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I think it is possible, but you will not know until you retest. P5P is the active form of B6 so could be available in the body pretty soon. A 50 mg dose is a pretty normal daily dose though I believe, so I can see why you are worried. Something to check is if B6 is in your melatonin supplement. It is sometimes added because it can help your body produce melatonin naturally. I have no idea how high 91 is. I'm in Europe, so lab work is a little different here. Hope this helps.


According to the test 21 is the upper limit so 91 is pretty high. I checked my melatonin supplements are none of them contain B6. They are just straight melatonin. 50 mg is a normal supplement dose but it is also about 30 times the rdi value for it and if this form goes straight into the blood then maybe it could increase this number. However, I don’t know if the test tests for p5p or another form.

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Then it would definitely be a good explanation I think. I hope somebody else can give you some more info about it. I dived in the methylation cycle a few years back, but it's complicated stuff. You taking a supplement would be a valid explanation for such high values. Maybe tomorrow ask your doc what they think and I'm sure they will agree that it is wise to test again.
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Then it would definitely be a good explanation I think. I hope somebody else can give you some more info about it. I dived in the methylation cycle a few years back, but it's complicated stuff. You taking a supplement would be a valid explanation for such high values. Maybe tomorrow ask your doc what they think and I'm sure they will agree that it is wise to test again.


Yeah it’s complex for sure. If it is a methylation issue then I will have to get that 23andme test. Then also it would be wise and very difficult to find a lab that will test the subtypes of vitamin b6. In other words they would need to test plp(active b6) and inactive b6 separately. If active is low and inactive is high then that would surely signify a methylation issue. An issue that from what I understand is solved by actually supplementing B6 in active form which will then ironically lower the other.

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Yes, but it can also be a deficiency in other B-vitamins, like B12. In Europe we have an active B12 test, but it must be available in US as well. I did the gene test and had some mutations. I just decided to supplement with a multi that had all the activated forms in it, so no synthetic folic acid. But I had no deficiencies or levels that were to high. Hope you find some relief soon.
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Yes, it was 100% the B6 you took before.


I am going to have it retested of course. You seem really knowledgable about this stuff and you saying this has made me feel A LOT better. I hope you are right because you know what a nightmare it will be if it is that high just naturally. Crossing my fingers.

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How are you yasmin? Are you stabilizing on 3,2 mg? And Jack, how are you doing? I have a question for you guys. Lately I have been struggling with a lot of muscle aches and I am wondering, is this still benzo withdrawal, or is it a side-effect from the Mirtazapine? I seem to feel better in the late afternoon and evening, but I see other people with only benzo-withdrawal struggle with the same thing. Really appreciate any feedback.
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It’s really hard for me to tell if I have stabilized, have to figure out what’s the normal bad from being on mirtazapine and the really bad which is withdrawal.  I have just dropped a little bit more to 3.0 and waiting for that day 4 when it all seems to start for me.  I have had muscle pain while on mirtazapine and during the taper, mostly in my lower back and hips but sometimes in upper back and shoulders.  I also feel much better towards evening.  I wake up about 4 (ugh), since tapering and things start to become unsettled for me a few hours after, tinnitus, light anxiety and nausea mostly and then late afternoon things start to settle down, it’s why I always wonder how much is withdrawal and how much is the drug itself.  The muscle pains come and go, some days more intense than others.  Hope that helps.  Good to hear from you.

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Tnx for your quick reply Yasmin. Hope you stabilize soon! I'm having a bad day today. I am questioning everything and am very self critical. The muscle pain is a big question mark for me, but I am going to try to let it go. I'm not tapering yet, but will start soon, once my circumstances are better.
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hey jack,

just checking in on you.  last February my B6 was 190 (toxic) so I began to come off the supplements.  my thought is that the vitamin you took the day before the blood test still had it elevated.  how are you doing now? 

