will see how easy it is.  You make it yourself without the hideous chemicals  and preservatives that it contains.  It intensified benzo-belly for me.  Also, as you get into lower numbers, you will have to dilute it anyway, just like we do with the pills.  Some food for thought and my 3 cents worth ::)


Yup, you were right about the sensitive belly and its reaction to liquid diazepam.  Within minutes of consumption, I could feel my intestines rumble a bit and begin to squirm and make noises. I knew it wouldn't be good from there. Last night, I felt like I was cold turkey even after my evening dose. Up until 7am just feeling POISONED for lack of a better word.  Sucks that it's worked out that way.  Things have finally evened out a bit 30 hours later. I just got back from the store, where I bought whole fat milk. Do you or anyone know how long it takes the diazepam pills to dissolve fully in the milk?  Also, should I expect a degree of sediment as I'm sure there are binders/fillers in with the diazepam in the pills.

Or would just crushing the pills from the get go and pouring them into the milk be the best route?


I'd love to try the vodka method, but I don't trust myself with booze even at trace levels.


Many thanks,



Yes, you will get some residu, which indeed are fillers.


Shakemarieke is currently using the milk method. Maybe you could exchange info about it. Just fyi.


I could not tolerate Pharma liquid either. Some do really well on it but my tummy was on fire on it.

You diluted it, right?

Sorry that didnt work for you.


Hope things will settle for you soon!


Yup, diluted the 5ml=5mg with 1ml to 99ml of water (100ml). I actually drink milk quite regularly, so I don't have qualms about the milk aspect of my new approach. I just hope that the tablets retain their potency and consistency throughout the liquid.  Do you think there is anything wrong with crushing up the tablets before introducing them to the milk in order to guarantee they fully dissolve?


No, there is nothjgn wrong it, as long as you get everyhting into the milk. Your tablets will not fully dissolve due to the fillers and there will be a bit of residu but the valium will.

The milk fat is what dissolves your benzo. For as far as i know , you will not have a probelem with potency.

I am not all that great with th technical side of things.

Maybe you could ask SG or Builder.


I'm sure I'll still have to do a bit of swirling of the milk in order to get the solution to be distributed somewhat uniformly throughout the liquid.  Otherwise, for the first 50ml, I'll be thinking how easy this taper is because all the Diaz is settled in the bottom. However, on the back 50ml, I may be drawing out blanks (off the top) to drink and that would be  >:D.

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Yup, diluted the 5ml=5mg with 1ml to 99ml of water (100ml). I actually drink milk quite regularly, so I don't have qualms about the milk aspect of my new approach. I just hope that the tablets retain their potency and consistency throughout the liquid.  Do you think there is anything wrong with crushing up the tablets before introducing them to the milk in order to guarantee they fully dissolve?


  Dissolving the tablet will have no effect on potency or longevity.


Crushing the tablet is not required, but won't hurt anything.

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Yup, diluted the 5ml=5mg with 1ml to 99ml of water (100ml). I actually drink milk quite regularly, so I don't have qualms about the milk aspect of my new approach. I just hope that the tablets retain their potency and consistency throughout the liquid.  Do you think there is anything wrong with crushing up the tablets before introducing them to the milk in order to guarantee they fully dissolve?


  Dissolving the tablet will have no effect on potency or longevity.


Crushing the tablet is not required, but won't hurt anything.


You folks are the best!




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Diaz...sorry that you see me as being stubborn which you are correct...I do not like to change things that I am not familiar with.


I know I have to give MT a try at least but I guess I just wanted to get to a certain dose before doing so.


I can not say I feel worse...just not good ever


I have put my trust in the Lord and pray he will lead me out of this pit,,,directing my path.


thank you for all the support and advice I do appreciate it and although it seems like its falling on deaf ears..I assure you it is NOT


I'm not a religious person, so I don't get it when people say they are putting their trust in the lord. IMO the only person who will get you out of this pit is yourself. You can't rely on anyone. However, if that's what your faith is, maybe the lord is actually trying to help you by pointing you towards the path of the daily taper. Have you looked at it that way?






