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Gabapentin (Neurontin) Withdrawl Support Group


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This is something that have to do after taper from Klonopin. I’m sad right now. Its 3 am and Sleep is difficult. Panic starts...I wish I could increase gabapentin to help this. My husband thinks I should, but I need to not do that. Really scared because he says stuff that makes me think he’s getting upset with me. I’m doing the best I can but fear he’s never going to return emotionally when this is over.

Nobody on here talks about relationship fear as we’re going through this. I really don’t think therapists can understand how bad the anxiety is. 

If he was going to leave he would have, but it’s more like  my anxiety creates such dupistance and I feel guilty because I’m not my best self. Sometimes I really suck and I do apologize a lot..

When I’ve had a particularly bad wave, he asks me to take gabapentin....I keep telling him I’m so sorry and am in tears about how I wish I could be there for him and how I feel badly for him. I hope he knows how much I love him. I tell him, but I feel even telling him is hard because I can’t show him my love like I want to and he’s a person of acts of service as primary love language. Telling himI I love him then having an episode of anxiety, sees like a rolller coaster. But I do tell him and let him know about how I fear he will think I don’t care about him because I’m so inward all the time and don’t want to socialize like I used to. I’m also super sensitive socially and he gets upset that I am so fearful of people I used to trust. I never had such social phobia before in my life and often paranoia about things people say....fear they will use my extreme vulnerability against me somehow. I feel really vipulnerable. Yet on good window times, I’m more whole than before. It’s very strange. Like being born or going through a rapid growth phase. It’s like a butterfly trying to change inside a cocoon.  I can see tremendous growth but fear comes really hard in between.


Just a vent...this is for me to just talk and not freak anyone out...I’m just scared right now. Thanks for this board to get out the feelings so I can help myself .....like someone is listening, even if it’s just the better part of myself that is wise and knows what to do. Amen peace be still...oh my souk and bless all who are in fear, that they may know the peace that passes understanding in the mist of the storm. Peace to all who are alone and feel forgotten. You are not alone. This to shall pass. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Taking this world as it is, not as I would have it. Living one day at a time, that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with You in the next. Amen

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been a silent reader of this group for a good while and hope it's ok to join. I am not on Gabapentin but on another Anticonvulsant drug, Lamictal. I am off benzos for 4 years and 7 months but still on this other drug, which is preventing my healing big time and which is giving me horrible side effects itself.

My journey with this drugs sounds so similiar to many of your journeys... a pure nightmare to get off.


So before I wrote more.... may I join the group?


If you are still wondering, I'd say join the group.  We can all help one-another with experiences.  As you probably know, Lamictal has a different mechanism of action from gabapentin. 


All the best,



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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't really talk on forums much - but I do follow along still. I'm now over the 3 year mark for quitting Gabapentin, yahoo! I feel back to normal 99% now - just a few odd things that are still lingering but have diminished to the point of not even being annoying much. I still get the burning skin feeling on the backside of my arm once in awhile but it is so much less than it was in the beginning, very minor. My bones don't ache, the other nerve pain is gone, I don't get severe panic attacks or depression anymore at all - no more doom n gloom feeling that life isn't worth living. I eat and go to the bathroom normally now as well. So there is hope after all. It went away so slowly for me that every once in awhile I would realize it had been a month that I hadn't felt this symptom or that symptom. Baby steps. 


I can say that for me at least - gabapentin WD's mimic Benzo withdrawals to the point that I could not take a benzo without going into full blown WD's. They were a temporary crutch but I would suffer for a few weeks every time I took a xanax during the initial year or so of quitting - I haven't tried since. I had never had reason or had taken xanax or any benzo before I started Gabapentin. I could not take a opioid of any kind either, same result although not as bad as xanax. I haven't tried these since either although my back still hurts (which is the reason I was started on Gabapentin). I don't take anything right now except ibuprofen once every great while.


When I quit I was at 3600mg's a day, I tapered down to 2700mgs and felt so terrible, suicidal, panic attacks and depression that I just threw them all away and quit. I wouldn't recommend this but it's what I did. I'm sure the journey would have been easier had I tapered down much slower but my mind was not in a place that could make sound decisions.


Just a heads up - I did not find anything to make things easier. No vitamins really worked, I tried alot of things and spent a lot of money on products but it was just time for me. Baby steps.