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Still hanging in there everyone. I am up to 4.5 mg of Remeron. It is helping me sleep and helping with my health anxiety. I am still losing weight despite eating. My body will not digest food. That, coupled with burning in my stomach, bad reflux and pain between my shoulder blades has them beginning a bunch of tests of my pancreas and gallbladder. Also, my liver enzyme ast and alt are elevated so it makes sense for them to be looking there. I don’t know if Remeron could have caused this or is causing this but I have experienced these types of gut problems before at lesser severity so this might just be a progressive problem that has been going on a long time that has finally come to a head. Keep in mind I only developed fevers and stomach issues during withdrawal when I was eating a high sugar/high fat diet. I was also doing just fine at the end of my taper and jump until I started eating cookies and jerk chicken all day everyday for a week. I think at least half of what I have been going through has been Remeron but this stomach burning and digestion might not be. Also, I was put on Remeron to cure these exact symptoms. Maybe I have a bad gallbladder, pancreas or both. Hopefully should have some answers soon.
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Hello i get no replies when i post. Im on 0.5 clon .ive had horreendous burning all in side me in my back whole body when digesting food. Had for years. I did have gadtritis.  Ive weaned off zop and went high eating carbs. Weak arms legs next morning.  Ive tapered off mortaz nearky. Im not digesting food quick. I dread eating. I jumped off 0.2ml mirtaz. Took clon slept next night tokk clon couldnt slerp. I get angry aggressive  took melatonin felt awful. Had to retake mirtaz low dose slept and magnesium. I am in horrendkus pain eating everyday. Looking back in my diaries i was grestly polydrugged but so ill cos i was on be z and sleelers. Ive come off clon before . I didnt have gut pain. But i got so depressed no sleep and everytime a bm pain all up my back a year. Then tummy swelled couldnt per till i lay down . Then id eat go low in brain bladder would fill id perk up pee then pain alk up back. Now i am in bed most days till 2. My insides are worse. I believe the benzo is causing.  Im scared as in such pain already to taper. Gp says stay on. I have hypertension.  High cholesterol. Pre diabetic. My bad leg isnt healing musckes bad . I note what you say re your pancreas etc. Ive had a ct scan. Not heard yet. I deel so ill when eat. Its like fire alll through tight all around me. Please can someone say something to me
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Hello i get no replies when i post. Im on 0.5 clon .ive had horreendous burning all in side me in my back whole body when digesting food. Had for years. I did have gadtritis.  Ive weaned off zop and went high eating carbs. Weak arms legs next morning.  Ive tapered off mortaz nearky. Im not digesting food quick. I dread eating. I jumped off 0.2ml mirtaz. Took clon slept next night tokk clon couldnt slerp. I get angry aggressive  took melatonin felt awful. Had to retake mirtaz low dose slept and magnesium. I am in horrendkus pain eating everyday. Looking back in my diaries i was grestly polydrugged but so ill cos i was on be z and sleelers. Ive come off clon before . I didnt have gut pain. But i got so depressed no sleep and everytime a bm pain all up my back a year. Then tummy swelled couldnt per till i lay down . Then id eat go low in brain bladder would fill id perk up pee then pain alk up back. Now i am in bed most days till 2. My insides are worse. I believe the benzo is causing.  Im scared as in such pain already to taper. Gp says stay on. I have hypertension.  High cholesterol. Pre diabetic. My bad leg isnt healing musckes bad . I note what you say re your pancreas etc. Ive had a ct scan. Not heard yet. I deel so ill when eat. Its like fire alll through tight all around me. Please can someone say something to me


Can’t the doctor do an endoscopy? Are you taking any acid blockers like Nexium?

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Had one april. Gastritis ppis do nothing. Each cut of mirt or zop or when i tried tapering diaz the burning got so hotrendous. A gp usa said they increase acid but hell..had it 5 yrs nore sincw stop start benzs etc. I ask on here but seens im only one. Thanks
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Dear Benzo-Buddies


Hello from Switzerland to everybody!



