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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group

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Yes good luck with the trip Dave!  Hope you are feeling ok.


Coralashley - Tiger Lily gave you great advice. Please let us know how you get along if you do decide to go into detox.


Today has been a much better day for me. Phew!


How's it going Tiger Lily?


Angel xx


Angel, I slept fairy well last night. And when it happens, everything else is fine. I hope it stays that way :)


So good to hear that you're having a good day! You deserve it so much! It's encouraging that dropping 1 mg has had a positive effect  :thumbsup:




Hi Angel, T. Lil, and Coralashley,


Coralashley - I echo Angel. T. Lil gave you exquisite advice. Truly. There has to be a degree of gentleness in how you approach what you are undertaking. I totally get how your day-do-day responsibilities are impeded by the withdrawal.  :-[ I've had a horrendous benzo withdrawal and now a somewhat hard Remeron taper. Balancing two kids and the old jobby job while trying to maintain a modicum of sanity in the midst of the physical and mental symptoms is a harrowing endeavor - to say the least. Please let us know what/how you do. We all react differently to withdrawal.


T. Lil and Angel - I am in NY. I think I am stabilizing - which I've felt happening over the last two days.  :) So at 7mg, I am surviving - and even living a bit. The morning hit me w/ the usual nausea, but I was in passable shape when I hit the road. Dizziness was not atrocious, and only typical stops for the loo - no emergency landings  :) Ha ha. I'll be here for a few days. If this is stabilization, I plan on holding for a couple weeks before I drop to Angel's newly reached milestone of the 6.5! WooHoo!


I'm liking the news I am hearing. Angel, it does my heart well - truly, to hear you had a better day. I am so proud of your perseverance. T. Lil, you sound pretty chipper as well - having had a passable night's sleep and the fineness that follows said slumber. Smiling for you both.


Keep checking in - keep pushing forward. I'm proud of my buds and thank you also for your inquiries into my well-being. Means a TON!


Blessings and healing and lovely slumbers...




Thank you Tiger lily, angle, and Dave..

I just want off everything! Last night I cut my remeron almost by half.. I was on less than 7.5... My liquid remeron says if I take 1m I've taken 7.5, so I take .8 and dropped it to .6, do u think that cut was ok? Idont feel bad this morning which is usually a sign for me that it is ok.

I think taking the .8 was too much for me b/c I felt wired in my head, Since I've cut so low on my Valium. Especially when I cut out any Valium at night when I sleep, now the remeron helps me sleep even better than when I was on Valium.. Crazy huh, anyone else experience that?


So when I go into detox u think I should only have them help me get off of the Valium? If I could get off the .5-.75 of 1mg of Valium I would.. But I'd reached a wall.

U don't think they could safely get me off both?

Even if I drop my remeron down by half?.. I'll be on such a low dose.

Where I'm going they believ in the holistic approach and will be checking my neurotransmitters levels, etc and giving me supplements to help level me out.


Thank u for ur advice!


Thank you Tiger lily, angle, and Dave..

I just want off everything! Last night I cut my remeron almost by half.. I was on less than 7.5... My liquid remeron says if I take 1m I've taken 7.5, so I take .8 and dropped it to .6, do u think that cut was ok? Idont feel bad this morning which is usually a sign for me that it is ok.

I think taking the .8 was too much for me b/c I felt wired in my head, Since I've cut so low on my Valium. Especially when I cut out any Valium at night when I sleep, now the remeron helps me sleep even better than when I was on Valium.. Crazy huh, anyone else experience that?


So when I go into detox u think I should only have them help me get off of the Valium? If I could get off the .5-.75 of 1mg of Valium I would.. But I'd reached a wall.

U don't think they could safely get me off both?

Even if I drop my remeron down by half?.. I'll be on such a low dose.

Where I'm going they believ in the holistic approach and will be checking my neurotransmitters levels, etc and giving me supplements to help level me out.


Thank u for ur advice!