Good luck all, and thanks! Some of the comments on here were amazing for me during times of duress - I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

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Hello all ;) 

I have read thru every post on this Gabapentin thread. This might be a tad long.    I have been on Gabapentin now 14 years  :o, for chronic pain ("Fibromyalgia" and pain after jaw surgery). I had been on many narcotics, muscle relaxers and anti-depressants before that (don't remember having issues getting off any of those).  I handled the Gabapentin fine for a few years, it seems, but as the years went on, still had to take pain meds, muscle relaxers and still having leg pain. 

In 2011 I started having increase of GI issues,  increased body pain, urinary and pelvic floor issues, increased headaches, and anxiety.  I also was going thru counseling before my divorce and she sent my to psychiatrist for help with increasing anxiety. He just had me fill out a few surveys and then he gave me a script for .5mg 3 x day of Xanax -  >:( NOT AWARE it was tolerance to Gabapentin starting.  So, the anxiety was "controlled" with the Xanax but the GI issues continued and as time went on, many other symptoms came up.  Panic, muscle pain, weakness, fear, jaw pain, headaches,  etc.....

Early 2015 ?- Pain management- "take more Gabapentin for any increase in anxiety"  :o , ( I was already on over 2800mg) added Baclofen and Estrogen patches. Did not stay on Baclofen for more than a few months and then stopped them after wetting the bed! Do not remember tapering, but not sure I took them more than as needed. (My memory sucks!) :P

AUG 2015 - my first WAVE of tolerance w/d to Gabapentin and xanax. ( I assume) Miserable - Stool changes, stomach pain, panic, sweating , heart pounding, nausea, food aversion.  This occurs monthly but it's worse every 4th month

I have been getting worse ever since. Down now over 50lbs.  MANY GI tests, procedures, and even a liver surgery 2018 (needed) and pelvic floor repair (maybe not needed).  But NOTHING found "wrong".  It took me researching for years and trying to get better and I found the connection to both Gabapentin and Xanax tolerance. Now having agoraphobia, slight, muscle spasm, dystonia (slight) and other weird things.

So, now in 2019 - I started in January trying to get "stable" and gain weight before dropping anything. We evened out my dose of gabapentin to equal amounts as I was suffering taking 600mg at bed and 300 mg mid day and am. 

I have dropped Gabapentin from 1200mg to 600mg since April.  The first few cuts at 100mg were fine, the 6th cut was terrifying!  Then, 2 days later, I was "ok" just some physical symptoms but I am used to those.  The mental was the worst.  Then, a week later, I dropped .25mg Xanax daily.  I was FINE.  ( I didn't even realize I had done it actually).

So, I know the taper, for me,  to the Xanax is being helped by the Gabapentin.  The Gabapentin will be rough. I am holding at 600mg daily of Gabapentin until I can get off the .5mg Xanax I still have.  I start my taper tomorrow.


**** While reading thru this whole thread I never saw mention of the "Reverse bioavailability" of Gabapentin.  The lower the dose, the more available the active drug you are getting.  *****


Bioavailability of gabapentin is approximately 60%, 47%, 34%, 33%, and 27% following 900, 1200, 2400, 3600, and 4800 mg/day given in 3 divided doses, respectively. Food has only a slight effect on the rate and extent of absorption of gabapentin (14% increase in AUC and Cmax).

NEURONTIN® (gabapentin) Clinical Pharmacology | Pfizer ...

https://www.pfizermedicalinformation.com › en-us › clinical-pharmacology


** This makes we wonder if the lower we go the more difficult the taper.  Thoughts??


I just know in this journey, I seem to drop the Xanax with little issue but the Gabapentin, not so much.  This is certainly scary and I have a LONG journey ahead to get off of these meds.  The akathisia is rough as is the fear and panic but so far I am working full time and managing. We will heal!

Mrs No



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glad to see yall posting, sorry yall ahave to be here posting. does that make sense?



ben wanting to start my gaba taper so bad but nknow better than to try it at this time because i just added a clonazepam taper to my seroquel taper, so i have to let that settle down first. but hopefully 2020 is my year for gaba taper.


hearing yall doing it gives me strength and courage.

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Bioavailability of gabapentin is approximately 60%, 47%, 34%, 33%, and 27% following 900, 1200, 2400, 3600, and 4800 mg/day given in 3 divided doses, respectively. Food has only a slight effect on the rate and extent of absorption of gabapentin (14% increase in AUC and Cmax).