I was diagnosed with fatigue depression in November 2013 when I was 58 years old. After three weeks of total insomnia, I was given Temesta (benzodiazepine) in January 2014 by my doctor, who is also involved in natural medicine....! Until I started taking benzodiazepine, I was a successful entrepreneur. The benzodiazepine turned me into a "zombie" within a very short time.


I started with 1 mg of Temesta, which I had to increase to 2 and then to 3 mg a day due to a development of tolerance.


After about three weeks, I was already dependent on the drug and developed an addiction. I could not stop taking it without help. For this reason, I visited a clinic in April 2014, where I was withdrawn from Temesta (benzodiazepine) within a month, much too quickly, with liquid Valium.


The withdrawal symptoms were horrible during the acute withdrawal and I died what felt like 1000 times. Even after I was down to 0, the horrorful withdrawal symptoms continued and again kept me awake for many nights. Because of this, the clinic doctors gave me 30 mg of Remeron (mirtazapine) every evening.


After leaving the clinic in June 2014, I felt terrible and withdrew completely from friends and active life for two years. My wife and family were my only support during this very hard time. The protracted withdrawal symptoms from the benzodiazepine recurred regularly for at least two years and paralysed me completely. The symptoms were / are as follows:


- Severe chest pressure with shortness of breath

- Severe abdominal pain and nausea

- Inner tension and nervousness

- Severe headaches

- Depressive feelings and strong sadness

- Inner aggression

- High blood pressure 95 / 195


Since I started tapering off the Remeron (mirtazapine) immediately after leaving the clinic in May 2014, it was no longer possible for me to classify which symptoms came from which withdrawal (benzo or mirtazapine). I had in the meantime some wonderful waves of max. 5 - 10 days beginning three years after the withdrawl of benzodiazepine.


Since June 2014 until December 2020, I have completely phased out Remeron (mirtazapine). I have been on 0 in the meantime for 11 months. It was a very long and bumpy road. i had to jump from 1.2 mg directly to 0 at christmas 2020, because the symptoms always got worse under mirtazapine.


Very many symptoms have gone away in the meantime and I already believed about six weeks ago that I could soon write a success story....! Unfortunately, however, I keep experiencing huge setbacks, the triggers of which I cannot pinpoint.


However, I have noticed that the following things act as triggers for strong waves:


- Sporting activity such as golf, cycling etc.

- Massages, hot baths, body therapies

- Coffee, alcohol

- Histamine-containing foods like seafood


For about 6 weeks now, I have been in another horrible wave, during which the severe anxiety is showing up again permanently. The abdominal and stomach pains as well as the inner tension and the associated shortness of breath are currently triggering deathly fears in me again.


During the waves, the blood pressure immediately rises to 95 / 195 and remains permanently at this level, which is why I have had to take blood pressure medication again for a few days.... However, I am not sure whether this medication, Valsertan 80, can also be an additional trigger for the waves. However, an antihypertensive seems to be necessary for such blood pressure derailments.


At the moment, due to the strong wave, I have an enormous hopelessness and anxiety, which makes life very difficult for me at the moment. At the moment i am very afraid that i will not survive the whole thing. in addition to my wonderful family, i have a grandchild (boy) of 19 months who, despite all the complaints, makes my life very sweet and i want to be able to enjoy being with this happy child and my famiiy for many years to come.


I am more than grateful for any help and positive information.


Best wishes and much strength to all of you!





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Dear Benzo-Buddies


Hello from Switzerland to everybody!



I was diagnosed with fatigue depression in November 2013 when I was 58 years old. After three weeks of total insomnia, I was given Temesta (benzodiazepine) in January 2014 by my doctor, who is also involved in natural medicine....! Until I started taking benzodiazepine, I was a successful entrepreneur. The benzodiazepine turned me into a "zombie" within a very short time.


I started with 1 mg of Temesta, which I had to increase to 2 and then to 3 mg a day due to a development of tolerance.


