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Remeron HELPS benzo withdrawal.


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Remeron rules!!! Potent sleep inducer, improves appetite and for me total cake to come off of.


Lucky you.

There are the few that can get on and off without the misery.

Unfortunately I’m not one of them.


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keagan, did you take Remeron to help you with benzo withdrawal?


I was put on it in the hospital during my detox and it definitely helped. Made me fat, so I stopped taking it as I got better. CT'ed 30mgs. A few restless nights but that was all.

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See sig... threw me intio acute.


Barbara, your use of Remeron coincided with what appeared to be your having reached tolerance to benzos. Very often, when we teach tolerance, the first thing we do is blame the last thing that occurred before we fell off the cliff.


When I reached tolerance I blamed it on everything but the benzos – but my problem was Ativan all along.


The reason I would suggest that you reconsider stating this as a hard fact is because many of us found Remeron to be beneficial in getting through the very acute phase that you describe, after tolerance had already occurred.

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Taking it before further B withdrawal cos I must sleep. But I hope to drop it to 7,5mg when diaz lower.

Cant ce worse than getting off quetiapine


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I'm never going to know.  I do know when I took it I immediately got headaches and it acted instantly, hich freaked me out.  It was like how could anything work that fast?  I noticed immediate cause/effect.


Don't know if was in tolerance; I was already tapering because I felt like it on K.  Had not had an issue tapering until that point.  Wish had known to oupdose it to know for sure if it ould help, but I did not do that. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Remeron rules!!! Potent sleep inducer, improves appetite and for me total cake to come off of.


Lucky you.

There are the few that can get on and off without the misery.

Unfortunately I’m not one of them.


Can i ask what the misery symptoms are for you? I'm hoping to come off the mirtazapine eventually too. Benzo withdrawal has been hell so far and mirtazapine has been helping with sleep and appetite. Thanks for any advice or experience you may share!

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The misery symptoms began after a month or 2 while on it. Then while tapering. Remeron for me was great in the beginning for sleep but then it became toxic after each dose. I feel that my cns was extremely compromised at the time, So any meds even an Advil would destroy me psychology and physically. Today I can only tolerate maybe two antibiotics and only by iv or injections not by mouth.

The symptoms that I experienced coming off of Remeron were several. I’m sure a lot of them were Benzo related. Brain zaps definitely the Remeron since I never had that a month after ct before I started rem. The rest of the symptoms where, anxiety, deep dark depression, mental anguish, fear, body twitching and so much more. Like I said I’m sure a lot of it was Benzo related but no doubt I lived through a double whammy withdrawal. Go back starting feb 2014 and look at some of my posts for more details. It took me at least 2 years after that to start feeling like maybe recovery is actually beginning.

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I tried remeron after reading that it helped some here. In week 2 of taking it, I became seriously agitated and irritable. I wish I could have tolerated it, because it was helping the depression a bit....and sleep....but then it turned against me. Maybe part of it was the compromised CNS doe to benzo withdrawal, but there has also been speculation that i might have bipolar. I took a somewhat low dosage too — 7.5 mg.
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Hi Purple H

I agree it can kick in some serotonin as builder pointed out.

That’s what makes you and I irritable on it, even on 7.5. I have some akathisia on it too

I think it is now the only AD I trust for me.

No more SSRI or AP for me!


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Hi Dick.  I am glad you are able to tolerate it.  I made me feel like I was going to crawl out of my skin, so I had to d/c.





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Just to be clear, quetiapine and mirtazipine are both serotoninogenic Yet my psych said they work safely and well together.


Do we have tell them everything?

Perhaps that’s why Quetiapine got a licence for augmentation of ADs


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Just to be clear, quetiapine and mirtazipine are both serotoninogenic Yet my psych said they work safely and well together.


Do we have tell them everything?

Perhaps that’s why Quetiapine got a licence for augmentation of ADs



I think taking both of those together would send me spinning


Could not tolerate either, let alone together. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have been taking Remero alongside my taper.  I started on April 13. 1 mg of Ativan now down to .74. The Remeron helps me sleep.  I had the thought that I should start tapering it. Just because I was taking to two drugs. And then the last two weeks I felt much more low and a lot more anxiety. So I guess I should just be OK with taking the 15 mg of remeron each night, blessing the sleep that it brings, and hopefully this cluster of panic attacks will subside.  I am afraid of being stuck with another drug to taper, but oh working on forgiving myself for that.  So far is the panic attacks and anxiety and low mood, I may be tapering to fast but I want this drug out of my body so badly 
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello everyone. Does Remeron initially increase anxiety like the SSRI’s? I’d like to know if there is something out there that I could fall back on to help with my taper. I’ve taken SSRIs twice and they increased my anxiety so much...... they kept on increasing my head pressure. Felt like a zombie.
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Hello everyone. Does Remeron initially increase anxiety like the SSRI’s? I’d like to know if there is something out there that I could fall back on to help with my taper. I’ve taken SSRIs twice and they increased my anxiety so much...... they kept on increasing my head pressure. Felt like a zombie.


No, it doesn't. It has a sedative effect from day 1.

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