NEURONTIN® (gabapentin) Clinical Pharmacology | Pfizer ...

https://www.pfizermedicalinformation.com › en-us › clinical-pharmacology


** This makes we wonder if the lower we go the more difficult the taper.  Thoughts??


I just know in this journey, I seem to drop the Xanax with little issue but the Gabapentin, not so much.  This is certainly scary and I have a LONG journey ahead to get off of these meds.  The akathisia is rough as is the fear and panic but so far I am working full time and managing. We will heal!

Mrs No


Yes, you should slow down your taper near the end for the reason you mentioned. Most people drop by some percentage of the dose they feel comfortable with every week or two weeks (ie 5 or 10%). That way you are reducing by a bit less each time. In addition to the reason you mentioned, for most drugs, the reduction in receptor occupancy happens more quickly at lower doses (I think because the system is less "saturated" with the drug). So you should do a symptom-based taper. Taper only at the rate where you can remain functional, if that's possible.

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Bioavailability of gabapentin is approximately 60%, 47%, 34%, 33%, and 27% following 900, 1200, 2400, 3600, and 4800 mg/day given in 3 divided doses, respectively. Food has only a slight effect on the rate and extent of absorption of gabapentin (14% increase in AUC and Cmax).

NEURONTIN® (gabapentin) Clinical Pharmacology | Pfizer ...

https://www.pfizermedicalinformation.com › en-us › clinical-pharmacology


** This makes we wonder if the lower we go the more difficult the taper.  Thoughts??


I just know in this journey, I seem to drop the Xanax with little issue but the Gabapentin, not so much.  This is certainly scary and I have a LONG journey ahead to get off of these meds.  The akathisia is rough as is the fear and panic but so far I am working full time and managing. We will heal!

Mrs No


Yes, you should slow down your taper near the end for the reason you mentioned. Most people drop by some percentage of the dose they feel comfortable with every week or two weeks (ie 5 or 10%). That way you are reducing by a bit less each time. In addition to the reason you mentioned, for most drugs, the reduction in receptor occupancy happens more quickly at lower doses (I think because the system is less "saturated" with the drug). So you should do a symptom-based taper. Taper only at the rate where you can remain functional, if that's possible.


does this mean that the bioavailability of gabapentin is approximately 60% at 900 mg total daily dosage? and does that mean that the lower of a dose you're taking, the more your blood is saturated with it?

( that's my dose, and yes i divide it evenly as 300mg every 8 hours)

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hey all, now that I'm 1 year of gabapentin I thought I share some feedback.

I feel mostly recovered from benzos and gabapentin, although I still have some rough patches here and there, but they are often related to sickness/cold etc, or very stressful life/work situations. I had this pre-benzo flareups too, they were just a bit easier to deal with, and recovery was quicker.

while on gabapentin - they question I often had, is if gabapentin makes benzo w/d and s/x worse. I believe this is not the case. it mildly helps, and comes with its own set of side effects, like depression, lethargy, lower-IQ, mental fog etc. once you taper off, a lot of things will improve, but the benzo related stuff might still linger around.

all in all, I feel that gabapentin w/d took me about 1-3 months max once fully off. the initial period post jump, was quite euphoric - I felt mega energized and mentally awesome, but it was followed by some major physical s/x. blood pressure through the roof, heart-racing etc. managed by taking propanolol.

don't focus on the horror stories - my benzo w/d was pretty bad (which I hoped it won't be), but my gabapentin w/d was easy - but it was easy during my 3rd taper event, when I was 18months out AND took the taper super slow via liquid. your benzo exp. is NOT an indicator how bad gabapentin will be. same rules apply - make sure you do a slow liquid taper. I jumped when I reached 3x10mg a day, as at this stage 'acute w/d' was quite present and it did not make sense to taper further.


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hey all, now that I'm 1 year of gabapentin I thought I share some feedback.