Hey Coralashley,


Well, first of all, no matter what you choose - I wish you the best and perfect healing.  :)


Remember that when you get low on Remeron, it may take time for you to feel a cut. For many including myself, about 3 days out, some symptoms manifest. But you won't know the full throttle of a cut until about 2 weeks. But again, this does differ for every individual.


Personally, if I were going to do a detox, I would choose the drug you want off of first. And I would assume that is the benzo? The problem w/ trying to do a double detox is you won't be able to discern which is causing an issue, if withdrawal intensifies. The symptoms of both benzo and AD withdrawal are very similar - if not in intensity, then in flavor. Does that make sense? I would personally choose to go one at a time. In fact, that is what I have done. On the advice of my psych, I let my benzo withdrawal settle before I began my Remeron taper.


I like that you are seeking an establishment that takes a holistic approach. That sounds positive.  :thumbsup:


It's so difficult to make any decisions in withdrawing from these medications - as the impact of the decisions can be rather expansive - both good and bad.


I hope what I've written is useful or of some benefit. Please keep us in the loop as you feel inclined and able. You sound like you are being very pragmatic in trying to decide what is best for you. You are making choices from a rational place - so good.


Angel, T. Lil, anyone else - please add anything you feel pertinent to Coralash.


Much peace and healing to you, sister.  :)




p.s. I sleep way better on my dose of Remeron than I ever slept on a benzo. Shared experience.


I wish I knew what to say but I'm afraid I don't.  Please keep us in the loop Coralashley and hope you feel fine.  I will be interested to hear how you get on with your cut - how much in mg. are you taking now?


I am in a bad situation today and just don't know what to do.  If only it weren't a Saturday then would go to the doctor quite honestly - although I know he will have me off these drugs in 2 weeks.


My blood pressure is very high again and I am having the chest burning symptoms.  I just don't think the Mirt is good for me on any level and I really want it out my system but I can't.  I have asked Alto on the AD site for her advice but these symptoms are very difficult for me.  I don't think there is much I can do - I have taken a beta blocker which is calming it a bit for now - I haven't been taking them every day but my doctor did tell me to, so from tomorrow I will take one in the morning.


Anyway I will see what Alto advises too.


If you have any thoughts please let me know. 


Hope everyone is doing okay.




Just an update on the above.  Since taking the beta blocker half an hour ago, it has relieved the burning and the blood pressure has dropped a bit so am feeling better.


I think my initial plan should be to continue to take a beta blocker daily for now to see how that affects me this week because apart from that dreadful feeling and on-and-off nausea, fatigue and crappiness it isn't too bad right now.


Then as soon as I stabilise I drop again - I definitely think I am going to drop the 1mg to get to 4.5mg to be honest and then go very slow from there. 


This may all change but will see how it all goes.




Coralashely, in my opinion--taking into account my own experience and that of others here--what you're doing is risky, but we are all different and you might be lucky and not suffer from mirtazapine w/d. Have you tried cutting back on remeron before? If so, you must know whether you experienced sxs or not. For what you've said, you have cut 0.2 ml, which equals to 1.5 mg. You have read my previous post in which I quoted Katryn, who said that below 7.5 mg cuts shouldn't be bigger than 0.75 mg (or 0.1 ml of the liquid solution). You have reduced the equivalent of two cuts, which normally anyone sensitive to remeron (as myself) would find it a lot (I reduce by 0.37 mg each time, a quarter of your cut), not to mention the fact that you're undergoing benzo w/d at the same time. Undoubtedly, you must know your body better if you are determined to proceed with what here we would consider a large cut.

You said you didn't feel any different this morning--well, you won't. As Dave said, it takes about 4 days to start feeling *some* sxs, and two full weeks to really experience full-blown w/d symptoms. In that respect, remeron is very different from benzos more tricky.

Yes, I would advise you by all means to ask the people at the detox facility to withdraw you from the Valium only at this point. I know it's frustrating to be hooked to drugs. I'm also not very happy about the 15 lbs gained during this time (and there are also other symptoms, the feeling of being wired that you mention), but remeron w/d is not something you want to be dealing with during acute withdrawal from Valium.