Sorry, it wasn't mean to be an "ouch" comment, but sometimes I find it frustrating when people say they are just going to put their faith in something non-tangible, and expecting things to happen that way. We all have to help ourselves. For those who do think that the lord will give them a sign or a direction, perhaps the lord has already done that by putting all the information in front of us to see, but making us use our proactive skills to actually help ourselves. Anyway, it's all just my opinion. No one has to agree with me. I'm not going to make any further comments, because this isn't the "faith" board, and I'm certainly not going to get into a theological decision.


But you did "make further comments." You took it to the Atheist thread and vented about it there.  You know well that all Lainey had to do was look at your posting history and see that vent about her.  So I am not buying it Diaz-Pam.  It is hurtful and you should have just let it be.  But now you have me to contend with because I will not just fade away with my tail between my legs off to the faith based board. You are in fact questioning her when immediately following her statement: "I have put my trust in the Lord and pray he will lead me out of this pit,,,directing my path." and your immediate response: "I'm not a religious person, so I don't get it when people say they are putting their trust in the lord." I am not religious and it made me feel uncomfortable for her.  This drug makes people sick, uncomfortable, and difficult.  I believe she is struggling, and no, I do not believe that my "ouch" remark, as you have stated on the Atheist thread,  has forever ruined your ability to help her, unless she has an opinion to the contrary and I will stand corrected and even apologize(something I believe is difficult for you). So with this response I shall retreat from this thread permanently and this forum for a period of time.  As many of you know, our mental health is fragile during and post-jumping this drug, and I refuse to get into a pissing match with a tyrant. Anyone can see by looking at my posting history that I am about compassion, friendship, acceptance, and assistance.

Full stop.

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I posted this a while back, hoping to get more eyes here. Has anyone had valium lower their breathing/ respiration levels to the point where it became a problem? Im currently trying to cross from X to V and Im up to 2 mg V daily. Even at this low dose I can detect a slowing in my breathing, which was slow to begin with. My BP is usually like 110/65, pretty decent. Im not asking for medical advice  :thumbsup: just wanting to know if anyone else has experienced it and if I should expect it to slow even more as I up the V and down the X. I need to be prepared whenI go to the doc Thursday and give her my progress report. Thanks!

Oh my total V goal is around 12 so I have a long way to go- otherwise I may have to taper off X with V as an IDWD assist ( which it really is helping with)

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Yogi - let it go. Reposting and rehashing is only making you look like a trouble maker now. This died out days ago, but you just want to keep it going. No one else saw fit to make any comments, so you need to stop right now.
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Yogi - let it go. Reposting and rehashing is only making you look like a trouble maker now. This died out days ago, but you just want to keep it going. No one else saw fit to make any comments, so you need to stop right now.


Well my message inbox is full of people who feel the contrary...that is if anyone has the courage to stand up to lioness.

Yesterday on the 'Atheist thread' is not "days ago" FYI.



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Yogi - let it go. Reposting and rehashing is only making you look like a trouble maker now. This died out days ago, but you just want to keep it going. No one else saw fit to make any comments, so you need to stop right now.


Well my message inbox is full of people who feel the contrary...that is if anyone has the courage to stand up to lioness.

Yesterday on the 'Atheist thread' is not "days ago" FYI.


I don't post on this thread often, because I'm not micro tapering but I follow in hopes of gleaning useful information about V tapering. I'm not one to step into a fight but honestly I have been upset about the treatment of LaineyK on this board and still feel this way several days later. I feel like this should be a place where we encourage each other no matter what. I even took the time to write Lainey an encouraging message because she seemed so down. I hope she got it. So anyway, not trying to pick a fight, just thought I would share my feelings on the matter. Hopefully we can all move on soon and get back to encouraging one another to get off this horrible drug!

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I'm new here, but am of the belief that a person's spiritual beliefs (or lack thereof) should have no bearing on this thread. The thread, IMHO, exists to help and be helped. Furthermore, it really is time to put this to bed and get on with the healing. Hopefully, I haven't alienated myself from future help because I posted this message. We're all in the same boat here, regardless of where we stand on other issues.