I feel mostly recovered from benzos and gabapentin, although I still have some rough patches here and there, but they are often related to sickness/cold etc, or very stressful life/work situations. I had this pre-benzo flareups too, they were just a bit easier to deal with, and recovery was quicker.

while on gabapentin - they question I often had, is if gabapentin makes benzo w/d and s/x worse. I believe this is not the case. it mildly helps, and comes with its own set of side effects, like depression, lethargy, lower-IQ, mental fog etc. once you taper off, a lot of things will improve, but the benzo related stuff might still linger around.

all in all, I feel that gabapentin w/d took me about 1-3 months max once fully off. the initial period post jump, was quite euphoric - I felt mega energized and mentally awesome, but it was followed by some major physical s/x. blood pressure through the roof, heart-racing etc. managed by taking propanolol.

don't focus on the horror stories - my benzo w/d was pretty bad (which I hoped it won't be), but my gabapentin w/d was easy - but it was easy during my 3rd taper event, when I was 18months out AND took the taper super slow via liquid. your benzo exp. is NOT an indicator how bad gabapentin will be. same rules apply - make sure you do a slow liquid taper. I jumped when I reached 3x10mg a day, as at this stage 'acute w/d' was quite present and it did not make sense to taper further.


man, THANK YOU for this update!


your avatar is cool btw lol


been so anxious worryin if the gaba taper is gonna be bad as the clonzepam or my seroquel taper, but your post gives me some relief from worrying.  stay thirsty my friend. :thumbsup:

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hey all, now that I'm 1 year of gabapentin I thought I share some feedback.

I feel mostly recovered from benzos and gabapentin, although I still have some rough patches here and there, but they are often related to sickness/cold etc, or very stressful life/work situations. I had this pre-benzo flareups too, they were just a bit easier to deal with, and recovery was quicker.

while on gabapentin - they question I often had, is if gabapentin makes benzo w/d and s/x worse. I believe this is not the case. it mildly helps, and comes with its own set of side effects, like depression, lethargy, lower-IQ, mental fog etc. once you taper off, a lot of things will improve, but the benzo related stuff might still linger around.

all in all, I feel that gabapentin w/d took me about 1-3 months max once fully off. the initial period post jump, was quite euphoric - I felt mega energized and mentally awesome, but it was followed by some major physical s/x. blood pressure through the roof, heart-racing etc. managed by taking propanolol.

don't focus on the horror stories - my benzo w/d was pretty bad (which I hoped it won't be), but my gabapentin w/d was easy - but it was easy during my 3rd taper event, when I was 18months out AND took the taper super slow via liquid. your benzo exp. is NOT an indicator how bad gabapentin will be. same rules apply - make sure you do a slow liquid taper. I jumped when I reached 3x10mg a day, as at this stage 'acute w/d' was quite present and it did not make sense to taper further.


Locust, great post. I'm adding it to my progress log.


How many of you are putting on weight due to the gabapentin and do you manage to keep it at bay with diet /exercise?

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my dr visits show i'm losing about 1 lb a month, occasionally 2 pounds a month. slowly, steadily, and i am not exercising, just changed my diet.
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Just a quick update. I was tapering my benzo and holding my 700mg of gabapentin. Finished my taper. One day I forgot to take my entire 300mg morning dose of gabapentin. I noticed an uptick in anxiety in the afternoon, but attributed it to having just jumped. Later I saw the capsule still in the pill sorter. I skipped the dose and went back to 300mg AM and 400mg PM.


My evening dose was a 300mg capsule and a 100mg capsule. That extra capsule needing an extra script each month was bugging me, so I decided to stop it. I just quit 100mg all at once. I had an uptick in all my typical symptoms for 2 weeks and now coming back down to normal post jump stuff. I won't cut such a large amount again because those 2 weeks were not good, especially the neuropathy.


The experience was interesting. I did my taper as a DLMT. I never did cut-and-hold. I couldn't tolerate the symptoms of anything but tiny cuts to my Librium. But the gabapentin cut-and-hold was tolerable.


I don't intend to do another cut for a very long time because I will have an empty nest and have to move in the spring. I want to be on solid emotional ground when that happens. But I'm glad I got rid of that darn little extra capsule! ;D

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Just a quick update. I was tapering my benzo and holding my 700mg of gabapentin. Finished my taper. One day I forgot to take my entire 300mg morning dose of gabapentin. I noticed an uptick in anxiety in the afternoon, but attributed it to having just jumped. Later I saw the capsule still in the pill sorter. I skipped the dose and went back to 300mg AM and 400mg PM.


My evening dose was a 300mg capsule and a 100mg capsule. That extra capsule needing an extra script each month was bugging me, so I decided to stop it. I just quit 100mg all at once. I had an uptick in all my typical symptoms for 2 weeks and now coming back down to normal post jump stuff. I won't cut such a large amount again because those 2 weeks were not good, especially the neuropathy.