After about three weeks, I was already dependent on the drug and developed an addiction. I could not stop taking it without help. For this reason, I visited a clinic in April 2014, where I was withdrawn from Temesta (benzodiazepine) within a month, much too quickly, with liquid Valium.


The withdrawal symptoms were horrible during the acute withdrawal and I died what felt like 1000 times. Even after I was down to 0, the horrorful withdrawal symptoms continued and again kept me awake for many nights. Because of this, the clinic doctors gave me 30 mg of Remeron (mirtazapine) every evening.


After leaving the clinic in June 2014, I felt terrible and withdrew completely from friends and active life for two years. My wife and family were my only support during this very hard time. The protracted withdrawal symptoms from the benzodiazepine recurred regularly for at least two years and paralysed me completely. The symptoms were / are as follows:


- Severe chest pressure with shortness of breath

- Severe abdominal pain and nausea

- Inner tension and nervousness

- Severe headaches

- Depressive feelings and strong sadness

- Inner aggression

- High blood pressure 95 / 195


Since I started tapering off the Remeron (mirtazapine) immediately after leaving the clinic in May 2014, it was no longer possible for me to classify which symptoms came from which withdrawal (benzo or mirtazapine). I had in the meantime some wonderful waves of max. 5 - 10 days beginning three years after the withdrawl of benzodiazepine.


Since June 2014 until December 2020, I have completely phased out Remeron (mirtazapine). I have been on 0 in the meantime for 11 months. It was a very long and bumpy road. i had to jump from 1.2 mg directly to 0 at christmas 2020, because the symptoms always got worse under mirtazapine.


Very many symptoms have gone away in the meantime and I already believed about six weeks ago that I could soon write a success story....! Unfortunately, however, I keep experiencing huge setbacks, the triggers of which I cannot pinpoint.


However, I have noticed that the following things act as triggers for strong waves:


- Sporting activity such as golf, cycling etc.

- Massages, hot baths, body therapies

- Coffee, alcohol

- Histamine-containing foods like seafood


For about 6 weeks now, I have been in another horrible wave, during which the severe anxiety is showing up again permanently. The abdominal and stomach pains as well as the inner tension and the associated shortness of breath are currently triggering deathly fears in me again.


During the waves, the blood pressure immediately rises to 95 / 195 and remains permanently at this level, which is why I have had to take blood pressure medication again for a few days.... However, I am not sure whether this medication, Valsertan 80, can also be an additional trigger for the waves. However, an antihypertensive seems to be necessary for such blood pressure derailments.


At the moment, due to the strong wave, I have an enormous hopelessness and anxiety, which makes life very difficult for me at the moment. At the moment i am very afraid that i will not survive the whole thing. in addition to my wonderful family, i have a grandchild (boy) of 19 months who, despite all the complaints, makes my life very sweet and i want to be able to enjoy being with this happy child and my famiiy for many years to come.


I am more than grateful for any help and positive information.


Best wishes and much strength to all of you!




Being that all of the triggers that you mentioned are histamine related then it is likely that all of your triggers are likely histamine related. Exercise or sporting activities as you mentioned increase histamine. It is said that lifting weights is better with histamine intolerance where as aerobic or cardio exercise causes your muscles to release histamine. Hot baths increase histamine as does heat in general. Histamine is the mechanism that causes your skin yo turn red when you are hot. Massages will release histamine from muscle tissue. Then of course histamine containing foods or histamine liberating foods. Seasonal allergies will trigger waves.

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Jack - thanks for the info on histamine triggers - very helpful. Muscles so bad been contemplating a massage - think I’ll hold off for a while now.

Hope you’re having a better day today.

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Hi guys,


I just want to share I am going to start my taper. This weekend I was contemplating whether I should wait some more, but I think my past history (kindling, CT) had made me needlessly afraid of a good solid taper. Also, I think my extended use of benzo's was mainly the cause for my anziety, depression and sleeplessness and I want to test the waters. Can I start tapering my current dose of Mirtazapine? Also, I notice a lot of fatigue, stiffness in my bones, joints and muscles. I know it can be benzorelated, but it also is a known side-effect from Mirtazapine. I even have slow reflexes which is not common for me. Also a side effect probably. I am a small female and it is possible this dose is too high for me.