Let us know how you do. Wishing you all the best,

Tiger Lily



Just an update on the above.  Since taking the beta blocker half an hour ago, it has relieved the burning and the blood pressure has dropped a bit so am feeling better.


I think my initial plan should be to continue to take a beta blocker daily for now to see how that affects me this week because apart from that dreadful feeling and on-and-off nausea, fatigue and crappiness it isn't too bad right now.


Then as soon as I stabilise I drop again - I definitely think I am going to drop the 1mg to get to 4.5mg to be honest and then go very slow from there. 


This may all change but will see how it all goes.




I'm glad that the beta blocker helped, Angel. If that's what you need to get rid of a drug that is making you feel so ill, go for it.


Lately I'm sleeping better but I'm getting restless legs early in the morning. But it's also restless arms, if it makes any sense. I kick, toss and turn so much that all my body is aching when I wake up. It's uncomfortable and strange, but it's not serious. 



Thank u Lily and angel, I will increase the dose up a little tonight, u r right I don't want to rock the boat too much!

Lily I also have gained unwanted weight and I hate it... So i know how u feel!

Now my weight gain is only 6 pounds but I am only 4'11" so that's a lot on my small frame.. I am, going to ask the detox people what they think when I go in. I was up to 9 pounds of weight gain but with a strict diet and exercise I'm now where I am..

And yes I've tried to stop remeron 3x now, so I know the sx aren't pleasant... I do feel a little better with the drop in remeron, but I need to be as good as I can for the next 16 days before I go in.

so I will reinstate a .1mg higher so instead of dropping half I'll drop a quarter..


Angel what is the beta blocker for and why did they prescribe that to u?


Thanks again everyone, C


Hi Coral


Was prescribed the beta blocker for palipitations and high blood pressure caused by the Mirtazapine.  I am wary of taking them regularly as they are another thing that needs to be tapered.


Good luck with the forthcoming reductions.




My response from Alto Strata:



Day 5 on reduced dose of 6.5mg


My blood pressure is very high again and I am having the burning back. I don't think this drug is good for me on any level.


Has anyone else had these problems with Mirtazapine? I've just taken a beta blocker which is beginning to calm it a bit. My doctor did give me beta blockers to take daily so perhaps I should do so now?


Any advice?


Thank you so much





15mg Mirtazapine prescribed January 2013. Paradoxical anxiety effect - raised to 30mg. Worse. Dropped to 15mg again for 3 days then jumped off. Unpleasant w/ds 10 April 2013: Trying to stabilise on 7.5 mg Mirtazapine then will slow-slow-taper.


April 2013: 7.5mg Mirtazapine

Adverse reaction, high BP, palpitations, chest pains and pins and needles. Advised to drop 1mg.

May 2013: 6.5 mg










#159  Altostrata









Joined:10-March 11

LocationSan Francisco, CA



Posted 11 May 2013 - 09:31 AM


I agree with you, Angel. I might think about making .5mg decreases every 5 days until reaching 4.5mg.



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What do you think I should do?  I am quite scared - am damned if I do and damned if I don't.


I have now decided not to drop the dose quite yet as yesterday was a better day and I may be going out of the fire into the frying pan.  I will continue with the beta blockers over the next few days and see how it goes.  My blood pressure may not be sorted till I'm off anyway.



Your position is very difficult, Angel. It's a tough choice. Just for the record: I'm not giving medical advice and you have to consult your doctor first...

But, if it were me, I'd follow Alton's advice. It seems that you had a bad reaction to mirtazapine (but you didn't experience it right away, did you? you had already been taking it for a while), so the best seems to be to try and get rid of as much of the drug as possible (0.5 every five days or so seems sensible enough given your circumstances). Then you could hold your last dose for a while so that you don't get too many sxs symptoms.