All the best to EVERYONE,


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I don't comment too much on BB, but I think edzo has the right idea. PLAY NICE, EH!! Peeps who have graduated from here and come back to help out a lot voluntarily! are a valuable resource; I'd like to think the 'tyrant/lioness'  ??? label put on someone who has contributed so much to the board was just made in the heat of the moment.


My cuzin is still in the thick of her struggle, and I know people are pretty fragile, so I believe compassion is the key word. Stuff is bound to get a bit heated at times, but if everyone takes a deep breath and chills out  (if you're in Canada, just step outside! 8)), that would be COOL. We're all in this together, and even if we all are individuals, maybe save any hostility for big pharma and clueless docs??


We're human, we're fallible-and we need to support, not hurt each other. Big hugs to everyone from a big sky farmer :smitten:.

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Yogi - let it go. Reposting and rehashing is only making you look like a trouble maker now. This died out days ago, but you just want to keep it going. No one else saw fit to make any comments, so you need to stop right now.


Well my message inbox is full of people who feel the contrary...that is if anyone has the courage to stand up to lioness.

Yesterday on the 'Atheist thread' is not "days ago" FYI.




Well I guess we need to compare "inboxes" because I've had messages about your behaviour.


This did die out days ago after I posted about how hurt I was about Lainey's comment to me. Apart from initially receiving some supportive messages, no one was commenting at all, until you chose to come to the thread and re-ignite things. The posts yesterday were instigated by YOU, so don't go making me look like the trouble maker when this was over and done with days ago. I asked you yesterday to let it go, but instead of doing that you've come here to keep it going. So who really is the trouble maker here?


There was never any intent on my part to insult Lainey or her beliefs. I was merely trying to get her to look at things from a slightly different perspective, because signs can come in a lot of different forms, and sometimes you just need to look outside the box to see what's in front of you. I am sorry if she feels upset, but I'm not responsible for other people's feelings.


I've always tried to "play nice", but there are others who just like to create drama. I'm done with the thread and I'm done with anyone on it who thinks I would be that intentionally nasty to anyone. After all the help I've given it absolutely shocks me that anyone would think I would be capable of doing that, and that I deserve the kind of comments I've received. Thanks a lot guys. If anyone wants my help they will find me in other sections.


Now for the third time, I will ask Yogi and everyone else who has involved themselves in this to please let it go. I'm not going to make any further comments, so those who continue to comment will be the ones responsible for Lainey's continued "humiliation".

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This makes me really sad.  I wish all parties could take a step back, breathe, and forget any differences.  My post wasn't meant to separate, but rather to unite.  I certainly took no sides in this back and forth and no personal messages were sent by me either. I wish we could treat this as a 3 day wave and let the window open again.


If we've really lost MountainYogi and D-Pam, I want to thank them both for the warm response to my Introduction a couple of weeks ago. Also, I really want to thank Pam for all she has documented on these threads. They were and continue to be an invaluable resource to me as I'm sure they were, are, and will be to many others in the future.



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Don't want to give more credence to this unfortunate situation, but thanks for your moderate voice, edzo :thumbsup:! Thank goodness, I believe D-Pam is simply removing herself from this particular 'diazepam group,' and will remain on BB in general. What say we all sing a round of 'koom bye ah' [sic!] and relegate this to cyber wastebasket, eh!


p.s. remember, Canadians the world over (in general) are known for our unfailing politeness/dislike of conflict/tendency to say "Sorry!" when other people bump into us ::)!!

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Don't want to give more credence to this unfortunate situation, but thanks for your moderate voice, edzo :thumbsup:! Thank goodness, I believe D-Pam is simply removing herself from this particular 'diazepam group,' and will remain on BB in general. What say we all sing a round of 'koom bye ah' [sic!] and relegate this to cyber wastebasket, eh!


p.s. remember, Canadians the world over (in general) are known for our unfailing politeness/dislike of conflict/tendency to say "Sorry!" when other people bump into us ::)!!