The experience was interesting. I did my taper as a DLMT. I never did cut-and-hold. I couldn't tolerate the symptoms of anything but tiny cuts to my Librium. But the gabapentin cut-and-hold was tolerable.


I don't intend to do another cut for a very long time because I will have an empty nest and have to move in the spring. I want to be on solid emotional ground when that happens. But I'm glad I got rid of that darn little extra capsule! ;D


Following, as I am taking 300 mgs gabapentin morning and night since past July, and I'll have to taper that if I ever manage to get rid of the Valium.

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Just a quick update. I was tapering my benzo and holding my 700mg of gabapentin. Finished my taper. One day I forgot to take my entire 300mg morning dose of gabapentin. I noticed an uptick in anxiety in the afternoon, but attributed it to having just jumped. Later I saw the capsule still in the pill sorter. I skipped the dose and went back to 300mg AM and 400mg PM.


My evening dose was a 300mg capsule and a 100mg capsule. That extra capsule needing an extra script each month was bugging me, so I decided to stop it. I just quit 100mg all at once. I had an uptick in all my typical symptoms for 2 weeks and now coming back down to normal post jump stuff. I won't cut such a large amount again because those 2 weeks were not good, especially the neuropathy.


The experience was interesting. I did my taper as a DLMT. I never did cut-and-hold. I couldn't tolerate the symptoms of anything but tiny cuts to my Librium. But the gabapentin cut-and-hold was tolerable.


I don't intend to do another cut for a very long time because I will have an empty nest and have to move in the spring. I want to be on solid emotional ground when that happens. But I'm glad I got rid of that darn little extra capsule! ;D


Following, as I am taking 300 mgs gabapentin morning and night since past July, and I'll have to taper that if I ever manage to get rid of the Valium.


Exactly the boat I was in. If you look at my signature, you will see I took a long time to get off the benzo, but I did it. You will, too!

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Gardener yes, I'm still holding the Valium after that terrible crash in June followed by the updose. Still very far from stable so I feel I'm hooked on these two drugs for good. At least now I'm functional in spite of the hideous anxiety. I follow your progress log and I'm so glad you're off. Now following your gabs progress. Hope it's not too difficult. People seem to do better when they wait a few months post benzo taper before tapering the gabapentin, but I can understand the urgency.
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Gardener yes, I'm still holding the Valium after that terrible crash in June followed by the updose. Still very far from stable so I feel I'm hooked on these two drugs for good. At least now I'm functional in spite of the hideous anxiety. I follow your progress log and I'm so glad you're off. Now following your gabs progress. Hope it's not too difficult. People seem to do better when they wait a few months post benzo taper before tapering the gabapentin, but I can understand the urgency.


I know it's discouraging to crash. It happened to me. If you look at my signature, I held for a year. I really thought I would never get to where I am now. But now I am off and the first gabapentin cut was not so bad. I would not have tried it if not for my accidentally skipping a whole dose. However, I'm in no hurry to cut again. I'm still getting my post-benzo feet under me.

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Yes gardener I know your signature and your story because I find it so relatable. You didn't updose though, and I did. I don't regret it, I can't afford to not function, but I hope it doesn't kindle me even more than I am already. Now what's done is done. After that year's hold, how did you feel when you decided to taper again? I'm much better but the anxiety is still very high. Like I would never sleep anything if it weren't for the trazodone, no matter how tired I am, withdrawal anxiety keeps me from falling asleep. Only trazodone induced sleep. That's what makes me feel it's too soon to start tapering. Although I am fully functional, working etc. I'm even busier than ever, going to lawyers changing my will, banks to renegotiate my mortgage. Because after the crash I have this feeling I could be CTD and die any moment. You said very helpful things to me when I crashed. I even printed some to read every day back then, to give me some hope to get through those horrible scary days. I really appreciate that. Now I read all these internet gabapentin horror stories and I regret I started on it but I really would've taken rat poison in July, if enough people had said it would help with bwd sxs. I hope you have a very smooth gabapentin taper. People seem to do better when they wait 8/9 months or more after the benzo taper. I suppose it's because it might still be masking some bwds. Take care.
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Yes gardener I know your signature and your story because I find it so relatable. You didn't updose though, and I did. I don't regret it, I can't afford to not function, but I hope it doesn't kindle me even more than I am already. Now what's done is done. After that year's hold, how did you feel when you decided to taper again? I'm much better but the anxiety is still very high. Like I would never sleep anything if it weren't for the trazodone, no matter how tired I am, withdrawal anxiety keeps me from falling asleep. Only trazodone induced sleep. That's what makes me feel it's too soon to start tapering. Although I am fully functional, working etc. I'm even busier than ever, going to lawyers changing my will, banks to renegotiate my mortgage. Because after the crash I have this feeling I could be CTD and die any moment. You said very helpful things to me when I crashed. I even printed some to read every day back then, to give me some hope to get through those horrible scary days. I really appreciate that. Now I read all these internet gabapentin horror stories and I regret I started on it but I really would've taken rat poison in July, if enough people had said it would help with bwd sxs. I hope you have a very smooth gabapentin taper. People seem to do better when they wait 8/9 months or more after the benzo taper. I suppose it's because it might still be masking some bwds. Take care.