Actually I'm thinking you are right.  It's strange but about 10pm/11pm just before I am about to take my night dose I start to feel ok.  This indicates perhaps that as the dose lessens over the 24 hours. it becomes less activating showing that the dose is still too strong for me.  I am just worried that I am going to be in a constant state of withdrawal whilst I do this.  But you are right - if I hold my last dose it should settle


You caught me just in time and I can't thank you enough.


Actually I am planning on seeing an AD specialist next week as I really feel I need some contact support on this.


Thank you thank you again and I hope you have a peaceful night.


Angel xx


Keep ur spirits up angel!

I layed out in the sun today & it made me feel real good! U may want to try that, it helps with neurotransmitters, etc.


By almost halfting the remeron I didn't feel so wired in my head today, which was really nice!

I am however going to go up to ..65 or .70 tonight so I can slowly taper down instead.

My psychiatric said to go from .8 to .5 for 1 week and then go down to .25 for a week then jump off.

He has no idea what he's saying!


Angel are u taking omega 3s and vitamin e? I have been and I aware by them.. I wouldn't feel as well if I didn't have them... Omegas help heal ur Brian giving it good fat and u need vitamin e for the omegas to absorb.  But u have to have high strength omegas... I buy my omegas from trb health's website & the vitamin e.


R u off the bezo's still? Was it hard to come off the Effexor? How did u even do that?

I took it many years ago, Effexor, and I got off it as well. But I wasnt n it for very long.


I'm not sure if u love the Lord Jesus, but if u do stay in pray, He will heal u and is healing u as we speak!.  It's through our trials we r molded more into the person God has intended for us to be!  By going through this u will be able to help others!


stay strong and be of good courage!  :smitten:




Hi Coralashley


Thanks for the Omega 3 info. Yes I am taking it along with CALM (magnesium and calcium), iron as I am deficient and multivitamin.


I think Effexor started the whole thing. I had been on it twice, once for 9 years and then for 18 months.  I didn't have any problems coming off it but I now believe it led to my first panic attack which led me to taking benzos, and to the under the weather feeling that led me take Mirtazapine in January.  I am hoping when I am finally off the Mirt, the underlying effects of the Effexor will have worked their way out.


I finished my Benzo w/ds last summer and I was fine.


You seem a very positive person and I am sure this will carry you through.  Continue to update us on how it all goes.


Have a great day!




I took the 6 mg last night, slept well but woke up this morning very fearful and anxious.  We now have a huge family crisis and I am really worried about reducing and having problems so this morning I took the extra .5 mg as well as a beta blocker.


Am praying to get through this difficult time.




Hi Angel, there are some forms of calcium that can cause anxiety. Please read up on it, if u haven't already.

I will keep u updated and I hope ur family situation works out!



I took the 6 mg last night, slept well but woke up this morning very fearful and anxious.  We now have a huge family crisis and I am really worried about reducing and having problems so this morning I took the extra .5 mg as well as a beta blocker.


Am praying to get through this difficult time.


Seems like in a family crisis, might be best to put tapering on hold, unless doctors all feel the medication is paradoxical and causing more problems, doing the opposite of what it is "supposed to do".  Waking up fearful and anxious may not be medication related, but a function of the family crisis situation.





Thanks Vertigo. I respect your advice. Yes am planning on staying on 6.5mg for now

Hi All,


I am back from my travels. Feeling pretty worse for wear however - still, glad I did it.


Did I mention that this Remeron withdrawal is fun on zero levels???? Goes without saying I suppose. My big challenges at this point: the symptoms AND questioning if I will ever stabilize between dose reductions and whether I will know when this occurs. Because my definition of stabilization is changing as I seem to be doing less solidly, even though my dose reductions are decreasing and more time is elapsing. I've heard the lower doses are difficult.


Anyway, I hope you all are doing well - or at least passably.