Haha! Yes, I've been to Ottawa!  :laugh:

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Well said yogi. Ive only been on this board for a few weeks but have found one particular poster to be rude and frustrating. Funny how out of every member on here there is only one that seems to keep popping up when conflict is around? I wont name her though.


Keep on keeping on everyone. Im down to 1mg valium. Battling my arse off!

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I posted this a while back, hoping to get more eyes here. Has anyone had valium lower their breathing/ respiration levels to the point where it became a problem? Im currently trying to cross from X to V and Im up to 2 mg V daily. Even at this low dose I can detect a slowing in my breathing, which was slow to begin with. My BP is usually like 110/65, pretty decent. Im not asking for medical advice  :thumbsup: just wanting to know if anyone else has experienced it and if I should expect it to slow even more as I up the V and down the X. I need to be prepared whenI go to the doc Thursday and give her my progress report. Thanks!

Oh my total V goal is around 12 so I have a long way to go- otherwise I may have to taper off X with V as an IDWD assist ( which it really is helping with)

I dont mean to interrupt, just hoping by bumping my question about being new to valium and seeking advice might be seen by someone on the valium board. There may be another place that I could post it so if anyone could point me there it would be most appreciated. Thank you.

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Yogi - let it go. Reposting and rehashing is only making you look like a trouble maker now. This died out days ago, but you just want to keep it going. No one else saw fit to make any comments, so you need to stop right now.


Well my message inbox is full of people who feel the contrary...that is if anyone has the courage to stand up to lioness.

Yesterday on the 'Atheist thread' is not "days ago" FYI.




Well I guess we need to compare "inboxes" because I've had messages about your behaviour.


This did die out days ago after I posted about how hurt I was about Lainey's comment to me. Apart from initially receiving some supportive messages, no one was commenting at all, until you chose to come to the thread and re-ignite things. The posts yesterday were instigated by YOU, so don't go making me look like the trouble maker when this was over and done with days ago. I asked you yesterday to let it go, but instead of doing that you've come here to keep it going. So who really is the trouble maker here?


There was never any intent on my part to insult Lainey or her beliefs. I was merely trying to get her to look at things from a slightly different perspective, because signs can come in a lot of different forms, and sometimes you just need to look outside the box to see what's in front of you. I am sorry if she feels upset, but I'm not responsible for other people's feelings.


I've always tried to "play nice", but there are others who just like to create drama. I'm done with the thread and I'm done with anyone on it who thinks I would be that intentionally nasty to anyone. After all the help I've given it absolutely shocks me that anyone would think I would be capable of doing that, and that I deserve the kind of comments I've received. Thanks a lot guys. If anyone wants my help they will find me in other sections.


Now for the third time, I will ask Yogi and everyone else who has involved themselves in this to please let it go. I'm not going to make any further comments, so those who continue to comment will be the ones responsible for Lainey's continued "humiliation".


"Well I guess we need to compare "inboxes" because I've had messages about your behaviour." --this statement is absurd. The posting history will speak for itself.


"Now for the third time, I will ask Yogi and everyone else who has involved themselves in this to please let it go."--It seems to me that you think this is a third grade classroom.  Well it's not. This is the kind of response of a person who always needs to control and have the last word.  If people have something to say about this whether you like it or not, this "forum" is here for exactly that. This is not Diaz-Pam's world.


This so-called "humiliation" has transferred to me and my humiliation thanks to you since you have branded me "a trouble maker." No worries, I am a strong woman and have the wherewithal to deal with bullies.


What is even more incredulous is your statement: "how hurt I was about Lainey's comment to me."

Yes, I think Lainey should march on over here this instant and apologize to you for her nonsensical belief in her Lord because you "don't get it when people say they are putting their trust in the lord." By the way, Lainey does not find this humiliating but actually the contrary.  She is uplifted by someone who is standing up for her and her right to believe whatever she likes without being questioned or having to hear:  "I find it frustrating when people say they are just going to put their faith in something non-tangible, and expecting things to happen that way."


In conclusion, I have nothing else other than you may want to try adding one phrase to your lexicon:


I'm sorry.


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