You know, I'm never quite sure who I told the story to. And if people change their avatars, I get very confused! :wacko: (But I changed mine, too, when someone told me they thought my row of squash was a caterpillar! :laugh:)


Actually, I did one quick, updose near the end of my taper when I realized I had made too big a cut. I think because I did it quickly, I recovered quickly and was able to continue.


It's a good sign that you're more functional. I'm not sure if needing the trazodone means you're not ready to taper. But I was put on the benzo for sleep so my situation is not the same. I may always need a sleep aid.


I think I have fully habituated to the gabapentin and it's doing nothing, just like I had fully habituated to the benzo and it was doing nothing. But, you're right, rushing into another taper is not a good idea. I need to give my brain time to recover from the first one.


I hope it's consoling that I whacked off 100mg (out of 700mg, so quite a big cut) and felt only moderate symptoms for 2 weeks. They were not debilitating at all. Really annoying, but not debilitating.  :)

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Gardener getting rid of those 100 is a great accomplishment. Maybe wait two months and then cut 50 and see how it goes. I'm jealous of you. I wish I was already off the benzo and planning to taper gaba. Ah well. No, I'm not ready to taper. I can't slept because when I'm going to fall asleep I'm woken up by a brain jolt. I think that's too severe to start tapering don't you think? Plus my anxiety still sucks.
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Yes gardener I know your signature and your story because I find it so relatable. You didn't updose though, and I did. I don't regret it, I can't afford to not function, but I hope it doesn't kindle me even more than I am already. Now what's done is done. After that year's hold, how did you feel when you decided to taper again? I'm much better but the anxiety is still very high. Like I would never sleep anything if it weren't for the trazodone, no matter how tired I am, withdrawal anxiety keeps me from falling asleep. Only trazodone induced sleep. That's what makes me feel it's too soon to start tapering. Although I am fully functional, working etc. I'm even busier than ever, going to lawyers changing my will, banks to renegotiate my mortgage. Because after the crash I have this feeling I could be CTD and die any moment. You said very helpful things to me when I crashed. I even printed some to read every day back then, to give me some hope to get through those horrible scary days. I really appreciate that. Now I read all these internet gabapentin horror stories and I regret I started on it but I really would've taken rat poison in July, if enough people had said it would help with bwd sxs. I hope you have a very smooth gabapentin taper. People seem to do better when they wait 8/9 months or more after the benzo taper. I suppose it's because it might still be masking some bwds. Take care.


Vali, benzo 3 got off a high dose of gabby pretty easily.  Just a good story instead of bad  ;)

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Mary thank you!! Benzo 3 was my new boyfriend wasn't he? Where is he? Is the man hiding from me? I'm not a woman to be ignored.

Lol, 2nd laugh of the day.  He is having some family issues, don't think he is here.  He did a fast gabby w/d and by some miracle did okay.  I'm sure he will be glad to talk to you about it.  We were worried the whole time.  💜💜

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Thanks Mary. Another buddie pmd me a couple months ago saying she tapered the gaba in three weeks after a hellish klonopin taper. My psychiatrist laughs when I tell him some people go through terrible gaba withdrawals. He says "Gabapentin????? '. But there are people here who had it tough and they're sure not lying. Oh well, we'll see.
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Thanks Mary. Another buddie pmd me a couple months ago saying she tapered the gaba in three weeks after a hellish klonopin taper. My psychiatrist laughs when I tell him some people go through terrible gaba withdrawals. He says "Gabapentin????? '. But there are people here who had it tough and they're sure not lying. Oh well, we'll see.


I know, that's why we were so worried, another everybody is different with all these meds.  :idiot:

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