So I  just made a weekbatch of 14mg dose and I am starting tonight. It's a 7% cut, so less then the 10% which is commonly recommended. I think it is a conservative cut. Anyway, we'll see how it goes and when I start to feel the first effects of the taper. I am kind of excited but also anxious to start. Have been noticing a lot of weight gain lately and I must confess this makes me want to taper as well, but I have decided my mental health is the most important thing. If the withdrawal is too much I might pause, go slower or go back to my dose of 15mg.


Please wish me luck!

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Much luck, let me know how it goes.  I’m still tapering but don’t come here much because it seemed like I was the only one tapering mirtazapine, good to have some company here.  I normally feel the cut on day 4, gets worse for a couple days and then things start to settle and I cut again.  I’m getting ready to try another small cut tonight.

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Hi guys,


I just want to share I am going to start my taper. This weekend I was contemplating whether I should wait some more, but I think my past history (kindling, CT) had made me needlessly afraid of a good solid taper. Also, I think my extended use of benzo's was mainly the cause for my anziety, depression and sleeplessness and I want to test the waters. Can I start tapering my current dose of Mirtazapine? Also, I notice a lot of fatigue, stiffness in my bones, joints and muscles. I know it can be benzorelated, but it also is a known side-effect from Mirtazapine. I even have slow reflexes which is not common for me. Also a side effect probably. I am a small female and it is possible this dose is too high for me.


So I  just made a weekbatch of 14mg dose and I am starting tonight. It's a 7% cut, so less then the 10% which is commonly recommended. I think it is a conservative cut. Anyway, we'll see how it goes and when I start to feel the first effects of the taper. I am kind of excited but also anxious to start. Have been noticing a lot of weight gain lately and I must confess this makes me want to taper as well, but I have decided my mental health is the most important thing. If the withdrawal is too much I might pause, go slower or go back to my dose of 15mg.


Please wish me luck!


Sounds like a solid plan and a cautious approach to start with. My first cut was rough. I went from 15 mg to 13.5 which is 10 percent. I made much smaller cuts after that. When I say rough it was nothing real scary. I just felt awful for a while.

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Tnx for your encouragement Jack. How are you doing now?


Having a tough time. It seems like I am intolerant to ALL food. I can not find a safe food. Every time I eat my tongue, nose, throat, stomach, back, arms, face and head start burning exactly 20 minutes from my last bite and then burn for hours. I am truly living through hell on earth. I pray for mercy constantly and it never comes. I am going to try functional medicine soon. My endoscopy was negative but I am waiting for biopsies. The only thing my reinstatement stopped was the akathisia for now but the burning is just relentless. It’s just hell. I am losing hope. I feel like the best of my life is behind me now.

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Tnx for your encouragement Jack. How are you doing now?


Having a tough time. It seems like I am intolerant to ALL food. I can not find a safe food. Every time I eat my tongue, nose, throat, stomach, back, arms, face and head start burning exactly 20 minutes from my last bite and then burn for hours. I am truly living through hell on earth. I pray for mercy constantly and it never comes. I am going to try functional medicine soon. My endoscopy was negative but I am waiting for biopsies. The only thing my reinstatement stopped was the akathisia for now but the burning is just relentless. It’s just hell. I am losing hope. I feel like the best of my life is behind me now.




Have you tried any OTC antihistamines or DAO supplements?

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I'm so sorry Jack! Yesterday I found my notes from five years ago when I tapered Mirt as well. I tapered way too quick and jumped too soon and suffered from a rash a long time. Crazy itching too. So my guess is your issues are def. Mirt withdrawal. Functional medicine should be able to help you. I know you feel hopeless now, but this too shall pass. Hang on!
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