My best to everyone - updates please as you can. Hang in there Angel!




pls forgive typing in bad shape:



im joining this support group



never read any of it


please read my signature having hard time typing severe symtpoms to many to describe need support/prayer please started remeron march 30 of last year so been on it for just over a year now



was on k almost 22 years and dilantin seizure med like barbiturate for 19 years tapered off k first in 2010 took a year, was still on dilantin, then had some windows then hit a wall at 5 months off the benzos then during post acute wd from K, tried to get off dilantin seizure med rapidly and got so bad had to reinstate k at 7 months out, then i tapered off the dilantin last regular dose was Jan 5 of 2012 so been about 17 months off the dilantin reinstating the k only helped for a few months, then all hell broke loose again even on the k have many problems perhaps akathisias, dyskinesias, xtreme depression, agitation panic etc you name it i got it BAD really bad in terrible shape



about 3 months off the dilantin, i started getting these "pseudo seizures" or things like tensing up and deep fear locking entire body and went to er thinking it were seizures and they said no it's not but i think it was could not fall asleep for the EEG test but 20 years ago was diagnosed with "focal seizures" which is why i was put on dilantin all those years was also hooked on vicodin for 3 years took high doses, got hooked on that from severe back pain from working in a body shop been off pain meds since January of 2009.



I've had reactions to lamictal, dilantin (cannot take it anymore), citalopram, lexapro, benedryl, seroquel (quetiapine), any dose higher than 1.5mg of remeron, reglan (metaclopramide years ago in ER) and SNRI cymbalta you name it, most i've tried for relief only to have a reaction and get worse.  I'm now convinced I have no more medical options and need support to fight through something I believe is taking my life from so many years of medication mismanagement in many categories of medications.  My worst reactions are to lamictal, seroquel, and ativan.



was having worsening sxs after reinstating the klonopin after being off it for 7 months and having to reinstate so after i got the "seizures" or akathisias or whatever it is with unbearable non stop agitation deep inner, i got on remeron.  after lowing my remeron dose to 1.5mg ( 1 1/2 mg) I crossed over from 1mg K to 30mg V.  Since then, Ive tapered down to 23mg of V as of recently, and tapered to 1mg remeron since the past week.



I tried to up my remeron dose due to increased agitation etc. or akathisia, whatever it is to 5mg and my symptoms got MUCH WORSE could not even handle a third of a 15mg pill of remeron.  This is why I made the decision I need to get off the remeron.  Made the .5mg cut of remeron about 5 days ago. 



need your support more than words can say trying to avoid the er and psych wards at all costs but the torture is so bad I just don't know what to do convinced all this med mismanagement over the years has caused permenent damage and trying to endure the suffering of trying to get off the meds when already feel my fate is sealed with the suffering



i need your support nothing more, i already know i am ruined from long term benzos and dilantin seizure med and a bad history from my youth, there simply are no answers i just need a miracle that i could either endure this for the rest of my life or that i could be healed and get a miracle



i just need love and support that's all i know there are no real answers and meds make me worse



thank you all here for any and every word of peace, love, encouragement and support that i need so very very very badly



if i spoke of all my symptoms and how bad i am people will get discouraged and scared, please, if you have the inner nerve, i need your love and support desperately and dont even feel i have the ability to give it in return what iam asking seems unfair so i understand if you cant handle a word of support but just know i hope everyone gets through this and even though i cant reply much i care about you and hope yo u, too, make it and get through this unbearable suffering much love





Hello Kian. First of all you are not 'ruined' by years on benzos.  You WILL heal but you just have to be patient, stay at consistent doses between drops and eventually you will be drug-free and your CNS will settle.  So sorry you are suffering so much though.


I am no expert but I really think if you continue to play around with your Remeron dose, this will unsettle you further.  If I were you I would concentrate on the Valium taper and once you are off, reduce the Remeron.


Hope you find relief soon.



The anxiety and burning symptoms I am having today are off the charts. Brutal and inhumane and I don't know how much longer I can take them  If I am forced to suffer another year or so I would rather go hang myself.  How do I know these are not just adverse side effects?  Sorry to pull everybody down but am having a terrible time.
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